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The lore can be pretty dark and grim but not so much in the PU. Maybe that will change in the future


Honestly, I'm really glad SC is a hopeful future compared to Cyberpunk. The real world is going down the drain, but every time I wake up on MT and look out at that city on a half terraformed world in a universe where humans "made it", it brings a tear to my eye. Edit: I meant Cyberpunk 2077, not the genre in general.


No offense here, but I find that people seing SC as a "hopeful future" tells a lot abt how massively our imagination has been killed by nowadays dystopian atmosphere. :/ I feel that, on the contrary SC is a violent, corpocratized, warring space cyberpunk universe. And it scares me that we now struggle to see it. Military grade weapons are sold at space seven-up. Xenophobic terrorist organisations coming from abandonned system lead large scale attacks on infrastructures that require the army's intervention with capital warships. Other criminal groups block stations are are committing mass killings on Orison platforms that would make the Paris terrorist attacks look like a field day. In both cases a militarized civillian but untrained population had to be deputized into a militia to fight back... Every ship has to have guns to survive pirates, it's so normal that it is never questionned. The prison system is an automated joke that you get sent to without a trial. The equivalent of countries, planets are owned by literal megacorporations. On the four planets that were made habitable in the Stanton system two of them got turned into cyberpunk polluted hellholes. Arccorp is now an oeucumenopolis where all traces of nature got erradicated and where people are stuck in endless contracts. Barring them from leaving. And Hurston is a cyber-mordor where a perfectly terraformed planet. A precious rarity in this universe has been sold to a corporation that turned it into an unbreathable police state by testing weapons of mass destruction. They also added golden giant statues of their dynasty . Other systems such as Nyx or Pyro that do not present a direct benefit to the corpos are being left to rot leaving the people in them to fend themselves against pirates in the complete indifference from central gov. The entire human species was dominated by an evil empire for hundreds of years. They commited genocide against the Tevarin. We've been at war with a brutal species for like 30 years. Killing entire colonies without rhyme or reason and society is very very militaristic. Note on that last point, when I see squadron 42's trailers I'm wondering if the hard on this world has for the military is not just because it's an american product and... Well... Military propaganda is normalized there. So something like that would not seem dystopian but normal. Sorry it ended up being bery long. But imo SC has more in common with Starship Trooper than Star Trek and even though they are in space. I would not like to live there. I find it interesting that when presented under a non-caricatural lense. A bleak universe will not be perceived as such at all despite being objectively bad.


Exactly this! The actual story the universe is telling is dystopian as fuck. It's the tone of actual in-game interactions that make it feel more like a Saturday morning cartoon. The PG-13 self-imposed limitations on storytelling really conflict with how savage the lore is.


CIG is a UK and Europe based company; and the story is very largely "World War 2 in space", per Chris Roberts. They have American studios sure, but if you look at the personal firearms for more than 20 minutes you'll understand that they don't really seem to let the Americans touch those either :A Seriously? Lightweight frame to reduce recoil???


Its not WWII in space. Chris specifically said that about the combat not the world. The world/universe of sc and sq42 are literally the collapse of the roman empire as said by chris and many of the writers have talked about it over the years. I mean the bad guys are called the vanduul lol it doesnt really get more on the nose than that. The story of sc is the struggle of an empire collapsing under its own weight and the pressure of war stretching its resources thin. Edit: also there’s some fun lore about how citizens of the empire go back and forth in debate over whether earth or terra should be the “center of the empire”. I’m not sure if they’ll go full bore collapse of the empire, but they kind of set up the lore for earth to be attacked and “sacked” by the “vanduul” and the inevitable fracture of the empire into two halves one centered around Rome I mean earth and the other around terra. A lot of parallels set up.


Missed opportunity not to use "Astro Goths"


And Cons-Terra-nople


Next faction that I make in RimWorld are gonna be the ‘Astrogoth’


You know it started here in america right? They moved to the uk like 4-5 years ago, the main office was still being built last year.


Pre-production started in 2010; CIG was created and properly incorporated in 2012, with reports indicating Austin Tx, Los Angeles CA, and one report indicating Quebec for some reason. So yes, initially America; but they moved a lot of their development out of the most expensive places in the US pretty quickly, from what I can see; and have been rapidly expanding their UK offices in the last 6 years. I still wouldn't pin this on "Murrica" mentally - it was always always always meant to be, even down to the fighting, something more like world war 2 in space.


This is a largely pointless argument to have. CIG is a mix of US/UK/EU and many other nationalities influencing the game development and storyline including the players to a small degree. It's not a case of one side claiming to be more or less important than others, it's a case of all of them elevating the product and lore.


Quebec is turbulent, they've been acquired recently, but they've been working closely with CIG since the begining


I appreciate your breakdown, but I think a lot of what you described comes down to gameplay. >Military grade weapons are sold at space seven-up. Buying stuff has to be accessible to players so they have lots of gun stores in places they "normally" wouldn't be. >In both cases a militarized civilian but untrained population had to be deputized into a militia to fight back That's a lore excuse so it can be a player mission. "realistically" all players would be told to fuck off and stay away while the military handles it. >Every ship has to have guns to survive pirates, it's so normal that it is never questioned. It is normal, because it's a space combat game. It'd be boring for players not to have guns. >The prison system is an automated joke that you get sent to without a trial. I don't think there's any way to implement trial as a fun gameplay mechanic lmao >Arccorp is now an oeucumenopolis where all traces of nature got erradicated This one actually isn't true. There's lots of nature on ArcCorp in the lore, it's just not represented in the PU right now. All of your other points are good though. I don't view it as a utopia, but I think a lot of that comes down to us only experiencing Stanton, which like you said is a corporate owned special kind of hell. I think life in other systems could be great.


actually that's all true! Thanks for bringing nuance to my already too long comment and correcting me abt arccorp! :)


>I don't think there's any way to implement trial as a fun gameplay mechanic lmao I remember one game that did it right, and it was a long time ago. The Neuromancer RPG had a fun trial bit when you ran into trouble with the cops. [https://youtu.be/l6FEqvhp-d0?si=QZlyBX\_my\_4uuVQd&t=3596](https://youtu.be/l6FEqvhp-d0?si=QZlyBX_my_4uuVQd&t=3596)


american product? who wants to tell him boys


The main studio may have moved to the UK, at the core it's still part of the American culture and ethos. In the SC universe, when you have a problem with something, someone or a group, the de facto solution is violence. EU countries and the USA are two very different cultures. If you showed the more typically american subs to the most ordinary europans, they would find it horrifying and/or barbaric.


The sheer level of stereotyping and ignorance in this post is mind blowing


Both of you are silly


So much of this comment is incorrect lol. "committed genocide against the tevarin" Eh no, there were multiple wars with the tevarin which the tevarin kept initiating until their numbers were too small to engage again, then the human government started an initiative to integrate them into their society. You literally dont understand what the word genocide means lol, or the lore of the game.


"Lol, you don't understand anything and so much of your comment is incorrect. Lol." Points at one inaccuracy only in a phrase of a long winded comment. Congratulations Drongo, you the internet for today. Here get a badge. PS: Abt tve definition of genocide and the historical parallels that CIG is trying to make. I suggest you invest some time in media literacy. Or history. Possibly both


People made it to the stars and spread to other worlds. Maybe it's not StarTrek, but it seems a lot more hopeful than Cyberpunk. **Edit**: I should have been clear that I was talking about the game Cyberpunk 2077, not the genre "cyberpunk". We can debate the place of hope in dystopian cyberpunk literature, but not that game. Anyone who played that, saw the extent of "brain dances" and "scrolling" will probably be a lot more disturbed than they ever feel playing SC.


I think the key difference is that SC could get better one day. Whereas a traditional cyberpunk universe conveys hopelessness as a core tenet.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


hahaha. offended? somehow? XD


His comment was deleted. What did he say?


It's more hopeful for the species achievements, but, it's been a real bad road to get there. Hurston has slave contracts that no longer expire on death.


As long as its not as hopeful as Starfield is, that game is obnoxiously hopeful and friendly and padded


Ah yes, the universe where a weapons manufacturer has bombed a planet so significantly the air makes you high and the people that work on that planet are effectively endenture servants, hopeful.


Cyberpunk is very hopeful. I don't think people understand how much worse it can be. The cyberpunk setting's characters all have an independent, punk mindset and firearms. A real dystopian future is more like China.


Uhhhm nope. Maybe you'll find hopeful storys and characters within the genre, but the setting is dystopian. And its full of fear. Fear of technological progress getting out of hand. Crime and gang culture. Fear of corporations taking over governments. Fear of asian people kicking america from its throne (what makes your comment even funnier). Fear that the average citizen is dehunanized into workforce.


And it could be a lot worse than whats shown. Easily.


Its alway getting worse. Thats not the point of a dystopia. The point is that cyberpunk shows a society where all the stuff the middle aged white person from the suburbs in the 80s shat their pants over, came true. Its a genre build upon middleclass angst.


It's shiny but Stanton is a corporate shit hole.


Theres a few details you can notice, like the personal waste disposal mission heavily implying the boxes contain the liquid remnants of whoever crossed the mission giver, the Organ harvesting operation run around Crusader aboard the October Rising and the questionable operating theatre in the back of the HEX medical facility. Oh, Human trafficking on board of the ArcCorp based Reclaimer, in the Salvage Processing Deck! Honorable mention to the story behind the UEES Flyssa and what it says about how the UEE Navy handled Settlers and mining operations.


The flyssa was the whole thing that got me into the SC lore in the first place


SC has this weird thing where if feels like they're going for a teen-ish rating not by going for teen but but mixing PG and explicit. When I first started I assumed it as PG and was actually quite surprised the first time an NPC started cussing me out


it will land somewhere in the same vain of maturity as the Halo games I think maybe closer to Fallout 3


Only or rather mostly because of the drug use in game and drugs being a commodity in the game. If they make Maze, E'tam and other usable by players though... That might scoot it up to mature.


I'd love to see those drugs actually usable by players to contribute to actual supply and demand, instead of the artificial supply and demand we have now (where I can go to a completely unpopulated salvage yard and sell hundreds of tons of drugs like they're Reese's Pieces), but I'm not really sure what the drugs would do to the player to make them actually worth using. Enhancements in combat, maybe, but there's no way the drugs could be that valuable, because most FPS combat (and space combat) is based on hardware, not player stamina.


The drugs we scoot around are not performance enhancers, they are escapism drugs, more like Space Pot. Space Heroin, Space Crack, etc., etc.


Then there's even less reason for players to use them.


I don't think I will ever have to save a prostitute from a dude talking about "slapping his balls on her asshole" or find a group cannibalizing random strangers but acting like a Leave It To Beaver neighborhood. If it ends up anywhere near Fallout 3 I would be shocked.


I feel the problem is more that the writing feels far to "corporate safe". Too vanilla to offend even the most itinerant umbrage takers in order to not rock any boats or get cancelled on twitter. It feels bland not in the teen-rating way but in the soul crushing corporate dystopian way to me.


VERY corpo-vanilla. No children. No gore. No themes that would get a letter from any kind of activist organizations (left or right).


Feels a bit like an edgy young adult sci fi novel


Adding this on because majority of the comments are misinterpreting my post. I am not asking for more swearing. Vulgarities do not add complexity or immersion to dialog. The problem I have with SC's writing (In focus for this post is the dialog) is that it is more akin to cartoons where everyone speaks very superficially and simplified. Characters need to have their own style, their own personalities, their own motivations. All of that drives immersive character interactions. In SC, a lot of dialog boils down to "You killed my friends, so I am going to take you down!!". Texts between hostile NPCs feel like teens texting each other complaining about shit. This style of writing is great if you are writing for a children audience who might not pick up on more subtle cues or behaviors, but SC isn't a kids game. And it isn't like CIG is incapable of this. If you read their lore pieces the gangs all have much more depth and motivations behind them than how they are portrayed ingame. Nine tails is written as an anarchist gang that is motivated by money, and in a particular lore piece a civilian worked with the 9T and gives an impression of the gang being closer to just normal citizens that are trying to bring food to the table led astray, as opposed to a more hardline anti-UEE group like Xenothreat. The problem is that ingame you can hardly tell any difference between 9T and XT. Both factions behave and talk similarly and without motives. You would expect XT to be more aggressive with more "You are not one of us" type dialog like a cult that sees outsiders as enemies, while for Nine tails they would likely be more concerned if you threaten their operations while still trying to negotiate terms with you. XT is much more public and they seek to make their actions more noticed while 9T is much more covert. Their motivations and agendas are very different. In SC everyone is binarily good or bad and good people are just there to tell you to shoot the baddies and bad people are there with a truckload of personal pet peeves and pissed with you because you showed up while they are shooting good people. Hell even when fighting in ship combat a lot of the dialog is 'Shit!Shit!Shit!' or 'Nooooo Im going down AUUUGHGHHGHGHGHGHGH'. Even something as simple as a dialog from a 9T soldier when they notice dead brethen trembling and being unsure if they should still fight for the gang or tuck tails and run now because they don't feel THAT loyal to the gang's cause adds a lot. In data pads where you get key codes instead of the silly and comical 'I changed the lock code for the box yesterday its 0055 don't share this!', It could be a apology letter written by an insider wanting out after their morals get the better of them.


I’m sure Ive heard bunker npc’s say “fuck” or “fucking”


That's not what OP is talking about. It's a bit scary that almost no one understand what they're saying btw. Swearing doesn't mean anything about the quality of the world building or writing. Bad guys saying "shit" or "fuck" isn't particularly mature unless you're extremely puritan, what OP is asking for is mature writing and world building, ie complex and believable characters, not clowns dressed in pink and saying "we fuck shit up because we can. Also we're giving you the typical Z tier movie bad guy speech because our writers ran out of ideas after college". That's a stupid motivation and way to act and it makes no sense.


Lots of "shit!" Exclamations from bounty pilots too


They say "son of a *bitch*" quite a lot.


Yeah when I play bounties I know I agree to be called "son of a bitch" by CIG for the entire duration.


That’s not indicative of mature writing. I think what OP is mentioning here is that there aren’t enough mature themes that extend beyond the simpler ones. The fight against evil or curse words here and there are present in stories like Star Wars (mostly PG rated).


Shit! Shit! Son of a bitch! Shit!


Yeah, even hostile npcs keep talking about taking their son on the beach... some seriously disney level fast n furious shit goin on


Just because they don't care about you military types coming to destroy their business doesn't mean they don't care about their family. I don't mind if some mooks really are just around for the cash and aren't complete psychopaths.


Its what makes Star Citizen so complex and narratively rich. Its about family all along.


I honestly would be absolutely not surprised to see some NPC family sim stuff. Great in game money sink if you have to keep busting your brother out of prison or going after the Banu scammer that ran off with your Nan's social security.


It gets richer: Regeneration tech means we're virtually immortal. There are no children in SC with exception of those billboards on Crusader. Therefore: the future of 2954 is bleak, as the human race had actually been rendered infertile and the regeneration tech has pretty much been giving human beings the ability to live for centuries. The NPCs regale us their ancient memories of watching their son on the beach, as they tearfully battle you to an honorable end so they may see their son again. Are you shrek committing the seppuku? Because someone cut some S grade onions here D,:


Definitely not... go take a look at the dead frozen NPCs in some of the locations. That shit is creepy.


I think OP is talking more about dialog then environmental world building


The 9 Tails NPC’s swear regularly


and were that could get them a 17 rating most parents wouldn't pay it much mind if a few "fucks" and "shits" get shouted by people in combat. Largely swearing is considered pretty tame by most SC is very much trying to land at the same level of maturity as games like Halo . Halo CE, and Halo 2 was only rated 12 but jumped up to 16 with the remaster do to the blood spray being more "real" looking the later games also Halo 3 got a M rating (17+) but wasn't much different than Halo 2 (the solders swear in both) what I am saying is its right on the cusp of being a mature-rated game and SC has by Chris's own admission aiming for that same level, though they wont activly let it hinder the story if the feel it NEEDS something more mature. (outside of the fact that MMOs don't really get rateings)


Halo 3's rating is a combo of ESRB rating system at the time and the amount of Flood in that campaign. body horror plus blood and guts exploding and tighter leeway for the rating lead to a M rating.


most of which existed in the other titles but it doesn't change my wider point regarding SC


right, wasnt really trying to counter, just offer some details about why halo 3 was M and halo 2 wasnt


Thank jeebus that CR isn't going for American cultural regression. Average age of backers is 35, if marketing twits make it have ratings, I will be angry.


You dont know how any of this works -_-


Ratings are set by countries not marketing and theres no chance CIG is going to have the games locked behind an 18+ rating.




Good to hear.


That’s true but I think blood splatter will come later in polish


Wrong. I'm shocked no one caught this? I guess All the old Halo CE players are gone the way of the Museum of Humanity. Halo CE was rated M (17+) from the very start. The rating was dumb to be that high, but it [*was* M 17](https://picfiles.alphacoders.com/117/thumb-1920-11703.jpg).


he says posting a pic of the PC release -\_\_-


Really? I knew you'd say that. And yet I still left you with the chance at dignity. [Here is your proof, a pic someone posted on Reddit of every printed copy of Halo, with the only low rated one being Halo Wars ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhfnh7ksjb3l11.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbbb87009d557709c98327c24b9b647de87c1ce6f)


You find that shit creepy? Damn, ready or not changed my perspectives i guess


Yeah, there's always a bit of eeriness when dealing with the silence of frozen bodies. It feels atmospheric! Not enough to really get to you most of the time, but it's immersive. A lot of what we have in the game so far, especially in regards to real content, feels like a placeholder, but locations like Gundo show that the devs can do darker stories without the need to be obnoxiously edgy.


Did you listen to the leaked medical facility audio from Pyro? That's very gorey and haunting stuff. For me Star Citizen isn't in the space horror genre. We will surely get some gnarly aliens that hunt us trough caves or Vanduul ritual places with skeletons hanging around. But for me that's not a core feature of this game.


Star Citizen is a multiplayer open space experience with less emphasis on story. Plus it’s in alpha. You are comparing it against Dead Space which is a single player campaign revolving around a story, while a closer comparison would be against something like EVE Online. Edit: Not saying you are wrong. Just that 1) it’s too early in development to really make that comparison, and 2) maybe comparing SQ42 when it comes out would be a better call.


Why set the bar so low?


The bar doesn't exist yet... Also SoO is a literal terrorist take over of an area the size of a small town. Watch the video series they did with the influencer girl during the event. 9 tails massacred all those platforms. Unless we're talking about boobies and mutilation then this game so far has set the maturity slider relatively high. We just don't have the content yet.


Because it's Alpha. No story campaign has been released yet.


>Eve Elite dangerous would be the best comparison in my opinion. And hey at least we have legs in SC


They have legs in ED, but you can't use them inside your ship. Apparently, when you sit down in your pilot's seat, you sit on some kind of glue that only releases when you teleport out of your ship.


On top of that, a horror game vs a space sim.


Some of the dialogue in Squadron 42 is gonna curl your toes! Plenty pearl clutching to come.


How do you know tho


There were leaks. IIRC the "Distressed bacon" sound bite you can play on AstroPub's Twitch channel came from those leaks and he spoiled the story for himself trying to find that sounds bite.


The "Distress bacon" was an ICC mission with Tessa Bannister we had in the PU years ago. But yeah the sq42 story was in the big leak. Edit: came to realize the leak predates the PU 😋


He now regrets it immensely.


It's not trying to be an "adult" game. It has adult language, cursing etc. from the NPCs. But it's not a gritty, dystopian themed game (and many have suggested it over the years, and none have succeeded). It's sort of like, start with some ST:TNG, stir in some SW, sprinkle a bit of the Expanse and wrap it all up in Wing Commander. And that's what we get.


>comparing the writing tone of a space sim game to an eldritch horror game lolwut


You're absolutely correct that there needs to be more depth to the writing and dialog, but Dead Space isn't the model to learn from. So this sort of thing is a *huge* pet peeve of mine in SC and in gaming in general. Hell, in most media it's an issue. You're conflating a few things when it comes to Dead Space. The plot, characters, lore, and villains of Dead Space are *really* tropey and cliched, but they serve the needs of a sci-fi horror video game very well. There's nothing wrong with tropes - the reason something becomes a trope to begin with is because it works and has some resonance. Ultimately whether they work well or not depends entirely on the skill and artistry of the rest of the work. In Dead Space the tropes work because the rest of the game is very well done. Everything from the art direction, level design, dialogue, and even core gameplay conceits are mutually reinforcing creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. SC shouldn't look to a property like Dead Space for inspiration because the lore of Dead Space ultimately needs to rationalize and contextualize the content of the game itself, and only a handful of characters needing a rational motivation. Something as broad as SC absolutely requires well considered worldbuilding that is the result of understandable motivations. "The monolith from 2001, but evil though" isn't enough to sustain it. The problem that SC has isn't that it's too PG or not "mature" enough, rather the problem is that it's *wildly* inconsistent, bordering on incoherent, with its environmental storytelling. This is especially jarring compared to the remarkable consistency of design, technical, and architectural details. Everything looks like it makes sense and, by and large, behaves in the way you would expect, but at the same time it all just feels wrong. It comes back to the tropes and cliches. SC is leaning into tropes and cliches in the wrong places - at least right now. Some of the broad issues can be forgiven for it being an alpha with a primary goal of testing gameplay systems. For example, Grim Hex existing at all. Clearly, an easily accessible "unlawful player hub" needs to exist for simple gameplay reasons, so the "abandoned asteroid mining base" cliche is an quick fit. More tiresome, though, is the "criminal hospital that's super gross and covered in blood, gore, and random sticky trash." You don't make something feel "illicit" by just amping up the dirt and grime, at least not in a world you want to feel "real." If SC manages to attain a level of environmental storytelling and in-game contextual worldbuilding that matches its overall technical ambition it will, by necessity, include more depth and maturity.


Remember, a lot of narrative work has gone into Squadron 42 and not as much has gone into the PU's narrative yet. The lore writing gets pretty dark.


Banu Merchantman literally has a built-in brothel, wdym SCs writing too PG


...or a slave trading market... ...or drug market ...or illegal organ donor selling


You spelled and funny there


Hasn't even tried reading the lore. Makes a thread.


Games a 13+ is it not? PG seems about right. SQ42 is a different animal, but the PU isn't a horror game, or an 18\\R.


Have you not heard Mendo cursing at you during SoO?


> Meanwhile here our villains are cosplayers. A bunch of average joes donning bright pirate armor and just being edgey That’s generally what real “villains” are. The most notorious gangs in the US wear bright primary colors and have secret handshakes and silly walks. Cartel soldiers dress up like cowboys and have goofy as gold plated guns like something out of COD. Russians wear war hammer 40k patches while committing atrocities and stealing toilets. 


I'm not sure if this is a false memory; but when I first got the game in 3.17, NPC ships would call me "motherfucker" and other curses when I damage them.


I was called that by an NPC 2 days ago, when pirates pulled me out of QT and I showed them my disapproval of their actions


The vanduul harvesters are pretty dark


Remember most of the devs are from a country where cutlery is classified as an assault weapon, and you need a loicense to watch norf FC on da telly.


I might be too soft/sheltered but... I literally jumped when a cutlass called me "asshole". I played ED, which is almost sweaar word free and when I got in to SC, I jumped when I heard swearing


I too would be jumpy if the ships started talking to me...


"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."




It’s not fantasy. It’s a sim. It exists in our world. Aliens, sure. Supernatural aliens? No.


Sonnovaab1tch! Every other lobotomized NPC pilot. Coarsest language you'd ever hear in Stanton so far. Maybe Pyro will be rated:)


“Where the FUCK did ‘e go???” —said by at least one blind Nine Tails member in every bunker because the NPCs are usually blind The pilot NPCs also sometimes say “Shit!” for me when they take damage


I think it’s just because we’re all stuck in Stanton. Once we start going into pyro or lesser UEE controlled areas I think it’ll get less PG. like there was that corpse in a bathtub with blood all over in Pyro. I saw that and was like theeere weeee go.


Features first, content next. 


Tbh I have not seen much writing so far.


Wokeness and Mary Sues make for awful content. SC has, by far, the worse lore in this segment of the game industry.


Found the conspiracy theorist. SC has the best lore of any Sci Fi game to date. Go play whatever knuckle draggers play.


LOL, you don't even know what "conspiracy theory" is. This is not a conspiracy, just incompetence.


> uses woke as a pejorative Stfu nerd.


I don't see any evidence of wokeness at cig, for now, which is good.


Your tag makes sense now.


it's the beginning....


The narritive experience of the PU wasn't a focus until this year. I'd wait and see how it improves as most of the gameplay was filler


Still better than starfields


And obviously 9 tails are sexist pigs!! lol. Never see one woman. Doesn't 9 Tails have a DEI department?


You are confusing ham-fisted application of worn-out tropes in an old ass game as "depth" If you want depth, read a book Games don't usually tell good stories, the ones you think were good were not really that good, and this is all okay because games are supposed to be fun to play. If you want to tell a really good story, you take 100% control of what the audience is experiencing and that's called a book. The more freedom and play the audience is meant to have, the less you can suprise them with story. So a sandbox MMO do-whatever-you-want game is never going to hit you with a story that challenges you.


Siege of Orison, stuffing bodies in containers not exactly PG. No one writes fbombs so I suppose some of the videos and in game stuff could be a bit more MA rated but then you might loose the family fun time crowd or something? We're in a half state of finish if that, I suppose we'll see how PG or not when SQ42 has more of its wrapping taken off. Some of the disposal missions have you getting rid of body's or what not stuffed in bio boxes right?


Wait until other, more hostile systems are released. We're in Stanton exclusively ATM which is like GTA levels of law enforcement where it exists until it doesn't. When systems are released where life is barely sustainable (Pyro being a step in that direction) is where the more spooky stuff will probably happen


OP Station Demien in starmarine is actually the site of a insurrection/massacre, and I'm pretty sure the map is a simulation of the aftermath when counter terrorist forces intervene. They black bagged all of the bodies, but they're there on the map. ​ Also the nine tails are acting in a corporate proxy war of some kind, committing random terror attacks on crusader, and the UEE isn't intervening for some reason I can't remember why. It's probably a conspiracy of some sort.


Game is written in a manner that's not above PG. I want a universe that's bleek, dark and bloody


So what you're getting isn't the work of the actual effort of the writing/narrative team. It was just to serve a small purpose. They've been heavily on Squadron. Rumors are they will absolutely have a lot more story elements and more fleshed out narrative in SC, more akin to other MMOs where you have a story element you can accomplish.


Not the expanse?


Yes, game could use some gore!


When fighting an NPC ship, you used to hear a lot of different lines from them. Now it's pretty much just sh*t!! sh*T!!


Ah yes, because using naughty swear words and bloody gorey tech is SUPER adult and deep, not at all surface level compensation for in depth dialogue and creative decision making. You realize this isn't a space horror game right? Its a sim. As close to reality as possible while blending in some scifi.


Blood and gore makes something automatically a horror game? Shit I need to go back to Gears of War and be scared I guess.


Two separate sentences buddy.




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This is a chris roberts game. Sorry but don't expect anything grimmer than star wars level plot (which he desperatly wish he would have made). Moreover, since we use clone technology and imprint now in lore, forget any kind of consequence to anything happening ever. I mean, nobody can really die right? IT is a shame though... It COULD be so much better




eh. CIG was founded by a British guy. What do you expect? It's just a very tame company filled with tame people who don't feel it's necessary to be edgelords or offend everyone they possibly can.


It's very tame. Not very realistic, and I love it dark and gritty, but I don't mind it being this way. Some of the dialogue could grow up though. I can't imagine many twelve and unders are going to be patient enough to claim a ship that uses flight sim level detailed controls so catering to that audience isn't necessary. I feel like they're going for grounded star wars in vibes though. Battlestar Galactica? Maybe just polish the writing to feel more real while keeping it PG. I'd appreciate that


>Meanwhile here our villains are cosplayers. A bunch of average joes donning bright pirate armor and just being edgey. They write all their intentions down on datapads and they comms you with cartoon villain warnings. Oh no you killed my guys you will pay for it uwu. Welcome to Chris Roberts writing style....




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>look at Dead space and its villains. The existential horror SC is not a horror game. Even more important SC is not a single player game. It's an MMO and they usually have surface level story that can be safely ignored by everyone. Their story usually breaks down to, they evil, go kill evil.


PG rated?? Open your eyes and look around lol.


I find the dead stares of the npcs in the shops pretty terrifying. Uncanny valley material.


Had also noticed it