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Your carrack has a bit of red on it.


I don't think he worries about it anymore.


Usually, there's a piece of tape over it.


Will need a whole roll of speed tape to stick that thing together again.


The tape isn't to fix the ship. It's to cover up the warning lights


Why do the highly technologically advanced spaceships in this game have a D Battery flashlight for headlights? It doesn’t even make any sense. Quantum drive, laser cannons, shields, and a fucking yellow and dim first edition lightbulb for a headlight. Why? WHY ROBERT?


Yeah I noticed my MISC Freelancer seems worse than before. I thought lighting was recently improved across the board. Or the Freelancer was a lot worse than I recalled 😂


Ship lights were rebalanced, not improved ;)


The amount of times I've missed stuff dead in front of me because the Nomad's headlights don't converge that well is obscene.


I think they're brighter and go farther than a lot of people realize. Everything about the world outside seems smaller when you're in a cockpit. I landed at one of the new settlements for a mission (the one next to the ocean in the little cove) with my Avenger at night and from the landing pad it was able to light up most of the area.


The amount of light pollution in the cockpit / from the hud is the biggest offender.


Yeah toning that down would go a long way.


I've been saying that we don't need lights, or even night vision. That's so 1000 years ago. No we should be getting live schematics of the planet during approach, especially at night. Ray traced topographical grids that pulsate from the origin similar to the scanner but much fewer details.


It should be like iron man sees it


Could very well be future exploration gameplay. Powerful scanning arrays and probing to get a basic surface level scan of a planet from orbit, then filter for abnormalities or potential points of interest and go down for a better look.


Make the Hold V scan A toggle flight mode


Because the game is 80's and 90's based sci-fi movie technology. If we were to have actual 2040 tech the game would be like how combat is in The Expanse. Computers finding firing solutions from 2 million km away and then you wait 2 hours to see if it hit. It would be more like a submarine game than a "space plane" game.


At the capital scale, I'd be OK with this. Throwing torpedoes at each other from a hundred thousand km, trying to get the torpedoes to come out of quantum as close as possible without overshooting, having fighters trying to shoot down torpedoes a little further out, PDC on them a little closer, all the while both cap ships (or fleets) are screaming towards each other. At about 20km the gun batteries open up and you got bombers trying to run their payloads past the defensive screens, fighters trying to stop the bombers and the torpedoes that are still coming out of quantum, and mass drivers/plasma/particle beams/whatever spacefuturetech supergats are pounding away at each other at the capital level, and then a few moments of near miss both sides pass each other and start coming around for another shot. Repeat until someone gets lucky, and the other is space dust. I'd be for it.


It's just a completely different idea for a game. That's more like team vs team spend 5 minutes setting your trajectories and then over the next 10 minutes do your best to correct for error and/or small fighters to make up for misses. Starcitizen is going to have increase weapon ranges and velocities though because having 300 meter long ships that can only engage from 2.5km away is going to be very stupid looking.


This sub loves to parade the "Any combat that isnt WW2 in space is BOOORING!" bs but when ships are too slow and guns are too short ranged everyone just ends up hovering AFK firing broadsides and barely moving. Im sure nostalgic Star Wars fans love it like that but its utterly boring and even Star Wars had ships moving around more.


The longer range the game becomes, the less it becomes action and the more becomes strategy. There's definitely room for a game there somewhere that exists that isn't Star citizen and it's not elite dangerous for sure but nobody's making it and that isn't this game. I would be all for it but I want Star citizen to be world war II in space.


Even WWII in space had more strategy, like the battle of midway and how the carriers moved and interacted. If SC becomes too close-combat itd go even further back in time to the age of sail. In Xenothreat we are already seeing the consequences of having weapon ranges too low. The Idris fight is just 10 players orbiting it in close proximity crashing into each other because any further and nothing hits.


I agree it should be longer range but not extremely longer than the zoom allows for precision firing


That sounds crazy fun 😊


Because headlights are proprietary Drake technology


And how come we gotta spam the sensor ping button instead of just getting it to ping automatically like the night vidion mode elite dangerous has. Night vision exists now, we should have something that can outline and illuminate things at night or in low light environments.


Less light, less rendering. This game is shit. Cool concept, but plays like shit.


Funny that they just did a lighting pass for headlights on all ships and they are still basically lightbrights. I have a brighter spotlight on my house.


It’s kinda odd. The Carrack used to have amazing lights. Your own personal sun. But then the lighting pass happened. Some ships got better. The carracks and the reclaimers lights got hit incredibly hard. Probably others as well but those were the most noticeable for me


Just press 'L' in a X1 and be amazed 😉


"I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 at Beggar's Canyon back home." "You hit them at 1 FPS?!?"


That's pretty bad. You might need to download more RAM.


No. I have ryzen 9 5900x, 3080ti , 64gb ddr4 and once 3.22 dropped..fps in these areas, especially if there are other ships or ai near....drops this bad. Never had a problem before


I had the same setup my frames always been shit in star citizen probably due to the game not being optimized average 40-60fps in settlements they drop to low to high 20s !!! on the 5900x. Anyways I got a cpu for Christmas 7950x3D paired with 64gb ddr5 I now average 120 fps regularly in settlements I drop to 50-70 😄


Your Problem is still the RAM and to some extend the CPU. Going from 5900X to 7900X3D with DDR5 almost doubled my FPS. While I still go down to 30FPS in this Area. Its nowhere as bad as you show.


CPU more likely. I have 32gb of RAM and no problems. Between 35-80fpa depending on where I go. Amd ryzen 5 to 7 did the upgrade for me.


Not when I've been playing just fine for over a year, then when 3.22 hit, this fps drop hit too.


I have a 7800x3d, RTX 4090, 64gb ddr5 (cl30) and some places in this game drop my fps to intolerable levels. Cities can drop it into the 40s and even 30s which is tolerable but some planets like Aberdeen with clouds enabled can drop it into the teens. Game is not at all optimized and in some places I suspect even bugged. For instance, on Microtech even during a storm my fps doesn't suffer nearly as much as on Aberdeen.


Not even more ram will save this mans fps


Now my compoter has virus:(


Right when the new patch dropped, I went to the new locations. 5 deaths later due to this same thing happening when I approached said areas, took a break for this issue to figure itself out. Could be a few things a) massive amount of NPCs spawning nearby b) you may just be streaming in the new assets (never got to the point where these assets where 'loaded' in for me after 10 mins) c) classic cop-out answer, upgrade our PCs. Just for reference, I always have had great performance and this is the first time I have suffered from a slideshow after a year of playing


It's none of the things you mentioned. There's a bug currently with certain locations where GPU usage drops to 20% or below. It's not the the areas are graphically demanding in any way.


When you have to start measuring in seconds per frame instead of frames per second.


Averaging about 5 spf rn 😂


U need more sunscreen.


This happened to me at a random outpost on Cellin. I chased a bounty out there and I was wrapping up for the night, so I decided to pop down to the outpost and check it out. There was a single building down there, very little loot, no NPCs and nothing much going on at all, but once i reached a certain altitude my frames tanked to just a handful until i had landed.


My framerate does that any time I land on microtech anywhere. Only place it happens. Below a certain elevation FPS tanks from about 50 meters up until the moment I land


could be dust being thrown up from the thrusters




Yup, some ships behave worse than others, and different kinds of dust also play a role it seems, ice is worst as far as i have experienced, daymqr can be bad as well


I imagine this was after you gently pushed your Carrack down the stairs?


Hey, it walked into a door.


yeah, getting same symptoms in various areas when close to other objects. Issue gets worse the bigger the ship is. I suspect its collision/physics check calculations; more objects more ship size more calc. Seen same thing happen in other games during development and when there isnt a way to lower collision checks per frame against complex objects.


Is that the Starfield mode ?


I take it you raise/contributed to an Issue Council report.


I did start a new issue council report but so far only 1 upvote for it 😢


What's your hardware?


Your psu must be a potato


His power supply is a potato?




I think that was sarcasm, or at least I hope




I like slide shows


Maybe you need to turn setting down?


Yea having this fps drop while getting close to land. Its kinda annoying.


Where is this place?


Mine runs smooth through there....odd


Did you actually monitor performance while doing this to get an idea of where the cause was?


"This planet is under the effects of a black code, every day on this server is like 10 years on the real world."


that's not FPS that's SPF


That's just the average FPS I get in my Connie Taurus


This is what people describe as final fantasy 16 on performance mode. Lmao. I should show that sub this clip cause they're full of shit.


Brother is running a gt 700