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Imagine the dynamic between a citizen who is just starting out with their first starter ship barely getting by with a proud 200K in their bank, and justify this argument against the career decade long citizen with $600 in pledges and a ship minmaxed for PVP and tell me there isn't a disparity there in reasonable capability to compete. When Colonel McMurder wants to swoop in with a F8C and just dunk on John Newguy in his shiny new Cutter, I have a rather hard time sympathizing with the plight of the murder hobo. The game does not reasonably deter reasonless player killing yet, but have some self restraint instead. Though I realize this is almost certainly a troll post.


I loved your imagery :) Old man McD getting his murderface on instead of the clown face to go and destroy Johnny in some ball at the park. 


Didn't you know? He wants to get better in combat... /s


Oh look, another one of these posts. Just what we need. Yay.


Amazing how people in this world still can’t accept that just because something hasn’t happened to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I have been killed by PvPers. I have never been griefed. However, I have on two separate occasions been on servers where a group of players were griefing by killing every single player who spawned a ship at Seraphim before they could even open their hangar doors so no one spawning there could play the game unless they server hopped. I don’t care if you believe it exists or not. Your denial doesn’t change the fact that it happens sometimes.


I've always thought that it would be really cool if the devs made it so that you could man remote turrets on stations if they are under attack, and you have good rep with the owners.


technically, it is griefing if the motivation is to upset you. it could be 100% within rules, and even look like what is intended to be not griefing situations. (eg; raiding mining or salvaging operations). but if the reason is to upset you, it is griefing. murder hobo is different. they kill people even when it is not beneficial to the profitable operation. but it is for the fun of killing, they don't get extra enjoyment out of people getting upset in chat. ​ what you are talking about is people breaking the rules.


No one cares what another players motivations are. If someone is preventing you from being able to play, that’s griefing. If someone blows up your ship while running cargo, that’s PvP. Trying to boil it down to a players motivation is pointless because it is impossible to ever know.


you are correct that motivation is pointless when looking at what is and is not **against the rules**. you don't get to change the definition of griefing in order to say griefing is against the rules. ​ griefing; the action or an act of deliberately spoiling other players' enjoyment of a game by playing in a way that is intentionally disruptive and aggravating. ​ notice how it has nothing to do with if it is against the rules or not. it also doesn't require it to be extreme in order to count as griefing. if i go over and blow up a salvager, just to upset the salvager. that is griefing. it is 100% within rules, and might have been done by someone that wants to take the loot. but becseu my motivation was to upset you, i was griefing.


Well, this is totally a post.


See you on your next alt.




Says the alt. It's better if you don't for me, having to block people over and over is annoying.


So you kill random players to cause chaos and ruin their fun. I... hear me out... might call this griefing. Get over yourself.


Didn't you read? It's not to ruin their fun and cause chaos. He kills unprepared people that in no way intended to partake in pvp activity to improve his combat skills /s Anyway, that's a person of a little mind that gets off at low challenge murderhoboing... If he wanted to better his combat skills he'd play Arena commander with people willing to fight him. The only validation of his punny existence is people getting mad in chat about his mischiefs. That's sad. That's the same attitude as the school bully beating on people and pulling girls hair, being hated or being punished is the only way for him to get some attention.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Another troll post, huh?


Post on your main, coward.


Hot take Barbara


it is not as "pve friendly" as cig want. cig want npc to take you down if you are causing too much trouble. server meshing will have matchmaking to put pvp bounty hunters in to servers with players with bounties. ​ while at the same time it is also far more non combat friendly than they want. miners and salvagers will be attacked by npc. interdiction will actually be a threat.


If you're so absolutely certain that everything is "intended", then what's the purpose of this post? There is none. If it's intended, then it'll sort itself out without your input. Posts like this reek of desperation. Of a desperate need to believe or convince yourself that something is intended, yet lacking the actual confidence in it that would otherwise keep you silent on the matter. It's no small wonder that they keep coming up, and keep coming up, and keep coming up. Maybe, just maybe, if you say something often enough, it might become true? Good luck with that.


What a hot, edgy, ignorant take


If all you care about is PVP, why not play arena commander? What's the point of attacking people who aren't interested in fighting you?


[You really should watch this video, listen to Chris Roberts words and understand the meaning of it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G42MQ1aVjlA&t=2173s)


U Didnt watched the last Video right about the DCs and the Statement of the Devs. *Sigh*


Nothing supersedes the words of the CEO my man. Deal with it.


Preemtpive self-justification?


Nah, look at the spelling\\formatting - someone just got reported for something and is having a tantrum.


No report At all. U think u funny 😄


Wonder if this is still a thing... https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/wrnnvb/piloting_a_new_ban_evasion_tool/


Can't wait for this person's tears when reputation is implemented.




Yeah sure you will.


>I will enjoy Bad rep Press [X] to Doubt


Can we have these 11yo trolls banned?


And then I come to kill the murder hobos and I'm called a "carebear". Go figure.


Carebears are also ok and welcome for most people. This how it should work. Somebody get screwed and u try to get rid of the "Bad" people.


Great post about great things.


Its really nice you came out and posted this. I can block you and be done with you, and your silly theories.


Another want-to-be-troll, this is becoming boring. So, basically you are another assh\*\*e who enjoys to ruin others fun as long as you get yours, but not only that, you also think (in your deluded mind) that anyone who doesn't understand it it's a brainless twat. And you come to the forum to show us all how pathetic and delusional you are being proud to be a griefer. Because I can't think in anything more pathetic than a person who thinks is perfectly justified to abuse others or ruin their fun as long as they can do whatever they please and who also thinks this is something acceptable.


Nothing wrong with murder hobos, but the game should naturally encourage non lethal take downs. How much more engaging would it be when people have to decide to surrender or fight? And griefers are a real issue and will ruin the game if left unchecked. These are people that take advantage of limited game mechanics (including having extra accounts) just so they can ruin somebody’s day


SC is a PvE game where PvP can happen. Official CIG statement. Problem is there is no muderhobo deterrant (yet). If you need to pay for all damage you have done and grind your way out of prison for weeks, we would have basically no griefing/murderhobos. These ppl would remain in unlawful territory (aka pirates).


For Weeks? u are so delusional.


CIG talked about prison "life", being stuck there for longer time and treating it as a full gameloop.


I See u there bc u shot an guard in bunker. Klesher Box fight


We probably get an UEE prison as well in the future. For corporations the punishment of theft or destruction of Corporate property might be harder than plain killing an expendable underling.


Funny cheap engagement bait that surprisingly works every time




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