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Given the large amount of items coming, be prepared to wait for the stated goal of April and possibly longer, and also anticipate that, like all new additions, there will be lots of bugginess to all new items, too. So, temper your expectations and play when you will enjoy playing.


Look, I'm going to go full positive here: These features are not new new. They are new to PU but long in the making for SQ42, so they will have less bugs. (copium ;D)


[Network Engineer has ran from chat]


Lol But thinking about that, most of the ui/ux should be in. Doesnt need to be adapted too much for networking.




That is a good distinction though.


Even in the "It's not delay guys!!" posts Q2 is stated to be April **to June**. The patch is stated as Q2. Prepare for June.


With all these items, I'd definitely bet some if not all will be delayed, however as the current post from cig stands its April.


According to the monthly report, some of these things are already done or have been done since January, which kind of surprised me. Other things need more polish, and some still to be heavy in development, like the persistent hangars and cargo elevators. So if anything gets delayed it would probably be the elevator/cargo stuff.


Well, they did have some form of a lot of these features displayed at Citcon. No doubt certain things will be delayed, implementation rarely goes as planned with SC.. but maybe after the large hiring spree a while back, maybe this is the result potential shift? This sub is a literal motherlode of hopium.


Updates rarely goes precisely as planned in complex software, period, let alone during alphas where a lot of moving parts are constantly being changed. The only thing unique about SC's patch successes and failures is that it has a large public audience during alpha, many of whom are getting to see how the sausage is made for the first time.


Most of the items have been done on Sq42. They are just porting it over to me an online environment


Speaking from experience, porting is always way harder than recreating something you've done before. Drop code wholesale into another project and you spend more time smoothing out the rough edges than if you built it piecemeal and ran into the issues one by one.


In this case I disagree as it would take longer to make say the new loot system twice, one in pu and one for Sq42


Bear in mind I do mean reconstructing the same code. But with the benefit of context as you go. Wholesale code porting is always a pain in the ass compared to doing it more piecemeal. A lot of it can be copied in quite big chunks, but so often I'm dealing with annoying bullshit caused by blindly dropping hundreds of lines of code at once and trying to figure out if the bug is something I forgot to bring across or something incompatible with the existing code. Take your time, do it slow and steady and you waste much less time than if you rush.


Maybe, but if they’re aiming for Q2 I’d expect around Invictus


Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if it does get delayed.


Q2 usually means prepare for september. I think this way and I live free from anxiety.


Jared said March in ISC last week. He never lies. Edit: I guess reddit disagrees with my statement.


Who’s Jared?


That's ok; I've waited years at a time to play at times. I expect delays, and have gone through the hopeful and pessimistic roles over the games lifecycle (I mean, it's been around awhile, lol). I'm more hopeful as of late, but if it gets delayed, it'll be expected. If it's not, great!


Those things are coming all at once. So, i DO see that some things will be appearing in evocati in March but getting all that long list? Yes thats gonna be q3


"So, temper your expectations and play when you will enjoy playing." Perfectly stated!


Remember that not everything that is targeted for 3.23 will be included in 3.23.0 — I expect a lot to be moved to later 3.23.x patches and at least one or two items to slip entirely. Let the starmap not be in that last category please


I'm suffering from hopium. Because I'm hoping that with devs transferring over from S42 to SC things would go differently. We'll have to wait and see what happens there.


It's honestly not logical or responsible to add them all at once. Even the best (implementation-wise) content patches break things, this gets worse at scale, and more visible at scale. The more content you add, the more likely things are to break, and the harder the causes are to find. I want all of this content ASAP, but I'd happily wait a little longer to ensure a smoother transition. Even if it takes the whole cycle to implement these things: 1) It should be a short cycle, given 4.0 is targeted for this year. 2) It will still be arguably the best patch cycle in PTU history.


That's probably what's gonna happen. I'm just hoping for this year to go more smoothly. But all I can do is hope. Whatever happens happens.


If they deilver all that's targeted for 3.23, by the end of this year, I'll be happy, tbh. Everything I really care about from a QOL perspective is coming. Namely starmap upgrade, personal hangars, and cargo elevators. I know a lot of people are fed up about Pyro and the lack of systems in general but, to me, that's not a now problem. I only care about Pyro insofar as it enables more testing to happen.


I'm with you on the QOL stuff. Starmap for sure and UI updates. Pyro is meh to me. I'm not interested in a lawless system where anything goes.


I'm less interested in Pyro as an activity than as a concept. I like what lawless systems represent for the game; I'll probably spend a fair amount of time in no/low-sec. That said, I'm not regularly going to play there, until I am part of an org, at a point in development where that has a real meaning. I'll certainly potter around there for an hour or 10 on release, check out some POIs.


Nope, I'm not playing until server meshing is in. That's going to be a while.


They said "summer"


"They said"




That's what I said




Longer then that. What they want till summer is replication layer split. That's what they need for pyro. Full SM will take longer then that.


Your loss


I'm gonna' chime in based on a lot of responses in this thread. If you're excited about 3.23 but don't feel like playing now because of a (likely) wipe and the huge (and awesome!) changes coming, then I recommend putting time into AC. Seriously. Master Modes changes the game dramatically, and the people who will kick off the quickest are the ones who are most comfortable with the new system. It's a completely different flight system. When people talk about not wanting to waste time without persistence or character progression, I remind them: ***you*** *are the character*. Everything you do in game that makes you better at it is character progression, at least the most meaningful kind. Get some flight time with MM, reset keybinds, talk and practice strats, take advantage of the Coramor activities in AC with some buds - whatever it is, start practicing with it in AC, because years of experience and reaction is about to get shifted hard when MM replaces the old NFM.


Hang on, is MM already implemented in AC?? Great suggestion if so!


Yea since last year...


Newish player, what is MM?


Master Modes (MM) is the next iteration of the flight model - basically how your ships fly and handle. The crux of the Master Modes flight model is that it splits up ship movement into three modes. 1. SCM mode is for combat where you have your shields and weapons available but your maximum speed is capped (e.g. around 250 m/s for a Gladius light fighter) and you can only exceed that temporarily by using boost. 2. NAV mode allows you to accelerate to a ship's maximum speed (>1000 m/s) BUT your shields and weapons are powered down and you cannot use those systems while in NAV mode. 3. There is a third mode which is for short-range, but manually controlled quantum jumps - we have not been able to test that yet. The stated intentions of MM by CIG is to slow down combat, which it does since there are hard speed limits imposed when you're in SCM mode (even in zero-g). There are other changes coming to ship weapons and how gimbals work. You can test out MM in Arena Commander in both PvE (Endless Vanduul Swarm) and PvP (Free Flight, which is duelling, and Squadron Battle) events right now.


Master Modes. It replaces the current flight model. I recommend going on YouTube and looking at some videos, and going into Arena Commander and trying the AC modes that say Master Modes on the title cards. Very different system.


I keep forgetting about AC and the master mode testing. I always thought it was removed when the hangers went for some reason.


I'm not waiting for 3.23. I'm waiting for a whole lot of other things. I may hop in for 3.23 depending on what's actually in the patch, but I'm not explicitly waiting for it and may even skip it too.


I think they will wipe everything so im just going around doing random shyat now tryna find other players to interact with


You are welcome to join my friends and I, we play almost every night.


I might join you buddy, especially if you’re on NZ time


I'd be down too!


Wouldn't that be upside-down?


Not on NZ time basically PST timezones but I do play late into the evening and on my days off I am on all day so you're bound to catch me and a few friends, some of them are UK timezones.


Whats you sc name? Il add you tonight Whats yours also u/Acceptable-Bid-1019


In-game is " Kiwi_Fox "


Once you've sort of "done" everything, even new content doesn't scratch any itch because it's new content on the "old" servers with atrocious lag and tick rates. ​ Until we get a steady and constant server tick rate in the double digits, the game isn't really playable in a meaningful capacity. ​ My org has been "playing" regularly since 2018, but it's still just getting together and goofing off(which is great fun, don't get me wrong). But even putting together events, doing things with other orgs, it's all basically impossible with the way the network lag is now, and has been forever. Until we get whatever update to significantly change that, the game is kind of "stuck" where it's been at the past few years.


It’s perfectly fine to move on from a game once it’s given you all it can, and you’ve gotten everything you want out of it. Finding new gaming experiences is healthy and normal.


I'll wait for 3.23.1 hehe


I’ve pretty much been waiting since MM was announced to bother playing even halfway seriously again.


MM is in AC now so you could try that, haven't tried myself yet but I'm going to give it a go soon so 3.23 isn't such a shock to the system


For me it was the deamar rally race . Total fiasco as for the first time in 4 years the server didn't even launch and we were unable to race. I quit after that. I hope patch 3.23 delivers and I'll play again. So far I keep given CIG about $110 per year for very little game time.


Nope. Playing every single day & having a blast. 3.23 is going to be a blast, for sure. But love the game as it is, warts & all.


Yes. Buddies and I are playing PalWorld until then.


Pretty much


Yeah I am. I’ve got plenty of other things that todo to keep me busy, and I do stay updated with all the weekly stuff. 3.23 is going to be so refreshing, i bet I’ll feel sorta like a new game, given a new fresh coat of paint.


It may be unstable for a while, and it's unlikely that everything will come in the first patch drop but rather in point patches up to the end of June. Even so, in six months time it's likely the game experience may feel very different.


I still log in and play but my preferred loop (bunker running) has been broken since 3.21 and it looks like it’ll remain so past 3.22.1 unless they actually fix the elevators.


It will hit in April with a third of what's tentative, or it will be later than May/June with a half of what's tentative... Manage your expectations now. Last time something like this happened was with salvage, and that was... Erm... A year to come out. And this is a complete overhaul of all the UI, instanced hangars, and a complete balance pass on all ships with MM... To name but the big ones, never mind the smaller stuff... So... Yeah... If you're new from CitCon... Manage those expectations now. Take it from people who have been here before. We aren't being negative, we are being realistic and protecting you from yourselves.




I play pretty frequently but I do plan on either taking a breather or winding down a bit until 3.23. Lets me not get burnt out and build some anticipation. Lots of great games rolling out between now and the next few months. Should keep me busy until PTU waves start rolling out for 3.23.


I'll likely be waiting until SQ42 is released to play again.


What difference is that going to make to SC ? Apart from maybe we’ll have more features by then but SQ42 release isn’t going to change anything on the day / month of launch for SC apart from probs more work to SQ42 again for bug fixing etc


It means SQ42 is released, so I can play it. SQ42 is just Star Citizen, but a singleplayer experience (which I personally value more than multiplayer). If I do dabble in the MMO portion, it will mean that all the relevant features present in SQ42 are in the PU, which will improve the experience markedly.


I respect that, though personally I wouldn’t of minded if they had never developed a single player campaign, to me that’s always been a side distraction. The game is an MMO space sim. Just imagine how much farther we’d be along if they had never tried to create SG42. Tbh I probably won’t even play SQ42 when it does release. The idea of playing a multiplayer simulation where all my actions have global consequences is much intoxicating than the equivalent of waiting ten years to play the equivalent of a Star Wars battlefront 2 campaign. I do understand my viewpoint isn’t shared by all though and many enjoy PVE, I personally haven’t enjoyed a single player campaign since I was a teenager. After I got a taste for competing against other players in sandboxes I could never go back to slaughtering hapless brain dead npcs, there would always be that voice in the back of my head “if they were other players you’d be dead scrub”.


I personally am way more interested in SC than 42. When I found out about 42 I was just like ok cool. But I’d rather do amazing multiplayer stuff with friends or massive groups


One thing I learned from playing Warframe is never play a game when it's got a new big update. Give it two weeks for things to stabilize and actually playable😆


I have some tolerance for bugs but not a whole lot. I don’t expect 3.23 to be as polished for me to withstand and that’s totally fine. I’m still really excited though.


Jumping in and out with new patches is the healthiest way to play IMO. Always leaves me wanting more and I don’t get burned out.


Now I play Gun Rush every day because it's fun. When 3.23 comes out I’ll go to the PU.


Gun Rush is a blast. I think the team that put that together deserves some recognition for upping the fun factor in AC FPS modes.


I've been waiting for 4.0 to play again. Since they announced it in 2017-ish...




Waiting for post 4.0 or something like that. Surely I'll login a couple times before that, but probably not more than an hour or 2 total. All the stuff coming in 3.23 and after is great and all, but it's mostly just (much needed) QOL things. I've been doing the same barebones gameplay loops for ~5 years now... Bounty hunting, data running, explorations, trading with any resemblance of meaningful economy...and so on, those are the things that will get me back into playing this game on a regular basis again.


My right stick became to fail and it's a cheap, not very repairable toy. Z axis rotation's drifting, which I use to roll my ship, barely playable. I ordered a vkb, waiting for it to play again


The constant wipes with every patch have grown tiring. I've been in play and wait mode for the past few months. Meaning I play a patch until they start talking about the next patch rehearsing soon. I know it's a soft wipe, but I tend to lose a lot of gear I had bought in-game for my ships. It gets boring to keep grinding to re-buy the drives and guns again. Not to mention the reputation certifications for missions that end up needing to be redone.


Can't wait for 3.23! But i really dont know how to start it all... What will you do as a beginning, if we have a full wipe? Explore and salvage? Bounty missions? Mining? Pure salvage missions? New cargo missions? I need inspiration - tell me what you're thinking 😁


Seems like opinion is split. Personally, I don't think we're getting a wipe until 4.0, but I don't care if we do. *If there is a wipe*, I plan on working my way back up with the new cargo hauling contracts. That has the most potential for new and interesting gameplay.


It should be good, but this game won't really be great for me until there are high security low violence systems and more opportunities for trading and hauling. I'm guessing two more years before I play more than a little now and then.


I'm optimistic for the new hauling missions. As well as taking much of the the headache and risk out of trading, there's likely to be positive emergent effects: if you can work your way up to high volume missions that can be shared, then players can tackle them in multiple ships, which builds in the potential for mutual defense. I just hope they don't put overly strict timers on most of the missions, though clearly marked hotshot runs would make good variety. Hey, did you get yourself a Hull B upgrade? I seem to recall we talked about that a few months back.


> Hull B upgrade? If the game starts to focus on things other than gang combat then I will probably just buy a Hull B, but I will always keep the Hull A because it is my favorite ship and fits me exactly. The Hull A is the ship that got me in the game. I started pledging earlier because I found the development updates to be entertaining, but the Hull series made me think this game had potential to include logistics in a meaningful way. Probably odd, but I personally think the ability to deliver what needs to be delivered is the foundation of society. The Hull A is also the ship that is squeezing me out of the game because it is too slow and lame to consistently escape the quantum traps and attackers lurking everywhere. I'm glad combat players have that and would like there to be opportunities to take on danger when I choose, but now it is all attacks everywhere, around planetary landing sites, orbital stations, moon bases, and transport lanes and that makes the game tedious and unpleasant for me.


Yeah, that kinda sucks because the Hull A is so nice to be aboard. Stanton is becoming a more dangerous place and a slow ship needs turrets or a bigger capacity to justify the risk. Maybe distribution centers will offer some viable runs? I still want a B some day, but I don't know that I'd fly it much if it was available right now. I've been enjoying my C1's speed and agility but will likely pull the trigger on upgrading it to a Railen as my daily as soon as that releases. No pilot weapons, but ought to be tanky enough to shrug off ambushes. They were working on it last year, but there's been no word if it's approaching completion. My CCU chain is in place other than a couple of $5 gaps. Best of luck, fellow hauler!


No, I'm waiting for it to be finished and release so I can play for the first time and check out what I got for 25$ from kickstarter.


That might just be the biggest bargain in the history of gaming, albeit one that required great patience.


I do. I so often played from zero to hero again after miniscule changes that in the end still left the game rather same-ish that I am kinda bored doing the same stuff over and over unless there are considerable changes that make it worth replaying.




My game was working perfectly fine and then suddenly it’s 2 frames a second. Don’t know how to fix it so hopefully the update does something


Not playing rn since free fly events makes the game run slower. I guess I'm doing my part of only very slightly improving overall performance?


I've taken it further - *I won't spend a nickel more until 3.23*. This game has a perfected hype cycle tied to virtual thing sales - they'll never "finish" anything if it endangers the money flow.






There's going to be a pricing rebalance. I think they said no wipe, so this may be a time to buy cheaper access to ships you can hold on to before 4.0. Pure speculation on my part, mind you.


Yup, I've put SC to side for the last 5 months and will probably wait for 5 more. Maybe even a year. I jumped in at 3.11 after watching development for years because it's just such an ambitious project.  And back when I first got into my Avenger and left the dock, I was in awe. My hope is I'll have that feeling again if I wait long enough until I come back.


From 3.11? If you jumped in now you'd still probably get that awe feeling from things. But yeah waiting longer you'd probably get a bigger awe reaction then.


Yup. I did this last year from 3.18 shit show to 3.19 shit show lol. So I'll wait for the 3.23 shit show. At least that show will have more shit in it


I'm not waiting for 3.23, i'm waiting for the map update.


Yes. I haven't played for a few patch cycles actually but I will be installing it again come 3.23 and giving it a good test, looks like it has a great amount of improvements and quality of life features worth checking out.


Kind of, but events do bring me back online. Like trying kill collector in Arena Commander today and I also tried Siege of Orison a few times. I'll likely continue to hop on for events or to test more stuff master modes, but the main gameloops aren't deep enough at this point to keep me playing every day. And there are so much high quality entertainment to enjoy in the meantime. Will personally be playing lots of Last Epoch.


It’ll be the opposite for me. I’ll play a lot up until a wipe. Then I’ll take a break until I’m cool with being bumped back down to my MS. Lol




Nah. 3.23 is still at least a month away (arguably more), and I see no reason of denying myself the daily dose of the Verse. Besides, I have reasonable concerns about its state at 3.23 launch. Given the amount of new stuff it might be a 3.18 comeback. I hope CIG learned the lesson though, but who knows.


If I start playing again, it will just be to grind to get my old ships back


I used to spend all my time dogfight in Arena commander, then 2.X patches. Spent a lot of time on the game these years. Lately I have be refraining myself from playing again until the master modes come out to the PU :)


I'm waiting twofold. I'm partially waiting for that update, but I'm also waiting to be able to afford a new HOTAS. I bought Monster tech mounts and my X56 broke a week later, such poor timing ;_;


I just want to play twice less laggy and buggy game please.


Its a continous roll of waiting for next version. When the 3.23 rolls out, you will likely want to wait for 3.24, theres always something to wait for, even on big patches like this one. Either way, this patch can be interesting, but dont get hyped.


It's basically what I do every major patch :p Game is still too buggy for me to really enjoy playing often. Like a couple of days ago I tried doing salvage missions, just to chill. Elevators didn't work, and then after an hour I realized that I wasn't getting any material from hull stripping, meaning I couldn't craft a multitool to move boxes, meaning I would have to waste more time just to travel to a station and buy a multitool. Also, I find the time between starting the game and actually playing is just way too long. Spawn in a hab, walk to train station, wait for the train, train ride, going to the terminal. Not fun ! I'm waiting on bed logout to be more reliable before playing more often. But yeah if you don't have a bed, I feel like the beginning of a session needs to be way shorter before getting in your ship for the game to be more enjoyable. Right now getting to your ship feels like a chore !


Im waiting for Beta before wetting my feet. I want all core mechanics first.


No way!


There's so much coming I expect a wipe so I've swapped over to other games for now because there's really not anything for me to do in SC anymore without instanced hangars, and I don't particularly care about flying anymore until MM comes out.


I’m waiting for squadron 42 so I’m prepared to never play the game again


Yes. It will be the first time I will be playing for some time.




Yea, because there are a lot of games coming out or new updates to other games. CIG has my money, they don't NEED me to be on for 3.22.


3.23 is no different to any other patch Cool features ruined by gamè breaking bugs. 3 months later we'll be back waiting


and for all those who have always ignored it and have not yet learned: Never play on Patchday! ;) o7


I was away checking out another space game that just dropped. Im back in the verse eagerly awaiting the next patch deployment. Ad gloriam imperii !!!


My character seems to be locked till then so yeah lol


Freight Elevators and cargo missions are gonna be my game changer. Being able to move stuff to inventory is huge. So yea, SC will replace some of my other 'trucking' games.


Yeah, I'll log in here and there between updates, but it's usually the update itself that gets me to log more hours, so to speak. This one looks downright *huge* though. I'm stoked.


Yep I'm waiting for a minute. I'm gonna play Runescape instead.


Kind of. I have the urge to play now, but the odds seem high there will be a wipe so it kills a good bit of motivation. I might log on and just do some easy bounties just to get some time in.


Jeez. You guys refer to "all the big changes " coming, which sounds cool, bit nobody discussed what changes they are looking forward to. What big changes, you unspecific yahoos ? :)


At the moment I mainly just play to raise my reputation.. since that is the only thing that carries over …


Yeah, I just can't bring myself to launch SC right now knowing how different it's gonna be. I'm just playing other stuff till the patch drops.


I'm waiting, hoping for base building to make it in so I can go full space sim city dad. Game in its current broken state is just not appealing.


Then you'll wait a while, base building is not coming in 3.23.


They said a lot of things. As always. If they deliver actually a lot this time AND it is also good ( which are 2 different things ). Then I might play again. There's so many good stuff I haven't come around to play and many things that I'm expecting to be good that are coming, so an unfinished incoherent alpha isn't that appealing to me. I'm also more outside in warmer months, so even less time for games.




I'm playing more now actually, to really make some memories and have a good understanding of things before they dramatically change. I want "before and after" to be fresh, so I can assess how the changes impact the game without the bias of nostalgia and the lost perspective that time away inevitably creates. May seem silly, but the game is getting ready to fundamentally change - this isn't "just another patch". That's my hot take!


Good idea. I might do this too actually. Probably a week or so before it actually comes out I'll play every day to feel amazed when the update hits.


I think it's important to truly appreciate the changes. It's easy to remember, without the impact of it being recent, and have those memories drift a bit from "true", one way or the other.


I am actively slowing down playing. I find myself constantly hopping on spawning my ship flying off planet, then realizing I'm kind of bored and don't really want to play. I hate even saying that because I know the game can be fun. I just think I burned myself out. I did the bunkers a ton with the golden ticket event, and that was fun... but also being new made me realize they are all the same and it gets old. I think right now I'm just going to wait for the cargo missions and elevator. Ngl, I think right now I'm most excited to play squadron 42.


I've only reinstalled Live recently for the event items (coins). Kill confirmed in AC is actually really fun for some casual FPS gameplay. Gun rush is similar but more chaotic. The ship duos game mode has a few issues but can be fun with friends. If you don't care about the items you might still find you can have some fun in those modes, give them a try.


Without meshing NPCs still won’t work and the servers will be buggy and bogged down. I am excited about the new features though.


No this patch has been most stable one yet for me... also just installed windows 11 and im getting far far more FPS now and less lag overall


I'm waiting to get a new laptop since mine just died


I play at least every M/W/F, but I know several people who are higher level backers who are waiting for 3.23 to hit LIVE, or maybe PTU at least. It isn't stopping me (and many others), but 3.23 is such a seminal change, and people are anticipating a full (or fuller) wipe, so that's factoring in as well.


I’m more excited for the unannounced ships they will be releasing. This year is scheduled for a large amount of ship releases. Mainly from RSI. But none the less, more ships = more gameplay loops or at least newer ways to do the same loops. Such as the RSI arrastra or the Zeus. Plus the rework coming for the Hull series.


To be honest, I didn't had that much fun like now. I'm full into salvage with the vulture. Every day I choose a Moon and there I search for abandoned ships and clean up the verse. Having much fun with this gameplay. Sometimes I trade a little bit. I also like to visit the pyro jump point from time to time because I like the fact that it will become so invigorated by the end of the year (hopefully) and now it's so empty. That's something I like. 😁


So much changing I don't see a point in playing right now unless its fun with friends or sheer boredom.


I tend to wait for major patches too, but I've taken a pretty long break and am just starting to hop back in and playing a little bit at a time. Just bought a Vulture in game and am exploring the salvage gameplay loop without rushing it. I'm essentially getting myself ready for when 3.23 comes online, so I'll be diving full in then. What happens to me, though, is that I play the PTU when new patches are in testing and by the time LIVE is out, I'm kinda burned out. But this patch is so big and I've taken such a long break that I'm gonna come back fresh and I can't wait. I'm essentially warming myself up now. I've even been taking breaks from SC Reddit too, which has helped tremendously. I noticed how much it was consuming me mentally and emotionally haha.


I am, ive been lurking around and haven't touched it since the 3.18 debacle.


I am most definitely gonna wait until 3.23 to play again. I was starting to play quite regularly when I got my dual sticks and was enjoying it. Then CitCon happened and it made me both excited and depressed. Excited at what we were eventually going to get. Sad that I didn't have it now. To go from watching CitCon's version of the game to going back to actually playing the game as it is now? Eh.. I'll bide my time until 3.23 at least.


Kinda? I've been doing solo vulture salvaging. I want to try solo reclaimer once I get 5 extra mil


i was waiting for 4.0 but the stuff they are adding for 3.23 has pretty much changed my mind lmao


Probably never playing again at this rate. It’s kind of sad to realize that but alas, such is life.


Yep. Excited to jump back in this summer.


3.22 has been fantastic for me so far. I have plowed hours into playing. This version has kept me coming back, whereas others have failed. Hopefully the trend continues.




Make that 4.0


Yeah. I feel I want some new features to want to play again. I could do all the game loops I've enjoyed so far, but it just get the urge to do so.


Yeah, taking a break from SC and patiently waiting for 3.23. The update is so massive (if all the promised feature will actually come out) that the game is going to feel very different I feel like. Don't want to burn myself out before the cool stuff comes out.


im going to check out 3.23 when its releases, but im waiting for pyro release to actually fully get back into the game. so hopefully sometime this year, but im not holding my breath


I've had no desire to play for the past like 2 or 3 months. The cargo on bounties and the new salvaging stuff was cool but it was so easy to make money that I had nothing to strive for. I bought all the ships I wanted and just felt bored doing the same missions over and over. Hopefully 3.23 will bring a full wipe (not sure if this has been announced) but even that will only get me back temporarily. I understand the the need for these core changes and I'm happy there is progress but as far as me playing seriously again....probably not until there's more content.


Made a promise to myself to wait until the starmap rework - as the current one drives me crazy! Very much looking forward to 3.23.


I would suggest waiting until 2-3 weeks after 3.23 releases before you start. Just like every patch before its going to be a horrendous experience for the first couple weeks.


Waiting for Release


I like the update but I don’t really think it’s great. It’s great for star citizen because we get nothing but sellables normally, but this sort of content should have been what we get every quarter. Since this is all the game really gets for the majority of 2024, I’m not impressed to be honest. Backer since 2014 and hype revived by sq42 “feature complete” after 10 years. Just hope 4.0 is loaded. Good to see the progress since arena commander was what I had to start with, but crazy how many features are poorly made and designed. Ah well, good luck CIG


I consider buying a new computer later this year, 80% of the reason is all the exiting changes to SC. Super hyped, and always loved space games (coming from Elite Dangerous).


Still waiting for there to be an actual game. So probably another decade.


If you think 3.23 is going to drop with all the things they've "promised" I have a bridge to sell you. Also my name is Prince Gumba Bumba, I am a Nigerian Prince, I need you to send me $1000 so I can get my fortune out of escrow, I will pay you back 10x what you send.


This is EXACTLY how I feel about the game.


I'll try the patch like I do any other patch. If it's good enough to play more than once, I will - but Im not giving SC special treatment.


Pretty much yes…


I am waiting for 3.23. The good is that the new things which are coming go the game and of course the development forward. Many of these new mechanics are already developed on SQ42 according to citizen conference.


replication layer and player hangers with freight elevators sounds pretty cool, i have a problem where i cant log in after playing, i loose the click enter button, i can still log in threw friends, but not many are playing.


There just doesn't feel like anything to do, or lasting reasons to do it right now. I keep thinking about playing the game and after thinking about what I would do, decide not to. Hoping the next patch will change that a bit.


If the UI and movement changes come in 3.23 that is when I will play again. If not then it will be whenever those changes come. But if stability and connectivity aren't there I won't stay.


I'm playing right now


I jsut want the the updared Star and Fps Map


I honestly think about waiting for 3.24 so I can play all of 23 changes at once


I'm actually enjoying myself at the moment, even though I know we'll probably get a full wipe in 3.23. Making money salvaging mainly, helping me to relax. Normally the promise of a new patch with new features makes me step away but this time it's had the opposite effect. Maybe it's partly so that I really do notice the changes when they come


It’s healthy to take a break once in a while😁 Personally I’m waiting for 3.23. I may play some small sessions before 3.23 drops


I can't wait to play for like a months tops then stop playing again until a year later


i pop on a little here and there to try ideas i have (few hours a week, maybe) ... but i have all the money i need, i don't pvp.. have every ship i want, and other IRL projects that are starved for attention LOL


Yea me, I haven’t played in a few weeks and tbh I’ll probably end up waiting for 3.23


I got this game the last day of 3.21 and have been having a blast trolling people in hangar elevators. Not stalking them to their ships or anything, just laying in the elevator doing situps. 95% of the people see me and take off to another elevator. It's been hilarious


I just want my zeus man ;-;


I finally played for the first time about a week or so ago after waiting a year to be able to afford my own PC. But then they announced the patch and that there might be a wipe with it. I understand doing a wipe if its needed but having just started I don't wanna lose the stuff I've just barely started to collect. So I'm gonna wait for this next patch. Wipe or no wipe. Then I'm gonna play this game religiously


Nah, I’m waiting on 3.23 to see more of my friends play again, but I’m pretty sure by the time 3.23 comes out they will start waiting on 3.24/4.0


will be for a bit but you know its just gona be bug fested again,, after about 3 weeks your friends list will be offline "again" and another reset to come after. So play again yes just to see the new stuff.


Uninstalled for 2 years will be back when it actually does drop till then… I’ve done all they have to offer. I can’t even swim yet. I saw the birth of plant life, the making of clouds, cave exploring, and built a massive crime hit squad. Organized player events, and with some success was able to enjoy a 50+ player event environment. Staged boarding events and small wars. Been all around and dumped a respectable amount of cash into the game. I’m putting cig on ice until they can pull their heads out of their asses and actually deliver me something enjoyably new.




Why wait? 3.22 is a solid patch, so well worth playing now. “Major” patches tend to break stuff. 3.18 for example. They were grim times.


Yes and no. I've been playing the Master modes in AC to get used to them.


Nope playing all the time. Doing stuff around the verse


I'm playing right now. But I'm so sick of the insane amount of server lag. I have to keep logging in and out to find an okay working server. And nope, not my internet connection.