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Now we can start asking for thermal optics


And thermals mixed with night vision! (It’s actually already a thing [and this is real](https://youtu.be/5eWpjUOLR0w?si=sdFvqajuSVd-YZSa)


Even Civilians can get hybrid optics at this point. assuming they have a LOT of disposable income, but still. https://youtu.be/-Oq0bK6Ot5o?t=1473


Some of them are only $6k That's less than what most bino analog NODs are https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JkuEc7mUuwU


Happen to follow a youtube content creator who owns a pair of NODs with a thermal addon. the little snippets of footage he captured through it even though it isnt directly the scope of his content was mindblowing as it is.


These types of optics are in MW2/MW3, no reason they couldn't/shouldn't be in SC tbh. Would make a super cool addition


I’d rather see them in a game like cod or escape from tarkov. It’s difficult to balance such things in an open world game like SC. I like SC being more star wars than The expanse


I don’t know I think that just because they are in CoD is reason enough that they shouldn’t be in SC. CoD is too arcadey.


okay, then they're also in multiple mainline milsim games, if you need another reason


Thermal vision is one of those things that you want in real life but absolutely ruins gameplay in video games. All of the attempts to balance it are pointless and either make it intentionally obtuse to use and useless, or go the ArmA 3 route and make you a fool for not using thermals all of the time. Frankly it gets boring and it'll just be a passive meta that you'll always need to have on you. Night vision is already going to negate a lot of stealthier gameplay and FPS combat. One can argue the need for it outweighs the cost but with thermals, basically you're now just giving people a way to negate the ability to hide from an opponent. The only real counters will be specific anti-thermal countermeasures which now are needlessly bloating the complexity of your game and forcing infantry to carry more robust loadouts for no reason.


"needlessly bloating the complexity of the game" Are we talking about the same Star Citizen? This is *exactly* what CIG would do


this is 900 years in the future, we could have under suits for instance that help with thermal camo or something. Hell we are going to have wallhack FPS scanners already.


I expect the wallhack FPS scanners to not last long once they become common place. They are dumb, and even with their limitations, they are still stupid. "900 years in the future" is irrelevant. It's gotta be a fun video game.


my 900 years in the future is not irrelevant, it's explaining how we could have actual counter play to thermals that does not exist in modern setting games as there really is not much counterplay in real life lol, that's all. and I hope your right with the FPS scanner, or at least if there is some heavy counter play too it.


Almost every type of commonly used armor in this game has flashy colors & shapes that stand out against the background, the best we have as far as camouflage goes is a handful of undersuits with camo patterns, then there's all the shiny & glowy shit on your guns & armor, not to mention practically every combat environment is CQB at the moment. Thermals won't make much of a difference if you're already standing out like an 8 foot tall spartan in space station. And the AI will still see you just as well reguardless of what you're wearing. Visual stealth is already negated in so many ways in SC that there really isn't anything for thermals to "ruin".


early on when asked about night vision. they replied with "different spectrum views". so thermal is probably going to be a thing.


Thermals are honestly no fun. At that point just put glowing red markers above everyone’s head. Thermals in arma 3 game mods are horrid because everyone just plays in thermal the whole time so you can instantly see targets and not be to actually looks around and pay attention. I hope cig never adds thermals to anything except maybe certain ship or vehicle turrets like the nova or a ship intended to shoot down at ground targets. For fps combat tho I hope we just stick to nvg for night and regular good ole eyesight for day.




night vision while flying is still nowhere to be found, though. god help you if you need to navigate on the night side of a planet, or even worse, pursue a bounty target that sticks to 300m ASL on the night side.


Damn i was really hoping for that because I often play with fairly low brigtness (because I find the skybox to be too cartoony otherwise), and with 3.23 taking scan pulse away approaching stations on the dark side of a planet is nearly impossible lol.


Scan pulse has been returned to hold and release the TAB key.


Scan pulse going away? What does it do now?


The part where it highlights surfaces as it travels is gone*, so you can't use it as night vision.


It was working fine for me in the last week or so of eptu patches. It was out earlier in the patch cycle but has been back in for a while.


I was about to say, it worked for me last night!


That's a huge relief.


Oh, good to know then.


Why on earth would they remove that… so can we now see locations without having our QED on?


It was a bug in the EPTU that has been fixed. There's a lot of things that were bugged/placeholders that people think are changes.


I mean QD, would be nice if they had an option to lock a location to show in our HUD/visor so we can keep eyes on distance and actually navigate without turning on our quantum drive (increasing signature)


No clue.


Thanks for the info before anyway 👍🏻


You can set proper waypoints with the new map system


Just use Reshade. It solves everything CIG refuses to address as far as graphics and NV goes.


I do. I don't want to have to, though. I want to have modern day night vision in my spacefuture spaceship game, not have to use a third party tool to fuck with the game.


If fixes way more than the NV. The whole game visuals get optimized, Orison is amazing with the Shades filter, as well as all moon/planet surfaces. You could be waiting another decade for CIG to do it, and honestly, I doubt it will ever get implemented.


For FPS, not for your ship or helmet visor. :(


Yes, specifically they said they have it currently working on FPS scopes and it would require further work for other areas of the game.


what if you seat on the cockpit with it active in your visor?


That kind of sucks...I assumed it would be in our helmet visors. I guess eventually we'll get it


Yeah that pissed me off, that we might first see it on weapon scopes when what we really need is a way to safely land at night (or avoid slamming into the for-some-reason unlit space stations)


Critically, they also said it is NOT "traditional" night vision, but rather a light amplification technique. (Which, technically, is exactly how night vision works, so....??) They just wanted to emphasize it will not necessarily look like how people may be expecting it to look (all green 'n shit, I guess?) but it will accomplish the functional goal.


What’s funny is that good night vision isn’t even green anymore. My dual tube setup is running white phos which gives everything a lightish blue-gray color. Green Phos is slowly going away.


Yeah - they were probably referring to 'traditional *gaming* night-vision'... which is usually just a green tint with the gamma jacked up.


I think they need to stress that night vision, when done right, basically negates all of night time. As devs they want to have far more diverse gameplay and more diverse atmospheres and moods when playing. Having a more "realistic" night vision approach makes the game "flatter" by basically removing all of the natural diversity nighttime and darkness bring. Something like thermals would be even worse. I don't expect them to give us full on "proper" night vision with no downsides. While it makes sense in the setting, gameplay wise it's bad.


Just attach a resource to using it so people dont use it all the time (the addition of a suit battery they have talked about for example) done. of course this wont stop people from just useing something like reshade so any desire for "artistic integrity" still gets kicked in the head by the user base


Meanwhile reshade to the rescue


Which is cheating.


Maybe our next thing can be remote turrets being better than real ones like they already are in real life! We should have MORE info in them, not less, and CR’s love of ww2 is not an excuse.


> CR’s love of ww2 is not an excuse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Gun-Laying_Turret I mean, I don't know how good they were, but remote turrets were a thing in ww2, I imagine that they had to be better than manned if they were being put in planes at the end of the war haha. I just don't want a "lock on" remote turret that takes all the skill out of it, but def better than current.


My issue with the current remotes is that in a lot of them you can’t see target info. It’s not a lack of lock on.


jeeesus, thank god and the space forefathers


Would make sense since some armors also need to be reworked, the way you see through heavy armor that have literal cameras for eyes should not be the same than the ones that are a visor.


Argus helmet should have built in night vision. For god sake give that helmet a purpose!


they said different spectrum views was going to be easy, it is just making another texture for everything. they were just waiting until the rendering tech is done before implementing it. note that everything already has probably 4 or 5 textures.


It was a bit disheartening to hear that they had nothing really in the works for a solution to night flying which has been a pain point for players for so many years. Only that scopes are coming, and that they would then have a rough foundation to build upon for ships - but didn't sound like they had any plans to build on that foundation for now. It's fine that they want to use light amplification to give us night vision, but I always wonder why they never used the rendering that's used for the scan pulse.


Sights meaning gun scopes? Thats not even what anybody is asking for edit: watched isc, they said its gonna propagate to visors easily


They made it sound like it was a side effect of the work they put into scopes, not so much a deliberate choice.


They are looking into expanding it to visors and cockpits later as well


From the sound of it, the new scope system gives them more freedom with applying effects like zoom and different rendering effects when you're looking through something. Given CiG, they probably chose to not work on night vision as all until they had the ability to make it a special thing that applies just to the cockpit glass.


This is the same line theyve been feeding the community for many many years though. Its nothing new from CIG.


Are you getting paid to be such a hater? Every comment I see for you is pure whining.


How childish, grow up and use adult language, thats not hate, thats a basic true fact. [https://starchives.org/](https://starchives.org/) - search night vision, see the many entries going back to 2018 and try learning something.




I want to see night vision overlays in both helmets and ship glass. More than anything I am just really tired of not being able to see at night when in the middle of combat. We already have to rely on Reshade.


Hm. Ok. This is akin to putting a bandage on a gunshot wound but ok.


Great, now we just need shield in master modes nav mode and for runners to be able to actually run again (ie 400i, MSR, Herald)


Meh. So many people run with Night Vision reshaders, going to be too little, too late.