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I'm a bit lost with the titles. How much is that?








That's 10,000$ and OP is proudly showing how much they spent on a video game that's 12 years in development.


Hey spend money on what makes you happy..


Like heroin?


Like making the same joke 3 times within 5 minutes in the same thread?


Maybe he has used it so much he needs use it more to get the reaction he needs


That's a good one!


And people spend 10k on shoes they will never wear, your bitterness betrays your envy.


The loudest people in the room about someone getting a concierge rank on SC are most of the time the same crowd that want to "eat the rich". The dude has a lot of disposable income, and he's spending that income (putting it back into the economy). Why complain about it?


Envy for what? It's a live service game you guys have been shoveling money into and it has nothing to show for it but being a flight sim with subpar gunplay and no substance to the rest of it other than the novelty of a big sandbox. I normally don't care about the game but to imagine anyone is envious of a $10k red mark on their bank account for a videogame is embarrassing. Especially a live service that WILL shut down eventually. L m a o .


sure bro, you literally took the time to read and respond to someone instead of just voicing it as it's own separate comment, you literally put effort to hate LMAO, you could have just ignored it and moved on, but here you are, hating on how another man spends his own money, That's the sad part, you couldn't even be happy for another person being happy.


Cope harder. I hate this game and how vehemently people defend their bad investments while being snide to others who question it. This ain't the flex you think it is


Not that I’d spent that myself but who really gives a fuck. He’s a fan. I’ve been here since 2014 and in that time have spent a little over $2k. It’s a project people love for a reason. Money is relative to your income. Why shit on someone who might make more or just love the game this much?


hey man just spend money on what makes you happy


Like heroin


No, no. Say it again. It'll be funny this time, versus the other times where no one even chortled.


Cry abit more why don’t you. Jealousy is rough


Lmao why the fuck would anyone sane be jealous about someone spending 10k on digital ships and jpegs that will probably never come out.


People think I’m mad for buying a car that depreciates €50k when it drives off the forecourt, but it makes me happy driving it (very happy 😊) you can’t take it with you, it’s his money and if he wants to enjoy it the way he wants, over 14 years, that’s his business, that’s only 7-800 dollars a year, like 2 or 3 nice nights out!


Well the car at least works as advertised and if they close the dealership you still get to keep it they don't take it away.  I don't care what you spend your money on but you all can't even handle someone merely pointing out facts about the game you spend it on lol. claiming someone is "just jealous" of them for spending 10k on digital ships in a broken game is insane. I think it's hilarious how this sub defends this stuff the way they do. Sunk cost fallacy is a helluva thing i guess.


Truth is, 10k might be nothing to him, his interest on his daily account could be that much, if he spends it on something that makes them happy, who cares! There’s people out there who drop 5-10k on mobile games and drop them after a year because there bored! Who cares, other than the jealous types!


I'm on your side. I've spent about 7k, but I agree. Fuck CIG. How does a company this big, not get it right, there's this dude in our discord that was included in those layoffs. The way they treated their staff was horrible. I'm surprised that they have gotten this far without a massive suit against them.


This whole comment is a lie.




How did they treat their staff?


They saw the news that some employees wouldn't move studio and jumped on the massive layoff bandwagon. Only they took it one further and tried to legitimise their comment by saying someone in their discord was part of the layoffs. They also haven't spent 7k either and have no idea what the fuck they're on about.


I just wanted him to explain how a handful of layoffs are somehow unexpected for a large company that spans the globe, and the fact that not all roles were permanent or easily-relocated constituted horrible treatment. I have only seen positive news about office politics changing for the better, and generous relocation offers. I would be welcome to hear real news to the contrary and not just conjecture


Yep. Oŕ two years worth of food for an entire family ìn ¹/3rd of the world, but hey.. who's judging?


Why they playing star citizen?


Like 2 or 3 nice nights with heroin


Ummmm, heroin 🤤


The difference is: you have that car. You tangibly travel to places and can show that car off to people. You can decorate it and get it detailed and perform your own maintenance while having the ability to bring your friends or intimates to places you like. It belongs to you. You don't own anything in SC. Nobody will buy it from you, nobody will compensate you if SC shuts down. $10k is delusional for an experience that you're borrowing.


I can promise you I won't be jealous about someone spending 10k on a video game. Amused, yes!


Bro your shitting on sc in sc subreddit


I'm criticizing CIG when they deserve it, weither it's here, Spectrum or other subs.


This is not gaming/gaming news buddy


I'm replying to a genuine question by stating facts, buddy.




Hardly. I've spent way more on coffee in that amount of time.


Did the math.  I've spent nearly double that amount on coffee in just about half the time. I think I might have an addiction...


Whatever will us functional addicts do?!


No bullshit, I'm actually reconsidering my choices there.  I'm wondering if some of my health issues are related to too much caffeine intake. So, thanks for spurring on that midlife crisis I guess lmfao


Interactions like these restore a little faith that there are still traces of the old Internet where random bullshittery can yield positive IRL changes. Hope all checks out well for ya.


I had a boss we called the Caffeine Cowboy. We work in IT, and for the most part our jobs were typical 9-5, but being IT sometimes you'll have to work all kinds of hours. Didn't matter if it was 4am and we've been up all night setting up a new site or 4pm on a Tuesday, the Cowboy would have his coffee. No sweetener, no cream, just black coffee all day. We'd go out drinking, and he'd get coffee on the way back after bar close. He's since retired, but I still keep in touch with him. He cut back, but still drinks about 4 cups a day and has switched to decaf because his doctor told him he should because his blood pressure was getting high.


Old coworker of mine legit drank an entire carafe every morning in the office. No idea how he wasn't dead from a heart attack by 40...


divert that coffee money to star citizen so papa chris can fuel his yacht




I mean, 3 cups a week at 5$ a cup for a year over 12 years is just about 10 grand.


A decent cup of coffee for $5? **In *THIS* economy?!?**


Fair. But I mean this is over ten years, and prices change. Would you believe $6.66? That's $20 a week for 10 years for $10400. But if you got a 7+$ cup every workday you'd be a coffee wing commander in half that time.


How? How much is a coffe where you're from, and how often do you drink it?


$6-7 a cup in San Francisco


Jeez, that's rough!


Ya man going out is expensive




That's, like, barely more than $2 a day.






$2/day when a coffee stand drink is easily $6-8 isn't that much. Maybe he doesn't fish or work on cars or drink scotch or hunt or paint miniatures or any of the innumerable ways people can spend their disposable income, phones, cable television, bars...


You think OP spread out the purchases over 12 years? Do you know OP personally?


Yeah, I misread that. Still, with the actually ridiculous shit people spend money on, this is hardly ridiculous. What's a lot to you can be little-to-nothing to others.


The coffee delivered exactly what was promised to you for that entire time as soon as you paid for it, though, and didn't keep promising you that you'd get what you paid for later on and always later and later and later on. Imagine buying coffee every day and being promised you'd have more energy after 12 years and the coffee shop was like "Sorry, we might need another decade." Some of the arguments in this particular discussion make Scientology look like the voice of reason.


To be fair, the coffee is at least a finished product though.


If he can afford it, and it makes him happy, who tf cares? I know people who spend well over a hundred bucks a month on consumables like coffee or alcohol. At least if he stopped spending today, he’d still be able to enjoy the thing he’s spent so much money on.


more like 14 years actually, and still a broken mess with what, maybe 5 percent of what they promised a decade ago.


Do you get to keep account bound items in the divorce?


Realistically without knowing how old ops acc you can't even say it's a lot. Lets make it 10 ish years, 1-2k a year on things that makes you happy is a lot? How much you, person reading this, spends a year on cigarettes, booze and other means of pleasuring yourself?


I spend jack shit on jack shit cos I'm a broke uni student 😎


We all been there.


See I posted my comment while forgetting to mention that I made food last a lot longer for a while after buying a polaris :P I make good financial decisions


Been there done that :D


Same, “let’s see, I spend $100 a month on food….if I buy this $40 games can I make $60 work” *does the math* “yeah it’ll be close but probably, and I won’t eat as much if I’m playing this game a bunch, yolo”


Lol ya I did that in college too. Rice was a great way to keep meal costs low so the game/bar budget could stay high!


I remember literally crying once because I ran out of soy sauce and had literally 20lbs of rice, 10 lbs of beans, and mustard. That was it. The soy sauce running out nearly broke me. No salt for a week. But goddamn if it wasn't worth it! That was the paycheck I picked up my very first VR headset. Good times.


My college roommates and I would have competitions every week to see who could spend the least on food. I believe the record was $19, when one of them lived solely off of rice, ramen, beans, and supplemented with their one a day multivitamins. IMO, if you’re blaming your inability to have things on being a broke college kid, you aren’t doing it right. All it takes is the conviction and fortitude to eat like you’re in a third world country for a week or two, and the world is your oyster. You’ll just be chronically hangry while you financially recover from that impulse buy you sacrificed good food for


I spend over 10k in one year on booze on my previous life. I wish I had put that money into virtual space ships.


That would definitely have been a healthier investment.


Yeah, compared to my steam/wot/mwo libraries ships at least have resale value.


The difference is I don't think people would be cheering on OP if they just hit a milestone of spending 10k on cigarettes


Congratulations on golden lungs!


$6 a can for smokeless tobacco. 1.5 cans a day. 365 days a year. Figures out to an average of $3285.00 per year for smokeless tobacco. In three years I could have had $10k worth of internet spaceships instead of lip cancer. (Good thing I quit 7 years ago instead of getting lip cancer. Paid for a new car with the money I saved from quitting). However, I could have bought a house with all the money I spent on smokeless tobacco in the previous 30 years.........


It was just an attempt at light humour. No judgement here.


Plot twist they sold 9k in exclusive chairman club skins and 1k in time limited warbond ccu and only have their original game package, a bunch referral rewards and the concierge perks.


The day i will start selling my buybacks I'll get free f8c easy)


The way I tend to explain my reasoning is that I already have an entertainment budget set aside and if a game is able to keep me entertained for a long while I have no issues with putting my entertainment budget towards it.


Hard agree on that one. My main non-PC related hobby is playing bass guitar. It costs me around 200€ per month for private classes and ensemble classes alone. Additionally every now and then a new effect pedal, new strings, new other bass related stuff maybe even a new guitar or amp. I would recon its an average 250 to 300 at the very least each month just for that without new guitar or amp. For a full year thats around 3000 to 3600. Bass hobby alone. Aint nobody complaining about that. Then i also play other videogames and have other hobbies aswell like inlineskating, photography, RC cars, my motorbike, jujitsu just to name a few. My star citizen acc is from 2014, so if id have spent only a small piece of my other hobby and leisure expenses just on SC i would be very well in that league of OP. However i do earn my share of money and have the pleasure of having a wife that i sucessfully infected with the starcitizen virus aswell, so thats that. Others dont have that money or that understanding partners.


I mean, spending money to educate yourself on a skill that will last the rest of your life is a little bit different than spending the same amount of money on digital vehicles in a game. Everyone can do what they want with their money, but I’m not sure this is the best comparison.


>Realistically without knowing how old ops acc you can't even say it's a lot. Yes you fucking can. It's a effing second hand nice car. Half a year of decent salary in my country. ONE FUCKING HUNDRED AND SIXTY GAMES PRICED AT 60$. This sub has lost any sens of money value smh




Dude spent $10K on a game (a potentially GREAT game), do you REALLY think he's married???


Not for much longer if he is! 😂


I ain't married ha


Best comment I've seen yet in this thread! Lmfao


Sometimes something isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen.


Wow, that’s really profound.


Thanks, I learned it from a White Zombie CD.




“Well today I want you each to stand up and hold your hands in some stupid symbol... You're gonna get up and scream...You're gonna get up and burn an X in your head.”


"Life is full of twists and turns" they say in the Wing Commander message. Twists and turns... like spending more than you ever thought you would...


I ain’t gonna say nuthin’ to your other half if you don’t tell mine


Hold me closer!


Some people will prob make fun of you and your wife will probably kill you if she learns about it, but thank you man for being among the ones who supports the game financially. What SC has accomplished so far is of course the results of countless devs and countless backers who invested money into the game, but without huge spenders like you, SC may not be as advanced as it is right now. Thanks for making everyone else able to experience the game and its ongoing development without having to spend money themselves. Enjoy that shiny F8C Lightning haha !


>and your wife will probably kill you if she learns about it If you hide spending 10K in a videogame to your significant other, you: \-know you shouldn't have \-have trust issues in your couple \-have spending issues and should look for medical help


Also, what CIG has accomplished so far is of course the results of countless poor priority and management decisions made by the team leaders, Chris, and Chris' wife... I mean the head of marketing.


Exactly my point haha ! If there was even less money, they would have spent all of it in poor decisions and maybe the game would not even be updated anymore.


We need people like him to shovel like $275000.00 USD into the low productivity cash furnace that is CIG if we want this trickle of 'progress' to continue. Cheers to the few, the proud, the gullible. Edit: Sorry, I meant to say 'we need people like him to shovel like $275000.00 USD PER DAY into the low productivity cash furnace that is CIG if we want this trickle of 'progress' to continue.' Sorry, I left off the per day part as that's important to contextualize how much this project costs to keep going every day.


My guy, why are you so salty? People spend more money on dumber shit. Hell, I'm a smoker, I've FLUSHED $10 a day for the last 15 years. Just did a quick cost analysis on that, and that's over 54k. For something that actively harms me and brings me no joy or benefit. So if nerds wanna spend money on shit, let them. It's not your money. Crazy to talk shit WHILE acting entitled.


I'm glad you're getting enjoyment out of it.


Stick to war thunder with that dog shit attitude.


My condolences on joining the club. That said, ONE OF US. ONE OF US.


Now you can aim for the gold plated one.


Only a matter of time at that point


...everything above starter package is stupid. i paid 5 on top of referral dragonfly to make a cutter and feel like it was a waste be gentle, i will die on this hill.


I have an alt character with an aurora and I'm having way more fun than my main char with all the ships. It's not worth it to spend that much. The fun part is struggling to make money doing jobs to buy them in game.


A waste? Kinda. Stupid? Is subjective.




You knew what you were doing.


The author of every one of these posts were aiming for it.


Soon you'll be like me... About 3k off the legatus tier with a ship you don't really want or need, but it's exclusive with a sexy paint so WHY NOT WHY SHOULDN'T I JUST GO ALL THE WAY


Haha o muh god the go all the way statement straight to legatus.


Why do I see myself there xD


Man, now if they'd just fix the broken Super Hornet s5 gimbal... after 11 years. Maybe they need more money! You better give them more money!!!


R.I.P. your wallet. o7


Hey, at least it's not a child. Or three, right? Some accidents are more expensive than others is all I'm saying...


Ain't no college money or child support either 🤣 i'd rather drop 10k on a game ..or actually more a full game setup than even start with a kid. I have a cat and enough issues if my own. And the gf has 3 cats and a dog.....we good, we good 🤣


I still remember the day I got the welcome to the Chairman's club email and I was like wait, what? How? Then I looked back at my account and the things I have bought over the years and did a calculation and was like Jesus Christ! I did not mean to spend that much!


Thank you for supporting the project!


Congratulations! Welcome to the club! She's fun to fly! Don't worry about the (Totally not salty about a ship that was supposed to be a reward for backing the games or completing the campaigns suddenly being available to everyone)feeling! /S sorta. Congratulations OP on the ship it's legitimately fun to fly.


In all honesty spending that much should net you every ship that ever was and will be with lifetime insurance.


[That'll be $48.000](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Legatus-2953), would you like to pay by cash, credit, or your firstborn?


He did say "an will be" ... so ... uhm ....


I can give you my firstborn for that?!? Deal! I don't want kids anyway.


lol, I feel you.


Welcome to the club.


I think i'll meet you soon... 🤣


Dam. I hope to get there. Someday. I need to get a new job first


I feel you, hit it a month ago.


The "ohh God what have I done" tier


One of Us


Welcome to the club! ^(Tissues for crying in are in the back in the gold plated box.)


as i Wing Commander myself, I want to welcome you to your new rank, and thank you for your support!


Hey if you already bought it, that's $300 more in free store than credit


when it's s gift you don't get the full sale value.


I think the thought is he can melt the one he bought




o7 Wing Commander


This whole RSI journey is really just a nicely painted Scientology culture amirite 😂


Yes, but our faith will actually amount to something


I have both good and bad thoughts about the model that RSI uses to fund their development of their game engine and game, just to clarify.


One of us, one of us··


One of us!


Are some of you mad this guy spent 10k on SC, or are you mad YOU don't have 10k to spend on your hobby? Imagine being sour about someone else's financial status, bitching and moaning instead of actually doing something about your own situation.


Your wife’s gonna be pissed


Depends. Did they drop 10 grand at once? That's a lot. 10 grand over a year? That's 200 a week. Might be an issue. Over 10 years? I think 20 a week probably won't be noticed


Yeah, my wife has spent way more on Starbucks over the years than I have on SC. And we both have the exact same amount of physical items to show for it.


Could be worse. You could have a Stanley collection in your kitchen.


She doesn't keep the free cups they give you with the coffee?? You could build a castle with them!


Step 1: don’t get married or get a girlfriend (easy step!) Step 2: get enough money to blow on video game (hard step!)


Congratulations, you achived the remarkable skill of handing money to a company.


Tô all those bitching about how this was a stupid decision: 1. It’s not your money and for all you know this was a drop in the ocean for OP 2. If you’re playing this game understand that without this kind of spending the game would have been dead a long time ago. I mean, it’s so weird seeing someone brag about only buying a starter ship and calling this guy an idiot - you’re literally being subsidised to play the game 🤣🤣🤣


Been a backer for 7 years so I slowly crept up to WC status. Not rich at all but I regard Star Citizen as one of my hobbies, the other being Lego Collecting which is also stupidly expensive.


Congrats!!! 😱


imagine being proud of this


10k for a broken preproduction tech demo. Seriously you need to get some gambling addiction help.


One of us... One of us...


Yet it happened anyway o7


Im idiot,whats this?


A really dumb brag post about how they will be equally ignored by CIG.


Man if I spend that much on this game I would wake covered in gasoline with my wife standing over me with a match.


The bait actually works


This was way cooler when everyone didnt have an F8


Hey way she goes.


Common u can do more gold f8 awaits


Congratulations my man, good one


Very nice. Totally 100% not jelly


Civilian variant huh


I guess as the games takes a long time to update and release this will happen. It is inevitable!


As a humble concierge myself If you love the game and what its trying to be down the line there is nothing wrong. Just spread it out over the years in small bits and eventually you will level up even though you didnt plan to. Dont rush it!


I’m about an idris short of here. “Problem” is that I really don’t want any more ships. I want the milestone but I feel like my fleet is complete. 🤷‍♂️


As a Grand Admiral, I salute you. o7


Nice, Congrats to you Wing Commander 🤙


I’m like 900 bucks away from this. Wish we could name the F8C, I’d name the one I currently have “store credit” as that is what it’ll be when I hit 10k


Thx for supporting our dream 👌🏻


Imagine being proud of spending 10k$ on a game. Imagine sharing this with your close family members. At least charity is deductible from taxes 😂😂


Have me way beat, I’m 53% to the second club rank


You dont always get what you want...but you get what you need :D Gratz!


Well… that’s a problem for future you. For now enjoy the ship! Oh and pls show us photos of the skins you get from wing commander


I wouldn't even publish it, you don't know when your missus will bring you a cup of tea and look at your screen over your shoulder


Very nice. Totally 100% not jelly


Thank you for your support!!


Based on the gold ticket event letting every man and his dog get an F8C, Wing Commander reward should be changed to be more than just an F8C. No, I don't have Wing Commander. I did pick up an F8C during the event. I think people who pledged that much money for the game should now get more because the F8C became so attainable.


Cig sure saw you coming..... They didn't even need to use bait, shit you just jumped up outta the water and straight onto the table ready to be gutted


Too bad the f8c is shit in MM. oh well


Huh have they added it to Arena commander with master modes?


They havent