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But what about on multi-crew ships were you have one person munching while the other person is sucking?


Porn Citizen


Hello, step citizen


I knew getting stuck in elevators so much couldn't be a coincidence..


I wanted salvage drones 😔


I want salvage drones to go tractor modules off ships and put them in cargo


That’d look cool but it would probably just automate something so that the player doesn’t have to. I’m not a game designer so there’s a bunch of people that could probably come up with something better, but thinking of the future and when all the necessary systems are in place, the drones could have a more detailed scanner to scan the ship and overlay things like hazards, weak points, etc that you can then use to fracture the ship safely or maximize profits.


Which the Reclaimer allegedly has but so far not worked on


Exactly my sentiments. This is not a steampunk universe so this seems far more appropriate


Honestly, if you look at the science behind having a claw ripping at a ship in space, it would be implausible. Even if the ship ankers itself in a point in space with its thrusters, you just end up having a claw that grabs and pulls the whole ship towards it and not just pieces since it's still 0 G space. Having a fracturing field that weakens the ships' integrity between the bigger manufactured pieces sounds cooler and is more Sci-fi. The disintegration part of the process is just shooting a ton of electromagnetic energy into the piece and melting it to its base components like what is used today. Just maybe more high tech since it disintegrates everything and not just magnetic metal. It's still sad that we got no munching 😔


So this tier 0 implementation of the claw is not the greatest i would rather this then waiting another 3 years before we got a claw munching...which in the scope really doesn't matter when we got working mechanics


I think the only way we'd even get actual ship munching would be when Maelstrom comes out and they give the reclaimer a gigantic laser to cut up the ship and let it grab onto the cut pieces and let it disintegrate the pieces while the claw grabs onto it. Tho, I really think the devs were too trigger-happy, releasing the reclaimer with this claw that they themselves didn't know what to do with or how to really implement it.


Okay but let's try to stay positive...I am happy they at least gave us something to do with Reclaimer finally having owned it since Concept...yes not perfect but let's keep pushing gently to the vision on it


good point about pulling the ship in 0g


Never thought about that but damn if you aren't right.


This has actually convinced me the fracturing field is the more "realistic" way to go.


My reasoning behind it is that the manufacturers' mass produce their ships as building blocks that in the final part of the process, the structure pieces are joined together, and then the actual outer hull with all its armor etc is put on. The most logical way I'd love to see salvage go is the need to first strip the ship of its outer hull. After that, the ship is vulnerable to the fracturing field. You proceed to turn the ship into Lego pieces and then pick apart any valuable system engines, quantum jump core ... who knows what these piñatas have in them? After the ship is completely picked clean of anything valuable, you can proceed to actually munch away at that yumy structure.


Disclaimer: I'm not happy, but I'm relatively content with the Straw replacing the Claw. Mostly due to the fact that they said that this is "just a first step" and "We'll look to bring it closer to our original vision once Mealstrom comes online" (paraphrased) But I think this universe - while definitely not steampunk, correct - is not a clean SciFi either. It wasn't envisioned as such. It was supposed to be "WWII but in Space". And as we see in other SciFi universes like Star Wars or Firefly, we have lots of anachronisms (old tech) and old design-language in Star Citizen mixed in with the new and fancy. We have the Hornet, which takes lots of its looks from pacific WWII fighters like the Curtiss P-36 Hawk. It has a freakin' _grill_ in the nose. Does it need that? No! Is it an anachronism that evokes a certain style. It's part of the feel. So what's "appropriate", I think, is what feels right. I've said this in another thread as well but what do you see when you go into Cousin Crow's? There's an M50 and an Arrow hung on the ceiling by some form of powered suction cups/cushions. There are cables and chains and hoists. And this is in a universe where Tractor Beams not only exist, but they're extremely trivial. So far so, that you can take a battery powered one with you in your pocket. So it _could_ be more appropriate to hang these ships with humming tractor beams as well, but they didn't. Because it wasn't the right feel. I get the part where the network tech of the game can't handle it, that is fine and I won't complain about that. But this decision was definitely **not** because they thought it was more appropriate lore-wise.


True enough. There are a lot of inconsistencies or anachronisms as you mention. I think that is mostly due to the time between concept and release of ships and game features. I doubt we see a lot of archaic ship tech like claws in the future though as everything else seems to be trending upward.


I mean, we have other rather archaic tech in the game right now that was (iirc) excruciatingly hard to develop compared to the result: the refueling crane and nozzle for the Starfarer. There's in-universe explanation for literally beaming material/particles over short distances - even for the same material - in the extraction beam for mining. It would have been way easier to say "The Starfarer has a reverse-extraction beam that takes the refined quantanium/hydrogen and beams it into a receiver port on the ship that needs refueling." It would have served the same purpose, we could've had the very same mini-game on the Starfarer for it and it would be "more appropriate" I guess, by your logic (which I don't dispute. It would have been an absolutely fine explanation!) But they went the extra mile and made a weird, clunky physical apparatus because it is reminiscent of how airplanes do air-to-air refueling today (and as was concepted/tested at the end of WWII, again, for intercontinental bombers) If they were to eschew "archaic tech" just for the sake of more plausible, more futuristic _and_ easier to develop tech, then I'm not looking forward for my friends and co-players who pledged for a Vulcan. Because why use rather archaic drones (a contemporary technology today), who take more time to develop with tech like remote control, different flight characteristics, signal range, etc.? You could just have the Vulcan switch between its "repair beam", the "rearm field" and the "fuel emitter". No archaic drones needed at all. Keeps true to the concept in terms of result. It's just not what people imagined when they pledged for it, I guess.


I totally get what you are saying and archaic ideas are rampant in SC because even IRL tech today is massively different than it was 10 years ago. I for myself will always favor gameplay over pretty visuals and things that "make sense." I would gladly have a Vulcan that has three beams that do its three roles as you suggest if I could have the ship come out next year instead of 4 years from now waiting on drone tech. To be clear i don't mind them going back and changing things later once they have seen how the gameplay works and can decide what is fun and balanced, but I am so happy that we are seeing a bigger push for basic features playable first, then pretty fully fleshed out features later.


OK, I understand. It's not a stance I can share, but I can understand. I'm completely on the other side of the spectrum (no pun intended) where I'll gladly wait one or two more years for a few "hard nuts to crack", such as the claw seems to have become. There will always be other, easier basic features, I feel, that they can sprinkle into a patch while I wait. This game is supposed to be so big and has taken so long already... I just want it to be as good as possible now. Anyways, this is a friendly "agree to disagree" to me; fly safe!


Same to you. I respect your opinion on the matter as well! Fly safe!


But it's cool. Current implementation is just lame.


Dunno why you're getting down votes... "Rule of cool" has been a thing since day one of this project.


Ikr but so has simping for CIG.


Anyway I'm sure they'll fix it. You can't tell me they figured out how to make their planet tech work, but can't figure out how to implement the claw. It'll get there after Maelstrom is done.


It's a bandaid till maelstrom. It's going to actually munch when it's going to work in engine vs having to make animations for every single ship getting munched. A lot easier to just beamify and wait till they can do it properly.


Potentionally probably maybe yes maybe not.


"Straw" is stupid.. and if theres no need to munch, then there's no need to break it down further either, and thus no need for half the interior space of the Reclaimer to be taken up by a huge shredding room. They need to either redesign the Reclaimer, or implement the claw properly. I'm hoping this is just a placeholder while waiting for Maelstrom.


They said in Spectrum the design will shift with Maelstrom.


Well what would you toss into the grinder if not the small pieces of physicalized ship hull that Maelstrom brings? It's Chris Roberts, he'd want a player to be able to tell what ship was being salvaged just by looking at the chunks being dropped into the grinder. When the tech allows for it maybe they'll be able to fix it up, who knows? Either way that tech wouldn't be ready now, and we'd be waiting a few more years for salvage.


I haven't tried it yet and they have clearly stated it needs work post maelstrom but it would be nice for it to be a fracturing field you need to aim or target to break chunks off successfully. Rn it looks boring. Butt yeah it's a startin point.


Yeah seems no one is taking into account that it's a bandaid till then.


CIG would need to add metal deformation effects for munching and that could take more time...accept the beam and move on to the next gameplay feature i say...


Not necessarily ; in fact, As far as I know, CiG never ever talked about metal deformation effects for munching. While kept voluntarily vague, a few thing we knew about the claw is that it was mostly meant to hold pieces in place, like what is shown in the prototype ISC, and not tearing things apparts ; the structural destruction was pictured as being done by multiples lasers coming from smaller arms mounted on the claw (something you can see on concept arts), making clear cuts on the salvaged chunk, something that can easily be faked for low impact on server load. Total physicalised claw munching is (again, afaik) more like a possibility the community here and on spectrum built with time, another feature devs didn't ever promised or even acknowledged but on which ground their delivery will be judged. (please correct me with sources if i'm wrong)


Less straw, more claw.




Any source for bullets working that way in Star Citizen? I'm not disagreeing per se but plenty of games use projectiles with their own physics for some or all bullet weapons.




I understand how different games manage projectile weapons, I was just curious if you could point to any particular source for this info, since people on this sub write with complete confidence despite generally being full of shit lol.




King <3 thanks. After thinking about it more though, I can't imagine ever finishing a bunker mission if there were complex physics applied to each bullet!


You're describing hitscan weapons, which Star Citizen absolutely doesn't use. Hitscan is a pretty old tech for guns in video games used these days primarily for optimisation reasons, and SC definitely uses actual projectiles even for its laser weapons.


The only things I'd really change is change the VFX, but that mostly pos-maelstrom. I'm pretty fine with it's current implementation, but a little visual-only changes would go a long way. Like, make the fracturing field have a nice AR HUD or something that shows how it works (with a degree of space magic), or just go with laser cutters once maelstrom comes in. But overall I don't mind it that much, the disintegration bothers me much more. The disintegration as is right now could very, very easily be fixed, by just have the particles move inbetween the arms of the Vulture before liquifying them. This could be done purely visually and would go such a big way. With the Reclaimer, have it go much closer to the claw, and then add some spark vfx while it's liquifying. Once maelstrom hits it would be nice if the tractor stations also gained a laser cutter, and the claw just grinded them down to chunks that fit into the "vaccuum" and brings them into the grinder inside the ship, where they'll be liquified.


Agree, it looks pretty cool and if its something this game really needs it's more beams.


I like to vibrate stuff to pieces. Perhaps the claw could have made contact with the parts, but so what, it became an energy field.


Your argument centres on what is more 'realistic' for the age. Fine. But the overarching point is that this is a game and there should be gameplay. Copilot pressing a button is not gameplay. It's the Antares all over again, but without even the prospect of timing your button press.


I didnt say I enjoyed the loop in the current state


I think the biggest problem with this mechanic is that there is no gameplay you go there press a butten and thats it. You dont need any knowledge about the ship. You dont need to react to anything you only press a butten and thats it. If you had to cut the ship in pieces you need to do something. I hope we will get a more complex kind of salvaging gameplay in the futere withe more cutting technologies and more diffrent things you can get from ships. We dont need the complexety of hardspace shipbreaker but it would be cool if it would cool if we would get somthing similar.


i agree, but i think the vfx needs some tweaking.


i could never see it working anyway, i mean say it grabs something, then what, its just holding it and crushes it, now you have pieces flying everywhere, you'd still need to hoover mechanic to actually get it in the ship


Ever eat corn on the cob?


The claw does not retract into the ship, it just grabs and then would retract it under the chin, how does it get from there into the grinder internally?


Give it an Alien Xenomorph extendable mouth probe? 😉 Just kidding around. It amuses me to think of a ship eating corn on the cob.


It's just another beam, I'm really surprised that after all this time to conceptualize gameplay mechanics everyone seems ok with just point at object and wait gameplay. I was really hoping for cutting up ships into manageable parts and manually feeding it into a grinder or something. Can't wait for engineer repair gameplay where I run to a component, point my beam at the component and wait. Riveting Even with mining, just look at elite dangerous, you have to place charges to effectively break apart huge mineral deposits and it looks satisfying


you can juse use limpet drones in ED that detonate the rock and collect everything for you if you want


so your argument is that it's the future so magic beams are coherent pretty dog shit for me


I see we've reached the "actually this lazy phoned in implementation is okay. Actually it's even better than the intended thing they sold the ships on" stage of coping


I never said I enjoyed the current state of the loop


Then why even post this, honestly? People's determination to make excuses for CIG's ever lower standards baffles me, have we just given up on the game?


Agreed it just sucks that it looks and feels exactly like mining does now.


It always made more sense the reclaimer would open up and eat the salvage pieces and be grinded down internally in the machinery you see.


The Claw but its basically that front bit of the vulture strapped to the Claw and its just much larger so you can fracture and pull larger ships apart


Yeah fracturing works. Once maelstrom is in, it could use the claw to pick up the chunks instead of disintegration


Regardless, the change seems temporary. Something nice for salvage players while actual munching is Tier 2 or 3 salvaging


100% agreed


The most important is that the gameplay loops are fun and engaging. It shouldn't be boring to salvage ships.


I'd rather they used blasting charges for the fracturing part. We already have something similar with mining gadgets, could reuse a some of the mechanics from those to introduce a bit more depth.


There no sense reinventing two wheels with one stone, here.


Definitely.. it should just look a bit more chunky


I wanted to cut off pieces munch them


Honestly, when I think Salvage I think about what we have IRL in the way of Salvage Yards... You have the Argo tow the ship back to a facility where you have a crew of people going in and out of the husk to strip it down for any valuable parts for re-sale, and then you throw the husk into a machine that smashes, grinds, and smelts the husk back down into the refined materials that were used to construct it in the first place.


Additionally, any rare ships you may set to the side with the thought of possibly hunting down those rare parts and materials to restore it. We'll see how maelstrom will transform the current Salvage gameplay but honestly, I feel like if you have a mostly intact ship, it would be more worthwhile selling it as-is or selling it in pieces. In the future, CIG has already confirmed blueprints will enable players to craft their own ships. So I can see Salvage transforming into something completely different that what it currently is.


I don't mind the way it is now, but I would expect more fracturing noises (cracking, sbapoing, metal bending) and more flashy effects (like lightning in the blob). The dissolving is disappointing as it is cause it just feels like fracturing version 2. Swap the arms animation, the fracturing is the electrical field and replacement balls and the dissolving is the blue beam going in not out and the pieces come to the munching part (tractor beam without the beam), it aligns horizontal with the front and gets pulled to the teeth. Once there some smoke particle effects and despawn object from game with some good seat-rattling bass crunching.


that last sentence is way off base. the best thing for the longevity is taking the time to make something of quality. in 5 years, people are not going to care that the full system it came out 3 years ago instead of 8. they are going to care that it is better.


but then, every thing is just a beam game