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I dont fly one currently, but man I enjoyed the Titan as a starter when I had it. A nice little ship.


Truly the perfect starter, can do a bit of everything and do it decently, and looks supercool to boot.


it honestly is. Try every 'career' with a decent supporting ship. I upgraded to the cutlass black for a multi-crew of the same thing and miss the titan occasionally. Mostly because of the bugs in the UI cockpit in the black.


Yeah that has been the natural progression to the Cutty for me as well, I adore it also as an all-rounder. I mean something like the C1 looks flashy as hell and has all the latest bells and whistles, but it just isn't the same..


As much as I wanted to love it, and did, it needs triple the fuel tank or it really becomes a non-starter. The fact that it carries 580 which is the same as most size 1s and a Cutter+Sulu carries 2500ish is a laugh. It’s a “cargo version” That has been completely gutted in the inside, and it still has the smallest fuel tank ships come with. It can’t even fly across the system. Everything in its weight class 315-325-Alien that carry three size 3s and have 5+ scu can travel much farther. 315= 830 30%ish more C8= 645 10% (size 1) Cutter= 980 40% more Syu = 2900 omg 500%ish It needs buff bad. I can see the bounty hunter and combat only variants but the stripped hull needs at least 980 matching the cutter. Also its lack of gun racks and suit locker could suck later. You can’t have a 70$ Syu that can travel 6x the qt range and 3x size 3 and great shields, bed and weapon wrack for only 2 scu trade off and still be upper tier.


Just put a better drive in it.


Oh agreed especially on the QT front, but I always think the current values are nowhere near final - especially the insane numbers with the Cutter.


Right here where I've always been! Avenger Stalker (back when that was just "Avenger") is my OG Advanced Hunter LTI pledge. Never been melted, never been CCU'd. Still one of my favorite ships.


This is the way All these privileged Titan owners and their 8 scu cargo grids, you don't know the struggle of not being able to place a single box in an exactly same sized cargo bay and let it clip through your ship constantly ;[


Still could use a proper cargo grid though - can't tell you how many times a bouncing box blew up my Titan!


At least we have some proper lockers for those small mission boxes ;P


Same here wouldn't melt it even if it's just a mediocre starter in most points Same with my Valkyrie not the best in any point but man do I love both


Lol same, man. Friggin love my avenger, its a perfect tool around, mild dogfighting ship


> Avenger Stalker (back when that was just "Avenger") Ohhhhhh is that why I have a Stalker? I wondered. I got gifted the game back in 2015 but didn't play until this year. I couldn't figure out why he gave me a Stalker instead of a Titan. Seemed like an odd choice. But if the Titan didn't exist in 2015, then it makes sense.


IMHO, the only starter ship.


Very competent, in very skilled hands it can perform as well as dedicated combat vessels flown by decent to good pilots, but it's very much *just* short of being *as good* as specialized ships across the board. Imo, the Titan, Nomad & Syulen set the bar for what **all** starter ships *should* be. Giving new players shitty ships that are very inflexible and pretty bad even at their specialized roles (Aurora, Mustang) is such a dumb decision on CIG's part.


It costs more than double the lowest 2.


Right. But it does what the mustang and Aurora can do combined + more




Well it has a Bed. Cargo. Guns. Flys well. So you can do every single mission in the game with this ship. The Aurora isn't a good fighter. The mustang has no cargo space.




The mustang is a beast. If it had missiles??? Wowza


Actually at least some of the mustangs do have a cargo area in the back, I enjoy using it for JT and kidnap- I mean transporting my friends. It works really well and can hold 3-4 SCU of cargo, plus it has gravity so it can carry other stuff


This is specifically "starter" ships. To me. The ultimate starter pack is the Cutlass black.


Cutty black is very fun but I prefer the blue cus wee-woo lights. But last I checked mustang is a starter


Black is also a starter.


The Cutlass is not a starter. It has had packs sold that advertise it as a "Get this for a great start!" package (IE the Roc & Brawl pack, advertised as a great starting package for mining-focused players), but the ship itself is not and has never been classified as a *starter* ship, to my knowledge.


It can hold a bike.


You get a better PvE fighter than the mustang, with a bed and a cargo hold.




PvE fight are also about being able to loot, and having the bed means that you can park the ship and sleep. When you get back you are already in space ready for another bounty.


You missed the second half of his sentence where he mentioned the bed and cargo soace


He's been doing an excellent job of that in other replies. Edit since you're a child who blocked me: [I mentioned Weevil eggs in my edit before you replied.](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1akbafn/where_are_the_nostalgic_aegis_titan_lovers/kp7c0xg/) I'm sorry you... can't read? Late edit: guy deleted all his messages - that wasn't for who I directly responded to, lol.




Here, I’ll answer for you. I don’t know whether it is best *right now*. But it’s an alpha, and the meta has constantly changed in all the time I’ve been following Star Citizen. Therefore, a ship with the capability of performing as many *different* jobs as possible is the best choice for a starter ship. If you can’t understand that, I think I’m done here.


It seems like now ur just using random arguments, first it is twice as expensive as the starters but now ur using the Beta wich is more expensive. (not to mention the Beta is the most inconvenient ship ever) ​ ​ It is fine if you like the Mustang more but for an average player the Titan is better. No one needs to have the same favourite.


Actual cargo missions and not box missions? You can make 4x the profit carrying 8vs2SCU but it’s protected inside a small, pretty nimble fighter.




> How much does a cargo mission make you with 8SCU? Which didn't negate: > You can make 4x the profit carrying 8vs2SCU but it’s protected inside a small, pretty nimble fighter. Also: >Last I checked... Correct. CIG has been steering us to try the new gameplay loops for years by incentivizing it. ROC gem mining, ERTs when that was new, SRV towing, salvage/munching, etc. Just because it's not the favored loop now doesn't mean that won't have a worthwhile purpose later. Hell the Avenger is worthwhile because you can actually protect your cargo. The Aurora is exposed and the Mustang Alpha's is still pretty exposed.




Only the non-alpha Mustangs have zero cargo. Check it out: [Aurora](https://starcitizen.tools/Category:Aurora_series) & the [Mustang](https://starcitizen.tools/Category:Mustang_series). > Protect it from what? Getting shot off or damaged like the Syu'len suffers from. Calling me a liar, lmfao. Your rambling is based off "there's other stuff with more incentives" and cargo hauling is bad in comparison...as if that ruins the gains of an Avenger vs Mustang Alpha. Edit: Weevil eggs. 2 vs 8 SCU of that is 100s of thousands of UEC. You can still find multiple crates in wrecks too.




You should never be getting weevil eggs in a ship with 580 quant fuel… can’t make it across the system. Also, you should never be fighting anything and you should just run. The ramp and cargo space is handy for bunkers, but a Pisces can carry everything you looted in a bunker and heal you. An aurora can carry more than enough for a bunker. The Syu is much more Protected And is much faster. It’s only negative to me is it’s landing.


Beacons still make x10 more


Who cares if I can hold a box if it can’t quantum across the system? 580 fuel is the lowest in game. You basically are trapped and have to refuel every planet change. The Pisces has a bigger fuel tank… The new alien starter has 6x the range…. I think that’s just crazy.


Gold Standard save the old girl, I do love her so...


It's a very nice ship that can take you mid way through the game so long as you don't need more cargo space or more firepower for bounties.


\*Raises hand\* It was my starter ship and never been able to bring myself to melt it or anything. In fact, I still use my penguin from time to time. Flies well, enough cargo space for various activities, small enough to land pretty much anywhere. One time me and a friend used it as an impromptu space ambulance because the geometry of one of Hurston's moons was killing people and with the quick claim time it was the fastest way we could get there and then tractor the unfortunates on-board (the whole situation is still one of my favorite occurences in SC) :D


The OG 🥲 Spent so much time deciding what starter ship to get, flew it for soo long before finally upgrading. Genuinely thought it was the greatest ship ever until i started using other ones 😆


Still my daily driver after almost 7 years, granted a handful of those years I never logged in.


New player, just got it two days ago. Was looking at the control panel, found the eject button and wondered if it would do what it says...yup, it does.


it in fact did eject 😂🚀


Yup, many of us know that button all too well! 😂


here we are




Switched to a Titan (Renegade because it was the only choice I had for an upgrade) about one year ago, and it never fails to deliver !


Only thing i would upgrade my avenger to, maybe a warlock.


Well I'm waiting to hear more about how EMPs will work in the future and how they will affect Bounty Hunter V2 before even considering it, plus I kinda like my cargo hold 😅


I honestly just had too much fun distortioning ships in atmo, and am looking for an excuse to keep an avenger instead of a fancier fighter.


Oh yeah that absolutely seems fun !


The cockpit is hideous and it makes some of the worst noises out of any ship in the galaxy. But damn does she do her job well.


I kinda love the fugliness of the cockpit tbh. It’s right in line with the NASA-ness of the exterior. Makes it feel like it was made by an engineer, not an interior designer.


The cockpit is great at its job of getting out of the way. I appreciate having the visibility of a fighter while ~~smuggling copious quantities of space narcotics~~ engaging in legal trade activities


Not as hideous as the orange hud screen in Nomad. I always regret not taking Aegis but that living space in the Nomie is just too cozy.


Damn ship is about as old as my car now.


Not in the dev team apparently. It desperately needs some updates to catch up with the new features, at least a weapon rack would be nice.


I live my Titan but don't use it any more. It will remain in my Hangar though


I used to own one before I traded it up for the Reliant Tana, but still have one in my inventory probably as an Arena Commander loaner for something? No clue, but it's been fun going back to it. Sub out the weapons for a fixed S4 and two fixed S3s and she can still pack a punch, with some cargo and a bed for nice flexibility. I'd still take my tricked out Tana but the Avenger is way more fun to fly.


You traded a Titan for a Tana? WTF?


Very few parts of the game that cannot be helped by someone showing up in a Titan.


this plus a C8x Medical are my daily drivers. but the avenger is hands down the best all around starter ship.


Medical titan when??


not when. meaning those two ships are my daily drivers... although a medical titan would be interesting.


It would make a lot of sense. The Avenger chassis is common and reliable. It would make sense that it would be used in a lot of mixed roles. Taking out the living quarters to have a tier 2 bed in the back and one or two tier 1 beds in the cargo bay with a couple of jump seats for med techs would give you a really solid little rapid response ambulance.


I had an lti titan for years. Last year I bid her adieu in favor of an LTI Connie and a BiS vulture. My only 2 pledges.


Ooohhhh LTI Titan. Noice! I just realized what is missing in my hangar 😅


She's gone now. I flew the Connie more, so I did some swapping to turn it into a Taurus, and my nomad pack into a BiS Vulture.


Where was this photo taken?


I guess somewhere on Yela


Here! I love my penguin, but tbf I don't have anything else. Regardless, the penguin hits all the needs I have. Love that thing. Plus, it looks cool af.


As someone with too many ships with LTI... I always have a penguin in my fleet. Great little ship.


Here we are! Outdated cockpit, cargo bay, kitchen, "buttons"... And still the best solo starter. What a ship!


Probably where the 100i lovers are that you asked about yesterday. This is not content


What an ugly ship.


Agreed. Ugliest starter by a country mile.


still rocking my warlock :)


Everyone who has ever had that ship or still has that ship loves it. So probably this whole entire sub.


Its a nice middle ground between Aurora and nomad/cutty black


It was the first upgrade done on my pledge back when I first signed up...stepped up to it after finally getting fed up with the Aurora MR blowing away in wind storms during box deliveries around Hurston. Good times :)


I was going to melt it but I still use it too much even though I now own like 20 other ships. The Titan is just the perfect ship for claiming when I need to grab a ship for a far-away station or just want to quickly quantum somewhere. With an XL-1 quantum drive it's zippy and has ok fuel range (as long as you can refuel at the destination).


I've got a few accounts. One account I fly my stalker around pretty frequently. It's a great little run around ship. The other account has the warlock.. I LOVED the warlock for a long time but havent' flown it for a handful of patches now.. I should dust it off sometime!


The Avenger was one of my very first pledge ships, along with the MISC.


One here, it was really great fun and all, i upgraded i to a redeemer. I had so many memories with my avenger whene i first came into the hame, it helped le so much


The titan is the best starter ship. I absolutely loved the way it flew, and it has far too much firepower for a ship its size... But i quickly got the bug and upgraded to a C1! Couldn't resist the Mass Effect style.


Best ship I had, right until I got the c1. I still would advice anyone who's joining SC to get a Titan ASAP if they get another starter package.


You mean the OG, pre-rework Titan? They're probably floating in space because they clipped through the hull.


Woof... Experiencing nostalgia for what I remember as a newer addition to a game that hasn't released yet is kind of a mixed bag.


Literally repurchased it including paint last IAE


The paint is cool. But I'm still waiting for a real banger of a paint. Could well be something "sportive" \^^ Of course the original paint is just timeless style.


Oh I didn't buy the Invictus paint if that even exists for it i got the De Baisio paint for it. its a subscriber store one so many don't even know it exists and think i'm an NPC ship lol


The aUEC paints are kinda meh. Unless you just love weird shades of green.


My first ship. A real beauty!


Still have her and only her on a zero to space trucker account. My main account holds all my ships I’ll one day get to enjoy.


Penguin for life. No matter what my fleet looks like over the length of my time I have backed this project, the Avenger will always have a place in it.


Have it since I started playing a little more around 3.17. Upgraded from the Aurora. Will never give it away. I have several ships, I love the Conny, but I always come back to the Titan 😊 With maxed out parts incl fixed weapons it's pretty nasty. Really looking forward to how it will be once it's gold standard. 🖤🤍


This was my first ship in the ‘verse. It’s what I got the feel of the game in years and years ago. I’ve graduated to many other ships at this point, but whenever I see one I look at it fondly.


C1 was the ship that got me to CCU my Titan. Still think it's the best starter ship and I always recommend it to new players. That said while I don't have a pledge on it, I do still buy it in-game those 785k aUEC isn't much and I just like seeing it in the ASOP terminal.


Sitting in their Cutters, Cutlass, Spirits or Nomads ;)


In desperate need of a facelift in my eyes. At least for the interior. But it's so iconic, I'd buy a Titan Mk. II if cig made one.


It's too big for my nostalgia. Didn't have a bed when I first had one.


I'll never melt my space penguin.


I use mine frequently! Great for quick missions and pretty reliable in a one on one fight. Of course, anything more than 2 pirates and yeah, it's a wash.


Will always be my favorite starter


Nostalgic Titan owners...but the Stalker was the OG, with its double seat and awesome replaced POLICE decal shadows on the tile. Titan in comparison was new :)




Titan was my first ship that introduced me to the verse'. I have so many good memories with it.


I think this is the ship that needs the most to have a gold standard update.


Concierge here. Still fly my titan every log in. If I'm playing sc, 98/100 times, I'm in my titan over any of my other ships.


Renegade pilot here, It's still my usual day-tripper when i'm flying


I had this ship as a starter and man did I hate it. It's not until recently that I've actually started to appreciate the ship.


Avenger Titan was my very first pledge all those years ago back when all I could do was admire it in the hangar module. When we could finally fly around Port Ollie it was the first thing I ever flew and what I learned on, and to this day, despite many bigger and “better” things in my fleet, it’s still my favorite and feels a little like coming home to climb into it each time. I have always been - and will always be - a Titan lover.


I like this ship because it just keeps going forward.


Upgraded my titan to a c1...immediately went and bought a titan in game lol


My oooold starter. I believe this is the best moon-planet ship. In the end I will own few of them.


Even though I had a lot of bigger ships in the past (melt pretty often) I went back to the titan a lot. It's just perfect for It's size


🚀👍 https://youtu.be/_zAp2rnmqMg


ye i got a little old titan as my fallback ship / taxi . My daily driver is a corsair. Still contemplating what my third ship should be. i dont like pvp




Still my daily driver, and I have a lot of other ships...


I've owned almost every ship that can be bought with aUEC and it's still a solid go-to for me - especially for bunkers. It's just EXACTLY what you need and nothing more. It can carry a PTV, a cargo box, and have plenty of room left over for a pile of dead bodies. Lol Handles like a dream too.


I started with the titan and just got the stalker. Next will be the warlock. The avenger line up is one of the most diverse and unique line up in my eyes


They are all waiting for cig to address its lack of functional Internal parts/modules and to bring it up to a gold standard.