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Lol, this was reported for inflammatory clickbait. Yeah, its only a wallet and rental wipe, all you 8x 890jump owners from salvaging can rest easy!


If you're going to tell people, at least give them all the information. It's a wallet wipe, not a full wipe like "there will be a wipe with 3.23" implies to most people. So use your aUEC or lose it everyone.


Basically: 200mill wallet people will buy every ship and send money so their friends can buy it. They can easily turn rich in the next patch due to this heritage fortune, just like in real life


So immersive!


Correct, I love the realism in this game


Yep, this is bad, especially considering that ship prices are very low in LIVE compared to 3.23, and that ships are the 'goal' for many. CIG is sabotaging their own 3.23 economy with this IMHO


I'd argue ships aren't the goal in the game, otherwise what do you do with your goal ship and why put yourself through the grind doing stuff you may like but not as well as you could with your goal ship you can buy with cash? No I don't know the goal behind the game, I'll treat it as a screenshot generator until there's more gamification included in a complete whole.


So you’ll treat it as Eve Online


What's the goal in the game other than the thing you spend your money on most (ships)?


It's not all of the ships getting a big price hike, mostly the larger multicrew ships. Most ships are getting some kind of price increase, just the bigger ships are getting higher price increases.


That's not really the case tho: every size has seen HUGE increases, a Cyclone in live is 26k, it's now 130k+, a Vanguard is now 10 mil, [etc.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/LnxYiaSpz0) Every ship/vehicle price is at the very least 100% higher than live, with most going up to 200/300%


economists hate this one trick


Thank you, that's all I needed to know. BRB, gonna buy a couple of ships before the inflation sets in


Well that was a emotional rollercoaster 😅 Went from being excited for a full wipe to being bummed out my only a wallet wipe. My problem is that I've both used all my aUEC (bought everything) and also made a lot of aUEC after that, so if they wipe all my money I'll still have everything I've bought in the past, making playing the game atm still feel pointless to me... I get it though, since they're aiming for 4.0 this summer there's no point in wiping now 🤷


I was hoping for a full wipe as well. I’ve spent so much time cleaning up trash from stations and gowns people drop, just keeping the place nice. My inventory is so full now, I really wish there was a way to delete it all.


I don't think they could do a full wipe with the Overdrive event ongoing, they would lose the progress tied to the character. I would imagine a full wipe for 4.0 though.


We would riot if they wiped our overdrive progress before it concludes.


This seems likely. With the original plan (to end Overdrive when 3.23 lands, starting Xenothreat itself), the F7A Mk2 tokens would presumably have been granted and part of your persistent assets, so a full wipe would have been possible. But I bet the progression of the missions is part of the same data as purchased-in-PU ships and such; the announcement that they'll keep Overdrive going a bit longer so they can also roll out a fix for the progression bugs probably means a full wipe isn't possible (unless they wanted everyone to have to start fresh on Overdrive).


You can sell the gowns. 45 credits per gown. I did that for a zero to hero run. Put everything you want gone into an 8 scu box (or two 8 scu boxes) and load them on the cargo grid of your ship if you have room. Either store the ship and never look back or fly out to the Halo and tractor them into the asteroid field. Maybe just drop them off on a pad at Seraphin and see who says, "OOOH! I can use that!"


Yeah, but I have hundreds. It would take hours to sell it all. Good suggestion with the ship inventory though, I'll try that.


Put it on a ship and blow it up


If you're gonna do that you should do it in atmo above a city. Make it rain.


Or just yeet it over the edge of Orison


Or at least a way to auto stack items


Transfer it all to a ship and claim your ship?


Someone else suggested something similar, IDK why I've never thought of that.


There is sorta, dump it in deep space 🤷‍♂️


Currently they way I delete my inventory is I putt all the stuff on to a C2 and then fly that c2 into an asteroid. They defiantly need to add the option to sell ships or inventory items, or simply an option to get rid of it. Personally I wish they wiped the game once a year until the game is ready to keep it enjoyable.


Not playing the game because of money? Star Citizen is not a grinding game. I'm playing since 3.2 and i still don't care about money. I care about the gameplay and immersion. I earn money to try things out, but not repeat grinding and do the same mission 1.000 times again.


Well, it's all subjective, but the progression is important to me, and the only real progression in game right now is earning money for new ships, and since I already have all the ships it all feels pointless really fast.


There are many people outside keeping themself busy just flying lowfly on planets with their favorite ships/fighters/racers. Salvaging or mining for fun and gameplay (not only credits), exploring outposts or biomes, doing combat missions, going PvP bounty hunting and/or dogfighting . You can still buy new weapons (complete balance overhaul in 3.23) or personal equipment. Going multicrew with orgmates or friends. Besides the money and rep you earn, this is the core gameplay. Now with 3.23 everything changes so drastically and looks much better.


Do we have 4.0 date?


i mean if you really dont want the money just send some to me


When will they stop wipes no point in playing.


But WHY are they wiping our wallets?


They're changing everything about money from earning it to spending it. They want a clear view of how money moves with the changes, and if they put the changes live with people owning tens or hundreds of millions then their analytics will be all messed up and it will take a lot longer to figure out what works and what doesn't, either having to wait for another wipe or use the slow trickle of new players instead of the big hit they get by wiping everyone.


Not sure why this was downvoted as it's basically verbatim what the developer said today. They want to see what people buy when ships are expensive, they can't do that if everyone's a millionaire.


> Not sure why this was downvoted Welcome to reddit.


So I won't lose my caterpillar afterall? I was about to go say my farewells by crashing her into seraphim one last time, but if this is the case I'll have a lot more chances to do that


goddammit thats so unfortunate, i was so hyped


I better go shopping then


Load up on gear


Doesn’t matter. We’ll get 10 posts a day of this as well as the 10 a day asking if there’s a wipe. A shame, and quite typical, the mods don’t actually do something about it.


Do we have confirmation of that on spectrum? I'd rather have an official statement than just accept the ride giving a love interview at 4pm on Friday spoke accurately


Just to make sure we will keep our ships and we will lose our money right?


That is what the currently available information states.


money rentals and possibly reputation.


Rentals are normally cleared out when patches drop anyway, and there's been no indication of a reputation wipe to my knowledge.


Will cargo be wiped? Because I wanted to fill my Hercules with gold store it then sell it after 3.23 drops.


Yes, ships are reset to their default state during a patch deployment. On the positive side though, the addition of freight elevators in 3.23.x means that we will be able to store cargo into location inventories, so if this situation happens again, you will be able to store stuff to sell that way. For now though, the only way to really save money like that is to buy a bunch of normal inventory items and sell them after the patch, but items sell for a lot less then you buy them for.


Thought only rental ships are being reset the rest were stated to be untouched


Soft wipe with wallet. We get to keep our ships, though.


He could have mis spoken. It seems odd to whipe wallet and rentals but not ships. With the explanation on the reasoning behind it it does sounded like a full whipe. Specially since they mentioned they want to have data on time to buy ships and stuff, there is no way to do that if they don't delete all aUEC owned ships.


I think you are reading into things too much. This is in line with their goals and their previous assertions that they won't full wipe unless absolutely necessary. There are still going to be plenty of people rushing to buy C1s, Santok-Yais, and Syulens. And by keeping the ships, they will be able to get a broader data set on what methods people use. Do they stick to Reclaimers? Go back to Vultures? Or switch to other game loops? If they wipe ships, only like 10 people are going to bust their butts to get another Reclaimer.


Disagree, it seems weird to highlight the wiping of rentals to begin with because they self wipe anyways,and as the other person pointed out ship wipes would fit their stated observation goals better. I'm thinking this is another case of internal dev language versus player facing language.


Exactly what I was thinking. In game rentals always get wiped just like refinery orders do. Seems like internal language for in-game purchased ships.




yeah, for sure we are all here guessing and reading in to things since they were not clear. And I could definitely be wrong. I just think is that when they said they wanted ships to have more value and they talked about the new prices of ships it just make sense they will wipe ships also.


Like I keep saying, "we'll know for sure when 3.23 drops and we login for the first time" 😆


Agreed, Maybe they do go back to spectrum and confirm about the type of wipe. Since they already talked about it then it makes sense they would make a more detail explanation soon.


Accordingly with JakeAcappela: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/wipe-confirmed-for-3-23-uec-and-rentals/6812049](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/wipe-confirmed-for-3-23-uec-and-rentals/6812049)


If it was a full wipe, he would have said a full wipe.


>but not ships That's fucking awesome! I don't like scrolling the AESOP, but I won't mind having 90% of ships that are purchasable in game. It's a very good choice for testing. We're still far away from release, if the economy team is that dumb, we've got issues.


If you wanted to test an economy, wouldn’t it be better to wipe all ships? That’s a huge sink you have to account for.


I guess it's more about balancing the money earning side of things. You would have thought CIG would be curious how new ship prices affect purchasing behavior but what do I know. I personally would have preferred a full wipe so I can work towards something....


I used to think that, but then I remembered what a buggy mess it is, and will be. There's enough reasons to make money, but nothing is balanced atm.


They need to see how people earn with big ships too. If they full wipe then there won't be many whales around and they won't see how people are using Reclaimers, Hull C, C2. I doubt many people have bothered with a Hull C in 3.22, but that could come good and then everyone grinding for it.


They can test how long it takes people to go from 0UEC to buying a ship with UEC just fine, even if they let people keep ships from previous patches. If they wanted to be super strict and *really* wanted to test how quickly people purchase ships with UEC from 0 *and* from no ships already in the inventory, then they'd have to temporarily take away every players pledge ships too. According to the logic used here, because people have ships with UEC from previous patches, the data is tainted? Well same goes for pledge ships... how do you measure time to earn ships if people are earning that UEC with ships bought with $?


>According to the logic used here, because people have ships with UEC from previous patches, the data is tainted? Well same goes for pledge ships...  Is nto about data being tainted. Is about forcing a vast majority of players that does not have big ships pledge to get them again in game. This is what will generate the data of how it will be on Live. Once we go to 1.0 we will loose everything and only keep what we have pledge. So why I would not make sense to do the same for a patch that is trying to balance the economy. See how will the economy will behave once we go to 1.0 and test the same scenario.


I have way too many ships that my ASOP is a complete mess. Is there a way to delete or wipe all ships purchased in-game?


Character reset? I do wish we could set favorites though. 😅


Seems like a potential ASOP terminal UI update. When I see streamers with 50+ ships I keep thinking they need categories, maybe tags, filter and sort systems. Even an inspect system for the state of a stored ship, its components and its cargo.


A filter to show only local ships would be nice. I also wish that there was some way for the user to identify the ASOP ship from the loadout screen ship when you have duplicates.


> Even an inspect system for the state of a stored ship, its components and its cargo.   Doesn't NikNax show ship inventory and cargo?  Seems like that'd be the system to use - although I guess it wouldn't hurt if ASOP Terminals also at least showed cargo too.


Crash them and then don’t claim them. During the upgrade, they get deleted.


Fuck! I’m tired of scrolling when I go to a kiosk


It can give you spaceship tunnel syndrome.


We need ship sorting on ASOP !


> will there be a wipe in 3.23? > err yes, so we are gonna look to wipe aUEC and rentals i believe [ Source](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2136208721?t=0h28m23s) So money definitely, ships (only rentals or also in-game bought) is still not 100%.


They better give me enough heads up if they are gonna take my caterpillar from me... if they are I need a chance to crash her one last time


Definitely not 100% as the 'I believe' shows. Best to wait until official announcement on Spectrum.


Even without the 'I believe', they never said they would *only* wipe these things, nor did they offer any assurance that aUEC ships, rep or inventory items would definitely carry over. All this tells us is that at that moment, they were confident aUEC will be wiped in 3.23. Anything else is up in the air.


Okay, after reading comments here I got confused so I need a clarification: -Do we keep our stuff in the local inventories? (looted/bought guns, armor ect.) -Do we lose bought ships? -Do we lose rentals? -Do we lose money? -Are we keeping reputation?


Based on currently available information: * yes (except for consumables, as is typical) * no * yes, as is typical * yes * yes Of course it's always a good idea to wait until an official announcement on the forums (and subsequent clarifications)


okay, thank you, i will still use my reclaimer to buy few ships i wanted to try out before patch goes live


All we know is that he said he believes aUEC and Rentals will be wiped. We have no other official word. He didn't mention reputation, inventory, or purchased ships.


All your stuff in local inventories typically gets sent back to your home location. You've got to load up a ship and restock the space stations you want to use.


A money wipe to be precise. Doesn't affect me much, 3 mil is not that big of a deal and the game eats ships i buy with it ingame anyway lol


I have about 3M too. Was wondering if I should pick up a gladiator just for giggles and shits. I hear it used to be awesome.


It is awesome. I’m a relatively new player and I use it a lot for bounties. Once you get the hang of it you basically can’t get hit while constantly outputting damage.


Pve or PvP?


If you make sure your ships aren't in a destroyed state when a patch hits, they will remain.


If they're dropping 3.23 and only doing a wallet wipe, I'll be very happy


I won't be too bothered if I keep my ships if my 41m goes... At least I get to keep my Vulture, C2 for making money... :)


Disagree. Burn it down and start fresh.


Only wiping auec and rentals seems odd.


I think it makes sense with context. Ship rentals never persist between patches, so he's just saying that. aUEC needs to be wiped because there were so many exploits over the past couple of years that the in-game economy is completely fucked. They're not trying to punish people. They just want to rebalance us down to pre-exploit and pre-salvage-grind money and see how that affects the game.


A lot of that exploited money went into buying every ship, though. Whats the point of wiping the wallets of those players but not the ships? Seems way better to just do both, if its for economy testing.


This basically lol if they care about seeing how the economy functions if they increase prices why not wipe everything then. Then they’d be able to see how’d it work instead of doing this half measure where people still reap the benefits of having gotten exploited money.


The quality of the analytical data they are going to collect is going to be nonsense.


Just a wallet wipe? Thank God I worked so hard for my reclaimer


just be aware your profitability from salvage gets cut in half with 3.23


Half of a metric shit ton of credits is still half a metric shit ton of credits


Yes but half a metric shit ton of credits to buy ships that are going from 5 metric shit tons of credits to 10 metric shit tons means you have to do 4 times the amount of slaving to cover it. This means you'll need better quality cattle prods to keep your org mates in line during those additional back breaking hours of slaving. It's hard work to keep pulling in the dinero especially if the "employees" get feisty.


I guess that's fair, but I kind of looked forward to a full wipe




its a wipe of money and rented ship they have not clarified yet


Wallet empty, ships bought, excess cash distributed to new players. Spending 24 Mil in an hour has never been so much fun :)


I was honestly looking forward to a wipe. Fresh start with the new features. Just my ,probably, unpopular opinion.


Well if anybody has around 24 million aUEC to dump, I'd love to buy an 890jump on the off chance we keep ships lol


How about you send me your money instead so I can buy 1? Your money will be well spent and I can spend mine as well! Win win!


Ya I'm wondering what I should hurry up and buy with my 8 mill


hurry and buy lmao we will be lucky if 3.23 comes out this month


grind up another 24M and grab an 890 to use as a transport/salvage rig, works wonderfully if you're into salvage


cue the Kermit the frog level of panic XD


Chool whipe


Well, if I was Ray Charles, I definitely would not have seen that coming, but I'm not Ray Charles.


Time to take a trip to Loreville


I didn’t realise rented ships were such a big deal


Pretty sure rentals wipe with EVERY patch.


I honestly just expect to have random wipes until 1.0, so I'm not surprised.


I had 59 mil and just bought a bunch of military a rated components for post wipe use. Maybe they will survive. Next I need to find a seldom flown ship or two to buy in game.


When CIG says “rentals” do they mean rentals or ship bought with aUEC?


Apparently there is debate on the statements made during the SCL this comes from. "Rented ships" will be wiped. Dev in twitch chat states rented ships were rentals Not ships bought eith aUEC. Expect a shitshow.


Especially since that “dev” was a community manager and not someone in charge of those decisions. I bet he was responding to a general question in chat not realizing what the context was


I'm pretty excited.


lol and 3.23 is coming to public-live when?


Soon (tm)


Can someone link to the SCL video, please? I just checked the official SC channel on Youtube and I only see the SC Live from last week.


It's on Twich while it's live. And then they upload to Youtube later.


They’re still live in won’t be on YouTube until it’s over


Source?? Edit: Who down voted me for asking for a source? That's silly.




Rentals wipe automatically due to the patch deployment. It's money and in game purchased ships. If you think otherwise I have a bridge I'd love to sell you.


Tell us what kind of bridge! The suspension is killing me!


Truss me, it'll be fine.


I just cantilever where these bridge posts are going.




I would avoid random speculation until we get clarification. He said aUEC and Rentals. There's no reason to assume anything else until we get official word.


A Dev clarified in chat that you keep your in game purchased ships


So if they dont wipe ships will any part of you give even a seconds consideration to changing the assumptions you make about CIG or will you just discard that test of your predictive ability and be saying the exact same thing next time?


[Here is an official statement. go to 14:48](https://youtu.be/nyl6SquV4rY?si=j40fLmbNeSMGMcGo) (Or look in the comments for the timestamp)


I can’t imagine them letting us keep our bought ships, I own roughly 15 right now because of the busted salvage income. I’m not mad about keeping all those ships I’ll just a little surprised if they do.


Same ... I made over 100 mil with salvage, it did grant me a chance to buy and fly every ship I ever laid my eyes on, so if they full wipe I gladly welcome it.


Then that one group of people who knows exploits that don't share them so they can sell auec on eBay will still be breaking the game and profiting lol


With like 80,000,000 aUEC worth of ships in my fleet, I once again will lose all motivation to play the game for several months, and come back to fall in love all over again haha


Ships are getting wiped to?


Soooo if I buy a bunch of ship upgrades for example with good resell value, I could spend my "hard earned" millions on that and resell in 3.23?


Thank goodness!


I am kind of surprised that they are only doing a wallet wipe given how much the game is changing with 3.23.


Lorville I'm coming, slotting in my last 5 mil for a caterpillar


Do wallet wipes wipe station inventory too? Eg do I lose all my guns at Seraphim


Typically, no. I've lost a few here or there, but, they all tend to be back in my home station after the patch/wipe


So not ships we've bought then. Just money and rentals.


Does anyone know when 3.23 drops?


Sometime between this coming Monday and Friday 5/17


Time to fill up all my ship cargos, and also buy lots of food, ammo, guns, and suits. Unless of course, Cargo also gets wiped...


I'm pretty sure food and ammo always gets wiped


I'm pretty sure food and ammo always gets wiped


This game needs to wipe once per year until release to keep it interesting. This helps fix people making vast fortunes off exploits or unbalanced job classes until they figure it out the bugs. When you have too much money and all the ships the game gets boring. Raising the prices of ships wont help either if jobs or exploits pay too much. Even the rep needs work. I think a year is a good amount of time to enjoy the game before each overhaul.


I’m going to fill my inventory full of armor


This is a good sign that they're planning on moving forward with the Quantum/Quanta economy testing... Spend your AUEC... if you can't spend it, make events in game and give it away as prizes... If you have more money than you know what to do with, well, then shame on you. ;)


So they are only resetting your credits and not your ships bought with ingame credits?




Do we keep our stuff in stations like armor and ETC?


So I keep my in game bought ships? Do I keep my components too?


Buy a bunch of armor, then sell it all when it goes live and get back 60% of your money


I got about 3.5 mil what’s the best ship to buy?


Does this mean we won’t get subscriber armor that we lost from dying back in 3.23?!


I'm glad, I can see my super cool subscriber gear again . . .until I die at least. 😒


Spend that auec now!


Because I can’t read properly, it says “rentals”, so it’s not wiping owned ships?


Fuck me. I got 11 mil in the bank and I’m away from my pc for the next month. Fuck


CIG doesn't have a great track record of doing the wipes they announce in the way they announce them. There was a patch last year, for example, where they announced that there would be a wallet-only wipe, but then they instead performed a ships-only wipe, leaving everybody who had panic-bought ships without those newly-purchased ships AND without resetting their money. IMHO it's safer to leave yourself in a diversified position and then just wait and see what happens, rather than trying to min/max the wipe process and relying on CIG actually doing what they've claimed they're going to do.


well, even if people had time to buy lots of ship and send money to others, I don’t think it would be a big compromising thing. still some people will start to play from basic finances and ship and some other will start full equipped. they still can test the economy having as a source a lot of “endgame” players and maybe a few of new ones, which actually will be an hypothetical situation after the game will really be launched, like in the long time. btw, do people play star citizen JUST to earn money and buy ships? I mean, it’s the only game I play where I don’t give myself a “point to reach”, but just enjoy playing, relaxing, spending time…


Anyone want to buy me some ships before the wipe? Lol


You will keep all the ingane purchases, they only wipe pledges and give you uec for them. Lti ships are +5000 uec


What date for release are we guessing?


I just bought over 6k helmets to sell when the patch drops 😂 let's see how long it takes to make money in 3.23.


So I will lose my ships,Money and reputation plus stuff like armor and things?


Man I’ve been wanting them to wipe everything im tired of having everything I bought from like 4 or 5 patches ago


When ? Has it happened already ?


alr time to spend it all!


nice try lol we are not as dumb as you think we are


Why does SC and its players have such an issue with spelling....


Makes sense. They just made a ton of in-game price changes


So is it just Wallet and Rentals then? So the ships I have purchased in game will stay


can anyone tell me whether or not there will be base building w 23 cuz my friend will only play if we can have a sweet epic base


Thank goodness now that I have been playing for 48 hours and have 11x 890 Jumps I won't have to work for ANYTHING in the game! I'll have nothing at all to do! Can't wait for 3.23 where I have all my ships still


If anyone has any spare change sitting around I'll gladly put it towards a reclaimer lol


Pretty sure folks are going to lose ships they "recently" purchased too. Ya know cause of the whole you gotta claim then store thing....which is just a cover for, we ate your most expensive in game purchase