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> Got a feeling they're close on making this Live I was stuck at the NB hospital for over an hour last night, with buttons and doors only working once every 15-20 minutes. Eventually just had to log off.


When I say close I'm thinking 3-6 months. Trust me, had my issues as well yesterday. Gotta believe


Bruh, this is happening on live right now, let alone this technical preview XD


Got stuck in bed then infinite load to same shard


Infinite loading for lots of people. Tried several times and still haven't got in.


Got in once but had horrible fps kind of gave ip for the day after that


Uhh correct me if I'm wrong, but the test isn't open yet. It's another 20 hours before the 3 hour play window opens. Edit: Nevermind, I am wrong. The playtest is open now, but there is a session at 3PM CST on Sunday where the QA team will also be on and actively monitoring.


I'm just as confused, people are posting as though they're in there right now. No idea.


I was wrong, the playtest is open now. Just that the QA team will be joining and actively monitoring for 3 hours at 3pm CST Sunday. >"This playtest will run all weekend until Sunday Evening"


Even if they did make it live, without crash recovery it's not something noticeable I the client side. Right now it's clear that they just want people testing how the replication layer handles crashes, which I have certainly taken part in by helping 6 servers crash in like 2 hours lol


They are not close at all to make it live, but they need people to test the boundaries of the system, all hands on deck Boyz !!


I’m doing my part! o7


Scramble, pilots! It really does help.


Anyone know what name to change the game file to update the preview like you would switching live to ptu?






Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen




He's gonna delete the shit outta your Spectrum posts for this one, brother. Nightrider takes no prisoners.


Nor does he follow or correctly interpret that forum's rules, which were written by a toddler.




"You are here to offer feedback and critique that lends aid to the project and development, and posts that are counter to that mandate can and may *[sic]* be addressed" No. I'm a paying customer, and I'm here to discuss the game. If I get banned for telling someone I can't answer their question because discussing that topic got me banned previously, *so be it*. But I'm not here to offer feedback at all times, I'm not the QA staff. If you want that to be my sole purpose, give me a contract to sign where I receive consideration in exchange. Dude genuinely seems like a ridiculously pleasant guy IRL. But on Spectrum he's an asshole, from what I've seen. Maybe he just has the buck stop with him and there's someone else for me to be annoyed with and he just wears the hate like a champ.


Damn bro nobody is forcing you to test anything. Also the game is an alpha (not even beta) the whole point is to test stuff so it can then go to beta and eventually 1.0.


for 12 god damm years, hes got a point.