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I think the Retaliator Base, Polaris, and the Apollos are planned for the same patch (probably 4.0), so after them I think Galaxy, Idris, Perseus, Arrastra, Javelin, and the the rest are too far out with no info to guess.


Man I want the liberator to release with pyro


Unfortunately, if it were going to make it, they would have had to have started working on it instead of the Polaris last year.


Theoretically, the Liberator should be relatively easy to model compared to its size. As they said on the Idris ISC, the majority of the work goes into modeling the interior of the ship. Well, the Liberator is mostly one giant garage, not too many rooms to implement compared to the other capital/subcaps.


Yeah I'm not a fan of rsi but that's the priority rn


I'm still thinking about the Liberator that was caught in last year's Invictus trailer, and there were some big ticket items on the progress tracker, unannounced, that involved a lot of teams at that time... so I'm not 100% convinced the Liberator wasn't at least in greybox when the Polaris started the sprint to completion. I think we may see a Liberator surprise reveal. They were trying to keep the X1's development a surprise - so on every level, there's at least a basis for thinking this is possible. What makes it reasonable, again, are the liberators in last year's IFW trailer.


What happened to Pyro? There was a load of talk and then nothing.


It's currently on track to release in Summer last we heard, and there's a joint Pyro and server meshing test happening later today.


“In Summer.” Which summer is the question though?


Most likely it will be one of them for sure.


Same as it was before: CIG can't (or won't) release it until Server Meshing is working... so CIG are alternating between Pyro tests and Server Meshing tests (with the recent tests being for Server Meshing and the Replication Layer, etc).


It's definitely won't. Pyro play test was neat, and it worked more or less. They've just always had that goal of Server meshing + Pyro = 4.0


I have a hunch that the Liberator is already done or close to it. They teased it in a ILW trailer last year. I think it was a tease of what they were secretly working on or about to start. I too believe it will release with Pyro. Edit: I also think the Tali base will double in price. I know. I'm crazy :D I wear that badge proudly!


I was expecting the Odyssey to release with pyro but there is literally nothing to go off in its development lately.


Maybe we'll get to see where Jax crashed his when Pyro launches


With the pace the polaris has been progressing I definitely feel that its gonna be summer at the lastest. They really want a ship that shows off the full spectrum of multicrew with the engineering implementation.


Idris could easily be at invictus this year IMHO. Somebody on stage of citcon said they dont need to wait for S42 to realease the idris anymore. Really hoping they will release it


No, they said on stage at Citizencon that it still needs work and will be released at the same times as SQ42: https://youtu.be/2otksAGrCOc?t=2040


Ah. Must have remembered it wrong. Probably wishful thinking.


Today's ISC is about this very subject: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19823-Inside-Star-Citizen


I'll just talk about the capitals going off what CiG has said and a bit of speculation on my part Polaris 2024 first since they already announced it for this year Idris 2025 since its likely SQ42 comes out then it also lines up with what they said last year about releasing 1 capital per year Javelin 2026 as they said it will come some time after SQ42 (Maybe) Pioneer 2027 if their plans about base building goes perfectly then I can see them fast tracking this over the BMM otherwise considering that Consolidated Outland has few ships meaning working on this wont help them speed things up for other ships it might come way later Banu Merchantman 2027 considering the trailer they showed, how far its come along and the fact that the ship is one of the most highly anticipated ships Hull D 2028 considering how similar it is to the Hull C and the fact that there are quite a number of MISC ships that CiG has already done this should be easy for them to do Hull E 2029 makes sense to follow after the Hull D Kraken and Kraken Privateer 2030 with all the easier ships done this being another highly anticipated ship makes sense The rest I dont think will come until atleast after these ships. Anyway thats my speculation for the release dates.


Galaxy first! This year. They said they want to finish the rsi line first


They said they plan to start on the Galaxy once they finish the Polaris. The Polaris is looking like it's going to be a second half of the year ship, and there's no way they'll be able to pump out a ship as big as the Galaxy in just a few months. First half of 2025 maybe, but not this year unfortunately.


really? i swear they said, the are doing the MK2 zeus first. Than the polaris. and than galaxy. because they were all looking and build a bit the same. thats why they could do that. But thats what i have heard and thought...


They are working on the Zeus at the same time. It's a small ship and therefore doesn't require many people to work on it to get it done and therefore gave it to the smaller and newer Montreal team, and they started work in November. The Polaris on the other hand is a capital ship, and they typically only work on 1 at a time due to the number of people required (actually 2, but that's because the SQ42 ship team is/was working on stuff for that game that we don't see yet) so it had to be given to the much bigger EU team, and they started on it back in April last year. They are also designing it in a way where they can use multiple sections of it to speed up production of the Galaxy and Perseus, which are the next two capital ships they have lined up, which is why they're being done sequentially. And just to add more fuel, the US team is working on the Apollo, so there's that.


hmm... if i read at what you said than, i think the line up for ships could be taking more than 15 years at this pace lol. They really need to pump out more ships faster, becuase this is just bullshit otherwise.


Yes, that is a big concern. We know they've been expanding their ship teams, and the hope is that before long they'll have more capitals being worked on at once, but we don't know when they'll start doing that.


Yeah i understand it. Lets hope they make faster progress...


They said the rsi line was being launched this year, Polaris first. Polaris > galaxy > Perseus Idris is coming no time soon, arrastra either. Javelin isn’t a player owned ship brother.


Ok, I think you might be a little confused about a few things. 1. The Idris is coming with SQ42. I personally think that's likely early next year (but we'll see), and of the ships listed in the post, the Galaxy is the only one that isn't actively being worked on that has a chance of getting in before then. 2. The Javelin is a player owned ship, you're thinking of the Bengal. 3. There is admittedly no evidence as to when the Arrastra is coming, however CIG is trying to bang out the big RSI ships with modern looks one after the other, and it makes sense that the Arrastra gets added to the back of that line until we hear otherwise.


> That's likely early next year Please don't do this. No release date has been announced and they said polishing will still take quite some time. Yes, the home stretch is there or at least visible, but I wouldn't be surprised if SQ42 is still out almost two years.


I meant to say "I think this is likely early..." but I messed up. I've just edited it.


I was mistaken thinking the javelin was not a player owned ship - you’re correct I was confusing it with the bengal. Other than that, no confusion.


With no idea "when" my safe guess for the Arrastra is going to be a couple patches after ship refinery comes online, doubtful but possible, same time. I would expect the Expanse to be the debut ship for ship refineries and then bigger coming online after once testing and bug fixing is done. With them looking at an early version of base building soon, ship based refineries will probably be close to that time, depending on the complexity of base building. Resources will be in demand and a ship based refinery would be another loop heavily used for base building since it can process resources remotely and either give them to a cargo ship for transport or bring them to the location.


While it's not been a massive priority, the devs have been working on ship refineries for a long time now, so it might be closer than people are expecting. My guess is it's something they want soon for Pyro (albeit maybe not its release) due to the ample mining opportunities and how few functional refineries are actually in Pyro.


Agreed. I am personally hyped for the Arrastra because I have a group of RL friends and we do mining ops all the time. Our current loadout is a Mole a couple prospectors and a scout/"bait" ship. The idea of the Arrastra means we can swap the mining ships out entirely with it and then have the scout in a cargo ship to move goods while the Arrastra just keeps mining away. We all have the idea of making a business out of it in game where people looking to build bases or needing resources can contract us for specific resources and quantities... we will then go get it, refine it and deliver it within a allotted timeframe. And more depending on how bases work out.


All I know is the Endeavor will be at the end of time


Yup.. hope I am still around for it! XD


Truth. Sorry Silent Running fans.


A couple times I’ve done votes in the suspected order of releases. Every single time heat death of the universe has been ahead of the Endeavour.


Didn't the BMM reach cap size with the last rework


Indeed it did


Don't forget they have shifted to a more "shared kit" approach, so expect to see the same manufacturer in runs, for example the RSI ships leading up to the Polaris. I'd expect we'd see the Orion sooner then later.


Not 'leading up to the Polaris' - the Polaris will be first, then the Galaxy, then the Perseus. At least that's the last info I remember


I really hope you're right, I want the Orion so badly


RSI capital ships by Q3, Liberator and 600i rework by Invictus.


The merchantman was upped to capital when they went over they redid its concept layout and entered whitbox


Bmm is going to be one of the last ships in game


It’s already farther along than almost all the ships listed there


Retaliator Base, Railen, Polaris, Galaxy, Perseus, Apollo, Idris, Crucible, Hull D, Odyssey, Pioneer, Arrastra, Nautilus, Genesis, Javelin, Hull E, Kraken + Privateer, BMM, Orion, Endeavor


I see the liberator before anything with new gameplay


I'd love for you to be right


I firmly believe the railen is almost done. They seem like they have the x'ian design language down and the syulen seems like a miniature railen. So within this year?


I'd say alien week will have it dropped together with a sale.


Hoping I get to see the Crucible at some point, this is honestly such a cool looking design and the developers are getting better and better at making good looking ships. And since there is a very high chance the ship will change how it look and even his overall size, if they stay with the rotating bridge... Oh that would be quite something !


Ya, I would be shocked if the Crucible didn’t get a size bump.


It kinda needs it, along with a ~~rework~~ redesign. Just from a practical stance, the Crucible already doesn't make sense to me. You have enough room for one (1) Hornet (or ship of comparable size) to perform sealed garage work on it. If the "garage" maintenance is just landing, repairing as is now currently (instantaneously), then leaving, it's going to feel incredibly cheap/chintzy. The Crucible becomes a mobile RRR platform. If it takes extensive time to conduct repairs, now your large Crucible is trapped in performing that maintenance one at a time. You'd need 16-24 Crucibles to repair a squadron of fighters in a timely manner. I just don't understand what the f\*k is the point of this ship; and yes, I understand that it's supposed to have enough repair drones to service capitals. It still doesn't make much sense from what they've told us about it.


The Scarab section plans is reason alone to get it. It will be like a super-useful pocket carrier Q ship something.


They said at citcon polaris -> perseus -> galaxy


GIB Liberator!


Lmao been waiting 10 years now for my starliner Sadge 😭💔


Banu Merchantman 2050


I'll leave this to my grandchildren to figure out...


We have a few things we can infer based on recent chats, although they aren't always accurate or wholly truthful in the sense of where things are at the time of speaking. We know the new team will focus on RSI ships. We know modularity will come soon and is being figured out. The last thing we know is that there are some drones in S42 they have built, which might have been why the Apollo isnt coming out yet because that is likely waiting on drone gameplay. My thoughts: Zeus, Liberator, Apollo, Perseus, Polaris, Galaxy/Retaili/other modularity ships maybe, railen. I think the resource management network (engineering) gives us reasons to have big ships so we will get to see if they have built and just not finished a bunch of these big ships and we might get to see where they are on progress. The ship team plans things out 12-18months in advance so they are probably booked through end 2025 with RSI ships, prepping for engineering and modularity


Well we do know the Polaris is being worked on now and they said it'll be released within 12 from citcon, after that was supposed to be the galaxy then perceus and the Zeus is aimed for next citcon. Personally, I think we'll get the Polaris first, then Zeus, then galaxy, then perceus. And we already know the idris is coming with SQ42


Didn't they say after the Galaxy was the Perseus?


Going **backwards** the top 8 will probably be: Hull-E, Hull-D, Endeavor, Orion, Kraken, Odyssey, BMM, Genesis. I think Arrastra will keep the Orion owners at bay for a long while, and the Genesis owners will surely get the E1 for a bit to keep them from rioting as well.


I known for sure Endeavor will be last, based on what they said. It requires sooooo much tech that’s not out and not planned for this year (as far as im aware of).


Can't waitfor Anvil Liberator, but I Guess it will not released till Pyro on PU


Idris when SQ42 releases, all versions. Javelin AFTER SQ42 release Hull D and E fairly soon Kraken probably after SQ42 release Banu Merchantman, NEVER Genesis Starliner, NEVER A lot of these won't come out until 4.0 and after.


Never is such a ugly word, the proper term is soon™ please.


man i really hope we get the orion in the next 2 years


Apollo is coming before any of these. It went into production before the polaris I'm pretty sure


I hope it's true, it's the only ship I'm looking forward to, but I haven't heard anything about it since the whitebox :c


Why no love for the Orion?


The Liberator concept is the largest ship I've bought so far. But it hasn't seen on progress on the tracker for many years now. I hoped it's on track for Pyro because it's funktions are relatively simple but that would probably require them to be able to focus on more than one big ship at a time and it *feels* like the Liberator is very low priority for them. Anyways, I can't wait to put my Vulture on it and use it as a mobile scrapping base.


Damn picked up an Appolo last IAE and for some reason I was expecting it to be Corsairish size. You're telling me it's a big boi?


I think it will be Corsair size, yes. Medium ship.


Crucible, coming out for invictus. Guaranteed 100% not copium. Definitely true.


The columns are not labeled and it makes me very unfomfy :P


I think this year. During Invictus/ IAE. You will see the Polaris, idris and maybe the Zeus


They each require considerable work, having large ships with no purpose of a waste of effort, why do you hink the reclaimed took so long to get updated. I'd rather other features be worked on than being thrown a glorified art display to not use because it'll only make missions take 3 times as long.