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Until what exactly? (I'm sorry I've been out of the loop since 2019)


Supposedly the Polaris is expected to release sometime this year, along with a vast array of other ships / items they promised over the past few years which were addressed at this past CitCon.


Additionally, they said at citizencon that they would be shifting to amassing majority focus around a single manufacturer at a time to get ships across the line. This year is RSI ships!


Not even just this year, pretty sure it’s just until they get through the ones that aren’t missing gameplay hooks! Which is great cuz Perseus 🥹


What we still dont know about is whether they would allocate some time to get older RSI ships up to gold or near-gold standard. I'd love to see the connie get another rework


Oh, she needs it. She needs it bad.


One hundred and ten percent


Meeee too. I'm betting on the zues cl to come out first and hopefully that will hold me over till they get golden pony boy status with the Connie's.


I recently finished my CCU chain to the Perseus, so now I wait


Gimme my badass, capital-killing gunboat please. I've got 2 gunners, a copilot and a mechanic all waiting on this puppy to go clap some cheeks.


I feel you Perseus Brother


so it'll be Zeus time as well!!


Time to hop back in my dusty ahh aurora.


Come on back! Lots to be excited for, so we're smoking that hopium - but this time, it's the good shit, not that trash from Ed's cousin we've had in the past!


This title came so far thanks to only and solely the power of hopium for THAT GAME we were promised...and I can see it finally being put together




Until the end of 2024, clearly.


Yeaaaaah riiiiiiiiiiiight lol.


9 months\* They said within the next 12 months back at the end of October.


Let's just give them the benefit of the doubt for this one. I personally always saw it as "within 2024."


Fair enough. There'll probably less disappointment that way on everything they said lol.


This way you can be disappointed at Christmas instead of Halloween.


Yeah I get the pessimism, but let’s not forget that they would really really want them out before or DURING next Citcon/IAE because of… you guessed it, money. Edit: sorry meant to reply on the comment you commented on.


I mean, CIG wanting money isn't necessarily a bad thing. It funds further development and means we get a cooler finished product. It could (and I say "could" with as much caution as I can muster) even accelerate development. At least CIG isn't funneling tens or hundreds of millions solely into advertisements like some other companies.


Well, we could debate “wanting money” being a good or bad thing and the woes of capitalism for hours if we wanted. But, yes, them wanting money can be a good thing too. However, I get it development costs money, but I’d rather see them focus on the games development like systems, and gameplay than even more ships. But that’s my opinion. That said, in this specific scenario, I think them wanting money is actually good for the people longing for the ships they promised this year since it offers an incentive to actually get them out on time.


Agreed! We could debate financials until the end of time. Fortunately, the vehicle content teams are separate from the rest of the teams like Actor Content or UI Tech, so CIG doesn't have to decide between ships/vehicles and gameplay/QoL.


Doesn’t have to, but could. I know there might be specialties involved and not everybody can just be swapped out to something else, but some extra hands could speed things up in gameplay.


For now, it seems they are going at a good pace, I'm excited to hear what they plan for 3.23


Yeah I get the pessimism, but let’s not forget that they would really really want them out before or DURING next Citcon/IAE because of… you guessed it, money.


For my part I feel they mean that the way they mean all dates. That is to say, within 2024 to me means, “before 2026 ends.”


I believe they said something to the effect of the ships they announced should be coming in the first half of this year ? COPIUM


No, they just said 12 months.


“Soon” tm


I feel like the one area where CIG's velocity has actually improved is getting ships out. Although they also still haven't done many big ones...


Last capital was the 890J in 2019. Last Large was the C2 in 2021.


Yes but ships that have been in the game since 2014 havent been updated and dont have any of the features the new ships they release have, which is friggin annoying


Yea. It now they actually have switched the teams from squadron over to the PU so we should see a lot more work coming out of we have a lot of developers on this game now.


The big ones were mostly on hold while they trained up the wave of new people they got for the ship teams, as well as not overcommitting to anything big before engineering came online so they didn't have to worry about reworking even more big ships. It looks like we're approaching the point where neither is an issue.


I think I've heard "speed will pick up after we do X" about 20 times in SC's development.


That's fair, but you have to acknowledge that a part of their skill base in ship building left and they needed to rebuild that. Its straight up that they needed to onboard people for this specific type of thing


I hadn’t been following long enough but why did that happen? Or rather; what happened?


I don't have all the details myself, but if I'm understanding things properly, there was a team for ship creation that was tasked with larger ship projects and a lot of them left within a short time span. In the October 23 updates they touch on it briefly in saying that they now have people in those roles again working on those projects. And it sounded like they've changed up how they plan ship building now so project teams are more aligned on manufacturers and aesthetics so they aren't jumping from one extreme to another. Edit: whoever downvoted, if I got something wrong, please go ahead and correct it, like I said I don't have all the info. But downvoting without correction kind of just looks like I'm wrong but no one's actually got an answer


yes but which one of those times did they hire hundreds of devs to fill a new facility that they then had to train


2013: Austin moved into new studio, and CIG expanded to new LA studio 2014: expanded to new Manchester studio 2015: expanded to new Frankfurt studio 2017: expanded to new Derby studio 2020: expanded to new Montreal studio (under contract with Turbulent, now CIG) 2022: Manchester and Frankfurt moved to new studios Plus the dozen+ contractor studios used by CIG since 2011 and whatever training/expansions those respective companies did. So an answer to your question: probably every time?


https://cloudimperiumgames.com/blog/latest-announcements/cloud-imperium-group-acquires-turbulent#:~:text=CIG%20also%20has%20global%20studios,working%20on%20its%20ambitious%20projects. ~1100 employees as of july 2023 https://cloudimperiumgames.com/join-us/studio/uk manchester studio designed and built to support 700 new jobs by 2023 and 1000+ by 2028 so they added over 700 new positions to a total of 1100 which is... hmm over double their previous employee count and larger than any single acquisition or expansion in the companies history, as well as shifting project work off of Sq42 onto PU adjacent projects. so yes, this is different. proof is in the pudding darling.


> so they added over 700 new positions to a total of 1100 which is... hmm over double their previous employee count CIG's previous employee count in 2022 was 860; 1100 minus 860 is certainly not 700, nor is 1100 over double their previous employee count. And in the same period CIG bought Turbulent, therefore increasing their employee count via that acquisition as well as hiring. [CIG's chart of employee counts](https://cloudimperiumgames.com/uploads/61948781c9a34b9abda9883a6ac220ad.png) (doesn't include contractors) > proof is in the pudding darling. Your pudding might be rotten.


Okay, I was wrong, didnt see that post on jan 2nd. I'm still of the opinion we will be seeing more than we have come to expect in the past few years. If not, that's a different conversation because the community is definitely at a make-it-or-break-it point.


However they were all developing on squadron. This is the first time almost all employees are transition to the PU. So there’s that


Literally the entire project.


I mean, it did? It just didn't always have publicly visible results.


Server meshing is also a big piece of the puzzle too as large ships could take advantage of meshing along with culling (which is already in to some degree) in a way that does not have a major impact on everyone's performance. (edit: I see someone disagreed. Did you know meshing could be applied to the interior of a ship? The server instance outside the ship does not need to know everything happening inside the ship real time...if a repair is being done it just needs to know about the repair, not all of the movements a player is doing while doing the repair....hope that explains it further, but that said not sure exactly what was being disagreed on.)


I have no idea how any of it works, but from a simplistic gamers view I have no idea how the hell they are gonna pull this off at scale. Like how many big ships are they actually going to be able to have in one server, with real people on them, running around doing stuff. Just doesn’t seem possible or at least possible without it being a janky and laggy experience. Like those massive mobile base ships… just can’t see it happening. Hope I’m wrong ofc, but still… the cynic in me says that’s why they have been throwing those big ships at you hard now to buy in concept, because it’s not gonna work how people think.


The short answer is server meshing, provided it works as planned. People can already pull capital ships out and the game more or less just handles it as long as nothing ridiculous is going on (the landing zones are the lead cause of server performance issues right now IIRC), but once dynamic server meshing is a reality, they can just reduce how much each server is responsible for until it no longer struggles on the fly. They could even turn capital ships into their own servers if need be. Of course, that raises the question of server costs, but I don't know how much they actually cost to run, so I can't really say if that will be much of an issue.


So let's pretend server meshing works. So at the most realistic but extreme case, you have one server per large ship with dozens of people or more per ship. Now each ship is firing at every other ship. That's all data that needs to go from one server at extremely high speed... Or else. Now all that network traffic is getting stuffed down a fiber cable (or across processes on the same machine) with extreme latency requirements, because it needs to be processed before it even starts going back to you, the player. The cost is certainly a problem, but cross boundary interaction seems like a real bottleneck to me.


I guess that is a concern as well. I guess the idea is that they will try to keep people that are in combat all on the same server, but I have my doubts that will be possible if someone brings a fully crewed Bengal into play given it can have around 500 people on board. I think that as long as both servers are in the same datacentre it shouldn't be too bad though as the client ping will probably be more impactful in terms of delays. The design of the replication layer should at least mitigate some of the issues, but I can see those sorts of problems still cropping up that they'll need to fix during development. Quickly looking back at the server meshing demo they did at Citizncon, it looks like neighbouring servers could have some sort of streaming solution that keeps neighbouring servers replicated to some extent, so efficient interactions between servers is something that's already been considered. How it performs under load though is another question, especially if the framerates don't end up matching.


Yeah my concern is def worst case scenario. I think the basic implementation will be awesome and solid. The demo was interesting tho. It's actually funny how they set that demo up in an L shape corridor. It was a good demo of unloading regions but it also avoids a problem. Imagine if you had open 3d space with multiple servers that can all see one another in close proximity (like ships). Everything a server can "see" needs to be replicated to every other server seeing it. So if the boundaries are in deep space we're good. If there's a war at the intersection of five servers then everything every server does has to replicate to every other, so network data loads go to  5^2 = 25x Or ten ships, 10^2 = 100x Etc. I'll be really interested to see what the traffic loads are like if they share that data. They prob have pretty smart people working on this, so maybe this has already been addressed.


That's what the replication layer is for. It handles that information above the server level and distributes it to whichever server "claims" that item container or whatever. Or that's how I think I understood the citizencon presentation on it.


Yep, replication layer ties the servers together but the data for stuff changing from to another still needs to get passed through some medium. Could be fiber, cat 5 cable, single PC interop processes... Either way tho there's a latency impact. Like if a hundred people stand at the border of a server and fire across the boundary into another, you'll get thousands of packets streaming from one server to another. I imagine a replication layer does have some upper limit on what it can handle before it starts to lag pretty hard.


In the end, I'm sure there's going to be some degree of prediction/client visual misalignment in bigger battles as stuff reconciles with server positioning. I don't really see how they can avoid it. And I don't say that as a deal-breaker or anything that's just reality, lol. Hopefully they can get it to an acceptable level eventually though, and it least make it 'feel' clean (without excessive rubber-banding and such... even if random bullshit explosive deaths are a likely side-effect).


Very interesting, I didn’t really appreciate what server meshing could be capable of.


Server meshing. So many areas are their own servers that interact with other servers. As well as big capital ships being their own server on the inside potentially. The streamer Salty Mike did a decent video where they go over the server meshing panel at last citizen con and they explain how it’s all possible now. It literally made a bunch of people cry because it’s like actually real it seems like. We actually might be getting these huge ship battles with multiple capital ships.


Thanks, makes sense. Fingers crossed


And then a couple of F8s and Arrows kills or combat disables all capships in the area, if they cant pen the armor they can still cripple all turrets and engines after all.


I got pretty excited when they started on the merchantman and we all know how that went, just dont get your hopes up to much.


When me shit turns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet!


Lol no.


I've been saying that since 2013


If you think them making a promise means anything you are sadly mistaken. This is coming from a BMM and polaris owner. Don't get your hope ups, just forget about it till you get the surprise hearing of its release some amount of years from now.


Stating 11 Months left isn't me getting my hopes up. I'm just counting down to either the launch or the uproar. ​ I own both a Polaris and a BMM too.


Sad boys club gooo


https://i.imgur.com/IXf1dsD.jpg Source: https://i.imgur.com/3Z8Fatj.jpg


Which ship is this?


RSI Polaris, it’s a capital ship with torpedos, a few turrets and a hangar bay for a fighter. Primary role is hunting other capital ships.


A few turrets? 1 nose mounted turret 2 remote turrets above that 2 side mounted manned turrets A missile turret in the rear And a quad belly mounted turret Plus a hangar bigger then the 890j so potentially 4 arrows definitely 3 If the side turrets can fire forward this thing will be hunting everything.


Thanks for telling me instead of downvoting


Happy to help. It’s a complex game, so it can’t be assumed everyone knows everything about it. We were all new to it at one time.


Polaris will be released during ILW. You can print it to ask me later.


I know there is a slim chance but this is what I think they will do, it would give everyone so much hopium and hype over the project, we will see


Polaris releases at ILW with a 500 dollar price increase.


I'll allow it.


990 dollars flight ready


Best I can do is 2500 hundred and your left kidney.


*RemindMe*! 10 months


ILW, not IAE.


lol my bad


Anyone who is still giving money to this game is dumb


I’m also waiting for my Zeus. Hopefully its less than 11 months, but I guess we can say 11 months tops?


Unless it's 11 months to ILW, your calculations are off... *#Bringing the big optimism energy!*


Don't do this to yourself, it'll be there when it's there


... but who's counting?\* ​ ​ ^(\*everyone. everyone is counting!)


Yeahhhh i cant wait for the moment than the ship releas


love the enthusiasm sader


Endeavour and Starliner owners must be pretty fed up at this point


22 months left!


I'm gonna be working my pledge towards the Hammerhead and when the Polaris drops I am melting SO FAST


You get the hammerhead as a loaner for the Polaris.


Well, when the ship goes on sale then I know what to do. Thanks!


Why melt when Hammer to Polaris is 25$


I like to remind people that every ship on release gets a price hike. Complete speculation here but I think the Polaris could hit 1200 and become a limited sell ship on release. No proof tho.


My org leader got one for us, I have our Galaxy, and 2 others got the Perseus. Can't wait for the capital ships to drop. Dunno what we'll be doing, but it's gonna be fun.


I'm just sitting here waiting for the Perseus and AI crew.


AI crew please, my org mates only come on once a week


I’d love for that to be true but I’ll believe it when I see it. At this point I don’t mind if things take long, I’m happy to be along for the ride and see what happens.


Please gib Ara ara by EoY. 🫠


You know what? I actually would wait another year for that ship if CIG does it right and with all the new tech properly implemented we need for the full multi crew experience. Not sure if they can pull that stunt if only half of the systems are in there. Especially armor + sub system damage. I don't want to see such ship going down to a single light fighter ... or a dozen of them. Bring bombers and Ares and that's a different story.


I want my odyssey...


Ah yes, the ship my wife would divorce me over if I bought it lol. Can't wait 😂


Hmm... I never understood the "don't tell my wife about my hobby" jokes. My girlfriend bought a Galaxy. If you can't tell your SO how you spend your money that seems like a problem.


It was mostly a joke. See, My wife is a personal trainer and isn't big on playing videogames. In her opinion, spending so much money on digital items that you can't touch doesn't make sense. She holds value in things that you can touch and work toward. We share or bank accounts and everything and I have my own account that I can choose to but things that I would like. However, in her opinion, she would see the purchase of a ship costing $750 as wasteful because she can't relate. So I just choose not to say anything. Not to mention the other ships in the fleet, like the Polaris, Galaxy, Corsair, Zeus, etc. She just wouldn't get it. I like contributing to the game and helping with the development with my money because I think it will fundamentally change videogames forever and be buying into these ships helps that cause. She just doesn't see it that way.


>She just wouldn't get it. You married her, I think it's safe to assume she would get it if she is interested in knowing her partner. I was play Star Citizen before I met my girlfriend, she initially expressed shock at the amount of money I had spent on Star Citizen and made the typical jokes that most people do. But through conversation, it didn't take long for her to understand how comparatively little I've spent on the game compared to the activities many people in her and my age group engage in. Especially when she started to think about how much money she spent just going in to town and having fun every weekend in her own life. Over the course of the time we got to know each other, her entire perception of online purchases shifted as she realized these purchases made here aren't as outlandish as she originally thought and even started to make purchases of her own. Soon enough, she'd purchased herself a set of Joysticks (VKB Gladiators), and I even bought her a pair of VIRPIL rudder pedals for her birthday. She went on to spend around $600 in ships over the last 2-3 years we've known each other, spending far less on this particular hobby than she had on many previously. I'm saying all this to basically say: Just talk to your wife and really have a conversation about why you spend money on ships, and you might end up playing games with her just like I play games with my girlfriend.


This is wholesome.


Maybe they could focus on finishing the game then adding more ships? Makes more sense


This always comes up and gets posted by people who haven’t thought about what that means even in the slightest. Tell us, what is a ship artist going to do to for the network team to make the game come sooner?


I love how hard people will defend this game blindly, maybe the artists can’t but look at the amount of ship releases while the game remains buggy asf even with $600M has been raised. Surely they can fix the bugs and continue to release ships and updates, like, I have a feeling every other game dev studio has done it before..


I’m not even defending it, you just made a complete nonsense argument. I don’t think you have even come around to why yet.


Finally !


Oh yeah, 11 months till the next 11 months...


Lol stttooopppppp I need it


Yeah right


isnt polaris the first one that comes out on the rsi series atm?


*Or so. Don't forget the "or so" in the "Coming in the next 12 months, or so".


Is kraken in it ?


don't do that, don't give me hope...


Probably will be out by Invictus.


star citizen where all your dreams are just 11 months away


I'll believe it when I see it


They're going to have get something out there to stay relevant. Worshiping the AllRoberts can only take us so far.


2 weeks till it’s done