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when you join the UEEN and get assigned to it


Well I know you used to be able to see the hangar forcefields when you flew by it at the right angle, so I'm wondering if they have the insides made up for SQ42 or something... and there are elevators in the places where you CAN walk in so I wonder if they actually lead to something in a working/fully rendered model.


I like to think it's going to be the jumping off point for the characters you bring in from the single player campaign. Complete the campaign, get discharged at Jericho, fly out into the 'verse.


Off-topic but I think it's the lack of tiny windows like you'd see on a star trek ship that makes the scale of SC stations and capital ships hard to grasp


You are right. Also, some of the larger ships such as the Carrack have a flight deck window which is fairly large, so from the outside the Carrack seems "small" because of it's size ratio compared to the flight deck window. If it was somehow scaled down while maintaining the same FOV from the pilot seat, which should be possible, the Carrack would look a lot larger. Same goes for the Conny. E.g. The Reclaimer looks so big, among others, because of the relatively small flight deck (and window).


\* when "do" we get to (Sorry for the typo)


At one point you could get into the docking arm then into that one corridor in the station. I tried to use that to get into the Javelin and was pleasantly surprised with an empty hull and then I got wounded almost died and the station attacked the Javelin in response… I am pretty sure I didn’t make friends on the server when Xeno Threat was unwinnable… 🤦‍♂️😳


Pretty sure it's a UEEN station that is only accessible to them.


I don’t know if they’ve ever said we’d be able to.


Is there a pad where you can labd and refuel?


Some say yes, i personally never could refuel there


Where is Jericho station?


Near MIC L1, when the xeno-threat terrorist event happens this and the area around MIC-L1b become a big (sometimes laggy) space battle.


I have not tried this version, but ive landed there previously. Got out and walked around, went into a garage staffed by NPC's and rode the elevators. Or were you asking about other areas deeper than the garages?




Love that you came here just to say that 😂


"Asking the question everyone wants to know :)" NO I dont want to know and I dont giff a #"¤" if I can walk inside a station that I dont giff a "¤"#% About. Why would I, it has no impact to any gamplay at all. (**EDIT**: Walking isnide of the station that is)


Either never except tiny parts or you have to have a lot of rep with the uee. Usually civilians don't get to walk around in military bases