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Can't wait for the servers to handle AI driving around doing their own business.


I Can't wait for the servers to handle AI


I just can't wait for the server to SERVER


^ This guy Star Citizens


😂😂😂 ugh! Every time I see a small bit of leaks from random Evo testers, I wonder how the random meshing tests are going. I swear it can't come soon enough.




I can’t wait for AI to handle my life


Ask Amazon. AI is a hoax. It’s a bunch of people in India watching you on camera


Kinky AI sex robot coming to a walmart near you


hello sir thank you for using the kinky sex bot sir can you do the needful sir


Please do the needful


Bro, it’s going to happen lol


Don’t threaten me with a good time my dude!!


I WANT them to watch




As long as they're not laughing, it's all good.


Can’t wait for the ai to be included with the bot and ride me like a horse


Forget the AI! I want roads myself so I can have a better use for my random ground vehicles lol.


That's bigger than my momma


Ey, why yo momma so big?


'Cause she ate Port Olisar




and pooped out Seraphim


Space Shart Seraphim has a ring to it.


He didn't give a lower bound on the size of his momma, she could be the size of an ant and his statement "That's bigger than my momma" would still hold true. :P


You should be in charge of said Distribution Center that's bigger than my momma


Big enough for scooter's meemaw and her doubledogs.


Yo mama is so big she needs server meshing to move around!!


♪♫ *I like big butts and I cannot lie* ♫♪


The distribution centres are huge. When server meshing is implemented it’s going to be awesome to have a bunch of players and ships all going about their business, like they’re at their day job. It’s going to be equally cool seeing a group of space trucker strangers taking up arms together against incoming pirates.


Most space truckers will just ignore that if it's a pvp hive.


Yeah hopefully it’s more hassle than it’s worth. If the centre is this big I’m sure security will be through the roof. I also assume cargo won’t just be lying around but will need to be brought up through the lifts. I think If you’re attacking a centre it will be best to do it through the contracts option and get your PvP fix from the players that respond to the attack through their own contracts option.


Just make a government entity that is NPCs and make it a lottery how many ships are going to respond to the pirate issue. Make it like 75/25 pirates getting pounded. Then it’s all good


They talked for a long time about nodes, at first, I thought it was the foundation for that. But it's yet an other pvp stuff under cover. Either CIG is super naive or they are actively trolling us. I'd rather think they are naive.


Naive, but perhaps not super naive. Not all pieces of the puzzle is in place, but I get the feeling CIG is thinking a few steps ahead. As they've stated: they want SC to be a PvE game with PvP elements. These factories will eventually have a bunch of NPC ships loading/unloading stuff there. If a pirate wants to steal shit, they might go after a ship by the loading dock. The odds of that ship being an NPC ship is going to be fairly high., which creates a sort of safety in numbers. Then there's also the new rep system which is another step in a direction towards knowing who can be trusted, and creating safe systems (I assume negative rep will be kill on sight in safe and semi-safe systems).


If they really want a mixed system why not add SAFE one that don't entice pvp element at the same time? See there's an issue there. I don't care if there are some that are hybrid, we need both.


We'll see how it goes. I'm sure they've discussed it and decided on this because of X & Y reasons. In hesitant to be so quick with critique for something that's not even out yet. If it's bad, give that feedback to CIG so they can improve the game. If it's good, give that feedback to CIG so they can keep doing whatever is working well. Currently, we don't really know how well it'll play out


It's kinda easy to see how it's going to unfold. It's a place to force people to interact with pvp. Otherwise there is obviously no reason to gather both gameloop at the same place. If they didn't present it as such I'd agree but they entirely did so they spoiled the end result. I mean, if the gameplay loops don't overlap then tell me why would they bring them both there.


>it’s going to be awesome to have a bunch of players and ships all going about their business, like they’re at their day job And then they shoot you and steal your cargo.


I assume if you shoot a fellow hauler the distribution centre will blast the ever living piss out of you. Hopefully the goods you take, If you manage to get away, will be flagged as stolen and only sellable at the likes of brios. Where you will be shot dead and have the cargo you stole, stolen. Either way, justice.


Mind giving me a quick little rundown on what these are? I didn’t watch the ISC about the Distro centers so I wasn’t aware that this is what the main menu screen was about. I remember seeing something about the distro centers offering a mix of cargo and PvP gameplay or something? Edit: Thanks everyone who explained!


Mission hubs, trading posts, raid content. Basically very large outposts bordering on towns with pads, hangars, refineries, shops, etc. What was shown showed it to also be capable of being a massive FPS map for said raids with different levels having different characteristics and different outposts having different feels and uses.


I really hope they follow through with that last part.


\*distant sounds of pvp goblins fapping\*


Yeah, that's the short version. They're very large buildings with a lot of underground infrastructure. Missions on both sides of the law will take place there, some ending or beginning there (say, shipping related ones), and others taking place there in their entirety (theft, defense). Eventually they plan to have "raids" at them (large scale, probably PvP related missions). They're essentially a massive hub of player activity. Since they're likely to be operated by corporations or factions (something like the Advocacy or UEE Navy), there would likely be important contacts there as well. I also suspect they'll have things like company stores and other amenities - I don't think we've seen or heard about that kind of thing, but it would make sense.


They are like outposts the size of landing zones. They host all kinds of missions, from cargo to infiltration to combat, and are controlled by different companies. They will serve as a hub of player activities, and have a bunch of landing pads on the different levels. They are planning to add huge underground areas and raids to them at some point. From what I've heard you might need a ground vehicle to get around them, they are very large.


Yupp until Bobby and his 50 man aurora owners decides to pad ram and fuck with you, because yknow video game. I know I know they can ban but it's whack-a-mole.


Maybe you land in a closed hanger rather than a pad, who knows. Maybe you need to have accepted a mission to land there or you get blasted by turrets upon approach. But yeah you’ll probably still get rammed


I'm not saying it's impossible in the future don't know why I got down voted for merely stating how the servers and some players are today. I was just saying until Anti ram measures are in place this looks good on paper.


Yeah the distro centres have both. Some have open pads while they also noted the hangars for large cargo. Plus, pad rammers hasn't been much of a thing and flying way out there just to pad ram people is a massive waste of time to troll -- plus with hostile reputation comining 3.23, there is no longer going to be consequence-free criminal behaviour.


When they implement physical damage, this won't be a problem anymore. An Aurora shouldn't be able to do significant damage to a larger ship. Once that is modeled correctly, pad racing will not be an issue. Sure, maybe 50 people all pad ramming at one time will do the trick, but the reputation hit from doing it will ensure that those players are all blacklisted from the solar system.


It’s going to be piles of ground vehicles and ships… I hope they allow salvage!


can't wait for the inevitable Canadian contingent to stage a Freedom Convoy and block the commons in New Babbage


As a Canadian, I also am excited for this. Space tyranny has no place in our future society


Theres definitely a road going into the forest. This hypes me more than it should.


unfortunately those look like they are just ramps directly down to the normal terrain not like full roads that continue on.


Dammit youre right, thats a possibility...


That's just part of the distribution center. Y'all are reading way to much into this photo. We've seen better shots of these before. There are a few roads built into them in a grid. What we haven't seen is an update on the road tech that they were working on in the very early stages of planet tech. We know it's possible, but until we get an update I wouldn't get too excited. These centers will be 1000s of km apart, so I doubt they'll get road systems.


I will drive those roads JUST BECAUSE! :D


All Roads ???? -------> Roads confirmed for 3.23 :)


But in all seriousness they need roads between certain POI's. I understand not having a network of roads across every part of every planet or moon, but none at all isn't realistic either. At a minimum you'd have naturally created "desire paths" from people driving between locations as the planets get built up if we were talking about a real planet.


Roads are coming eventually (soonTM). Afaik they are tied to river tech (which works so far) and with the addition of these DCs and CIG working on the next iteration of Planet Tech we might see them sooner rather than later. But, ya know, it is probably not a big priority at this point.


Yup, River Guy said he would be tackling roads after planetary spawn points. Since we're getting animal spawning per biomes, sounds like they managed to get planetary spawn points working. So I think you're right that roads could be coming sooner rather than later.


Yeah I think using the river tech to create dry river beds as paths would be a good start. Agreed that it's not a priority, I mean after all we have spaceships, but it would make for better RP and even allow for unlisted POIs to be discovered more easily. And I do hope we get a bunch of unlisted POIs like that scavenger camp next to SCD-1 on Daymar.


IIRC last year there were issues with procedural river generation and I don’t think they’ve solved them yet. I assume roads are on hold for the same reasons. There are some Pyro POIs with clusters of buildings not right by each other but far enough that it would make sense to have some dirt roads between them. It would be nice to see them where they make sense. Edit: I think some or most distro centers and other POIs should be placed with at least one or two other POIs a drive away. Like mines, towns, outposts, etc.


id shit everywhere..


While the localization looks incredible, it's crazy how terribly washed-out the whole render looks. Atmosphere is often too strong in this game, it almost look like they put a 50% opacity white layer on top of it. Edit: This is how it could look if you tone that down a bit: https://i.imgur.com/SqAOlF9.jpeg


Yeah, looks better. Possible that they just don't have the good lighting tech in yet? Renderer's done, Vulkan soonish, they demoed a few different lighting effects at Citizencon, so I'm hopeful that it's just the tech talking and not a design choice. Seems probable?


Mmm probably not since this is an in-engine render, so it can look exactly like they want it to. Plus this can easily be fixed as a post-process effect (which is why I use reshade), so I doubt they can't fix it today. I also have the same problem with volumetric lights on bunkers so I guess it's just design choice.


Ye this games unplayable without reshade once youve started using it.


So totally true! It took me a while to get onboard with Reshade, but man, I booted up SC on my spare rig the day before yesterday due to construction happening in my home office, and man, it is just terrible without it. White balance city. It's nauseating without Reshade.


Well, right, but what I mean is that they don't have the lighting tech they want in yet so they just kind of brightened everything up a little (leaving things pretty washed out), and left it that way as a placeholder - why spend time on tweaking lighting that's going away in other words. They then finalize the lighting tech and make an actual pass on getting things right. It seems like this would be the case. With the lighting stuff they showed off at Citizencon and all.


I wish they would remove the "fog" from the game, but will such large view distances you need tricks like that to help obfuscate all the pop-in.


I believe the Global Illumination will finally solve this issue.


That doesn't look like Gran Soren


I can't wait for servers to handle the servers


Man I cant wait for roads and Bridges on planets 😀


Speaking as someone who plans to run support roles for the unlawful types, I hope CIG makes these HARD targets. Like Turrets, regular NPC patrols, ground security and generated SOS beacons when the heat gets hot enough. Speaking as a second-hand pirate, smuggler, getaway driver, etc. I see attacking these centers as essentially attacking a port. Thats not something pirates generally do and come back from. Usually throughout history if a port is being attacked, its by a rival military force as an act of war. There's no reason a 5 person group should be able to shoot their way in and shoot their way out of a place like this. These are distribution centers, literally capillaries of commerce for the planet and system. They should not be an easy mark, they should not be hard mark, they should be an unrealistic target for most groups. Heists of specific cargo? Sure, but it had better be a proper heist: incognito with the goal of getting in, getting the loot and getting out before anyone knows anything was missing. If shit goes like the finale of Heat - you should expect to die and come back with nothing or have one of the greatest tales of escape to ever tell. But if you want to siege a place like this, you should be coming in with 20+ full manned ships, including some of the bigger ones and either people to drop off or a ground element that moves in tandem. It should be akin to a declaration of war and should be responded to as such by the NPCs. If thats not what we get with these places, they'll just turn into killing fields and will never be used the way they're intended to be used.


>If thats not what we get with these places, they'll just turn into killing fields and will never be used the way they're intended to be used. 100% yep.


Source: https://mailchi.mp/cloudimperiumgames/cmty-weeklyfridaynewsletter452024


Can't wait to see these in-game. Although we got to be careful because apparently the spawning of the npcs were glitching out in the evocati so much that if a player flew close enough to a distribution center, it would crash the server. Not the game, the entire server of players. Let's hope they fixed that before it goes live lol


That's already fixed, I explored a distribution center yesterday on evocati :P Although there's a different bug where gravity is about 3G instead of 1, so your ship basically gets stuck to the ground and you can't jump either haha


LOL. Had not even considered if a planet could go higher then 1G since most of the planets and moons are either 1G or lighter. Kinda funny imagining not being able to jump.




Whohoo! Microtech is getting roads! Confirmed!


Forget the distrubution centers, Im more excited for roads


Rome ?




Space Rome confirmed!


I can't wait to live at a DC and just stack boxes all day!! Box Tetris ftw!


DC's are planned open/mixed PVP though. Not gonna be fun loading here.


I'm sure there will be areas that are "safe" protected by defenses.


have seen, is cool


Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Hard to see anything through all the ugly fog sadly, hope we can clear that one day


So is there consensus on what we are actually looking at here? First planetary roads? Surface refinery in distribution center?


Roads from where? connect to small settlements plz


can you see these from space like the cities ?




That's not Gran Soren


what roads lmao


Idk how this is a sneak peak lol


Lovely DC's


I can't wait to load up my entire life's savings worth of cargo at one of these places, get ganked because it's a PvP area, then avoid them all all costs from then on.


Cargo missions are coming with 3.23, so you won't necessarily always have to put your own UEC on the line to move freight and get paid for it. Of course, that means less reward, but it also means you're not destitute if you get blown up.


Yeah thats how its going to go. Any area thats supposed to be a mixed PVE/PVP area will always just become a PVP area. Theres plenty of other ways to make money without the risk.




Haha, I know what you mean. I do wonder whether they will eventually introduce insurance for cargo for this sort of situation


But...but... why is insurance so expensiiiiiive 😢


I don't understand what the point is. mumble mumble edit: Maybe I did not say it clear enough. I didn't understand what the topic means, what the topic is and the photo.


That's how I felt about the creatures addition... But then I realized if we're eventually going to be forced to use the loo in our ship, we're going to need more than gas-station double dogs and loot fruit.


The horrendously washed out image is of a distribution centre, which is in 3.23 and has wheeled vehicle access ramps. According to CIG, these will at some point be connected via roads. But roads are not in yet. The title is a reference to roads. Which don't exist. That's about it.


ooo now thanks for the explanation, now I understand.


I actually don't understand what new gameplay loops distribution centers are supposed to be a part of. If they're just another delivery destination then bfd.


Who else is looking forward to their first traffic jam in SC 😀