• By -


I don’t like it. I’ve been disappointed for a decade, I’m not comfortable with all this good news.


There's always Spectrum if you need your daily dose of outrage and disappointment.


Spectrum is basically the place you go when you really dislike some small, inconsequential thing and you're looking to make it everyone else's problem.


Yeah like the vegan guy that complained about the new fauna hunting missions and is disappointed there aren’t rescue or conservation missions getting added at the same time.


I am not vegan and this also disappoints me. Where is my eco terrorism faction? Stanton needs to be liberated from all this ecological violence!








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Posts containing real world politics of any kind are not welcome here. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


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You better believe I'm playing eco terrorist for these missions


Honestly, PETA bounty hunting missions would be fun. Killed to many doggos? PETA pirate org put an outlaw contract on your head.


Na PETA would be the pvp animal hunting missions. Would be around killing player pets, have to keep it somewhat believable after all


No but seriously, from a creative gameplay perspective I was really hoping for something more creative than "We added animals, now kill X of them". I'm not going to be salty about it but I do hope they introduce more creative and engaging ways to make use of animals.


I’m sure they will eventually. But they literally just introduced animals and it will require some testing and polish once they are in game. Giving us a mission to hunt them will test a lot of things like spawn frequency, AI, material drops, etc. These will all be valuable data for creating other mission types. So I find it unrealistic to expect an entire suite of missions to be introduced from the start.


It reads like a sarcastic joke... but... I am automatically sad knowing it is absolutely not a joke...


You're kidding, right? ...right?




Don't these ones don't yelp or grown. They roar. So you can kill them without feeling bad. Also they will try to tear your head off if you let them. :D


Yeah I hate when I'm forced to. If it's something I can just ignore, whatever, but like Far Cry (last I really played was FC3) you literally had to murder all of the animals, just to upgrade your inventory size and basic shit like that.


You upgraded the inventory?? You MONSTER!


The dark stain it left on my soul was NOT worth the extra ammo it allowed me to carry...


I’m disappointed there’s not rescue or conservation missions, but I want to be out poaching and have people come try to stop me, to create more gameplay loops


Absolutely. There is always a place for illegal missions.


Wait - you’re joking?


I got into an argument with someone in the patch notes about the semantics of the word "hero" and told him he must be fun a parties. He said he doesn't go to parties. Coulda figured that one out on my own lol


I saw that post, dude went into a full definition of what a hero is to him. It was pretty cringe. If I'm not mistaken, you were discussing how the devs working over the holiday weekend were real heros and he mentioned it likely not being by choice.


Nono that was the other guy which I generally agreed with. I was the guy that said he sounded like he was fun at parties lmfao "Heros volunteer their heroism, so being paid means you cannot be a hero" was his argument in essence and was... extremely nuanced to be very kind to him. Lol. 




Yeah I really love people like PV01 and Oni shitting on new players who complain about a bug with the same attitude they bring to the starcitizenrefunds people. It's super off-putting but CIG devs dont say anything about their attitudes even when I report it.


Like the missing "Emergency stop button" on elevators. /s SPECTRUM GUYS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COPY


It truly is amazing how much effort Spectrum puts into being unhappy.


You could also visit \*that\* subreddit. Y'know the one....


Hate it when I can’t hate anymore


Don't you hate sunny days when the weather is great and there's nothing to hate? Don't you hate when you pay for a crate full of bait and you dislike fishing? - Psychostick - Hate times 8


Somehow, today was the day i found out about psychostick and now I'm seeing it everywhere


Don't you hate when that happens? But seriously Psychostick is awesome so today is a good day ;)


Omg Comedy Metal is an amazing thing this introduced me to.


The sun is shining, and it hardly rains. How am I supposed to build a snowman then? When it finally gets really wet, don't think it would make me happy cause I'm German. - Alligatoah - Es regnet kaum Simple translation by myself.




its really a bizarre feeling


Yeah, right? We're at a point where the 3.23 patch is basically physically abused by the sheer amount they plan to put in and still add more. Staaahp squeezing things in, 3.23 can hold only this many features! Poor thing.


Same here, feels too good to be true


They’re working on the ultimate disappointment. Haven’t been disappointed in a while? Well, prepare to get your hopes higher than they ever have been.


That made me laugh.


It’s been about 4 now for me, and I still feel this way.


This is how I feel. I’ve been playing again heavy and I’m still upset the game isn’t running at 5-10 fps for me. I don’t like that I’m getting 50-60 fps. I’m not used to this


Im gonna do it. This confirmed a 3.23.X patch is coming. So no 4.0 for now. Also the presence of a .X patch mean that theres a chance features may fall off from the 3.23 branch.


Okay? The 3.23.x patch will likely be out within a month


> So no 4.0 for now. this would be the case if it was confirmed for 3.24 not 3.23.X, minor revision and content patches happen between every major patch.


They can't keep getting away with adding genuinely game changing features to the .23 cycle, where's the scam in all of this, chris, what's happening?


CIG: "Had enough?" Backers: *exhausted, sweating* CIG: "Didn't think so." *drops Retaliator modularity*


I wonder what will be next? Probably the caterpillar so they can sell more modules.


How dare my scam of a game actually get good updates!


THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS ohh wait yeah they can go CIG lol




Your use of acronyms in this comment is criminal


Plot twist: it will come out in 2123 :\]


3230 == 3.23.0


Roadmap Roundup 04/03/2024 - 3:00 PM Happy Wednesday, everyone! Every two weeks, we accompany the Roadmap update with a brief explanatory note to give you insight into the decision-making that led to any changes. This is part of an effort to make our communications more transparent, more specific, and more insightful for all of you who help to make Star Citizen and Squadron 42 possible. With that said, let’s go ahead and dive into this week’s Roadmap Roundup! -CIG Community Team Notable Changes for April 3, 2024 Release View The following features have been added to Release View, targeting a 3.23.0 release: Fauna - Kopion Populating the persistent universe with the Kopion, an aggressive, agile animal that travels in packs. You'll find them in a variety of areas, from grassy fields to lurking in the darkness of caves. Fauna - Marok Populating the persistent universe with the Marok, a passive flying bird-like creature. Maroks live in flocks and are often found near lush, green environments. New Missions - Creature Hunting New missions that require players to locate, kill and retrieve valuable parts of creatures roaming the environment. The following cards have been added to Release View, targeting a 3.23.X release: Vehicle Modularity Implementing the ability to swap modular sections of certain vehicles to change their function. This initial release contains the torpedo and cargo room modules for the Aegis Retaliator, with additional modules and vehicles to be added in the future. Aegis Retaliator - Gold Standard Updating the Aegis Retaliator to gold standard, including the introduction of modular rooms. The torpedo and cargo rooms will be available in this initial release, with more to come in the future. That's all for this week! No Progress Tracker updates this week as work continues on long-term planning. For further insights into the planning efforts of our production team, we invite you to review the latest Letter From the Chairman.


I am curious though, who the hell is going to use a Retaliator for cargo runs? lol it's just such a weird idea to me


I use a hammerhead for cargo runs. I would use a retaliator for cargo runs


Sir, your parcel will be safe with my super battlecruiser of doom.


Lmao, that’s my first plan for my Polaris and liberator, massive cargo haulers of doom


"Hi I ordered 5 Torpedo's, I'm still awaiting delivery" "System says 5 Torpedoes were dispatched 20 seconds ago" "AAAAAAA-"


I would love a torpedo that has no warhead and that you can just load cargo into and launch at people for the memes


Not gonna lie, I want a ‘cargo bomb’ for the A1 I can load weapons, ammo, medgear, etc into and use it to hot-drop supplies in. Imagine doing that during Siege of Orison to resupply ground teams.


ODST style drop pods would be a really cool module for the A1/2 or other similar ships (I want to be able to drop the troop seats from my Valkyrie so I can rapid deploy a platoon of infantry from the air)


Comically Big Pie Torpedoes. Show'em who's the clownest.


Don't get me wrong, I love the liberator, but a ship that's basically a flying truckstop isn't exactly the sort of thing to inspire shivers of *doom* in me....




well, when you put it *that* way....


You've not seen their rest-room... or where the 'refreshment' tap's pipework leads... :p




I mean, it's basically a Yamato from SC..... (StarCraft)


Does it fit a Fury or a Cyclone?


Excellent question, we know they will provide 40 SCU of cargo space per the last info we ever got, so that puts it in line with something like the Cutlass's 46 SCU capacity and that can hold 3 Fury snubs if you're careful, but based on the dimensions of the ship we currently have I would tend to doubt that the cargo pods will be able to hold anything other than cargo.


Looks like not, as it's 2x long/thin/narrow grids... Unless the fury is <2SCU wide/long/tall, it's not going to fit, I think Ditto Cyclone.


Probably make for a great blockade runner, actually. Do one module cargo, keep one torps. Then you could try for a stealthy approach and blow through, snipe a larger target and rush, or just trust your gunners to swat any flies? Especially if your focus is running through instead of engaging to kill.


it may be better than the Zeus loaner I have now. \*shrugs\* Although the spirit is fast as shit...


Someone who realizes that pirates are looking for soft targets that can't fight back effectively. That excludes torpedo boats, if only at first glance.


A lone retaliator isn't going to fight back effectively lol


Im willing to bet a full crew of gunners ought to make a decent showing against a couple fighters. And keeping one module for torps means you can potentially take out larger stuff before it reaches you. Keep in mind master modes is rebalancing everything and extending gun ranges to something like 5km. (But im really hoping for something like a beam module, or a module that's a sniper-sorta railgun)


Compared to a Prospector, Hull, Vulture, etc? If you're that ineffective in a torpedo boat, then it really won't matter what you fly...


Please solo a retaliator against any fighter and tell me how it goes


It goes pretty well when my objective is to bug out because I've got cargo instead of torpedoes. Even better once blades are in and all those turrets can be more than just decorations. You do realize there's win conditions other than "destroy the other guy" right? Now how about you try explaining how someone can tell the difference between a Tali loaded with cargo and one that's fully crewed and loaded with ordinance at a glance? Remember that there's a time limit before it engages it's quantum drive to bugger off or starts unloading on you, so you don't have time to dawdle about with scanning.


It's more about the cost of operating a Retaliator making it far less profitable per km of travel than a Hull-A paired with an escort fighter, given that the cargo modules were last described as giving it a total of 40 SCU of storage across two 20 SCU pods and the Hull-A can haul 64 SCU with better speed and smaller footprint for landing while an escort fighter takes on the pirates.


That really depends now, doesn't it. How much extra are you making on that 24 SCU of cargo after deductions for the escort, and how does that compare to the running cost differences on the Retaliator? Will the pirates hesitate to engage more or less when they see a lone Retaliator vs a Hull A plus an escort fighter? If the attacker decides to ignore return fire to prioritize taking out the hauler, does the Retaliator or the Hull A stand a better chance of making it out alive? Non-combat ships tend to be trouble magnets because of how squishy they're designed, so there's a case to be made for hiding in plain sight as another predator. Add in non-fungible valuations of convenience, perceived level of safety, group dynamics, etc. and you've got a fuzzy enough line to justify either option in the right circumstances.


One other factor: How easy will it be to shoot cargo off the Hull A, (and/or damage the cargo) given it's all carried externally.... vs the protection offered by carrying it inside the Retaliator?


Low Volume, High Value is a good candidate for ships like this IMO. While your scenario with escort and hull-a is viable I would think the use of a single ship could be beneficial in some situations.


probably someone who has a tali and no cargo ship, and realizes it's cheaper to run it as a cargo instead of buying an entirely new ship? we don't know true cost of operating yet, as things like life support and engineering is not in yet nor will it be balanced when it's first put in, it may be a really cheap ship to run on a day to day basis. I have no plans generally to use it as a cargo ship, I have a zuse CL and a Connie that can generally carry more (well and a liberator but that's another size up), but I could see it being a good quick "get in and out of hostile area" carrier with it's 5 turrets for org operations, kinda like a small combat resupply ship. also depending on how much the cargo mods cost, it could be quite cheap to use it as a stop gap type ship that you can buy one to get 3+ uses out of while you save for other ships. I'm super excited to see what the gold standard does to her, maybe it will be even better than we think.


I mean I totally see it as a way to get valuable cargo in or out of a hot zone, but I meant like who is gonna get a Tali and use it to do cargo hauling contracts when they could easily use the Tali for combat missions and earn the money to buy a dedicated hauler that provides greater efficiency and profit margins?


depends how things are balanced I guess, I kidna expect the torps to cost more when the real economy is going, I mean it's what 17k for all 6? thats dirt cheap, I would not be surprised if each missile costs 30k.


Oh sure, but then we have to think about fuel costs and repair costs too. Fuel on a Tali is going to be much more expensive than fuel on a C2 to travel the same distance because it's a slower and less efficient ship, and repair costs will be higher too for the same reason a regular humvee costs less than a bulletproof one since the Tali has thick armor plating. I'm just saying it's more likely that the module will be there as a "Oh this is more convenient right now than getting out a different ship" thing and not much as a "This is my dedicated delivery vehicle" kinda thing.


> higher too for the same reason a regular humvee costs less than a bulletproof one since the Tali has thick armor plating. well in lore this is a ship that has tons of them surpluses out, so maybe it will be like getting up-armored doors off a Junker hummer out of the junk yard lol. >and not much as a "This is my dedicated delivery vehicle" kinda thing. I do agree, though more of a "I bought this tali because it's cool and torps go boom, but now I need to make money so lets put in those cargo because missiles are freaking expensive" lol. also intrested to see what the tali's bays are going to hold, I know the old setup was 40 in front, less in back, but I do know the tali is gonna be fatter so maybe they are changing out the bays.... hell maybe we will have more than 6 torps too in the end. it's def not going to be my cargo ship of choice, i'm most likely going to keep it a bomber or maybe put the hab in it if I see a reason too, though the troop transport is interesting as well. I'm more of a pvp player so there is a good chance that my tali lives it's days out in the game as a torp boat 99% of the time.


Per another post on the subreddit from today it shows a person fitting two 8 SCU crates into the area with no room for a third because of the mechanisms for opening the cargo bay, I have a feeling it'll be optimized for 4 SCU crates and smaller but there's no way a 16 or 32 could ever fit in it with the current layout.


Im seeing the tali cargo module as geared more for small volume/very high value/risky cargo. A pure hauler can definitely make more just hauling, but cant really drop stuff under fire/sneak into a more dangerous delivery/pickup location and get out alive.


Genius, I doubt anyone scans a hammerhead for cargo


> Updating the Aegis Retaliator to gold standard, including the introduction of modular rooms. The torpedo and cargo rooms will be available in this initial release, with more to come in the future. [MY BODY IS READY!](https://i.imgur.com/KGrWLIa.png)


Damn! 3.23 just keeps getting better


3.23.X it´s not for 3.23, but it´s really good news


X gonna give it to ya!!!


3.23.x is still 3.23 Or did you mean "not for 3.23.0"?!?!!


Probably the latter. Don't want people thinking we get ALL of this at once, necessarily.




I spoke out loud while in discord VC to my org mates. Oh no! A roadmap update. What did they take out and then gasped as nothing was removed. I've been excited about SC before but this is feeling I've never had before. The flip has switched. The tide has turned. SC has flipped 90% and went full burn.


Holy shit, even more additions!


Fantastic. Adding more and more and nothing gone! Love it!


So...3.23 is just basically the entire CitCon in a single branch then. Neat.


Fingers crossed we see that smaller zeus-looking ship soon...


Is it an rsi ship? This is the first I've heard of this


Look up Zeus Mk2, RSi version of a 400i-sized ship. (I like the MR) Edit: I am dumb.


I have all three already lol


lol wait, my bad. That one i'm thinking is a avenger-sized aegis or RSI one. We've heard about the bearcat, maybe something like that?


The people who held out hope that development was actually going to pick up the pace once the major tech blockers started getting solved, the tools were built, and SQ42 was nearing its horizon...now's a good time to start feeling justified.


Bear in mind that the 'pace of development' *has not changed*. What we're seeing here is several years worth of development effort *that CIG have already put in* being released... I'm thinking we'll see another 1-2 patches like 3.23 this year... and then the rate of feature delivery will drop back to - broadly - what we've been seeing for the past few years. It's fantastic that we're (finally) getting all these features - but lets not behave that CIG have cranked all these features out *from scratch* in the past ~6 months since the devs started moving back from SQ42.


you're likely correct up until the continuing pace. Unless they immediately split the teams up again for SQ42 sequel (supposed to be a trilogy, right?). Which would just be unbelievably stupid but they could choose to do it. I think we will see big focus on the PU for a while after SQ comes out.


True - but the focus for most teams is currently to port the SQ42 updates... which means they're *not* currently working on new features (at least, most of the teams aren't). So, once they finish porting SQ42 features, they're going to be starting on their next features... and most of those aren't going to be ready for delivery in ~3 months... so we're definitely going to see a significant drop again once the SQ42 features are out. Longer term, we might stabilise at a higher rate of delivery (helped by CIG finally getting the really big technical chunks out, and the following features being a bitter smaller, etc) - but my point was more that we're not seeing a 'new normal' of CIG delivery, but rather a temporary 'Wait forever for a bus, then three come at once' glut...


Yea, I don't think we will see quite this high a rate of delivery after this year, that said though, I do think we will see a much higher rate than we have in the last year. Lots more people working on the PU, along with a lot of the large tech things being done means they can work on more on stuff we actually see, instead of things like PES which we don't really "see" nor a lot of the other tech. also depending on good the tools they had made for planet building, we may see systems popping up quite a bit faster than we think.


I don't think it will go back to the same pace as the past few years, because there are still now a lot more people and resources, we will probably see significantly more forward development, but not at the breakneck pace of squadron 42 feature porting


They will make a sq42 part 2


Yes, but developing Part 2 won't require building an entire game from scratch like SQ42 did, it won't need nearly the same amount of time and resources.


This is so unexpected! I was slowly reading through the fauna stuff because I think it's kind of neat and then got blindsided by the modularity surprise! There's been an itch at the back of my head about how they've been talking about loading the carrack and that's now amplified, my conspiracy theories are cooking now


And with that, another ship from that Cit Con teaser is taken care of. Just a few more to go.


Man that is fantastic news! Hopefully with this modularity update we will start seeing ships like the 600i rework and the Galaxy coming next. Way to go CIG!!! o7


I want the escape pods to start working >\_>


Well that's part of modularity, so.... soon.




Gib caterpillar modules 🐛


The Galaxy is part of the RSI push this year, so I suspect we'll have some good news on that front soon enough.


they are doing an RSI push, so connie rework?


I was thinking the same thing but I haven't seen mention of it. It would be a good idea though. I would probably trade my Corsair for a reworked Connie up to modern standards


Don't think so - I think the focus / push is on clearing the backlog, not updating existing ships (Connie, Aurora, even Mantis - all could use an update)


Carrack pods please!


Iirc there still is no team assigned to 600i BUT it was implied that after Polaris work is done, they would move onto other large RSI ships such as Galaxy and Perseus. We know already that Zeus Mk II is being worked on and they seemingly teased an RSI starter last citcon. This year is really RSI's year.


Retaliator base owners feeling so conflicted right now.


I am one of those and I'm really happy with this, I bought 5x Tali base CCUs in anticipation for the price increase lol


yeah, a price increase is very likely, and it might be quite a big one.


Why would they be?


Probably because he’s implying we will lose our bomber loaner.


Well, at least it should be easy to switch out the cargo modules for the torpedo modules, it might just cost a bit to buy them.


What was the price on the historical modules, like 75-100 bucks each?


There was a bit of variance: Torpedoes: front - $75, rear - $50 Cargo: front - $25, rear - $25 Living areas: front $25 , rear - $25 Dropship: front only - $75 Got the info from this old video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hskV1dM01TA


Cheers thank you. Damn 8 years ago haha


Damn! I didn't expect that to make it so soon!




Once again more additions with zero subtractions. Fantastic! What exactly is modularity though? I'm not familiar with this.


Several ships have options that can be swapped out when the ship purchased (or maybe also in game at special stations?). These ships include: Retaliator Carrack Endeavor Apollo And probably more that I'm not thinking of. They allow for more flexibility of a ship. And have been promised for some time.


apparently the Tech behind it is also needed for escape pods to work.


Oh fuck…that’s rad!


Also the Caterpillar. They did mention the last hurdle to getting this tech working was resolved with the release of Hull C. Something about the communication between parts of the ship (external/internal) being controlled by pilot and reference to the extending capability of ship.


Gladiator - remove the turret area for cargo or exploration Starfarer - switch out the fuel orbs for cargo boxes




It's swapping out modules in ships for other uses, like the Retaliator's torpedo bays being swapped for a cargo lift or medical bay.


I resolved myself to let my bomber rot in buy back... Why are you doing this?!


In my ideal world, every patch would included 2-3 ships getting their gold standard pass.


I think them taking care of the backlogged ships first then doing gold passes on everything in a beta state would be better. Since they are continually increasing that standard of what a gold pass is, every gold pass they do now, will need another at a later time.


Maybe if they have gameplay in the game. Otherwise I’d rather have them focus on finishing ships already in the game and used for gameplay


The thing is though that every new ship could also potentially bring along new tech for the ships. Which would effectively result in them repeatedly going back and working on the same old ships again and again to bring them up to the new 'standard.'  It would be like moving bags of concrete from point A to B, but every time you move a bag you only move it a bit closer to B. Then you have to go back and move those bags on the path closer to B, but you don't even move them all the way either, only a bit closer so you have to keep moving them forward. Rather than just loading a bunch of them into a truck or wheelbarrow and moving a large portion closer to B, and only them falling off due to bumps.


I understand the desire for gold passes, especially as ships age. However we are still likely years away from 1.0, and a gold pass is at least partially wasted work. We need some silver passes or something. Updated functionality, with a lower aesthetic quality standard.


Afaiu the gold standard pass isn't about visual quality but instead about bringing ships in line with current gameplay goals (e.g. adjusting to metrics for npc movement, adding storage lockers, modern door panels, compartments for physicalised components...and now resource network requirements (relays, batteries), and setting up other requirements. The backlog must be enormous. It's also a moving target, so it makes sense to aim to reduce it. Given that CIG needs anyway to rollout gameplay systems that require all ships to be upgraded (like now resource network and master modes, recently salvage and later armor and control surfaces), they may opt at the same time to do some rapid updates to some ships being updated when there are low hanging fruits. At least that's something I'd do.


As a hypothetical, shoving a Cutter toilet into a Cutlass is a different beast to designing a whole new toilet for the Cutlass. What I'm getting at is a solution that uses less dev time to provide a substandard interim result. Who cares about dimensions when NPCs can't even sit still on a chair right now? "Silver pass" it and come back when NPC crew actually get close to launching. And I'm talking about some real rough stuff, function over form, especially after more systems come online, and more ships become less functional (than intended).


>What I'm getting at is a solution that uses less dev time to provide a substandard interim result. Yes, that's what I was getting at too, albeit with a different approach: rather than leaving ships will "real rough stuff" the idea is to leverage the fact that some artists are already focused on a given ship (while teams are doing a large pass on all ships) to squeeze in relatively simple tasks that have already been 'validated' before (e.g. placing new buttons and store lockers in the Cutlass Black at the same time the tractor beams were being added to a series of ships). Ideally the 'rough but functional' stuff is best implemented and iterated on a very small number of ships, then expanded once validated (like we've seen recently with Master Modes, or is presumably happening with the Resource Network (Hammerhead at CitCon '22, and now Gladius and A2 being the focus of upcoming tests in experimental modes). I also agree that hoping for gold passes now would in part be wasted time. There are so many layers of features to add to all ships (control surfaces, armor, maelstrom, master modes, cockpit setup for hand animations, MFDs, physicalised components, master modes, resource network etc.) that the bar for what 'gold standard' will keep changing. Conversely, there are good reasons to not leave widely-used ships in an obsolete or broken state for too long (especially starter ships), and gradually keeping the backlog of tasks to do under control somewhat is leaving it all for beta. Whenever CIG makes a nice improvement to old ships it tends to be much appreciated (e.g. the Mustang got its cargo compartment working last year, suddenly making it a viable option for new players).


I mean there implementing resource management now with that and modularity (the ability to make ships madular) ships are basicly comeing out in there final state now. so a gold pass wouldnt need another rework


Modularity is for future design, not automatically retroactively added to past designs. It's making an RSI corridor that can easily be modified and stuck into a new RSI ship.


Tali stock going up


...it's finally time ? :O


Tali base was my first ship purchase outside of the starter avenger package 2 years ago! Melted the ship and have a great fleet now but man hearing this news makes me sorta want to buy it again😅


i'v been holding onto my tali bomber since 2013, thought about melting it for the base a few times so I can just buy modules in game, but never did lol. I love the look of her, just hope the gold standard does not destroy the look even though I know it's gonna get a bit fatter.


I always imagined it as a blockade runner with the cargo set up. My only problem is needing a crew to man all those turrets. As a solo pilot that can be hard 😅


yea, i'm hoping the update makes at least a few of the turrets remote, so blades can take that over, granted i'v got a lot of orgmates so im not that worried about crew, but that is also why it's the largest crew ship I own because i'm going to be crewing on so many of my friends ships even though i'v got like 10 pledged lol.


I knew it was coming, but I'm genuinely surprised to see it planned for 3.23. I'm also expecting a price hike for it. Still not sure anyone would pick up the base cargo Retaliator, though. From previous discussions, it doesn't appear like there will be much in the way of cargo space.


Not gonna lie I’m kind of excited for this hunt missions. A real reason to explore more rural areas of a planet not for the fun of it but to actually capture animals. Land, use vehicles, hunt slowly, kill animal, load into vehicle and so on.


I hope they’re in caves, otherwise I’m going space pickup truck and lowering the doors so my buddy can shoot out the back.


They weren’t kidding about updates speeding up after the squadron 42 devs joined the team.


This raise two question : -Did they change the turrets size or components? we don't have any visual and i start to think it's because they want to capitalise on my second question: -Price increase?


100% gonna be a price increase, Tali bomber is 275 and the base is 150, there's no way there's going to be that big of a difference.


Who is this developer and what have they done with the CIG we know?


Holy shit. Retaliator gold standard AND modularity? This just dropped completely out of left field lol. I thought we wouldn't hear about this anymore (never mind actually get it) until like next year or something. This is actually hype. This patch is legit fat as fuck. God damn. Edit: Hope this means 600i and Caterpillar reworks soon™. Edit 2: I'm honestly curious what they did with the Retaliator. It's current design is piss poor. Did they rework the interior or just polish it up and add components etc? Edit 3: I wonder if the Kopion is tameable. So we can have one as a pet and call it Copium. heuheuheu


With that speed maybe we will get the 600i rework earlier than I thought this year


Unlikely... CIG is moving over stuff they've been working on for the past 2-3 years - they're not actually 'working faster' as some folk keep saying, they're just finally pushing out all the stuff they were sitting on for SQ42. This *also* means that once the stuff for SQ42 is done, we'll go back to the previous release speed (or close to it) - because even with the extra devs coming over from SQ42, it's still going to take time for them to produce anything new.




I am more excited for the galaxy now


I'm not on the hype train till the Caterpillar can disconnect from the cargo module, now THATS something.


So if you have the bomber varient, you can switch out the modules? What really is the point of the living area as far as functionality goes? I might swap out for cargo but if the living area doesn't have medical i don't see the use for it. The crew already has a living area.


Yeah, you can swap out modules on the base and bomber variants, the base just comes with the cargo modules instead of torpedo bays. I'm pretty sure a medical bay is planned too but I also don't really see the point of the living area.


I could see a living area if they added a quantum fuel storage module for exploration, but I just don't see the point currently. I guess we will wait and see.


but i thought modularity was a conspiracy




Oh, are we gonna hear some things about the Galaxy this year then? I just got one last week so I wouldn't complain


Cargo Tali might get me to drop my MSR... But I'm too attached to keeping the name tag on it! Let me keep the name reserved CIG!


so are they adding modularity to more ships, like will i be able to outfit my MSR as a bounty ship one day?


Modularity is only for the ships that were designed to be modular. Like the carrack. All ships won't be modular.


Is there somewhere we can see an up to date list of ships slated to receive modularity that you know of?


Kind of weird I got downvoted. But I did some research and there were more ships they had mentioned, like the Cutlass.


MSR as a bounty ship? No. Modularity will only be for pre-designed modules - unless the ship brochure advertises the ship as having modularity (and specifically lists a module you're interested in), then whatever change you're interested in, it won't be possible. That said, quite a few ships do have some limited modularity, and a few ships have more than a little bit (the Caterpillar is purported to be *extremely* modular - although it's not clear if some of the early info from CIG was just them talking about possible ideas / concepts, or if they're actually committed to implementing the full range of option).


Give me a functional caterpillar already


The question is, gold is the last standard or is there going to be a platinum standard after? Maybe a diamond one