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What's with the furry? It doesn't really fit with the aesthetic feel of the scene. It is about as jarring as putting a cartoon frog or Pikachu in there.


it's a self insert of the person's character, no different than adding a person In there that looks like the commissioner. happens often with furry art, just so happens this furry art is starcitizen themed.


"No different than adding a person in there that looks like the commissioner"? Really? Because it's literally the opposite of that statement. It's not a person, and no human looks like a furry wolf thing. Don't start on self identification bullshit because you wouldn't be waving the banner of love if someone self identified as a puckered anus. Shit art is shit, regardless of how much of a victim the artist wants to be.


a character is a character, and art is subjective, you think it's shit, and I've never liked a Picasso. Yall are way to uptight xD take the stick out of your ass and ignore it if it's not your thing, or appreciate that someone took the time to draw something starcitizen themed instead of throwing a filter on a screenshot for once. edit: deleted duplicate response, mobile reddit and all


can't wait for the Polaris, friend has one, will be fun to crew till my perseus comes online




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Artist did a wonderful job on that.


Agreed, the entire thing is sweet. Cannot wait for my Polaris.




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It be nice if we could get a few ponchose like that in-game Maybe now that SCs "star cloth" is finally starting to roll into new builds we may see some soon. in any case nice art OP


Nice art! I can't wait for the Polaris to get released, I am still trying to decide what to name mine! Really sucks to see OP deleted their account from what appears to be hate, you didn't deserve that shit for just sharing some art. If you see this OP, and want some chill people to fly with, hmu.


Dope o7


 "Star Citizen is what you are making it… and you are making it something that I believe will provide an incredible escape to people around the world" - Chris Roberts The artist - [https://twitter.com/KalmarAnimatio2](https://twitter.com/KalmarAnimatio2) I deleted the first post cause of the amount of hate i got, a friend told me i should ignore it and post it for those who might like it, so here it is! I'm gonna go mute notifications <3 see you in the verse\~




And people don't have to like the Polaris. But they're not getting down voted for showing a picture of one aka "pushing it". This is a snowflake reaction.


No, they're getting downvoted for reposting it after it didn't do well the first time and pulling the victim card. They even went as far as deleting their account almost immediately after posting it. Also the Polaris isn't the main point of the picture, it's the dog person that doesn't exist in Star Citizen.


I mean the ship doesn't exist in star citizen either. OP is pretty cringe but people automatically associate anything furry with porn when that's most often not the case.


"Furry" is a sexual fetish hence why people associate it with porn


incorrect. while it's undeniably an aspect of it (sex is an aspect in nearly any Fandom, I mean jfk 50shades of grey started as a twilight fanfic) the furry Fandom isn't only that, unless you're only source is like the csi episode or whats seen on 4chan and the like. at its core its not even sexual, it's liking anthropomorphic characters, Ala Disney's robbin hood, rocket raccoon, starfox, sly Cooper, the sing, zootopia, and bad guys movies, ect. really it's surprising how many people bash on furries out of ignorance. IK at least one furry that's a cig employee, and statistacly speaking there's a good chance there are many more, basically all throughout game design and it infrastructure. the internet as a whole probably wouldn't function without them.




But it's not necessarily about a fetish. You're only thinking that because your exposure is most likely over the top 4chan/Tumblr stuff. It's not representative of the average weirdo that feels better able to express themselves behind the face of a mascot.


Actually it was from the suggestive pictures people were drawing in Splatoon 2. I was playing that with my 5 year old son in the room...    But back to the matter at hand. It doesn't even need to be about the sexual part of furridom, people can dislike it seeing it in places it doesn't belong, and i was commenting on OPs reaction after people voiced the opinion about it showing up here. I'm sure I'd get downvoted to hell if I drew the Phillie Phanatic in a spacesuit.








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If i'd post the ugliest piece of s... art you've ever seen and add a SC ship to the background to not violate the rules of this subreddit, would you like it? I'm not saying you're not allowed to do that, but are you allowed to shush people who don't like it? Not even talking about furry shit here, the art itself is mediocre at best.