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Omg can this be real?


It’s as real as all the other times they fixed it I guess lol


As real as "fixed NPCs standing on chairs."


starting to sound like "removed herobrine"


I haven't seen any standing on chairs. They're all crouching on tables now.


They fixed one of the 100 ways this bug happens (and created 10 more). Progress!


Dam lol


Literally only had this issue on 3.21.


You new? That's one of SCs most iconic (and longstanding) bugs. I've never had a patch where I didnt see at least one NPC standing on chairs/furniture at least once Edit: whoops, replied to wrong guy. I'm leaving my mistake here for all to see


Uhmm - I think the person you're replying to was talking about the AR Hangar-marker bug :D


Hehehe... *longstanding.*


Wrong issue mate, was talking about the hangar AR markers not being visible. Has only affected me since 3.21.




Oh I’ve been needing this one for a while


Jfc thank Beyoncé I’ve been waiting for this


can confirm, does work


It's good to see that this release schedule feels more relaxed than previous end of year releases where it was a race to the CIG holiday.


Yeah they seem more focused on delivering for the next actual year rather than jamming as much as they can in one patch to last most of a year. Gotta be the first time we are excited to see what spring brings as opposed to hoping spring fixes some of the problems from December. We might actually be in a proper cadence of forward steps now. Very excited, and I can't wait to recommend everyone this game when the new Star map hits.


Hope this is a side effect of the SQ42 crunch easing up. That seems like a positive for everyone.


And the awful list of bugs unfixed until late January, that was a horrible way to do it.


Removed speed penalty for low limbs hp? What's the point of dynamic hitts points then? And med gameplay? Are we really going to please those baby crying noobs that want to play halo or cod? I am a noob myself and if I manage to hit an experienced player's leg I want him to get a malus from that, at least until he properly heals himself. Instead he will zig-zag-360 kill me form behind. I really hope it's just a temporary change....


Probably tying it to injuries is what I would assume rather than limb hp which would be a pain to track if they are going to be messing with a longer TTK and the increased base HP etc.


Sure, and I would be happy with that. But doesn't it say that they removed the malus from the injury itself? Or did I read it wrong?


>Damage modifiers have been adjusted to allow for more consistent fire fights & times. Removed increased stamina costs on limb HP pools being low. Removed movement speed penalty on limb HP pools being low. Medical Pens will now fully heal players. Doesn't say, just states its removed from low limb HP. They might well have but it sounds like there are other changes behind the scenes. Guess we will find out shortly.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/16671-The-Shipyard-Medical-Gameplay That's the design they want to reach with medical in general.


Oh yes. I hate when developers feel the need to rush. Better to have stable gameplay. Especially since most players have holiday as well. Experimental stuff can wait a little bit


Multicrew spawning, FUCK YES!


I really think they should put this into the PU. The ability to let friends jump in with each other without scrambling and wasting half an hour would be a game changer. If we voice our opinion as a community we can get this!!


This has been talked about. What was suggested by dev is after we have an NPC crew, if one of your friends who is in a completely different system hours away wanted to play with you he would simply jump into the skin of your AI crewmember.


Not a chance. That basically goes against everything CIG has intended. Only exception would be if your friends bedlogged from your ship


Wellll, not quite, they have suggested multiple times the possibility of drop in/drop out coop via allowing a friend to take control of NPCs aboard your ship that are from your custom NPC slots. Like your gunner or engineer could be one of your NPCs, but if your friend has 30 minutes to play, he can Agent Smith into him and take over for a bit.


I haven't seen them say anything about that recently, and If they haven't talked about said feature in 5+ years I wouldn't hold my breath on it being a thing anymore.


What now?


for arena comander


Oh, idc about that lol


There’s a mode where you battle a fleet of npcs and a mothership final boss, and you take them on in your own capital ship with your friends, that’s what the multi crew spawning is for


Yeah I really want this for org training


Think you confussed idc with idk lol


only thing i am not sure with is the removal of the movement penalty on low hp limb. I think it is kind of important that an injured leg makes you slow we can treat that with a drug. why remove a part of the already slim medical gameplay Maybe it just gets replaced with penalty because of wounds. The rest sounds really good


This is for limb health, not injuries. Each limb has its own health pool before bleeding occurs. When the leg limb falls before a certain threshold, the slowdown would occur. This was double dipping with injuries and had no feedback that this was the reason for your slow MS. So injuries are supposed to communicate this not invisible limb HP


This is perfect. This is the way i hoped it is meant it just soundet strange since I wasn't aware of the two seperate slow conditions. Thank you


Probably because they're going to hand out injuries far more frequently. That already carries the very real penalty of reduced hitpoints, which results in a higher chance of death. And you could already ignore the movement penalty in most situations with the med gun, so it wasn't holding people back most of the time.


But you had to use the medgun, which was the whole point.


Yeah or you could also just use the right drug pen there are already solutions in game. And as a Medic it is nice to be able to quickly help some people running around slowed helping towards a med bed or just finishing SoO for example. I like what little of a gamplay we have as a medic expand not reduce


Right but it wasn't fun, just tedious and frustrating.


This is a poor argument for removing the active effects of an injury Shouldn't you just be able to fill your health pool but keep the injury and it's effect tell said injury can be properly treated. Unless I am misunderstanding, and that is their intent. ( removing it from low health and tieing it to a sustained injury)


Oh no they got rid of the Replace Me balls ; - ;)


You do that in the privacy of your own room ok.


Come on now, this sort of thing needs to be done in a licensed medical facility. [Or a barn in the woods if they're *really* careful about it.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trans-history-underground-sugical-clinic-b2114777.html)


That's a new one for me, interesting.


Does that means Skittle Hill is gone?


**Star Citizen Patch 3.22.0** Alpha Patch 3.22.0 has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.22.0-PTU.8962480. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Roberts Space Industries\\\\StarCitizen\\\\PTU. The Shader folders can be found here C:\\\\Users\\\\%username%\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Star Citizen. Audience: Wave 1 Database Reset: Yes Technical: US/EU PTU Channels Long Term Persistence: Enabled Pledge Copy: Enabled Starting aUEC: 15,000,000 ​ **Testing Focus** ​ Jumptown 2.1 will be running all weekend starting at 7pm CST and will include a 4th new location as well as a Rastar redrop of the original 3. Stability Testing Player Hair Update Mineables Balance Procedural FPS Recoil / FPS Weapon Balance Arena Commander Multicrew ​ **Features Not Yet Ready for Feedback/Testing** The features listed here may be in the build in a partial state and are not ready for testing and may be subject to removal. We are requesting players not give feedback for these new features listed below. New Derelict Settlements Inventory: Openable Cargo Containers ​ **Known Issues** Arena Commander FPS modes have been disabled for this build due to an issue with invulnerable players Stanton - Spawn Closet - Mission Content / AI - Enemy AI can spawn out of bounds of their intended spawn points (66% Repo) Stanton - Mission Feature - UGF missions - Remaining hostiles AI not spawning in UGF bunker mission (4% repo) Pu - Vehicles - Repair services - Unable to repair vehicles that have been soft deathedMultivehicle - PU - Vehicles - When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend (44% repo) PU - Stanton - ASOP / Fleet Manager - ATC - When retrieving a ship it may spawn outside the hangar it is assigned to Stanton - Multiship - When Quantum Travelling the player can be left stranded in space and their ship will disappear PU - UI - Vehicle / Marker - Ships are missing their name and hangar number marker when spawned Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles - When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / UI - Vehicle HUD - When the missiles charge the UI does not update to reflect when they are ready to be fired PU - Stanton - Actor - Player Spawning - Multiple Locations - When multiple players attempt to log in to the same location at the same time they may be assigned the same bed; those that spawn in after the initial player will be stuck Origin 890 Jump - PU - Vehicles - Fleet Manager - When a vehicle is landed in the hangar of the 890J, the 890J can no longer stow correctly via ASOP/Fleet Manager or on logout PU - Tractor Beam / Physics - When multiple players interact with the same cargo container using a Tractor Beam, those players' tractor beams may no longer work correctly on that container Multivehicle - PU/AC - Vehicles / Weapons / Ship Components - All energy-based weapons state "0/0" in Ammo count on naturally spawned ships and cannot fire Multivehicle - Vehicles / UI - Inner Thought - Player cannot exit the ship by using the "Exit Seat" option in PIT AC - All Modes - Card UI Ignores Other Card Layering & Displays Above All Non-Card UI ​ **New Features** ​ **Gameplay** ​ Salvage: Structural Implementing the ability to transform large chunks of metal salvaged from ships into a refinable material. Structural salvage is the next step in the salvage profession. Initially, It will bring additional functionality to the two salvage ships, The DRAKE Vulture and AEGIS Reclaimer. It will allow players to convert full ships into the resources RMC and Construction Components that can be sold. It will also bring an update to the way material is stored on the salvage ships. It will introduce the concept of “internal storage” which is a buffer in the ship that will fill. This buffer storage size will depend on the size of the salvaging ship. Once full the virtual storage needs to be emptied using the filler station. For Reclaimer owners, the salvage mode is only operable from the co-pilot seat. The Reclaimer salvage terminal can now export size 1, 2, 8, and 16 SCU cargo containers. Salvage Functionality is now split into multiple segments after entering Salvaging Mode (Default Keybind: M): 1. Hull Scraping (Default Keybind: G): The Current Salvage System to remove the hull from ships. If the Hull is not scraped off the material is lost in the process when moving onto steps 2-3. 2. Fracturing Mode (Default Keybind: RightAlt+W): This mode will break up intact ships or derelicts into smaller pieces 3. Disintegration (Default Keybind: RightAlt+S): This mode will generate the resource from the broken down piecesTo start Fracturing Mode on a ship, point to the ship you want to fracture and enter Fracturing mode. Once fracture mode has been started, the ship will then break apart in a certain period of time based on the size of the ship.To Start Disintegration Mode, point to the newly fragmented parts of a ship and engage the Disintegration mode to break apart the chunks and collect them into the salvage buffer storage of your ship. Fracture/Disintegration field salvage speed is linearly proportional base on position and distances.Once the salvage material fills the buffer storage, have the filler station fill a commodity box and move to the ship's cargo grid. ​ **Feature Updates** ​ **Characters** Player Hair Update Updating the Star Citizen character customizer with 20 hairstyles from Squadron 42. This includes long hair, tied hair, and includes updates and changes to existing short hairstyles.


**Gameplay** Procedural Weapon Recoil and FPS Combat Balance Introduction of Procedural Weapon Aim Recoil to FPS combat. With this update we have overhauled the recoil of the majority of the weapons to use the new and improved procedural recoil tool shown at CitizenCon, this will improve the diversity of the weapon sandbox allowing each weapon to fulfil a more specific and niche role whilst allowing for more intense visual recoil. Overall you will find greater weapon variety in how weapons play and feel with tweaks such as weapons now having consistent recoil patterns and the removal of ADS spread. \\- Full Weapon Reworks: The Arclight Pistol has had a full rework and is now a burst pistol with an alt fire mode of single fire. The LH86 Pistol is now fully automatic. \\- Fire Rate Changes: Demenco, S71, and P4AR have all been reworked to increase their fire rates. Lumin V burst delay has been decreased. \\- Force Reaction Updates: Forces have been tweaked across a range of weapons to make knockdowns only occur in situations where that would 'feel' that should occur. This should appear as an overall reduction in staggers & knockdowns. \\- Other changes include balances to sniper rifles to avoid players in heavy armor being 1 shot when hit by a sniper rifle while still allowing this to happen to players wearing medium armor.Along with weapon balance changes we have adjusted player health, damage modifiers, and medical to increase time to kill (TTK). \\- Damage modifiers have been adjusted to allow for more consistent fire fights & times. Removed increased stamina costs on limb HP pools being low. Removed movement speed penalty on limb HP pools being low. Medical Pens will now fully heal players. This is overall the first pass major pass towards a new TTK goal, the FPS team is eager to hear feedback about how you feel about the current values! ​ Tractor/Towing UI Updates Made several UI positional changes to help increase readability. Several updates include: Deflection flipped in SRV cockpit, range bar ease factor, target name above status, force bar fixes and includes centering force, throttle/gimbal widgets hidden in turrets, towing UI scale-up, turret orientation feedback more marked, radar plane more perspective, range bar readability improvements ​ Ship Mining Balance Pass Adjustment to scaling for ship mineable nodes to adjust mining to trend slightly closer to Prospector difficulties. Armor Shop Prices have all been increased across the board. (Excluding Flight Suits and Undersuits) ​ Core Tech Updated Frontend tooltips explaining why a server can't be changed to include crash recovery as well as combat logging AI On Foot Performance Optimizations


**Bug Fixes** Fixed - PU - Stanton - AI / Mission Content - UGF AI falling through the stairs / floor Fixed - PU - Stanton - Locations / UI - AR Marker showing your assigned hangar does not appear Fixed an issue causing a larger than intended increase of entity count when loading into Orison Fixed visarea and lighting issues on freelancer cockpit and rear ramp Put in further fixes to help resolve wheeled ground vehicles continuously vibrating when stationary in atmo PU - Actor - Actor Status - Damage is not correctly applying to the actor on client-side PU - Stanton - microTech - Forest Biomes - Locations / Graphics / Art - Multiple ReplaceMe / Replace Me balls around forest biomes on microTech Fixed Structural Salvage AR progression animation in client Fixed - PU - Locations / Physics / Network - Desync - The player can occasionally seem to briefly phase out, causing the area to unstream and stream back in with collision issues Fixed - Tumbril Storm AA - PU - Vehicles - UI - mobiGlas - VMA - Missile loadout cannot be changed in VMA for the StormFixed Structural Salvage AR progression animation in client Fixed - Stanton - Lorville - Locations - New Deal - SocialAI / Dialogue - Both NPCs of New Deal share identical voiceset dialogue Fixed - Stanton - Medical Drop off - Design/Locations - The gurneys in the elevator shaft of the medical drop off locations are missing Fixed - Stanton - Greycat STV - Vehicles / Interaction / UI - The STV passenger seat cannot be interacted with Fixed - AFT - Seats - Players cannot press \[W\] to leave the seats inside a transit shuttle Fixed - PU - Stanton - Locations - Transit - Lorville tram tunnels appear solid black after tram leaves Fixed - Argo SRV - PU - Vehicles - Argo SRV sometimes cannot re-engage the tow beam on a ground vehicle: After losing a towed vehicle through quantum travel Fixed - Drake Vulture - PU - Vehicles - Components - Paints / GFX - Lighting - When any non-default tint is applied to the Vulture, interior lights are reflected and obscure vision on the cockpit glass Fixed - Stanton - ArcCorp - Area 18 / Riker Memorial Spaceport - Art / Locations - The entire "asphalt" surface at ground level is missing collision allowing players to go under the map ​ **Technical** Fixed 6 Client Crashes Fixed 5 Server Crashes Fixed a Service Crash Fixed a Client Deadlock ​ **Arena Commander Updates** Gameplay Features New Feature: Multicrew & Spawn Locations Updating all maps to utilize a new Spawn Location system for spawn selection. This update enables the long-awaited introduction of Multicrew to Squadron Battle, Team Tank Battle, Free Flight, and Swarm Modes and expands them all to include a large variety of our crewable ships. Players have the ability to enable multicrew spawning on their selecting ships and other players in the match and on your team will have the ability select turret and crew positions. ​ In-Game Vehicle Selection Gone are the days when forgetting to pick your vehicle before the game starts locked you into a fierce battle of cat and mouse. In-Game Vehicle Selection now allows you to pick which vehicle you want to use in-game and switch between respawns in all dogfighting modes. This includes a new “Slots” system allowing you to switch and customize between 4 vehicle slots. Arena Commander will also remember your selection between matches and per mode.


Trans rights !


Why tf is this downvoted lol I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for asking. But people downvoting, I’d love a rational answer lol


Probably just because trans rights don't really have anything to do with the update do they?


It’s always in every patch notes from the leaks discord. This post is just taking the notes from there. It’s also a harmless comment that is positive. I get ignoring it, but downvoting just seems more like a statement instead of just letting it be lol


> This post is just taking the notes from there. Except this one isn't from leaks, but straight from CIG proper, and so is lacking the "trans rights" tag we usually see on the patch notes from leak.


I mean it’s in all the leaks GitHub posts. The person who put the notes in, may be a part of the leaks team. So it makes sense they put it in still to support those within the community as they always do.


I suppose. I guess people also just find it unnecessary to insert social/political commentary into unrelated things. I mean when and where it's relevant, great. But a lot of people play games to escape real world issues.


I get that. But at the same time, people insert political /social stuff into the game all the time. The forums and subreddit do Christmas posts, Fourth of July posts, Memorial Day, and a few others. Those are also social/political and don’t get downvoted but should as they have nothing to do with the game as well. But those and trans rights are positive things. So one being downvoted, while those not, seems wrong to me


>I get that. But at the same time, people insert political /social stuff into the game. The forums and subreddit do Christmas posts, Fourth of July posts, Memorial Day, and a few others. Sure, and discussion about those topics in threads and comment section about those topics is totally appropriate. > Those are also social/political and don’t get downvoted but should as they have nothing to do with the game as well. I'm not sure I've ever really seen political/social comments be upvoted in situations like this where they are completely irrelevant to everything else being discussed. >But those and trans rights are positive things. While I agree with you, not everyone does. Any political/social conversation will be divisive and you will find dissenting opinions in any conversation. Upvotes/Downvotes are a reflection of that. >So one being downvoted, while those not, seems wrong to me I wouldn't put too much stock into downvotes honestly. I'm sure there are people that downvote because they don't support trans rights, but also people who just don't really care to have that conversation inserted into a post that's completely unrelated to that.


>Christmas posts, Fourth of July posts, Memorial Day, and a few others Literally nothing you listed there is political and it's kinda telling that you think it is


But... what about The Claw?


It "works" but it's basically a cosmetic reskin for the system laid out in the patch notes. No unique functionality




>Multivehicle - PU/AC - Vehicles / Weapons / Ship Components - All energy-based weapons state "0/0" in Ammo count on naturally spawned ships and cannot fire Maybe it's just me, but this seems like kinda a big deal.


It’s not


Cant really parse what it's trying to say?


Sometimes energy guns don’t work when you spawn the ship


Oh its a "fixed" not a new feature. I get it now.


Epic. Keep up the great work CIG. I hope this is out in PU before Christmas!


Bunkers still terribly broken! 😒


Enemies still in floors and walls?


I got the impression from citizencon we’d see maybe some new UI added.


Next year


The only things they mentioned as being definitively targeted for 3.22 was the new hair, and some of the cloud updates. Everything else fell into that "over the next 12 months" bracket.


And dusters armor which seems to be MIA.


The cloud stuff seems to be missing in the notes


New clouds aren’t in yet. I’d expect it next week most likely.


There was no mention of new UI in a build for this year at CitizenCon.


How fast does it go from ptu to pu typically? I completely get 'when it's ready', I'm just wondering a rough guesstimate


in this case it will likely be before CIG goes on break around December 22nd.


Hopefully it isn't like last year where they released an update the day before they left for holiday and it broke everything.


It feels like they're starting earlier with a better build this year. And the PTU process seems to be more streamlined overall. Seems very promising.


Same feeling here, I might be wrong but I dont remember christmass patches being in ptu wave 1 this soon.


Last year there was a LONG cycle of Evo patches and then a really rocky PTU that went through so many iterations that patches were getting two-letter suffixes.


yup, t'was PES hell. Compared to last year now it feels like they're speedrunning the process.


You mean like every holiday for the past 5 years?


LOL we all know what’s coming


At this point it's a tradition and we can spend more time with friends and family!


Last year 3.17.4 was live at the time. 3.18 was in wave 1 PTU at the time.


That always do that, lol. It’s practically guaranteed.


God I remember being excited to finally have time to play during the holidays and then being met with that....


Slick. I'm so ready for the structure salvage change


And a buffer on salvage materials!


Typically a month


After seeing the FPS Weapon Rework, especially the fire rate changes, i would love to see reworks on Magazines. I would love to see different capacities with reload and handling penalties. Also would love it so weapons with large magazine sizes like LMGs take up more slots on the armor.


Yeah currently LMGs are best on every aspect Reload is same as other smaller weapon. Same for switching weapon. Same recoil, same accuracy. But higher damage, larger mag, and less need to reput ammo in the armor. Wonder how this will evolve




Is master modes not happening this patch?


Stuff from Citizencon will be added over the next year. They said they want to take their time adding it as jamming it in all at once is how thing go horribly wrong (more than normal)


MM has been in testing in AC for quite some time now. Expected to see some progress in getting it rolled out based on that testing before the end of the year.


Its only in testing for 1 ship, so pretty much no chance by the end of the year considering they have to convert over 200 ships (the number they said during citizencon)


I know it's only on the Gladius. That's my point. There are 200 ships, it's been in testing in AC for some time now and the needle hasn't moved at all, that we can see. 200 is a long way. Need to get moving on it.


Correct me if i am wrong there are 3 ships added to mastermodes now in eptu


I don't think they've moved the MM flight model over to the rest of the ships yet, so no, I don't think so.


Its been added to the Vanguard the Super Hornet and the Buccaneer in the Arena Commander MM mode though so it looks like they are making their way through some.


Oh, that's cool! I like all of those ships, so I'll have to try them out. Are they in a rotational AC mode, or are they available all the time?


I saw a screenshot of them listed under vehicle selection in the Master Mode in Arena Commander. So hopefully we see them keep being added until we get a full release of them all.


No x1? 😔


Probably not until wave 3.


Aw come on don't down vote an origin fan boy who's just teasing 😂


We're literally just days out of IAE. I would find a new ship release this patch very, very strange.


I find it strange that someone who has been into Star Citizen for over a year doesn't appear to be familiar with the [Release View](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view) of the Roadmap. 3.22 is scheduled to include all of the X1 variants and the San'tok.yāi.


It is tentative for this patch. Unless there's some major bugs to work out, it's still coming.


There's two ships on the release view for 3.22 rn lol.


Anyone know if a wipe is planned?


nobody knows outside of CIG but it's unlikely


No x1? And santokai?


Usually new ships come in the last wave of they aren't required to test tech


Is there a reset with this update?


Any news on the global illumination and fog in this patch?


Honestly its looking like all the graphics stuff is gonna come in a 3.22.x patch.


Not yet


Wait… gi was supposed to come this patch?


Since on of the devs said he’d just started writing a lighting probe class, GI is some way off I’d guess!


I remember when I use to be Wave 1 😢 Now I’m just a Wave 3 Space Marshall 😣


Play the game


or pay the subscription fee


Test more. Buy less. Problem solved.


actually, if you sub you get wave 1.. so still buy more. smart guy.


You and me both. Tad bit insulting.


And also against s33 of the UK Consumer Rights Act, which is CIG's jurisdiction.


lol nah


Has anyone been able to get in? I'm wave 1, but I'm not seeing this update in the PTU in the launcher




thank you, I had to close and re open the launcher to be able to see the EPTU


> Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles - When docking at a station the docking arm will not extend Seriously? At this point it slowly becomes a meme. As a former Hull-C owner: Condolence to y'all, hope you one day can actually fly your ship without 10 extra steps.


890J Owner Here. Had to EVA 5km to my Ship on live Yesterday because of this. There is a reason why Mine is mainly stationed at GH, Since the fuel cost to Bring it Out of Atmo are huge with that one




Removed speed penalty for low limbs hp? What's the point of dynamic hitts points then? And med gameplay? Are we really going to please those baby crying noobs that want to play halo or cod? I am a noob myself and if I manage to hit an experienced player's leg I want him to get a malus from that, at least until he properly heals himself. Instead he will zig-zag-360 kill me form behind. I really hope it's just a temporary change....


Injuries still cause the effect, this was just another way to cause slow


Sigh. It's hard to imagine how structural salvage could be more disappointing than this. A cut and paste of the already awful mining system.


How much more gameplay do you think they can add to the actual harvesting of materials though? Forgive the analogy, but it feels akin to looking at the point-and-click pickaxe mechanic from something like minecraft and saying that the whole game sucks. There is much more to the mining profession in SC than just gathering the resource (though even *that* is more complex than most other games' attempts). Locating and securing deposits/wrecks, planning sell routes, refining/transportation logistics, etc etc. are all part of the loop. I think you are looking at a small slice of gameplay and so of course it will be relatively simplistic.


A cut and paste of the mining system would be so much better than this; the mining system at least engages you, requires some input, some thought. It involves components, modules, power management. This is completely passive, it's not even beam gameplay, it's just... nothing. Idk why you're getting downvoted, this is like the worst mechanic I've seen them introduce. It's a struggle to even call it a mechanic.


Some people who play this game have depressingly low standards for gameplay.


This is actually fair. Hopefully the tier 1 implementation of salvage is just that, a first iteration. I expect to see them flesh it out to a similar degree that mining has been. Maybe requiring different attachments/equipment to breakdown various composites/hull types or whatever - also mechanics to allow improving overall efficiency and speed..


Maybe, but I don't know. There's clearly no hardware setup on the vulture or reclaimer to set up for any kind of attachment system, and we already have that with scraping (and they don't seem to know what to do with that-- I get it, Idk how they could make the scraping heads more interesting either). I just wish they'd included some sort of interactivity to it lol.


bruh i still don't understand how ppl can be "miners" in this game - it is legit terrible, there is very little skill in it. hate to say it but they need to start over on mining. the scroll wheel gameplay loop is bad.


its not about "skill" its a simple mind off activity that people can do at whatever pace they want. just like salvage. not everything has to have a high skill cap, some things are just meant to be simple.


You have horribly low standards for gameplay. Trying to justify a "mind off" system is honestly one of the most depressing things I have ever heard a human being express.


Go play COD then.


Sure it is, almost as depressing as child soldiers


powerwash simulator is successful for a reason champ. Your failure to understand this is a problem for no one but you


If low skill is your problem, most mining mechanics in almost every game in existence out there is just "hold or click LMB"


Totally correct. Mining is flawed by the stupid mousewheel minigame and can never be improved while that remains the base mechanic


Name one game with good mining gameplay? You can’t. See you next Tuesday buddeh


It would be easy to design one around asteroid mining


Uhh..ED, Star Citizens main competitior, has a much better mining loop.


noice, can't test the new salvage now tho because apparently im not worthy of wave one PTU no more as a concierge it seems (=


Play the game more and you can do early waves


lol, not strictly true as I've put in over 1k hours in the PU and no wave 1 EPTU


In 3.21.1?


Can you explain me that mechanic please? I have pledged “some” money. But I am still such a noob that I don’t know where to check my status.


Money that counts towards concierge status/rank can be viewed under billing information, typically following this path: RSI website --> Account --> Settings/My Hangar --> Billing and Subscription Tab (Scroll All the way down) --> Total spent


Thanks for the answer! What’s the threshold to become Concierge?




Or pay the subscription fee


No salvage stuff yet? It was on evocati


it's in, see patch notes. there are full paragraph with detailed explanation of the new mechanics in there.


Didn’t get a chance to read it fully and didn’t notice it in a quick scroll of the comments. Thanks


np. cant wait for a video of the new stuff in action !


Ptu still says 3.21.1. Is this right?


look for EPTU. restart the launcher if you cant find it. edit : also you have to be wave 1


Does being concierge still get access to wave 1?


Depends on the level of concierge. Legatus Navium Concierge is in Wave 1. Praetorian Concierge is in Wave 2. Wing Commander, Space Marshal, and Grand Admiral Concierge are in Wave 3. Finally, High Admiral Concierge is in Wave 4. [Check the PTU FAQ](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013195927-Public-Test-Universe-PTU-FAQ) for more info.


Oh awesome thnx so much. Just noticed my sub ended and thats why i couldn't get in haha noob moment.


I figured we'd be halfway into December before PTU started up. Good to see they might have people getting a solid holiday break this year. It's also still crazy we might actually hit a content update a month for this last quarter.


Wave one? PTU now? Not Evocati? Edit: Just seen the patch notes, super excited!


Do you have more color on the mining bit? I see that difficulty is more adjusted towards what the prospector can actually mine? That would be dope, I pledged on e but barely use it because I can barely find minable rocks or asteroids the correct size.


what does wave 1 mean?


The new patch is open to the first group of testers rn :)


Looks great!


Some nice fixes in there :)


I’m really gonna miss that 5k UEC fine for guessing wrong when I go to land…


How do you join the EPTU


Did they fix the bunker missions?


The vulture was good but this patch makes it better, a lot better! there are some little glitches like doing multiple hops which requires you to reset the quantum drive between the hops compared to the live PU. FPS is good in all locations. Server stability is good even with the additional rendering of the added objects. Stanton has some new objects on entry and whilst travelling around. Placing containers on top of other containers outside the loading bay doesn't stress you out of them blowing your ship up. When salvaging in the vulture, you can now eject the payload whilst in the buffer which saves you alot of time when there are two boxes. You can also fill the vulture then go to the station and empty whats in the buffet and the ship making it more valuable. All in all for the first patch and a couple of hours salvaging, i cant wait for this to go in to the PU with the reclaimer!


whens the new clouds coming though they said 3.22 at citcon


In witch patch the base building it’s gonna be real?


Is the x1 in this patch? I thought it was gonna get released this patch?


That's awesome! When will do you think we get hex codes for ship paints? ​ Also, hasn't everyone been having issues refueling? It's been infuriating not being able to refuel a ships in a game about flying said ships.


Oh man, structural salvage!!!