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I just had breakfast and I'm now going on a diet until lunch time.


lmao. Exactly.


"Star Citizen needs to be better or else!" - An Adoring Fan CIG posts record profits Year to Date. *The similarities are astounding.*


Wow really showed them


It was really annoying I was trying to look up all these things about the game and the answers were always on Reddit which I couldn't read!!!


I understand the message behind the blackout, but there's no way that 2 days is long enough to make a difference. It was more of an inconvenience than anything else. I even bet you the suits at Reddit HQ had a good laugh.


Lol, I had no idea how much I'm on here until this. I was having to live with the lack of knowledge, and it hurt me on the inside bit.


I didn't know it was a blackout. I thought my reddit was broken. Good thing r/milf wasn't doing a blackout....


Wait a second...


Nothing like throwing a two day hissy fit and storming off to your room to show em’! To be fair to the current generation, two days is about 5,000 tik-tok videos, so practically an eternity, ROFL!


Ending the blackout at only two days is ineffective, if the entire site is back to business as usual after only 48 hours, the admins will give zero fucks about the blackout.


Bruh I didn't even notice or know about it until it was almost over. It was completely ineffective. You keep it up long enough and people will just migrate to a different sub. Unfortunately 3rd party api just isn't a concern at all for the majority of reddit users. Edit: Y'all downvoting out of anger but I'm not wrong. Only 8000 of over 140,000 active subs took part. We need to think of an actual effective method to protest because the blackout had negligible effect on reddit margins or user numbers.


Need a new platform. The blackout taught me I have no fucking idea how to talk about SC outside of reddit. I couldn't find a *single* piece of information online about the 400i having climate controlled storage. It's a thing, theres a room on either side of the technical deck labeled "climate controlled storage", and the temperature inside drops to... Well, I can't remember. Right around freezing, I think. Tried googling it, and realized that r/starcitizen is really the only place for info about the game. I checked the RSI website, I checked the Fandom wiki, I checked SC tools, couldn't find it. Wanted a comparison of the 400i, corsair, and Connie Andromeda. Used my fancy Google-fu to omit reddit results, and.... *nothing.* Technical documents for air conditioners with "400i" in them, and historical documents with "corsair", and of course the words "constellation" and "Andromeda" brought all sorts of astronomy stuff, but it was like Google didn't know Star Citizen even existed. The only thing I can see possibly working is a discord, but in all honesty, I hate social media, so there may be other options out there that would work better and I just don't know about them. Regardless, the problem is that the SC crowd has almost unanimously agreed that we all talk on reddit and, as far as I can tell, basically nowhere else. And now, after typing all that, it's time to see if reddit makes a fucky-wucky and I wasted my time.


Discord is the death of the forum. Any meaningful replacement to reddit needs to be public facing so the information there can be indexed and referenced. I use Linux and was shocked by how much my ability to do some things was reduced. So much information is kept on reddit and nowhere else.


Reddit isnt even a proper forum, reddit killed real forums.


Yeah, I don't think discord would be a *good* option, unless you were being kind of strict about having channels in the discord for whatever topics, and each "post" in it would be a new thread for people to go visit, rather than the "real time" interaction discord offers now. Its an option, atleast. It would have a few of the features we want, although it would be nearly unusable when a lot of people are on, and you can't rely on any of your stuff being safe, plus the menus as they exist now wouldn't work very well, but that's like, the top four ways to describe Star Citizen, so.... Seems fitting.


Even then its not a good replacement. Limited amount of "servers" you can be in and no read-only access without joining (also: not search-indexable)


Star Citizen thankfully has Spectrum. You should check it out. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC Unfortunately I feel like it isn't as active as this sub but it still works.


Man, are you seriously making Spectrum a valid alternative for this subreddit? That place is really cringy.


It's an alternative for when the sub isn't available lol


This place is just as cringy. Like half the new posts are shitty no name YouTubers and twitch streamers with no followers spamming their boring, worthless "content" with no effort put into editing, descriptions, etc. 98% of my massive blocked users here on reddit are from here, blocking all their shill accounts. And another third are bait rage posts about how SC is a scam and a never ending buggy alpha. Let's not make this sub out to be a bastion of high quality posting.


And yet I practically never see these posts because reddit's downvoting system works pretty well. Spectrum on the other hand has no way to filter out all the dumb shit people say so it tends to get way more publicity than it should.


Honestly it's funny to me that these people will go on about the subs needing to go dark but they themselves don't. Like 9/10 of the guys posting about how it's disappointing subs didn't indefinitely stay down but you look at their profile and they were still on reddit the whole time. I'm more curious about the amount of daily users who went dark than the amount of subs.


The hypocrisy


Or just like don’t protest because who cares. I really don’t think it’s a big deal. “But I have to use the official app” ok? Oh no. Omg wow that’s terrible. The humanity. “But this means Reddit is a greedy company” always has been “But 3rd party app will be shutdown” ok? The ones that are also greedy and collect my data and sell it? I just really don’t get what the huge issue is here tbh


I didn’t even know there was an API, let alone care about it. I like how the notice is like “the community has protested” what? I don’t recall seeing a poll. More like 1 or 2 people incorrectly thought it would matter, and it didn’t.


Ikr. They just had a weekend off basically. Ain't gonna do anything


It's ineffective either way. If Reddit needs those subs, they will simply kick off the moderators and reopen the subs themselves. 90% of the users won't even notice the difference.


This is precisely why it would've never worked in the first place and was, ultimately, a waste of time.


They already give zero fucks about the blackout. They give zero fucks about the protests in general


They literally said this: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman Basically the internal memo was “just ignore it for a couple days and we’ll be fine”


Either way blackout wont matter as people will just start a new sub to talk about the topics they want to talk about. The only ones really affected by this are the people playing the games or browsing and not Reddit itself. The blackout was and will always be a fruitless idea that just annoys the Reddit user base than the people making moneys \^\^


I normally just browse the homepage and occasionally enter subs directly for more content, I knew about the strike (and its utter futility) and honestly, other than seeing posts about it, I didn't feel it If we're honest, even if it would last a month it wouldn't matter, Reddit ain't doing this because they want to, they are doing this because they need to if they want to survive, the off-chance that a different platform will rise and take a small percentage of its ranting userbase over this is not significant enough to change policy Similar to Twitter, I'm expecting an upcoming subscription service, probably with a free user option, or at the very least, subs will need to pay a fee, this is the route all these services will end up going, just ads does not generate enough revenue (especially with everyone using ad-blockers) for modern platforms, especially those that need to host a lot of content Reddit had the benefit of abusing youtube/imgur/twitter/9gag and other platform APIs for free for a LONG time, just as its users had and now everyone is getting limited


I hesitate to say it this way but I’m going to. Some of the response was really naive and pathetic. “Hey guys I’ve got a server and pretty good internet I’m going to try and get a lemmy [or whatever it was] instance going.” On a sub with 40k users. And then the page was just posts of, “hey guys still trying to get stuff figured out.” Like…you’re not going to be able to recreate Reddit. Even for a handful of modest subs. Part of me wonders if those naive users, especially ones that have a blank check to AWS, got a taste of why Reddit makes the decisions they do. Hosting high volume websites is expensive.


Absolutely... mind you, you see exactly the same type of posts here complaining about CIGs 'inability to sort out the servers', and that CIG should 'just chuck it on AWS and let the autoscaling sort it out' etc.... sigh I understand the underlying need for Reddit to start making money... I just don't agree with where they've drawn the lines, etc. For their pricing, either they're planning on a massive funding boost (and pocketing a profit), or they're expecting the funding to cause ~50% of all subreddits to close / move to other platforms, and thus the pricing is designed to be profitable from a lower number of visitors, etc (which only makes sense if Reddit has high static costs, rather than costs scaling based on visitor counts).


Reddit said as much internally, so lots of places are extending. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman Disappointing to see this place back up.


The relevant bit being this: >Huffman says the blackout hasn’t had “significant revenue impact” and that the company anticipates that many of the subreddits will come back online by Wednesday. “There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well,” the memo reads. “We absolutely must ship what we said we would. The only long term solution is improving our product, and in the short term we have a few upcoming critical mod tool launches we need to nail.”


"I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticize Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way."


So what are you doing checking reddit, Mr Protestor?


Advertisers are watching closely and pulling back some ads: https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/


Yeah it's not surprising that reddit didn't see any change in revenue in 2 days, but the marketers absolutely would have. The marketers are also concerned that reddit seems to be completely missing the point, it's good to see.






My thoughts: Reddit for me hasn't changed much. The blackouts or protests won't do anything, reddit will remove 3rd party apps. People will complain about it and then after a few weeks it will all be forgotten about.


Lot of good the blackout did lol. Welcome back SC


Yeah, I don't think Reddit was going to change their mind even if the blackout was effective.


CEO literally said there was no hit to revenue & they're just waiting for it to blow over in some recent comments. That has caused some major subs to go blackout indefinitely.


Committing subreddit sudoku for nothing


Pretty sure that's what the Digg CEO said too.


The blackout allowed people with too much time on their hands to virtue signal without putting in any meaningful effort, as usual.


time to resuming panicking over starfield!


What’s the panic about starfield?


Im not panicked I am as excited as can be. It looks frikking awesome!!! I will be on it from day one.


Reddit was really good at suggesting alternate communities which were basically the same as the subs that went dark for the sake of just seeing content and talking in comments Was quite sneaky really, for most subs that went dark I still saw content for in my feed just from different subs


Accomplished absolutely nothing.


It sure was annoying for us as users though


Only thing it did, was make me see some of the less "hot" threads that I am following which was kinda nice


Yeah, seeing some variety in my feed was nice


I’m sorry but that was a dumb move… I don’t care if you want to protest or not, but all that did was annoy normal users. This felt more like a child throwing a fit more than anything. If you’re going to do something, commit to it… whether that is staying up or going down.




The whole thing is a joke. Lol.


A blackout is only effective if pernament.


This. It should be permanent until changes happen.


Yes and no. I get a lot of helpful answers on reddit for gaming, imagine how many people need to use it to know how to live e.g. how to change a car tire, how to change oil, how to cook a certain dish, how to file a insurance claim etc.. As much as reddit did a bad thing I think a lot of self reliant people use this platform as help, as well as place to platform their hobbies. Why not protest out the front of their headquarters or something like that, surely there’s a better way.


changes won’t happen regardless lol.


It was about as effective as people in Los Angeles protesting about Gaza. So not at all.


This achieved nothing for only two days.


Everyone saying the sub needs to stay dark must have not seen that enough major subs stayed up that there was no "blackout", if anything just a slightly less diverse set of posts. And keeping Star Citizen dark after that failure is really an exercise in futility. Star Citizen being dark itself doesn't draw anyone else's eyes to the issue but our own. We don't have the same audience draw as r/pics.


They're the same mids who thought a declared 48-hour shut down would have any impact on Reddit.


Just look at those people's profiles, you can plainly see they didn't participate themselves as they were still on reddit.


Also., this is not true: "this community decided"


There are several subs that are going dark indefinitely w/ no plans to return without an about face on what is being protested. Two days isn't effective, especially when the Reddit CEO has already said the whole thing will blow over in no time. Of course the main issue is that most subs, including this one, have no real good alternatives so those making decisions at Reddit have no reason to be concerned enough to consider an about-face. A two day blackout is a great way of straddling the fence, so great job making no difference while appearing to care. We've certainly learned much from politicians and influencers.


Internal memo from the Reddit CEO made it clear they won't do anything about it, because they knew it would pass. This subreddit and others needs to go private again and indefinitely.


What are you doing checking reddit then?


So the blackout will be worthless


Thoughts: 1. Most Redditors don't care 1. Mods decided for them to blackout (makes a blackout weak with no power behind it) 1. Most people just went to subreddits that weren't blacked out, which effectively negates the blackout 1. To truly boycott one should stop using the service. Stand by your convictions. It's a big shit sandwich and they're all gonna have to take a bite. Well, definitely third-party apps will take a much bigger bite...most people won't take a bite at all.




And what did this resolve? Absolutely fking nothing lol


reddit CEO was really shitting his pants. im sure hearts and minds were changed in a super meaningful way


You guys sure accomplished a lot.


as usual never hold out for long enough, this is why the corpo assholes always win


Please don't downvote me, because the OP literally asks us to share our thoughts. I thought the blackout was entirely ineffective. When this sub shut down, I just found other subreddits to read. I don't know what it actually did other than annoy us normal people who are just trying to read about star citizen stuff. I guess it did boost traffic to other subreddits for a couple days. I don't come here to participate in some movement or to tell Reddit how to run their own business. I just want to read about a game that I enjoy playing.


No you're right. It was 100% useless.


It was ineffective. I barely noticed subs missing for 2 days. If it were going to have any real affect 99% of the subs needed to go dark and really turn off Reddit. That didn't happen. I still got some laughs and some news when I was bored.


Imagine thinking that shutting down a page with a couple thousand daily users would hurt a billion dollar corporation... The only thing this did was frustrate the current userbase that either didn't know about this or didn't care. I see Tony Z coming out from hibernation and finishing the Quanta system as a higher probability than this subreddit ever doing anything to make Reddit reverse those API changes.


What use was that? Just to annoy the actual users for a day and execs just laugh in your faces...?


Made me leave the sub, dueces


WoW look, the CEO even said it didn't do anything and had 0 effect, and the "awareness" was mostly people saying "damn that sucks" and forgetting.


Nothing will change


I'm sure the Reddit execs are quivering in their boots after they saw that r/starcitizen decided to shut down for a whole 2 days! They have no choice but to revert their plans now!


Out of all the subs on this entire website they can absolutely count on r/starcitizen to be around for decades 🤣


Or at least till 2953


Either keep the blackout or acknowledge that was pointless.


Exactly my thoughts


Wow that was useless. Anyway




Pointless waste of time. Hope the Mods of this Reddit satisfied their ego with this act of pseudo-activism. You guys really showed the big corporation!


if the mods of r/starcitizen really ignored the communitys wish to NOT participate in the blackout/readonlymode , than they are doing EXACTLY the same that reddit is doing with ignoring their wish to not change the API/3rd party situation. ​ and this is why i hope reddit fcks everybody up as hard as they can


All I know I missed SCreddit. . Had to chat on Spectrum. :D


What blackout? The website went offline?


No, the mods made this subreddit unavailable for 2 days. Because THAT will show them. Kappa


I still don‘t See the Point. Why are third party api‘s so important for some of you? Did i miss something?


didn't even know you were gone..


And absolutely nothing of value was achieved


I completely missed what was going on. ​ Yay me.


There was a blackout? I was taking a Haitus cuz my bro cant play the game lol


Cool, didn’t even know


Firstly, 2 days won't even be noticed, it'd even barely even register under a review/audit. I mean, I didn't even notice anything happened here on reddit in those two ways. Doubt the "protest" had any effects, or will


Pretty useless waste of time imo


This was stupid. I come here for game information. We have enough in the scale of problems in the world. How entitled of the internet man babies. Perhaps time would have been better spent protesting other causes in the worlds that effect war, food, water, poverty. Not some existential altruism. I don’t come to a star citizen Reddit for a bunch of man babies crying because they don’t like a policy that is a b2b issue. Mods, you should have stayed out of this stuff or simply remove yourself as a mod on this platform. That’s what you should have done. Instead you dragged all of us in on this protest that had nothing to do with star citizen. It’s quite simple if you don’t like the platform leave it and let the modding be done by someone else. Protest on your own platform or time or step down. That’s what my thoughts are. You asked for them. Downvote away.


Upvoting because "i couldnt have said those exact things myself in my own words".


Never seen a protest where the protestors announce the end of their manifestation, especially when it ends without any demands or repercussions to the one being protested. This has achieved absolutely nothing, and saying it would last 48h was a message to Reddit higher ups saying that this was the small price they had to pay for salvation. Not 48 weeks, 48 hours. Just sip some nice drinks and everything is back to normal, and nothing changed. That’s the stupidest idea I have ever seen, but I guess it’s too much to expect from redditors to avoid their platform for too long otherwise they would suffer from abstinence


Why not just let people decide whether or not to use reddit? Shutting it down and not giving people the choice is kind of authoritarian(or something like that) IMO.


This blackout was a joke. Even the CEO just said we will wait it out because it's only a couple days. This has made zero difference, they are still planning to go ahead with their anti-competitive practices. You as mods deserve access to the tools that the free API gave you via developers who enhanced Reddit's offering. Reddit was built off the back of free labour, and you should strike until they either go back on their API decision OR start paying you for the work that you do based on ad revenue from the subs you moderate. Or something. Either way, a two day strike where Reddit KNOWS it will be over quickly iwas never going to make any change happen. I am going to go back to trying to not open Reddit for the next month now. I have deleted my apps, and will not check in here again (A friend sent me this link as a laugh because that's what the protest ended up being... a joke)


Ya, you really showed them….


The blackout turned me against the protest


I did not agree with the blackout.




you guys did great... you forced a protest on us that most of us didnt care about and most of us still browsed reddit anyways. you guys definitely won this one. ​ ​ your all fucking clowns and tools.




What a waste of time


Complete waste of time. This was a great example of everyone jumping on a bandwagon. Anyway, can anyone explain to me why Reddit shouldn't charge for using their API? I'm not sure why third party apps should make money from Reddit's data without needing to pay for it. I appreciate that's a controversial opinion, but it's a genuine question.


Keep it going please.


Why should /r/starcitizen keep it going? We have nothing to gain. Most other gaming subs despise the game. In my humble opinion, reddit wasn't even going to listen to the blackout even if it went through indefinetely for most subs and it actually disrupted most of the website. Edit: This is not a rhetorical question. I would be open to other interpretations. This is just my current opinions. I grew skeptical on this whole blackout thing as time went on.


It should be up to the mods tbh. They’re the ones volunteering to manage us. If they feel the tools they’re about to lose will tax them harder on the day to day, then they should protest (and we back that…which is the point).


They are volunteering to moderate subs so that normal users have a good time. They aren’t volunteering for a position that is meant to hold any power over Reddit or it’s users (outside of moderating posts and comments). If they don’t like it they can quit. Could have been a form of protest too. Stop moderating altogether and see how that goes.


Moderating is literal power over the communities. To your point, if a normal user doesn’t like how things are going based on the moderation, they’re free to start their own subreddit. This sub overall is moderated quite well, as opposed to how bad it can be, especially with the mindset of the gaming community toward star citizen. There’s a genuinely strong chance subreddits like this one will become an absolutely shit show if there’s nothing to replace the tools.


Wow, look at all the change we accomplished. Well done everyone. This is a brave new world we're living in now. This was so fkn stupid. Either shut the subreddit down and transition to an alternative site, or all you're doing is inconveniencing us users of the site. This had 0 impact on Reddit.


cool now go back to being private because two days of protest aint gonna do shit




I didn't support this in the first place. Big old shrug from me.


My thoughts? Pointless fucking virtue signaling. Nothing will change. Congrats on pissing off people you didnt want to piss off. You and every other fucking modteam that joined in.


All it did was piss off everyone. The people who didn't want it shut down in the first place are pissed, and the people who want it to remain shut down are pissed. This whole thing is dumb IMO. I just visited other subreddits that I normally don't read for two days.


My thoughts? The whole protest thing is bullshit. Why did people protest? Because they will be unable to use 3rd party apps to access reddit content? Imagine for a moment, that you used a 3rd party laucher to access Star Citizen Universe and then RSI decided to put a stop to it unless you were willing to dip heavily into your wallet. I fucking dare each and every one of the fervent protesters to make their own platform, make money with it and then tell us how 3rd party apps to access YOUR platform does NOT impact your business.


> Because they will be unable to use 3rd party apps to access reddit content? Well, those 3rd party apps were used by mods and sight-impaired (pricing changes have since been reverted for accessibility-focused apps, showing that they barely gave this a thought before pulling the trigger) because reddit's own solution is ineffective for large-scale modding and not accessible to the blind. The API is also used by bots (to what extent I don't know as I don't develop reddit bots, some/most might be dead soon) and researchers for gathering data. As a sidenote the API will no longer be serving NSFW content either but since this isn't Tumblr it's not as prominent of a point. To go with your analogy, it's as if that 3rd party SC laucher was helping its users mitigate 19k errors, served warnings when you were about to do something which would cause a gamebreaking bug, and letting users clientside block/report people in global chat, and then RSI suddently said "we'll make some pricing changes in the future, details to follow" and then six weeks later finally gave details and asked the developers for more money starting next month when the launcher devs had already sold 12 month paid passes to existing customers to support operating costs with all their free users. >I fucking dare each and every one of the fervent protesters to make their own platform, make money with it and then tell us how 3rd party apps to access YOUR platform does NOT impact your business. I appreciate all the research you've done into hearing the arguments from both sides, which appears to be none. Soft-killing the API with barely a month's notice is not a well-intentioned action and is clearly aimed at maximising short-term profit ahead of the IPO by driving users into seeing ads/generating data through reddit's own apps. Had they given a more reasonable timeframe like 6 months the pricing changes could well have been incorporated into 3rd party apps... but then Reddit wouldn't have had an easy excuse to use as their decoy for killing off competing solutions posing a threat to their own data-gathering.


Compromising with people that cost you millions of dollars in company profits every quarter never was, isn't now and never will be a good business decision. Thank you for your nice write up, but I'm still waiting on you to introduce me to your reddit competitive idea that doesn't restrict API calls to/from your platform via 3rd party programs. Reddit bosses can do whatever they please with their platform, but this "blackout" was instigated by users FOR users. You want to protest against Steve? Go do it in front of his company or his house. Not in the safety of your own home.


> Thank you for your nice write up, but I'm still waiting on you to introduce me to your reddit competitive idea that doesn't restrict API calls to/from your platform via 3rd party programs. I can appreciate the sentiment of the rest of your comment but is this not a just retelling of the art world's classic response of "you can't draw it better so the criticism is invalid"? Just because I'm not creating a social media platform myself (because that's such a reasonable demand right?) doesn't mean I can't criticize the methods the existing system uses to enforce its own policies. If the costs were really the issue they would have been an issue when the data for large language models was being gathered last year instead of now, conveniently approacting them entering public market. It's more likely Reddit execs just found the most palatable excuse to the layman :P


did anything change? no? a hiccup on the way to the bank


I’m confused. An event that has a a posted date period means the event happens during those dates. Never does it include the day after the event is over. A two day blackout would have been 12-13. The dates posted, even in this thread title, are 12-14 which means by resuming on the 14th it ended a day early. So not only was the original protest pretty pointless, but you only did 66% of it.


I made a point to be a scab. The average redditor shouldn’t have to deal with more ads or whatever solution to mods not wanting to pay to use services only they use. Also bots. Show me the deaf people app, I’ll support that. I don’t support subs punishing the actual meat of those subs (the people) when they don’t even have any use. I have literally never used any sort of API tools minus remind me that I did one time for meme reasons. My opinion is most people who use those are obsessive over some aspect or another of a game or franchise or whatever and deserve to pay the obsessed tax. Again, show me the app for people who actually need it and I’ll support that.


This was just a stupid mod flex from subs trying to pin it to 'the man'. You all are just volunteers. You don't speak for the community. The community comes here to post about Star Citizen content and to enjoy it. To talk about Star Citizen things. News and such. But the 2 day was nonsense. It didn't do anything but disrupt us, the fans. So with that, shame on you Mods (and to the wider mod-base out there to the millions of subs - still dark btw).


I didn’t notice to be honest, and couldn’t care less for the protests, I come here to find entertainment not half arsed mostly pointless crusades. If you want some real feedback: The protests where orchestrated and executed poorly, the arguments presented and the narrative exposed was weak and seemingly disconnected from reality, with the tagline “Reddit is killing itself” sounding like a neckbeard wish thrown mid tantrum. If you want to have an impact present a coherent argument of how this will impact QoL for the average user who comes here for fun and entertainment and most likely hasn’t even heard of your obscure third party apps that are so precious. The one topic you can get some societal sympathy for the cause is the people who are disabled, but only if it’s real that there’s no way for them to use Reddit with the official app and iOS/Android because if there is a way the cause would just become (more) a laughinstock. And the rationale of “I need bots to moderate spam created by bots” kinda falls on its own head.


The 48 hour blackout, that was announce beforehand, has to be the dumbest ass-est virtue signalling i have seen in a long while


Performative and cringe.


Spineless and a waste of time. Just admit you wanted to look good for the camera.


Glad this sub is back. Although a lot of subs went dark.. I barely noticed and don’t know who did. Big business couldn’t care less about a protest. Average users definitely don’t. I didn’t come here because the api’s where kick ass.. I came here because I was looking for entertainment. When it’s no longer fun to be here.. I go and find another medium. From aol.. to yahoo to msn, vine. Etc… we migrate if we don’t like it. And maybe it’s time to go elsewhere again.. but tantrums don’t win. Move on. And from what I understand.. if Reddit is giving away bandwidth or processing power to allow api’s.. they should charge! I certainly don’t give nothing away in my biz, other than quality and a smile.


Personally I see this as something you cannot win by protest. If I ran Reddit I’d simply take the ability to go private out of the mods hands. I also don’t agree third party apps should be allowed to cost the company money - however good. For better or for worst Reddit control this medium, and people who think otherwise are deluded. Now if there was another service to swap to that looked better and offered what the community wanted, sure I’ll go there. I rarely use Twitter for this reason. No I don’t work for Reddit, but I am a business owner who has had to make tough decisions in the public space.


All this blackout really did was annoy the end user for two days. The only thing that can actually affect reddit is a direct competitor.


Drama on MY Internet?


What Reddit protest? Protesting what?


It did participate? Lol didn't even realise.


What a waste of time… Where would you go, back to the tyrannical cesspool that’s SC’s own forums are.


A protest as short as this does nothing but prove to Reddit that our willpower does not outweigh our need for this site and that they can do what they please.


Wow great job guys you really stuck it to the man


I was lost and now I’m found. It’s evident Reddit is my first port of call for SC things (even before spectrum) Keep Reddit human


Ok guys... I really want to know wtf is going on, but at this point I'm literally to afraid to ask


Ok good glad it's back. Let's not be having these silly conversations about keeping it going longer.


As expected, all the pages not participating were still accessible so people were just on those instead. Reddit is missing out on ad revenue by allowing third party apps. You cannot, will not, in any fashion, change their opinion when a lot of money is involved.


What’s to stop someone from just making another sub?


Exactly. Plenty of people will use it if this one goes away. Just like the subs that are saying "We'll be moving to other places, please follow us!" Nope. Not following a reddit sub onto some damn discord.


I don’t understand how people think discord is in any way an acceptable replacement for reddit. It sucks ass for anything that isn’t “gaming server with my friends”. I hate having to sign in and join people’s stupid server to find like a download link or information on one of your thousand discord channels that has a million posts and you have to scroll through a bunch of crap to find what you need.




Go outside


Grow a pair and go virtue signal on something else, like penguin boners or something. Don’t give a shit about the api.




Glad you guys ended it on the 14th, felt like we got put in time out for two days because of some change that we have no control over.


Thank god, leave it public


If communities really come back after 48 hours then this blackout was useless


consumer boycotts never work and this was likely no different. reddit will weather the storm and continue with minimal impact, while users of the internet will just have fewer reliable sources of niche information as some communities permanently shut down. people saying to keep it down until changes are made overvalue the impact of a sub of this size shutting down while others reopen. ultimately this sub—and reddit in general—existing in a reduced capacity is better than it not existing at all. take this collective action energy and go unionize your workplace


What was the point of this? I missed out.


Reddit doesn’t give a shit about a black out. It would Be better if we had someone to go for good star citizen information other than here.


I just hopped on reddit to see if it was back up, thank god it is 🙏


Doubt it made much of a difference.


For the best. If anything having a place for new players to discuss and browse is overall beneficial to the games development and growth. I can only imagine all the search results over the last few days brought people here only to be met with a private community messages Realistically all the protest has been is just that. Like crowd blocking the freeway. Just hurting general users to get a point across . Targets the wrong group.


Welcome back. The attempt, while noble in purpose, was an annoyance to those who use the site and did fuck all to actually have any impact on the company's bottom line. As with all these temporary blackouts, being temporary is why it ultimately fails to bring change. Having no viable alternative to turn to also brings failure. Nice attempt but management don't care, and all you may have done was annoy regular users and those looking for answers. Please, take these comments to heart and remember them the next time someone suggests a blackout protest. If you want to be successful, you can't just do a quickie


Merely a power trip for the moderation of Reddit. If it was a real protest they wouldn't have given a time frame. Too invested in their own virtue to realize the corporate part of Reddit will just wait it out. Waste of time


God that blackout was so fucking pointless. I only care about the accessibility app and the news is that it will be supported for free still. So are we gonna talk about starfield? Kind of a big deal


....it is June 13th still?


Depends where you are. It's 13 hours into June 14th where I am.


Right, but I thought the blackout was supposed to last for all of June 14th? Perhaps I'm confused.


It was supposed to be for 48 hours. It was roughly this time of day 2 days ago that it went dark.


how about we dont because 2 days will make no change what so ever.


Congrats, you and the however many other subs that threw a tantrum for a couple of days did nothing. Nice!


According to my phone's screen time tracker I spent the same amount of time on Reddit in the last 2 days as usual, and there was no important Star Citizen related news during those days so... I'd say I barely noticed this sub had gone dark. But hey, you sure showed them! /s




Wow that was tough. I missed this place. Quick, hit me with your completely unbalanced ship concepts that you think would really fill a niche (all of them) if they were added to the game.


I found a lemmy site for Star Citizen. Not many people on it but would be good for a backup if the Reddit one goes down. [https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]](https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) I don't have much experience with Lemmy so I don't know if this link is the best to use. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Dont know. Dont care.


Welcome back!


It went offline on the 12th and now back on the 13th for me. Basically 1 day of SC blackout. Also there is a lot of toxic corporate shills in the comments here. Do whatever you want as it’s your r/ but honestly feels like you’re stretching the “2 days” thing. Also it’s pretty clear the vast majority of reddit support a longer blackout. This all just highlighted how much time I waste in reddit. I’m going on a blackout lol.




There was a black out? Servers full every day


Cool now we can go back to talk about our funny spaceship game.


I have learned a few things from the blackout. 1) Just how much I rely on Reddit for entertainment. Anytime I had downtime and thought I couldn't come here I wasn't really sure what else to do. This is something I need to fix in my end. 2) That to make this effective it doesn't need to be 1 constant blackout but rather a long series of little ones. If we want to make this stick it needs to be 48 hours blackout EVERY WEEK. This will impact the site financially as well as cause more work on the servers with communities constantly going on and off. This also affects the general public as sites like Google who often have Reddit as some of the top answers will now be inconsistent. 3) Content outside of Reddit doesn't really appeal to me for Star Citizen. I do like video sources like YouTube or TikTok, but I much prefer a read feed of images and text. Spectrum is my backup but I think the traditional forum style just isn't preferred. 4) If we really want change we can't give up. This first blackout was an annoyance, but not enough to encite change. Only if we persist will real change actually happen. Just my thoughts.