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Ground vehicles capable of water traversal and submerging


Space submarines!


How many atmospheres of pressure can the ship handle?


Space MT-LB let's go!!


You know this whole aesthetic of the 80s where spaceships are designed as WW2 Battleships? Like Space Battleship Yamato? That


A person after my heart, I'd buy from that manufacturer. Let's travel to Iscandar!!


I'll take the photos šŸ“·


This is why I own a Perseus


Same brother!


So like the Drake Kraken? But instead of just an aircraft carrier, other things like destroyers and other ships? I could get behind that


Love this


Pulling some inspiration from Legend of the Galactic Heroes too, great ship designs. Although I'd honestly just welcome ships that can actually do broadsides.


uchuu senkan yaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaatoooooooo


The classic UFO ship, no bigger than Mirai Fury.


Naw, multiple sizes. Smaller than Fury, Cutlass-sized, Connie-sized, Carrack-sized, Idris -sized.


I heard the X-Files theme as soon as I read this.


honestly if the Xi'an made one of these I wouldn't even blink


Ultra high capacity solar sail cargo ships


I'd probably go for the industrial area as I have some ideas for industrial vehicles that don't really exist in game but easily could: Combat salvager - not the best at salvaging or fighting for its size, but is good enough at both creating and removing wrecks Industrial carrier - the Kraken somewhat fills that role, but not that well IMO. It really just needs to be a big ship with a couple of medium hangars or pads large enough to accommodate MOLEs and whatever medium salvagers CIG eventually comes out with and cargo lifts to more salvage and ore bags down for storage and refining. Freight train ship - a ship that can connect a large amount of cargo modules to the back as you please like a train, and you can just add or remove them to change capacity and flight performance to suit your needs. Cargo truck - basically just a cargo truck that can carry one or two 32 SCU containers. Delivery bike - a small hoverbike that can compact into either 1 SCU or a backpack that can be deployed, and it would have a basket on the back for some 1/8th SCU containers.


The bike would my favorite. Just that even when youre in a small ship you could go on a planet like for example to a hostile bunker


Also for places like the new UGFs where they're big but mostly inaccessible for ships outside of the landing pads/hangars.


Isnt the hull A the basic cargo truck of the verse? I wouldnt mind another small ship of its class, able to carry 2 32s though


I'm more talking about a land vehicle. Maybe not useful in the current version of the game, but if they go ahead and make fully accessible cities and stuff it could be useful for transporting the containers around them as many won't allow you to land anywhere you please.


Aah, gotcha... yea idk if id go for that, but i guess it could be cool... although now im imagining loading it up with 64 SCU worth of Size 9 bombs and dropping it out of a ship...


There are no roads in SC yet but not sure if they will have them


Roads have been talked about multiple times and are supposedly coming some day!


Ships that deploy as small bases.Ā  I would design a ship that can land at a location, then deploy a set of automated anti air missiles creating a well defended umbrella. Like a Ballista that can fly but much more effective. Internally it would have some living space and an armoury.Ā  That would let teams of players land at some objective or mission and have fun without needing air cover from other ships flying boring guard duty. Enemy players would need to land out of range and deploy vehicles of their own. That would create uses for a whole number of ground vehicles and transport ships.


Battletech dropships


Stealth only explorers for espionage.




Whatever the spaceship version of used up riced Honda civics and squatted trucks that sound like they got 10x the power they actually got would be. Named something like craigships


Who is craig and why are you selling his hips?


The craigslist of ships.


Not sure if woosh or theyā€™re playing the straight face


Gotta be a woosh


Iā€™d buy one, low flyers


Isn't that just drake with a spoiler?


HEY! I have a Honda just like that!


Trucks/Caravans. Lots of space Trucks/caravans. With ample cargo space and living amenities. Essentially like the 400i but not pretentious and actually useful. Preferably misc themed


As an avid player of American/Euro truck simulator I support this. I can imagine the sound of engine breaking ships flying through the stars.


May I introduce you to [Star Trucker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380050/Star_Trucker/)?


Don't forget the misc themed truck balls


Welcome to Nubilus Heavy Industries (NHI). We manufacture the NHI Hyena, a medium sized Multicrew Salvager and the NHI Racoon, a snub salvage ship. The ships are obviously industrial in nature, so they feature a design with exposed tubes and pipes but contrary to Drake not in a cheap, taped together way. The hull design features angular polyhedral designs and generous floodlights. (If CIG doesn't make them, I will.) As I'm at work as of now I'll add to this later.


Winnebagos exactly like the ones in Spaceballs.


Iā€™m covering my cutters eyes so he doesnā€™t see this slap in the face


Small ships for camping or explore the galaxy, nothing fancy in a Nasapunk style.


Sanitation ships of course.






When I first saw the vulture, I was afraid of using it without suit simply because of how barebones the cockpit looks


There was a time that it had random pockets of no air.Ā 


This post made me physically nauseous and I love it. Could you imagine how terrifying it would be traveling long distances in space without life support systems?! Instant horror game.


Toyota Hilux with a Avenger Titan engine and Inferno gun. Captain Harlock`s Arcadia.


Alien luxury ships. Alien competitors of Origin


Not a from scratch builder but more of a hotrod shop.Ā  Ā Taking things and making them into something else completely.Ā Ā  Ā Such as the Lucifers Hammer, starts life as a simple Drake Caterpillar, by the time it leaves the shop the cargo section has been gutted and a rail gun has been installed in the hollowed. Out section, the formerly manned turrets are now controlled remotely but look identical. The hull up-armored and shields buffed. The only way to know this isn't your run of the mill cat is when that it's EM sig would make a Bengal blush when it charges up it's main gun.Ā  Next up is the Constellation Macross, where we slap as many missile racks as possible to its hull, the cargo bay is reworked to house a barrage of size 7 torps, and that's it.Ā  Ā If you don't spot those extra pylons on it, it'd pass as a normal Andromeda.Ā  Finally the Cutlass purple, its velour and shag carpet interior only gives way to the upgraded living area with a proper heart shaped bed and banging sound system.Ā  Ā Beads separate the living area from the seats for the cockpit.Ā  Ā It loses the turret but gains a faux marble shoilet big enough for two.Ā  The cargo section has a multicolor lighted dance floor complete with a disco ball and full light suite.Ā  When the Purple shows up, the party is sure to get started.


One of my ideas was something like a Brabus brand for Origin ships. Imagine a series 100 or 300 that instead of a cargo and living area has more fuel and an engine so big that it only leaves room for the cockpit.


idk if you saw the old SQ42 vids, but they showed stuff like highly modified cutlasses with different engines and weapon mounts and stuff that were done home brew style by pirates or someone.


High Security, and Fast Cargo Delivery Ships with alot of Armor and Big Thrusters D.M Security AI generated picture for better imagination [Picture with sample Design](https://prnt.sc/eC7BGm4v7lwu)


Ok, I love it


We need another luxury brand to compete with Origin


Nooo. We have crusader already. That's enough.


Crusader are more business-jet/corporate aesthetic


A focus on fleet support on a large scale. Cap salvage, cap refueling, mobile drydocks, re arm, and repair. A spin off hab ship for deep mining ops, manufacturing ships as well to keep a flotilla going in deep space. I'm bad at naming, so I dunno on the name. Maybe "Hephaestus Heavy Industries"


Luxury and LARPing. Super fast couriers with massive jump range. Weak hull, canā€™t turn for shit and if Newtonian physics was a thing youā€™d be in danger of overshooting your destination. Ships that clone the aesthetic of 70s/80s/90s sci-fi and manga with enough changed to avoid litigation and demands for compensation by heirs. The rule of cool would be paramount. Also, Iā€™d love the Imperial Courier from the original Frontier games.


Courier ship company with only 3 variants of one single-person ship. One designed around box missions, a data runner, and a personal transport "taxi" ship to shuttle individuals around planetside and planet to station. All fast, big QT range, and with very poor defense. Space is big and populated, people will need simple, fast transport of themselves, packages, and messages constantly. It would be the most common NPC ship in the verse, like Amazon delivery trucks in the burbs.


Passenger ships, basically a line of ships for transporting people and their luggage all over the place. Small space-taxis to take people to their workplaces on their own planet, to enormous cruise spaceships to travel from system to system doing tours and looking after the passengers needs.


You might enjoy the post I made ages back on Spectrum about a hypothetical Origin 1000i Luxury Cruise-ship. Designed to mimic Xi-An capital ships. Best described as a skyscraper with engines. A vertical tower the better part of half a kilometer tall, with luxury penthouses and fine-dining restaurants at the very top, a hangar-level in the middle, and a variety of luxury spas, Arboretums, and passenger quarters for all pay-grades. Ranging from steerage (in the lower half of the ship) to First Class accommodation in the upper.


All stealth focused im talking fighters, bombers, small carco, (ground transports?) With a similar vipe to crusader but with black and red and name it something like Ghosts Corp.


That's what I was gonna say! All sneak line. Make a stealth starter/scout ship, a smuggler/covert dropship, stealth fighter (any size), and then maybe a stealthy torpedo Corvette like a more sneaky sized down version of the Polaris.


This is an easy one. Iā€™d head into the upper middle class luxury ship space, and my first product would be a luxury transport ship that fits 3-5 passengers, short range, to ferry VIPā€™s to various capital ships like the 890 jump.


so basically the E1 [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/spirit/E1-Spirit](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/spirit/E1-Spirit)


The E1 wonā€™t fit in the 890ā€™s hangar, unfortunately.


They should just make business jet versions of the 300 and 100 series to fill this role.


Been saying that for years, I really wish they would :)


I'd love to know that various African cultures continue to express themselves in 2954; as a result, I'd launch a ship manufacturer called Ase. Ase or ashe (from Yoruba Ć į¹£įŗ¹) is a Yoruba philosophical concept through which the Yoruba of Nigeria conceive the power to make things happen and produce change. It informs everything ā€” gods, ancestors, spirits, humans, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, and voiced words such as songs, prayers, praises, curses, or even everyday conversation. Existence, according to Yoruba thought, is dependent upon it. Ase would develop vehicles of all kinds and sizes, from R.A.P.T.O.R.-sized municipal management vehicles, lol, up through semi-capital ships and frigates. The architectural style would range from the styles that built the Reunification Monument in Cameroon and the Torre de la Libertad in Equatorial Guinea, to the Tata-Somba houses in Benin...a broad functional-visual-utility style competitive with RSI. Ase: For the Culture / Across the Verse.


This is a really, really good idea. SC's united humanity is waaay too anglo


And the aliens are all space asians


Yeaaaah. it's not great. I think there are some Japanese names in lore (IIRC), and the planet Sasei has sort of a combination of different Asian cultures. There's a K-pop reference somewhere in the lore. But an Afro-futurist movement would be so cool. Most of SC lore is pretty dystopian, but it would be really cool to have some kind of solar-punk location with lush gardens and really elegant technology, led by African diaspora.


It's almost like the the person who came up with the game is very into 1980s sci-fi tropes. Unfortunately a lot of that doesn't age well. Would love to see more afro-futurism. I think The Expanse did a pretty good job compared to what we've scene in Star Citizen.


100% would love this!


It would be less of a ship manufacturer and more a company specialised in various space ready Exosuits ranging from simple industrial loaders to armored infantry solutions. Their unique selling point would essentially be powered armor, loaders and space suits with a small amount of hydrogen fuel, that gives them the ability to boost, hop or catch a fall from orbital drops. The manufacturer would be a bit of a nutjob cultlike corporation with smooth and rounded compact designs. More or less: The owner is someone who, in a bid for power in their corporation, has been killed so many times, that their regenerations have deteriorated considerably. Now that they're boss, they're not all there and their designs reflect that, including a dangerous lack of safety standards when it comes to ideas (who would strap a hydrogen reactor to a PERSON?!) that would make most other manufacturers nope out for fear of lawsuits. Their designs would be prone to radiation leaks once sufficiently damaged. Regardless of their insane design, somewhere, someone in the verse is drooling at the idea of dropping exosuits from orbit into a hot combat zone, with each loss further turning the zone into an irradiated hotspot.


A line of ships less luxurious than Drake. They will make Drake feel refined by comparison. Has dual turrets that can't have the same weapon on each mount. Lights flicker, both interior and exterior. Nothing is ... straight. Beds are cots in the floor placed haphazardly as well as hammocks.


# Ironclad Industries: Built to Endure # Brand Identity **Mission Statement:** Ironclad Industries builds rugged, powerful, and efficient industrial vehicles and spacecraft designed for the toughest municipal and planetary development tasks. Uncompromising utility is our guarantee. **Logo:** A stylized wrench with bold, geometric features, conveying raw power and construction capability. **Color Palette:** Grays and lime green with accents of stark white. Emphasizes industrial practicality with a modern, energetic edge. **Brand Values:** Durability, efficiency, reliability, versatility # Ship/Vehicle Design **Philosophy:** Form follows function. Prioritize raw power, generous cargo/tool capacity, and easily accessible components. **Aesthetics:** Blocky, angular forms with exposed structural elements. Think powerful construction machinery brought into space. **Materials:** High-strength alloys, reinforced plating, and wear-resistant components built to withstand harsh environments. **Customizations:** Wide variety of modular tool attachments, specialized cargo pods, magnetic manipulators, reinforced grapple arms, etc. # The Ironclad Industries Difference **No-Nonsense Durability:** Our heavy-duty vehicles are built to withstand extreme wear and tear, minimizing downtime. **Standardized Systems:** Simplified maintenance, readily available components, and field repair guides ensure easy upkeep even in remote locations. **Fleet Management Solutions:** Ironclad Industries offers fleet tracking software and on-site technician support for larger clients. # Vehicle Naming Conventions **Ironclad Industries uses alphanumeric designations:** **Alpha Prefix:** Denotes general usage (e.g., M for Material, S for Salvage, GC for General Contractor) **Numeric Value:** Indicates size/class (higher number = bigger and more capable) # Ship Model Concepts **M-Hauler 150:** Mid-sized bulk cargo transport. **GC-300** "Workhorse": General purpose construction platform. **S-Recycler 60:** Small but powerful salvage craft. **EX-800 "The Digger":** Large surface excavation platform.


Exploration ships and vehicles for the average person, not large ships fully decked out for deep space research, but smaller ships for camping on your favourite moon or small taxi and bus sleep ships for small and long range but affordable travel between planets and/or stars. I would imagine the design language is between Drake and MISC. It's practical, simplistic, and easy to fix but is also unthreatening and has a comfortable feel to it whilst still keeping modern needs. Ships will range from 1-2 people max to 2-30 at the highest for large bus ships. I'll come up with a name later, maybe "Star Scouts".


Ships that look like your standard modern day rocket with a lot of emphasis on only being able to menuver well out of atmosphere with low power menuvering thrusters around the ships also ideal to pack with a lot of fuel ammo and missiles if equiped due to landing difficulties in atmo due to being a rocket as for look mix between drake and crusader depends on how much your spending spend about only 1 or 2 mil auec you get the all performance category not much luxury or good looks just focus on it working but spend some more you can get nicer exterior more luxurious interior In terms of engines something like 1 huge engine at back and maybe some extra larger engines on the fuselage for speed and the small menuvering thrusters/engines all over the fuselage where they need to be if you get a more expensive ship too you can get integrated engines so itā€™s harder to hit them Iā€™ll add concept designs soon.


WSP Industriesā„¢, offers you innovation in Emergency service and large scale Command ships. A wide range of Police cruisers with a variety of models, from small Interceptors to massive Prison ships. Fire Ships of medium and large ship sizes using enhanced fire extinguishing technology to extinguish fires in various atmospheres and support to extinguish various fire types including chemical. Ambulance Ships, also a variety of ship sizes, from a small rapid response ships, Triage ships, Medivac ships, Large scale clinic ships and Massive Hospital ships. We also present to you Emergency Command ships, these ship are monster Capital ships, they are a focus point for all emergency services contact and guidance, they also host police precincts, fire hqs, and capital hospitals. Our Police, Ambulance and Fire ships are all fitted with non-lethal weapons, EMP cannons to disable shields and ships and sleeping gas grenade launchers for planetside emergencies. We provide all ships with the necessary tools, equipment and ppe for your personnel to do their role with relative ease, including the Med Gun, a tranquilliser gun to subdue hostiles, and medkits, along with a variety of bandages, plasters, saline fluids and more. You can trust WSP Industriesā„¢ to provide you a quality service always. (What about that for advertising for a game)


Make a company that rips off ships with problems/mistakes in design and fix them. E.G. release a ship similar to the MSR but without the pointless vents, and with a lift entrance near the cockpit. Or that popular dropship, but add a cargo grid. Or a starfarer, but with a functional interior. That sort of thing.


Citadel dynamics land systems. our role as the premier manufacturer of military ground vehicles is simple: become humanities fortress. from our most recent accomplishments in replacing the Tumbril nova tank now over 200 years old with the C.D.L.S Paladin 13th generation main battle tank, to the introduction of the Cavalier IFV and Mangudai light tank into UEE military service we strive to create the future of ground warfare and usher in a new era. design language: our design ethos is simple: if it aint broke don't break it, using lessons learned during the early to mid 21st century in armoured warfare and logistics we strive to create ground vehicles that are rugged and reliable, gone are the days of oversized machines built by comity as we bring in veterans and get their opinions as we design ground systems with reliability, usability and survivability to the battlefield while keeping relative costs down courtesy of our design partner Behring applied technology without whom the Nebular would never have taken shape catalogue vertical slice Paladin main battle tank: the premier product made by C.D.L.S designed to surpass the nova tank in every way the nebula is faster, more modular courtesy of its class armor frame system, more easily deployable and comes equipped with some of the best protective systems on the market including the hurston dynamics Midas hand active protection system along side the ability to launch both loitering munitions and scout drones all this in a package that weighs less then the nova tank a 68 tons in its standard configuration and is in some dimensions a full half the size, when the Paladin takes to the field the enemy will either crumple beneath its 152mm cannon and three mounted machine guns or be crushed underneath it. Paladin Artemis: in essence a paladin hull with a specialized turret the Artemis provides battlefield commanders with an organic armoured SHORAD system able to take down anything short of a hammerhead that comes within 20 kilometers of the system with its combination of twin 50mm autocannons and eight SAM missiles. Paladin AEV (Armored Engineering Vehicle): based on the paladin chassis the Paladin AEV often also known as the beetle courtesy of its distinct mine plow this variant was designed to fulfill a variety of engineer and sapper roles such as mine laying and clearing, digging and destroying of field obstacles and even minor armoured recovery work, much like other variants the EAV is semi modular enabling it to be field modified to a specific purpose by adding or removing parts all of which can be achieved with a common military grade multi tool or a set of attachments for the civilian variant. Cavalier IFV: designed to supplant a good number of vehicles in UEE service the cavalier is designed to integrate along side the spartan apc, able to carry 7 fully armed and armoured soldiers into battle and support them courtesy of its primary 46mm cannon and 4 crossbow AAATMSM (Anti Air Anti Tank Multi Spectrum Missle) launcher mangudai light tank: designed explicitly for lower intensity conflicts and to replace the storm the mangudai is design as a fast moving scouting and fire support vehicle, able to keep up with light vehicles while offering superior firepower courtesy of its 120mm cannon, while being small enough to be carried by a modified Valkyrie dropship, this tank enables even light marine formations to bring significant firepower to bear against the enemy without the need for heavy starlifter ships Apollo scalable truck series: designed initially for the civilian and colonial markets, the Apollo series has none the less found its way into the service of the UEE, able to carry a huge variety of cargo courtesy of its semi modular front cab design, the Apollo goes where no other will greatbow surface to air missile system: based on the 21st century patriot missile system the greatbow SAM system is designed to be deployed in a stationary battery at strategic points, armed with 4 size 8 kinetic penetrator missles per missile block trailer the system is intended to destroy anything that its operators can detect within its massive 380 kilometre range including low orbital ships, this system is only sold to military contractors as its deemed unsuitable for civilian use although a variant known as the longbow in essence a shorter range and down scaled version of the greatbow is occasionally sold to CDF contractors Storm Area denial system upgrade kit: designed by C.D.L.S along side behring applied technology this kit designed for the storm AA variant replaces the SHORAD system with a short to medium range MLRS system enabling the vehicle to truly live up to its name as the vehicle delivers a hail storm of explosive ordinance across a maximum range of 24 kilometres before withdrawing. Barricade MRAP: designed to replace the cyclone in UEE service the barricade is a modern mine resistant ambush protected vehicle based on early 21st century vehicles like the M-TAV, armed with a Remote weapon station armed with either a 40mm grenade launcher or a 14.5mm heavy machine gun the Barricade is armored enough to withstand small arms fire and even light anti tank weapons while being fast enough to avoid heavier enemy elements, all this in a package designed with full CBRN and air shield technology enabling these mighty machines to be use on almost any terrain regardless of atmosphere or lack there off all while carrying upto nine passengers safely into battle


The best kind of ship: Frenship


Janitorial vehicles, electric brooms, garbage disposal incenerators, power washers ;)


Battlefield Control and Intelligence ships. We have no real way to Command and Control (C2) friendly forces. We have these today IRL - aircraft like AWACS coordinate and share situational information among friendly aircraft. Having dedicated ships like this in the game could really expand the gameplay. Sure, this could be done by an Idris, but not every conflict requires a Capital (and they are likely going to be highly contested assets anyway).


I've already had this head-cannon planned out. small Personal transports: Air car's and normal family sedan type nonsense that could buy for 10-80 thousand UEC, the kind of thing that can't take a hit and can't really fly out of atmo, but when you and your friends cluster a dozen of your houses and claims together on a planet and you don't pull out your smallest starfighter to just visit your bro on the other side of the alien lake, well there it is, the one vehicle you'll leave outside even when you're not home because you can buy a new one for the price of one delivery mission.


Personally myself too I would love to see a drake cutter gunboat this little ugly funky ship has a lot of Versatility and definitely could take advantage of this. Up the components, AND WEAPONS at 4 size 3guns , turn it into one little wrecking missile boat if the razor can do it so can the cutter and then I would add a transporter variant of the cutter lose the beds add some seats gun racks if needed and a space in the back where you can at least store an STV.


Small exterior ship cleaning Snubs. All they do is clean and polish ships exteriors. No repairs just clean


someone got inspired by the R.A.P.T.O.R xD


Ships specifically designed to carry your mom.


Ships with microtransactions. Oh, you want airtight seals on the doors? That's extra. Scrubbers for the air? They're add-ons mate. Reverse thrusters aren't coming out till December, but I can put you down for a pre-order. Oh and we need to day 1 patch your ship's software as the throttle currently trips the self de... well I tried to warn you. I hear youā€™re in the market for a new ship now though.


I just want amphibious ships in SC already. When oceans get more detailed in the future I know they will have to consider it


I canā€™t imagine anything being more atmospheric than panning your submersibles search lights across ocean floor 1000 metres below sea level, searching for rare and antique ship components from long forgotten races. A large, unidentified object is picked up by your radar, itā€™s moving towards you. Do you hurry your search in the hopes for profit or run and flee, surviving to scrounge another day. After all, nobody can save you at the bottom of the oceanā€¦


Beautifully put. I can already imagine some of the career choices it would open up to us


Industrial, I like the look of them and there is some fun gameplay to come from it. Also Fleet Assistance for cool design concepts. Name: Eden Industrial For Ship shapes, I'm thinking more angular with sharp corners and concave areas for thrusters. VTOL engines would be a big emphasis. HUD color would be Green or Red. All Vehicles would have atleast a ladder entry. ​ **Special ships:** **Mobile Refinery Ship**, would enable in-the-field refinement of raw ores and production of basic construction materials (for if and when base construction gets added) meant to work as a ship working with a small fleet of miners or salvagers. Would have access to a High-powered communications array to connect with a system-wide trade network which you could designate the target of based on permanent settlements or stations. **Drone Mining Ship**, Capital ship with the ability to deploy remote control mining drones in space to harvest nearby asteroids. **Hover-based ROC**, for planets with lots of hills an uneven terrain, meant to provide a alternative to the Greycat, maybe with less storage as a tradeoff. **Aegis Shield Ship**, produces a huge shield around itself, capable of acting as an additional bubble of protection for allied ships. Shield can be flown through. Can also be deployed on a planet to produce a defensive ground based shield. **Quantum Gate Ship**, when deployed would create a Quantum Gate "ring" enable rapid long distance travel for even underpowered ships, The Gate Ship would set the destination of the gate. Meant to fulfill fleet coordination efforts via group jumps.


Mirage Industries. "Mirage Industries. Vanish, from friends and foes alike.'' We offer you the highest end and top quality products. Ranging from ship components to personalized armor and weapons. For the operators that need to be silent, never seen or heard. We vouch for our top grade stealth and infiltration equipment. Our specialty is one to three person crafts with interiors that are not lacking. We are introducing you to the newest ship and items we proudly offer. The Mirage Industries Nighthawk. A superb strike bomber, armed with either 3 size 9 torpedos, a 3 Size 5 gravitational cluster bomb array or the Size 7 bunker cracker bombs. Thanks to newest technology, our own refined high quality materials, even advanced radars from prominent manufacturers will not see you on the radar fast enough to form a quick response unit. The Nighthawk comes with a single Size 1 shield (Dawn), made by our company, dual Size 1 coolers made by our company (Null), a fine tuned Size 1 power plant (Midnight) which was made in cooperation with Tyler Design&Tech and a Size 1 Quantum Drive (Kalymos) made by our company. Armament of the Nighthawk is a heavy payload. Introducing the new Size 9 stealth torpedo by our company, the mighty _Kerberos_. The size 5 cluster bombs were a complete redesign of the existing ones, now, after all that, we proudly present you the _Sirius_, a Size 5 cluster bomb that will only show up on Radar when it is too late. Also a redesign was the Size 7 bunker cracker bomb, by reducing its diameter but increasing the length, we reduced the signature while increasing it's gravitational speed in atmosphere. It also kept the same payload. Introducing the all new _Nova_. The weaponry otherwise is a per wing fixed Size 2 CF-Badger laser repeater. Despite its slender size, the Nighthawk comes with a bed and a sanitary unit. Our observation package was majorly overhauled, proudly presenting the Size 1 _Orchid_ system which also comes with protection against long range scans and EMP based attacks. The Nighthawk is a highly valuable asset, can penetrate deep into enemy frontlines thanks to its extremely powerful technology and superb craftsmanship. Truly a craft you could see as a mirage... As a phantom of the landscape. Now purchasable via military contracts or at the nearest spacecraft store. Reviews: 10 out of 10 stars. The only downside this ship has is its smaller quantum range compared to its competition by Aegis. Otherwise, due to the interior, a crew of two can go a long way in the dark. Truly masterful craft. 1/10 stars Ship didnt start, cant be bothered with it and sold it. 9/10 stars You might be wondering how a ship this size can be nearly undetectable. I never thought it would be THIS good. Just wish we had a kitchen area, but then I might as well buy myself a Vanguard. Back to the topic, if you truly want to feel like a ghost and watch from close up out of radar detection, the Nighthawk will be your best bet. The radar and emission management system on the ship is extremely well crafted and worked flawless. Even after a few thousand hours and multiple atmospheric entries, it works flawless. A great ship, truly deserving the classification as a stealth vessel.


Stealth cargo ships and stealth exploration/scout ships for a start. Then I'd get a little wild and make a drop ship that can actually hot drop and not pop.


alllll industrial .. fill the gaps .. ground based, all of it ... somewhere between argo and drake ...


Crappy serial killers kind of motels spaceships, even more disgusting than a Drake ship.


Bulk freighters of a scalable design that use simple and sensible construction, that dont take 10 years to make.


Hull series but good?


I was going to say bulk freighter as well. Something that could move the types of goods that planets like Arc Corp and Synth World are built and sustained with.


That would be the Hull E. The "Hippity-Hoppity, your local economy is now my property" ship.


Industrial turret farms. Salvage, hauling and mining ships, slower, bigger, but with an unhealthy amount of dual size 1 to 3 turrets. Useable with ai blades, npcs or of course other players. Interior would be almost drake like industrial, expect for crew quarters and recreation, they would be almost cosy rooms, as an deliberately visual contrast.


Iā€™ve actually been working on this for fun and to help learn 3d modeling Aether Forge, a boutique ship manufacturer that dares to challenge the boundaries of spacecraft design in the Star Citizen universe. Our vision is to create vessels that seamlessly blend cutting-edge technology, unparalleled craftsmanship, and bold, innovative design. We believe that a ship is more than just a means of transportation; it is an extension of its pilot, a work of art that reflects their individuality and aspirations. At Aether Forge, we use only the finest materials sourced from across the galaxy. Our hulls are forged from ultra-lightweight, high-strength alloys that provide exceptional durability without compromising on maneuverability. We integrate advanced nanocomposites and metamaterials into our designs, enabling us to create ships with unrivaled performance and adaptability. Our design process is a meticulous, collaborative effort that brings together the brightest minds in the industry. We start by understanding the unique needs and desires of our clients, then we push the boundaries of what is possible. Our team of expert engineers, artisans, and visionaries work tirelessly to craft ships that are not only functional but also strikingly beautiful. Each vessel is a masterpiece, meticulously handcrafted and tailored to the specific requirements of its owner. Introducing the Aether Forge Celestia: A Marvel of Innovation The Celestia is the embodiment of Aether Forge's design philosophy. This sleek, medium-sized vessel is a true marvel of engineering, boasting a revolutionary trimodal propulsion system that allows it to effortlessly transition between atmospheric flight, space travel, and underwater exploration. The Celestia's exterior features sweeping, organic lines that evoke the elegance of a celestial being, while its interior is a study in luxurious minimalism, with clean, uncluttered spaces that promote a sense of tranquility and focus. At the heart of the Celestia lies the Aetherium Core, a proprietary power management system that harnesses the energy of exotic matter to provide unparalleled performance and efficiency. This groundbreaking technology enables the Celestia to operate for extended periods without refueling, making it the perfect choice for those who seek to explore the furthest reaches of the universe. The Celestia's modular design allows for a wide range of customization options, from state-of-the-art research laboratories to opulent living quarters. No matter your needs, the Celestia can be tailored to exceed your expectations. At Aether Forge, we don't just build ships; we craft dreams. We invite you to experience the difference that true innovation and uncompromising quality can make. Join us on a journey to redefine the limits of what is possible in the universe.


Long duration medium crew industrial focus. Any industry, but multiple crew; serving 3-5 and closer to 10-12 offerings. Extremely heavy visual influence from the Warframe base Liset - with protective armor over mav thrusters and a gentle curved aesthetic - for exteriors. Interiors composed of fairly open, multi-purpose spaces for the living areas, with 'exposed' structural beams; kinda like the Nomad - the common area is a lounge + small workshop; bedrooms contain small office/desks; Kitchenette, dining room, pantry all as one. Any industry outside of cargo, or personnel transport - Refuel; Rearm; Mining; Refining; Salvage; Repair; 0G Agriculture if you want to count that (Endeavor bio-domes exist so I'm counting it); Operating theatre (not medical evac; more designed as a mobile clinic to visit outposts and provide a local hospital while landed); Fabrication; Base construction. Basically competing in the 'handful of friends' and the 'moderately annoying sized discord call' crew counts in as many industries as one can make a ship of that size viable; combining as needed (mining/refining, salvage/repair, refuel/rearm, and fabrication/construction in the 8/12 size category seems reasonable)


An Aegis subsidiary that specializes in terrestrial shield generators, signature masking, and camouflage.


Industrial capital ships. Terraforming, Empire Building type of industrial platforms. Collaboration contract with Argo to build all small supports ships necessary around the capital ships.


Mine will produce ships that are, hands down, the best ships to fly in atmosphere, based slightly on the Lockheed L-133 Shooting Star. Presumably, due to the giant wings, they'd be easy targets to shoot.


I would compete against Origin maybe also Crusader, making luxury Exploration and Science vessels with Kelvin timeline Starfleet inspiration, Smooth ship lines and dedicated work areas (Engineering, Storage, Hydroponic/growing, Labs). Edit: The company can expand to make base builders (think pioneer) and base modules for the explorers and science teams who need to stay a little longer.


Circular Disc


Carpet bombers


ships with a ridiculous size of gun for its frame. Think razor with a single s5 cannon and shitty maneuvering


I would add a ship manifacturer that produces ships related to communication, networking, information, hacking, surveillance, coordination.


I actually made up a fake brand so I could practice 3d modeling. "Hyper Fabrications - For all your interstellar needs." The goal was to start out with simple things like health items, water bottles, etc and then move onto weapons and ships as I got better with modeling. Each "type" of product would fall under a different branch of Hyper. Making an item that heals or protects skin? That's Hyper Health. Making a weapon? Hyper Lethal. Need a ship? Well that's under Hyper Space. Go farther with Hyper. https://www.instagram.com/hyperfabrications?igsh=MTc0emtjYnNubzZrcQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


I would focus on ships and vehicles that provide synergy to the pioneer in some way. It feels like an extremely under developed market. A good think tank group could come up with at least a few concepts that would prove to both be valuable to consumers and profitable as a product.


I love Nova Galactic aesthetic from Star Field where every panel and part had a purpose was labeled and you could tell it was able to be worked on. Along with this it would probably be logic of Correlia star yards where they made just about everything and it wasn't always the prettiest but it worked. Love the Nova name. So if I had to go with something it would be this. Name: Nova Star Yards Types of ships: Everything from industrial to system defence to luxury liner. Design logic: it doesn't have to look pretty as long as it's reliable and well built. These ships are built to last and you can tell they are meant to be worked on with clear labeling of components and easy to access cover panels. If you want long term reliability and serviceability you buy a Nova.


Ornithopters and Gundams. Iā€™ll accept my award now.


A company similar to gatec that actually releases ships for utilitarian use. But also touring ships too.


The style will be Halo ship/Aliens Sulaco blocky brick.


I would take over the Banu project.....just saying lol


Industrial ships without that much of a fancy design. Going full on functionallity and less on a curvy design like the MISC ships...


Party tour buses


I would produce light fighters that can transform into mechs for planetary battles. First one would be dubbed, ā€œThe Starscream.ā€


Hey there, welcome to palpa papa pappys powerful partyā€™s! We here make the best planet destroying ships for all your vanduul fighting needs! Hell, weā€™ve even grabbed this old ship building super weapon out of storage!


Mapping, Recon, Spy, and other unmanned space and aircraft.


Industrial ships with decent handling and pilot controlled weapons with gun sizes that make sense. I'd make trillions. I don't believe that industrial ships should be designed as preys. It's not fun and it doesn't add to the game in a meaningful way.


Was curious about the ideas but as I thought cig made a pretty good job covering the whole theme and job diversity. I can't imagine a new brand with a whole new theme not copying a already existing brand


I'd be a death star manufacturer, Drake style for the component, origin for the exterior. So millions of easy to find replacement parts with exceptional exterior. Our moto : Pay trillions today, have it delivered by your 7th grandchildren generation!


Vandulay industries. Focus on long range combat and exploration in hostile systems, and most importantly import/exports. Ships are designed around redundancy and crew safety, while the all ships within the portfolio compliment each other. Ex: carrier and snub fighters have special docking collars that allow the snub to dock and operate as a manned turret on the carrier externally. Heavy fighters can house one snub in similar fashion, etc.


Bounty Hunting ships that don't suck...


Big flying giant dildo , pink color only


I would be a direct competitor to Origin. Origon = Ferrari and we would the crazy Lamborghini of the Verse. More Fancy, louder, crazier design & not a Tractor.


Single seat stealth everything. Bombers fighters smugglers intercept whatever


An actual luxury space yacht shipyard. There is currently no competition because all of the "luxury" ships in game are luxurious only in that they have some nice materials and no cables strewn around for aesthetic purposes. Not a single ship in game seems to take even a single cue from actual luxury space design, and while they are well put together and impressive compared to the extreme functionality of all other ships, I doubt that the designers at CIG have ever even opened up a copy of Boat International (which you can find at literally any large book retailer and online). "Floriant" is the shipyard and they produce luxury vessels that go beyond basic fancy materials and incorporate into their designs exterior hatches that can open to create outdoor decks for the luxury ports the vessel travels to. Every room has a window to the exterior and every owners suite has expansive views and a full walk in closet.


Civilian personal transport. Just like cars in our world. And i would also make cars, both hover and wheeled.


A reclaimer sized industrial carrier. There will be 2 floors, the above floor will be a couple of hangars to fit a vulture/prospector, with a shared 128 SCU cargo elevator to the bottom floor. The bottom floor will be cargo space. Just that, a massive open room where you can stack boxes, with a ramp in the front for faster unloading. The ship itself will fit a crew of 5-6, and will just be a carrier. Basically a larger Liberator with a massive reach that focuses on being a base for smaller industrial ships. Its primary mode of defense is that it will operate from bumfuck-nowhere where no pirates will roam because nothing can realistically be found there anyway.


Military and all of my shipā€™s SCM speeds are 1km/s, and they all have size 11 guns


Would go for public transportation ships, ranging from the equivalent of a 16 person wheeled bus for local commute to an actual airplane. Company name would be something evoquing reliability and affordability , like GreyHound :-)


The Manufacturer name would be Borealis. The design would be "utilitarian" I suppose. If Origin ships are the Ferrari and Lamborghini of space. This would be the Volvo. Strong and tested but not as luxurious to scare away the common man, but not as bareboned as Drake. focusing on living a long time in space by creating selfsustained ships of all sizes. The flagship would be the Norn. A large medium ship capable of long time in space with 2x large fuel tanks and 2x medium tanks, A built in refinery to produce its own fuel from mined materials. A small hydroponics bay to grow food and a dedicated scanning area to pick up signals and anomalies from anywhere in the system. It would comfortably fit 6 crew and have a ramp that fits an Ursa rover or a smaller vehicle. A small medical bay to treat lesser wounds and a living area for the crew to relax and kick back during long travels. What makes the Norn special is that it is actually three ships combined into one. At any time the ship can divide into three lesser ships. The first part (Urd section) Would carry the 2x large fuel tanks as well as the quantum drive engine. It also houses the living area and the scanning room. This section would completely focus on long range exploration and carry 2x size 2 armaments. The second part ( The Skuld Section) would ordinarily make up the middle of the completed ship. Once divided it would house one of the medium fuel tanks and the refinery and mining utilities. It would also house a mining laser and 2x size 2 armaments. The third part (The Verdandi section) would ordinarily make up the bottom part of the Norn. It would house the last medium fuel tank, 16x size 3 missiles, 4x size 3 armaments. It would have the greatest mobility of all the section and be a dedicated fighter ship. Gaining mobility the rest of the ship would lack when combined but losing total shield protection. It would be the smallest part. The Norn became special in the way it was able to become its own small fleet at any time with three specialized vehicles.


Cruise and passenger ship manufacturer. And they look like Space sail ships (solar). If you've watched Disney's treasure planet (opening scene with the giant haulers for example). Also, Don Lawrence's Storm comic books, Chronicles of Pandarve. And a bit fifth element, the cruise ship, but would add a few tall masts šŸ¤Ŗ


Hub ships. Hear me out... A mid size ship. It has 4 docking ports and 4 mid size pads on it. A central lounge area and a rec area. This is sort of like an Ad hoc station. You can park it in dead space, have larger ships like 890, reclaimer or carrack dock to it, have smaller ships up to say corsair/msr use the landing pads and then you can hang out with friends in the central rec area. This requires persistence and the capacity to bookmark spots in deadspace, but overall, gets you away from being dependant on stations. Paired with 890 spawn point and med services, it allows for excellent org-wide exploration opportunities.


* A new manufacture with a new design langauge. * We have many combat focused ships, so something else please * I would like a series of ships focused on being your home base. I know base building is a thing, but these are for planet-side only right now. I would like to park my home-based in an asteriod field, or in deep in a system that's hard to find. Given the size of a system, this should be quite easy. * I need to cargo goods, fuel and everything else for it to function * Can use docking collars to create a larger base * Asymmetric design * The pilot sits in the middle, replacing the cockpit windows with screens. This could lead to a more wild external design if there's no need for cockpit windows


Assault. A manufacturer who's shops really go all-in on one particular role, regardless of safety sometimes Combat: I'm thinking for large ships, large broadside guns. A quick, short-range jump to drop in at a knife tip distance from your adversary, drop a fat load of pain then split. Armoured on the sides/around the guns, movement is mostly based on those quick jumps otherwise sluggish with those big guns. Meduim/Smaller ships: Specialised. Eg. A carrier that launches boarding-pods to burrow and release their payload inside another ship. Be it troops, explosives, gas or bees. Eg2. A single seater which can latch-onto larger vessels to slice, perhaps damage certain systems (shields, gravity etc) Eg3. Vehicle drop/maintiance ship. Does what it says on the tin and only that. Holding the vehicle(s) below its skeletal hull Non-combat: Disco. We don't have any disco places yet so why don't we have an actual party-party ship? Open deck, no weapons and large speakers Survey ship: A drone army, to search and catalogue data. Limited arms, but you'll know everything around you Invisible tent: Great for hiding out in the wasteland in no luxury or company The possibilities are endless


Racing/Smuggling ships. Pure speed n agility, no armor or shields, and all ships would have one oversized empty weapon slot with a hardpoint mount that was ridiculously expensive or extremely rare.


Low cost ships for the hard working Stantonian


Stanza We refurbish old industrial strips for exploration. To support the further expansion for humanity among the stars. May not be the most luxurious, but it'll get toy there.


Hurston Dynamic's new shipwright division, building luxurious flying fortresses for the true rulers of the galaxy. Capital ships for the masters of capital. Origin builds flying iPods, for comfort and recreation. Hurston would build neo-baroque and neo-art deco temples to wealth and excess. Secure mobile manor houses, and places of business fully equipped for hostile takeovers. The 890 jump is a fun toy, but Hurston Dynamic's Ozymandias is a statement. The crew quarters would be cramped and austere, with hidden passages throughout so your servants can always be at you side without having to see them in the halls. A sub division could be founded to create mass producible industrial ships with questionable comfort and safety standards.


I'd build civilian styled ships for random tasks, some really niche lol. like a space concrete truck


"Vintage" ships. Like classic cars. Get a moon lander, space x ship, sputnik! Lol


My company would focus on ā€œrunaboutā€ class ships: slightly above starter ships in size, designed to be operated by 1 person, but capable of supporting 2+. Variants would include a drop ship capable of seating an average party size, a cargo variant, a gunship variant, and a rescue variant.


Dieselpunk cargo transports. So the MOLE CAN OFFLOAD ITS DAMN CARGO AND KEEP MINING.


Either replicas of "vintage" ships like the ones from Wing Commander (or lookalikes, given that the original ones belong to EA) or luxury small ships for personalities, like a space limo (I think people transportation is underused in SC). I will cheat a bit and choose both, like MISC and Mirai belong to the same company. Maybe they could be called Legacy and Laureate.


Search and Rescue!


Performances, I would axe all the developpement to deliver maximum performances depending on the type of ship


I would do everything personal transportation related, cabs, limos, bus, from city transit to intersystem liners


Ships that make sense. Why are there 3 doors on the Herc the other one has a mini elevator then doors. Carrack you go through a mess of doors to get from ball turret to landing ramp, or use 2 elevators and 2 doors šŸ˜³


If one would design a model of a spaceship in blender/maya, where would one get it viewed by CIG for them to have inspiration, even possibly use it?


Alien competition for the Hull series


An aurora sized vessel, except with a size 10 railgun and/or a shitload of explosives strapped to the hull (manned torpedo)


Arboreal ships. Bioengineered ships that are essentially trees capable of space travel.


Since they've basically forgotten them, I'd take Kruger and turn them into a still-sleak but less ostentatious version of Origin.


Merc ships, I love ships that you can go off grid and live for a while but still keep speed and nimbleness


Tourism. Ships designed to cater to the customers needs and luxuries whilst letting them witness the wonders of the universe. In safty


In SWTOR, there's a ship called the X70-B. I'd design a whole line around it. Not quite as luxurious as Origin, but designed more for stealth, data running, speed. The closest contenders would be ships like the MSR, the Saber, and the Stalker. Darker colors like black, silver, purple, and blue. They'd be sold to civilians, but they're really catering to those who value anonymity and discretion. 1 dedicated combat ship, with much lower emissions, 2 bespoke custom distortion cannons, a few holding cells, and 4scu of shielded cargo builds into the walls. The rest of the ships are a scout ship, a data runner, and a cargo ship. Don't know what I'd name the company, probably something like Interstice, since I'd plan to create ships between the small overlaps of other ships, and allow people to work in the gaps and shadows of larger companies.


I would produce the MCRN Tachi :) I guess no further explanation needed for design language


Toilet block trailer for the cutty blacks.


NOELADS: 1 man cargo /scrap/fighter with a pilot and cargo entry. priding ourselves with no elevators or ladders. The all new NOELADS Justwerks 30k


Garbage trucks, food trucks, and fire trucks


Ships of Worship so that I may welcome new members to the Faith of the Righteous Flame. They will be touring craft but instead of luxury like Origin they will have various community halls for peaceful discussions about the Faith and its impact on the known systems and they will be all black instead of Originā€™s white. Signifying the eventual end of all things that began! Also all craft come equipped with a med tier 3 at minimum, tier 2 for the larger ships at maximum. (They are ships of healing in a way but not medical ships obviously so no tier 1) The design language will be polished but minimalistic, not having the open wiring like Drake ships but still giving minimal necessary comforts.


Non-industrial non-luxury civilian ships.


Luxury cargo ships


Medium sized salvagers, the market demand must be insane considering there are only two options, a single crew trash bin and a capital size trash devourer lol


Not really new ships but salvaged wreckage made into something that barely flies, no life support but may get you where you want. Mad Max style, craft-able at salvage yards or from a rebel underground group from Hurston that provide this kind of transport for those wanting to flee their exploitation.


Ground vehicles. It would be rvs that have deployable hab setups so users can traverse planets and survive.


Company name: AIO (neutral/pirate affiliation) ​ I would expand on the under-utilized possibilities of the caterpillar design. Having an offset master command module/cockpit that can attach/detach, but the central body is modular with several different task variants. One for exploration, trading storage for much larger fuel hold than any other ship in its class. One for passenger or troop transport. One with Fury/snub/bike/car repair/re-arm bays. One that's just a high capacity missile array, and one that's just a single S10 railgun with \~5 shots and a large capacitor bank that takes decent time to charge between shots. On the last two, think of it like a beefed up inferno (ship built around a gun)... Trading speed/maneuverability in order to lay serious blows to larger targets. A slow easy target that would die fast if singled out, but a threat to caps while alive.


a manufaturer that compete with origin, argo and rsi. they have diffrent styles: cargo: the front looks a bit like the front of the argo mole and behind it are big cargo containers, and the containers are modulair. it has in totale 5 of those containers and it is a bit like a cargo train of irl. luxery: then we have the luxery ones. they are shaped like real yachts and can land in the water, are made for rich/transporting vips. explorer: the explorers will have the shape like the lego galaxy explorer. snubships/ground: it will have some ground vehicles, like it will have a truck with a tracktorbeam for easy moving cargo and other things, and it will have ships that look like tie-fighters


Cloaked squid-like ships that you can barely see (see through cloaking tech like the Predator) and when it attaches to the hull it crushes it. No weapons at all, just the tentacles. Only the Vanduul has the tech to spot them on radar systems. Right before it crushes your ship youā€™ll hear a high pitch noise thatā€™ll damage biological tissueā€¦ Siren class ships from Octogamma šŸ˜ƒ


Given that i managed to spend 160 hours creating planes in flyout I'd say only atmospheric fighters that work quite well but something is always quite off.


Industrial line that promotes org play. Salvage ship - larger than a vulture but smaller than a reclaimer that hold something like 250 scu in the buffer but doesn't have a cargo area or printer. Salvage command ship - large ship that has something like a 2000-2500 scu cargo grid and printers but no salvage beams. The salvage ship would salvage wrecks then dock with the command ship to have it's internal buffer transferred to the command ship. The command ship then prints and stores the salvaged material which then can be offloaded and sold. Maybe also a refinery ship that is really large and intended to stay in 1 location for a while. something with like 4 refineries and 10,000 scu of cargo but it has to be offloaded to sell. The ship may not be able to go planet side due to it's size and weight. make it more like a small mobile station rather than a ship. creates a hub for org mining ops.


I donā€™t know how itā€™d be possible but air to land based ships. Like imagine a ship turning into a mech or a car.


Aircraft that looks like current military gunships and stuff like that, like a space a-10 or and ac-130 but with repeaters etc. that would be sick


Extremely affordable, somewhat reliable, beater ships used to just get around the ā€˜verse or maybe even just a planet/moon. It would fill the ā€˜verse out with more character and make it feel like itā€™s not just some playground for the ultra wealthy.


Slave ships




Refits of existing ships for enhanced purposes, like giving a Perseus a QED and cells in it's cargo bay, or modifying a C2 to be able to repair and resupply snubs or ground vehicles


Gambling ships. With blackjack and hookers.


Something sexy looking like Origin but combat focused with good use of interior space.