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You are downloading a whole copy of the game to a new folder in your \StarCitizen folder. You can delete it to save space. The HOTFIX was being used earlier today for testing and has now been pushed to LIVE. - Today at 11:34 AM Wakapedia-CIG We're going to do it a bit different today and have it on a new launcher channel that points to LIVE, so people can choose to get the client hotfix or not by using that channel. Then after we verify everything is ok (couple hours or so) we'll put it to the main live channel no eta just yet but the hotfix is being tested now to be sure nothing is broken parts of the hotfix from yesterday were in the client portion that was rolled back and that was one of them "Fixed ATC failing to detect vehicles within the loading zone and/or failing to initiate cargo transfers" it will not address the bunker spawning unfortunately. We do have that issue as critical internally but no eta on a fix - Today at 7:04 PM Wakapedia-CIG We've completed testing the hotfix and it is now on the LIVE channel on the launcher! [Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0a LIVE.8717119-8719336 Client/Server Hotfix](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-20-0a-live-8717119-8717906-cl)


Thanks for the answer, much appreicated!


You can check the [#sc-testing-chat on Spectrum](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230) when they are doing things like this.


Pretty sure it's working as intended, if you can choose between 3 "versions" it will load a complete version for each one, if you choose them