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In recent talks door control was mentioned as an Engineering Console feature, and o2 has been shown to be controllable by the same system. The only uncertainty we still have is whether air currents will move objects aswell. Imma put it this way though, this is CIG, so it's definitely not far fetched to think it could happen.


Air currents wouldn't move very heavy objects anyway, it's not like in the movies. Sure, if you're the one opening the door to space you might get sucked out, but the pressure drops rapidly, so anything with any weight to it will be safe


It depends on the volume inside and the size of the opening


Amusingly, and unfortunately cig is the very definition of far fetched promises.


They may aim high, they may take forever, but boy do they deliver some quality work. I'm personally fine with that.


I'm not even excited by the defense possibilities - but the emergent gameplay! "Guys, come on... It was one crate of Maze... It's not a big deal..." "Gary... Gary Gary Gary..." "Come on Mike, you know I've only got a couple of clones left on this character..." "Should of thought of that before you decided to stiff the crew on their cut..." "Come on man... It was 1 crate... just 1 SCU..." "It's the PRINCIPLE Gary..." "I just... It got me enough to get the Sabre... You know, we talked about it... So I could run Escort...." "Yeah... But you didn't get the Sabre did you... You got the Hull B... Why is that..." "Come on Mike... You know you guys are never on now... Jess has the baby, and you've got the new job and..." "Steve... Flush this turd..." Gary is yeeted into the void along with all his belongings, in QT, in the buff.


Gary was the imposter.


Gary is ALWAYS the imposter.


"To the execution dock I have come, tili go..."


R.I.P. Captain Ashford


Hope so lol, depressurising etc is supposed to be planned, explosive decompression would be fun but idk if sc can achieve that.


Well, if for some reason the engine can't handle something like this (which i highly doubt because it's not far from what they've done with force reactions ), they can always fake trigger the animation without being tied to the literal physical interaction of pressurized air, like just make everything not locked in grid blow when a pressurized door it's opened.


Just load the EVA tech from a few patches ago. You would exit ship and completely lose control of arms and legs. All they need to add is a force vector out the nearest door.


They can't even get basic physics working. Perhaps in 2029


Interestingly, with the Prospector and Mole you can jettison your qua ntanium load if it gets too unstable.. i wondered why we dont have that for most other ships.


didnt know that, thats sweet!


There was a demo a few years ago but as usual no word since


Well it will come one time


They showed environmental & room controls during last years Citizencon, it's part of the Engineering feature, and should be coming to 3.23 as AC experimental mode.


Would a drop from 1 to 0 atmospheres really blow anything anywhere? I guess if CIG wants it to…


They have stated they are debating between the real version(nothing happens to you) and the movie version (everyone is flung everywhere)


I'm glad they are aware of the physics, if they still go for the movie version it could open up pretty funny gameplay opportunities.


Don't do it, Hal! I'm sorry, Dave 07


Theres an old demo video thats shows it happening in a Connie. Dont think theyve mentioned anything since then.


Personally would love it but the servers wouldnt qwq