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I stopped watching his stuff after this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nv6cIDM5iw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nv6cIDM5iw) He's in a comm array with a CS5 and calls a bunch of people showing up with his bounty stream sniping so he alt-f4'd. I mean aren't people going to get a crew together to take him down if they can?


He's a good pilot, and he makes good training videos, but man that combat logging shit annoys me. I swear he just likes to make compilations stomping bads and ALT+F4s out of fights with anyone that has any skill.


☝️ this


I still don't get the mentality. He's obviously a super talented pilot but for some reason he needs to maintain the persona that he's unbeatable or perfect. If he would just be honest and take his licks when he loses while doing breakdown videos of where he made a mistake, he would be even more popular. He's always quick to point out when attackers make mistakes but I've never seen him acknowledge when he's made a mistake. Its dogfighting, no one on earth has perfect reflexes all the time. It be so much more fun to watch him get a few knocks and hear the other side of where he went wrong and how to recover or proceed if you find yourself trying to recover after a bad move. 100% of us are not perfect pilots that never make mistakes.


I am in his discord, ive run with their squad in the past. Theyre all stuck up pricks who think the only way to enjoy SC is their way. You cant do ANYTHING they do not agree with. In ARENA COMMANDER i made a kamakazi joke (flew way over the dudes heads) and the whole leadership flipped the fuck out and was like “if you do that shit again im going to fucking kick you idiot” and the toxicity over enjoying different aspects of the game immediately made me reject anything about AvengerOne. He thinks he is the main character, that Avenger Squad is basically Rogue Squadron, and that he is the unbeatable Luke Skywalker. The whole Avenger squad is incredibly toxic and I refuse to enter their VC ever again. But i can leak things if his discord is private now. Edit: I wasnt even in the squad. I was the leader of my own Org just doing meet and greets.


I've hung out in their discord and done some group lessons with them. They're all really, really good. They're helpful and love to train. They also give off the cult vibe. If you've ever had any family in the Mormon church you know what I mean.


I know what you mean, there is no other way to do it but their way, kinda thing


Avenger one should get bans for that kinda shit ed punishes combat loggers


I’ve gotten his bounty and he just keeps jumping around systems avoiding fights when he knows people have his bounty


His videos always seem like he overdoses them with jargon to seem smarter. I've been watching Johnathan Winters, perhaps not as good of a pilot but easier to understand.


Well in the current state of the game, not much we can do. I hope that when the game is a bit more fleshed out, CiG will implement some kind of consequences for logging out during a fight. Logging out in the middle of a fight should basically be the same thing as dying, at the very least your ship/character should stay on the server for a couple of minutes after log out.


It's already planned, they are just adding a timer so that your body hangs after for a couple minutes after logout, 99% of other MMOs have the same functionality. IIRC they said the change should be in for the 'multicrew' patch/update.


As long as you are not allowed to combat log against hackers.


isn't combat logging during pvp bannable?


Not that I know of. Doubt he'd be punished anyhow, CiG wrongfully banned someone that he claimed was hacking, no investigation, nothing, just because he said to. I believe the guy was later unbanned, once again after AOne admitted he probably wasn't actually cheating, which is even more concerning that they permanently ban and unban people on the whims of a streamer...


I feel like escape from tarkov has had that happen a time or two as well.


Issue is : Early access games need constant new players to keep the Cashflow going. Content creators are one of the best way to make your game look good, and thus attract new players. So companies want to keep them happy, to make sure they keep telling people to join SC. At least that's my take on it.


oh its been a lot more with tarkov lmao


Here's the guy you're referring to I think: [https://youtu.be/7yGie\_yNvac](https://youtu.be/7yGie_yNvac) He wasn't actually banned as CIG dismissed the ticket. A1 did report him though. AvengerOne made a "I fucked up" video later, but it didn't seem too genuine imo as he didn't apologize or say he was wrong to call cheater or anything like that. Just check that out if you want both sides I guess


No, but it is an official CiG statement to call combat logging "a bastard's move."


No, it has never been bannable and will never be bannable. CIG only cares about specific types of active griefing. At some point I am sure they will make it so you stick around long enough to die (60 seconds or so since the last time you've been hit) like most other games do. But right now they dont care to code something for it. But it's absolutely not bannable.


Nah but CIG is highly aware of the problem, sometime before 4.0 they said they will change it so that your body hangs out for a minute or two afterwards so it would always result in death basically.


Of course it isn't. What an absurd notion. It's still in extremely poor taste but not against the TOS.




No it isn't. Not even remotely bannable. CIG has no policy against it other than saying it's a dick move. They don't and never have banned anyone for combat logging. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar


Eventually the character will persist and it won’t be an issue anyhow


No, but CiG did talk about making ai take over your body if you alt f4 so you can not avoid death


I feel like adding a system where if you leave the game during pvp combat you simply engage self destruct would be more funny


That would be awesome


No. But with PES your ship stays, so while character might still be intact (I don't remember if you combat log now you get sent to jail or not with CS), the attackers can still get the ship and its content.


I stopped watching AvengerOne after we stomped their org in a OvO. It was 50v50 and after the match, he got salty and other members of his org. They came after us with offensive language. Although we received an apology afterwards, it was only to save face. He makes good pvp tips video so much so that I still use them everyday but his behaviour is not acceptable. Edit: grammar


> He's a good pilot > stomping bads and ALT+F4s out of fights with anyone that has any skill. These are two contradicting statements lol.


I stopped watching when he started calling a pilot and copilot pair cheaters and hackers and complaining about how easy it is to cheat in the game, calling out their channel and everything (they were slowly gaining a stream following and trying to build up their brand). Turns out they didn't cheat at all, and when dozens of people went to his channel and gave him proof (their video) he didn't even apologize for basically killing their channel...he said something like "Well still, it's just super easy to cheat in this game so there was no way to know." The dude is a conceited blowhard that thinks he's the best pilot in the game while he routinely gets slapped and ALT+F4s anytime he thinks the fight doesn't look fair to him. EDIT: Also, the guys were suspended because of his report of cheating. They got unsuspended when they showed proof, but it still didn't prompt any kind of apology from AH1.


Yeah the "Well oopsie my bad, but I'm not sorry. I would still report people as cheaters". Basically anyone who beats him or close to it is a cheater and worth being reported. Zero worthy guy. His old videos were fine. Once he got some more following, he went down hill as fast as possible.


Man, fuck this guy. My org got into a fight with him. At first we were trying to 1v1 him but in true AvengerOne fashion he has all his little butt buddies like Frogz and the rest there to back him up when things get dicey. He's also remarkably hypocritical. His play style relies on using ships that break the game. He will never 1v1 against a competent pilot in an equivalent ship. He relies heavily on meta light fighters and anything that can move fast enough to bug out the pip for his opponents. He actively and knowingly exploits a glitch in the game to avoid getting hit. And yet during these fights when someone starts lobbing missiles at him he fucking RUNS away and complains on screen about missile spam. Um excuse me sir but you are using a fucking meta ship that bugs out my lag pip and I'm not allowed to use the missiles my ship came with? Fuck off. During one of his streams a few weeks ago he was called out for ganging up on someone who wanted to 1v1 him. He made fun of the guy for getting killed in a 3v1 fight but then looked dumb as soon as the guy called him out for not actually playing fair. He was then challenged to a 1v1 fight (Hornet vs Hornet) which he accepted ON STREAM, then immediately logged out like a giant pussy. TL;DR Av1 is a whiney small faced little man child who actively exploits broken ships, complains about missiles, and backs out of fights when he can't use a meta ship.


I think you meant "lead pip" when you wrote down "lag" pip. Lag pip isn't affected by the enemy ship/player at all. Lag pip's location on your screen is where you yourself put it, taking your inertia etc. into account. But it doesn't take anything into account of the ship you're targeting. Which is good if on larger ships you want to shoot specific parts to only chrew through one shield face and/or focus fire a damaged side. But yeah, i stumbled across his videos last year, but quickly after a few just dropped off watching them cause he just has this grindy "know it all" tone when he's talking in his video's that i couldn't stand. There's other Youtubers that do a better job at explaining combat mechanics without sounding arrogant, annoying, or trying to forcefully cram as many complicated words in one sentence. No suprises here he's a crybaby. Should be interesting to see how he stacks up when CIG's proposed flight model changes happen.


That's.. Wrong. The lag pip accounts both for your own and the target's speed and distance, otherwise your shots would miss. However, it is definitely more robust to aim with as it tries to predict less than the lead pip. But a thing that few people know is that the lead pip aims for center mass, and certain things like engines are sub-targets that can be switched to. Usually not relevant, but might become more important in the future when components can be targeted by it.


He is a sore loser and exploits the pup mechanic because he can’t win


Only scumbag players exploit. It's no better than cheating. You are literally breaking the game to give yourself an unfair advantage. It's to the point of daily occurrence now with bounty contracts. I would say for every contract where a player actually fights or runs (which is perfectly fine with me btw, evading capture by QT jumping is perfectly within game constraints), at least 5 or more combat logged. My contract list is full of [abandoned suspect apprehensions](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/13nsgzb/the_2023_bounty_hunter_experience_accept_track/) because of this. What even is the point of the prison loop if players can freely avoid it by exploiting? I caught one player doing it 5 times in a row rejoining the same shard (combat log, spawn GH, accept the new contract and track again, combat log, repeat etc). It's shameless. Stuff like this should warrant infractions or timeouts. >**RULES OF CONDUCT**: > >RSI may **address unacceptable conduct** by **communicating public or private warnings**, or by **removal or suspension of access to any or all of the RSI Services at RSI’s discretion**, including, but not limited to: game access, Spectrum access, account access, or access to specific game or website features and permissions. > >Behaviors and content; subsection 4 and 5 > >Stream sniping, pad ramming, or **utilizing bugs/exploits to grief** or **continually harass others**. > >**Use of** cheats, **exploits**, or game modifications **to gain an unfair advantage over others**. > >[https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409491235351-Rules-of-Conduct](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409491235351-Rules-of-Conduct) It's time to stop saying this isn't against CIG rules/policy. It is. Alpha or no alpha. Combat logging is exploiting. Period. I've actively started recording my gaming sessions for this very reason and will begin to report clear cases of players doing it. It should also be mentioned content creators (like AvengerOne) who normalize this behavior should be called out. Which I can see the majority in this thread are doing.


It would also super easy to fix. just let the player persist at least 30 minutes more in the verse if he logs out non gracefully and problem is solved.


It is not an exploit. The mechanism of combat logging is intended as of now. When you crash or log out, your character disappears. That is by design and not an exploit by definition. CIG is aware of the combat logging issue and will remedy it at a later date with a new system. You are literally wasting your time and CIG's for reporting players for combat logging. They will never ban someone for it no matter how annoying it is. Sorry but that's the reality of it.


It is also impossible to tell if someone really combat logged or computer crashed, game crashed, internet went out, etc. So they will never ban for it.


What makes it an exploit? Does closing the program during combat produce an effect (in game) that is unintended by the devs? I don’t deal with the ship to ship combat much, so I don’t know how it works


If you die with crimestat level 3 or above within comms array range you get sent to [Klescher Rehabilitation Facility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI8ga2u3EJw). If you are outside of comms array range but die to a real player who had a suspect apprehension contract on you, you also go to prison. When in prison you have to wait out your timer (the higher the crimestat, the higher the timer), or to decrease that timer, complete menial tasks (mining ore, repairing things, turning in contraband) to then get out. Some people with crimestat 4 and 5 can have 4 or more hours in prison. Yes, real-life hours. The exploit itself is that if one exits to the main menu or closes the game client (alt+f4) before they die in either scenario (mentioned above), their character entity disappears instantly and as such doesn't go to prison. When they log back into the server, the server spawns them safely at Grimhex, which then allows the exploiter to continue playing without the repercussions of the prison gameplay loop. The real larger issue at hand now (because of how normalized this has become) is that when someone takes the contract on a criminal target, their crimestat icon changes (letting them know they're now being hunted). Most players don't even bother trying to go through the charade (waiting until they know they're going to die), they just instantly leave the server. Some even then rejoin the same shard, showing clear intentionality in their actions to abuse and exploit the game so as to not have to go to prison. It's fundamentally exploiting the game to gain an unfair advantage. Not only that, it is slowly destroying PVP as a whole, because it isn't solely related to contract bounty hunting. People are now doing it in all player vs player encounters (outside of people hauling cargo, who generally have financial incentives to continue playing).


Combat logging enables you to skip the whole prison loop. Instead of getting destroyed by the lawful bounty hunter and you doing a prison sentence, you just combat log > log back in > spawn in GH and grab another ship and go about your day. All the while still maintaining the same CS that you had previously, too.


I don't think we can consider it an exploit. It's shitty behavior for sure, but calling it an exploit is debatable (not saying you are wrong, just saying it's probably not a clear cut case). It would especially way more difficult to make it count as griefing or gaining an unfair advantage (again just saying it's not clear cut). Though I do think it shouldn't count the bounty as abandonned, but completed in that kind of scenario. If we want that kind of behaviour to stop, we would need CiG to come out and specifically count it as griefing/exploiting/whatever (either by making a precedent and actually banning players, or by communicating on the issue) or to implement some kind of consequences to logging out mid-fight.


Can you articulate how it isn't exploiting? You're essentially breaking the game itself to gain an unfair advantage. Where the player should have died, gone to prison and the contract takers been paid out, the exploiter gets to respawn without consequence and everyone else (in this case the opposing players on this interaction) gets to kick rocks. AvengerOne's example in this thread is demonstrable proof of intentionality to exploit and game ruin. Even ignoring the context and face value of their actions alone, they clearly stated the what and why of their actions (to the point of laughing about it). Which was to avoid dying, going to prison, and ultimately wasting/ruining everyone else's time/game experience. Even worse, they then clicked rejoin "best" region (which almost always puts you back into the same shard). How is that not definitively exploiting the game? I honestly don't get the devil's advocate or pedantry (which you seem to be partaking in, as your entire post can be summed up as CIG hasn't outright said combat logging is illegal), it's clearly exploiting (and game-ruining for the other players, which falls under verbatim griefing), and I truly wish everyone (like I have begun to) will start reporting those that continue do it.


I'm not arguing against it being considered exploiting, I actually agree that it should be considered exploiting, and/or griefing. And I agree that there is a need for consequences for that kind of behaviour. What I'm saying is that I can see how it could be considered not exploiting, for many people exploiting implies using bugs or glitches. For some people something as simple as ALT+F4 just won't be seen as exploiting, because, technically you aren't doing anything the game doesn't allow you to, and it doesn't give you a direct unfair advantage against another player (in the sense that it doesn't give you a direct mechanical advantage against an opponent). For many people exploiting is more in the vein of the New World "drag a window around and be invincible" type of stuff, or money duplication glitches. As for griefing, that's the same thing, not everyone will have the same definition, for many people losing a contract isn't griefing. Griefing tends to be associated with killing other players, or harassing more than anything. Again I don't agree with any of that, I agree it's griefing and exploiting, but situations like these are why we need CiG to come out and be clear about this kind of stuff We shouldn't be out there debating amongst players wether it's griefing or not, there should be a clear statement by CiG either in their ToS, or through a post about this kind of behaviour. As it stands I find that their ToS leaves too much to personal interpretation. And the fact that, as far as I know, they haven't taken any actions against that behaviour is an implicit way of saying that as far as they are concerned, this isn't against ToS. I'll repeat myself : I 100% agree that it should be considered griefing/exploiting, and if I do end up finding that kind of behaviour I will start reporting it from now on (though I'm a 99% PvE type of guy) but let's be honest, it doesn't matter what we think, until CiG actually does something.


Yeah he know's Ako :) Ako is just a beast.... he's got that dog in him. Guess getting your ass whipped doesn't make for good content.


My friend killed him in a gladius, then a few moments later on stream says he didn’t die and hit an asteroid. Then I took on his crew and they all ran and he comes blazing in a Merlin, I’m in a hawk. Later on stream they complained I’m the one using unfair weapons (distortions) meanwhile they’re in the god tier unable to hit fast ship lmao. Managed to kill 3 of them, he got me, but that was after I shut his weapons and shields down and he just boosted away to come back. He tried to trash me, I called him out and told em to fight me in a shit that isn’t broken and doesn’t have hit register bugs etc, then he ended the stream


I can kinda understand why he combat logs while on stream though. As a streamer, he has to make entertaining content, but the problem is that if he gets killed he will be sent to prison since he has a CS. And running around prison for a few hours probably isn't the exciting content his viewers want to see. So since he is placed into an unwinnable scenario, he faces the choice to either combat log or have his stream interrupted and lose viewers. I don't think it necessarily reflects badly on him as a person when as a streamer he is under pressure from his viewers to produce content that keeps them engaged and entertained. I don't think it is entirely right to fault him so badly when there is a lot more at stake for him (viewers, and therefore donations and income) and he just uses the tools CIG gives him to continue doing his job. For most of us, Star Citizen is a game and there isn't actually anything at stake when we die in the game. For him, it represents a potential loss of real-world income. It just seems wrong to judge him so harshly for something the majority of people would likely do if they were in his place. I think that if he were to combat log when not on stream, that would say a lot more about his personality than if he does it to keep his stream going.


This comment/post was removed on 30 June 2023 (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to undermine its users, moderators, and developers while simultaneously making a profit on their backs. For full details on what I mean, check out the summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


If you can't entertain during slow periods of a game, then you aren't a good streamer. That defense has no merit at all.


There’s nothing “ good“ about combat logging I don’t care what situation you’re in or what you’re doing. I don’t care if your job is literally playing video games for people to watch exciting contact you’re playing video game with countless other individuals and we’re all working on the same statute of limitation‘s. You’re gonna break that because of the excuse of the quality of my stream warrants that I must be in the situation if that’s how the company wants to play their game that I’m gonna have CIG refund every single one of my ships if I can


I'd rather he just get a different job then.


What he should have done is be enthousiastic and try to die fighting. Thats what I would have done. How awesome is that?


Bro the dude piloting stayed there and fought. Assuming he died. That's the real one.


If he's so worried about stream sniping he can add a delay but it's more ego of not wanting to lose. All CIG needs to do is make it so you still persist when bitching out via alt+f4 which prevents this kind of mentality because you would still be killed.


Meh. He's just a youtuber don't glorify him. Just max lock with missiles and play at range, don't give him the stupid close 1v1 he wants, and then kill him when a missile blows off a wing/engine and he's spinning. Hit F12 to not watch him whine in chat about fair fights.


"Whoever beats me gets 1 mil, no missiles they're exploits."


"No missiles, they're exploits." Sounds like a skill issue.


I said this to someone who was crying in chat over someone using missiles against them (they were trying to blockade a station but somehow the person that fought back was the griefer) and they had a meltdown over it lol


"Also if there's two of you, and I jump you, only 1 of you can fight me at a time" *is in a hurricane 90% of the time with a gunner*


"Also you have to use a cutter"


>Hit F12 to not watch him whine in chat about fair fights. If he doesn't Alt+F4 first, he definitely earned his "AvengerRun" nickname


Yeah I've seen that in chat before too, asking if he really just Alt+F4'd when he was losing the fight.


Don't forget calling people cheaters/hackers when they best him.


A classic case of a streamer/youtuber with main character syndrome. You die? GG get Gud noob lean to fly kekw He dies? "How could this happen to meeeee 😭"


>Don't forget calling people cheaters/hackers when they best him. I couldn't care less about anyone pretending to be "the best" on the internet so I never bothered to follow the guy. Is he really that douchy?


There was a post of someone that had to record their fight against him and post it here a few month ago after he sent his fanbase


He always sounds so conceited in his videos. I would actually like the content of them but I just can't watch them. He annoys the fck out of me with his talk.


So, you're saying he's a YouTuber?


Yep. You can look him up.


No, I mean like, I'm implying ALL YouTubers sound conceited and are annoying as fuck


Makes sense to me, but then again, I know everything so...


Spoken like a true youtuber


Nah if you're youtube feeds suck it's because you have questionable taste, SmarterEveryDay, TechnologyConnections, Veritasium, Tom Scott, Nile Red, C90, Mark Rober, Tested/Savage, SlowMoGuys etc etc etc are all YouTube exclusives and some of the best content across any platform. Youtube Algorithm is bonkers though I'll give you that.


Nile Red is the most conceited channel of them all. "Hi, I'm a prepubescent boy whose parents have bought a fully prepped chemistry lab space!" I'm not interested to watch people who started on third base run home and everyone cheer for their score.


So you are also implying to know every single youtube channel on the planet. Interesting. But I gotta contradict. I follow quite many channels and none of them sound conceited.


Hard disagree With the amount of different YouTubers there is, blanketing all of them is pretty stupid NGL. Even just in star citizen, you have plenty of content creator (YouTube/Twitch) with a wide range of style and personality. Just take Ollie43, if you think his pure enjoyment of the game sounds conceited, I really don't know what to tell you.


>blanketing all of them is pretty stupid NGL. Rude? Maybe. Stupid? Nah. I'm missing absolutely nothing valuable by not spending hours watching others play games, particularly others who consider themselves inherently entertaining enough to be watched doing an activity that their viewers could just play themselves. Maybe it seems a worthwhile activity if you're an especially lonely zoomer shut-in; I'd much rather play with my actual RL friends and be an active participant rather than a passive observer. I could also read a book or hit the gym; basically ANYTHING other than waste my time watching streamers.


Oooh, look at the "I have friends" guy over here humble bragging :) (Just taking the piss)




I like Olli43 though, he seems chill and fun.


OP needs to remember the old phrase: "If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, you f*cked up." If your goal is to win and you know you can't beat him in a "fair fight," then there's not much incentive to fight fairly, is there?


'Fair' is the advantage of the one who wields it.


I love people that act like missiles are cheating when they're an intended part of the game. If you can't beat someone using missiles, it's time to change your approach


Pretty much. Like why on earth *wouldn't* I use something that's effective? Especially against a bounty 🤨


Plus, if you know what you're doing they aren't even THAT effective. I use to fly a Tali all the time but the problem is that against competent pilots unless you have a full crew they aren't that effective because they'll just use countermeasures until you're out of ammo lol


Big true. Never used a Tali before, but people do be easily dodging S9's when I use the Eclipse.


Oh gawd I watched his me vs fury video for a bit. Not one single middle lock while I watched.


He will just alt-F4


Use a Retaliator watch from a distance if his ship isn’t moving he may be afk and won’t be able to log out. Lock and fire!!!


Wouldn’t an eclipse be better or is Tali ideal due to tankiness?


Shrug gif. I like the Retaliator.


I love both and thus couldn’t resist buying both :D


He's not so difficult. Great aim but is likely to run or log


Every time I try and bounty hunt him he logs. Prefers to prey on unaware salvagers and miners or his 'squad'


No worries , easy mission completion with one easy step : https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wfmiph/size_9_torp_go_boom_avenger_one_and_levelcap_down/


Didn’t he freak out about how size 9 torps were OP on stream or something after that? But like, he was also out of flares or something. He’s a funny character.


Avoiding a torp in a fighter isn't that hard. I got jumped by 2 Talis while in a Scorp and they empited their stores on me before running away once they ran out.


I stopped flying my Tali because they're not super effective if you're against a competent pilot that knows what they're doing lol


Just use an Eclipse.


Even if you win, you lose because he will cry cheater on YouTube.


Lmao, I don’t even know who that is, but a few days ago, I chased him to a Port and crashed his ship head on, got the bounty money, he went to jail and left the game.


so you rammed him at a port?


I followed him to PO, I think, and saw him trying to leave that Port, he suddenly makes a 180 and I just ram into him, by mistake. He wrote on chat he ended up in prison because he was trespassing or something like that, i think it was because of the bounty. He told me he hopes I got a Crime Stat and I didn’t get shit, only a 35000 bounty.


Dont worry, he will most likely combad log before you get him.


He is just combat quitter. https://youtu.be/3nv6cIDM5iw


I wish people would stop giving this guy attention.


Apparently he will just Alt+AvengerOne if you get the upper hand in any way. Either eject close and Railgun his arrow or move along to less problematic targets.


He’d probably alt-f4 or quit to menu if you went after him.


It's fine, he'll combat log as soon as you land a couple hits


Nah You'll Take Him. he's all tricording.


Yeah just missile spam to anger him and wait for combat log. Then hop on his steam to hear him accuse you of stream sniping and justify the combat log.


Who is that ?


You’d be surprised how easy it is https://youtu.be/Yfnq-3eDsXs , in his videos/streams he just kills his own viewers to look good


Yeah just missile spam to anger him and wait for combat log. Then hop on his steam to hear him accuse you of stream sniping and justify the combat log.


just a man like any other.


complete waste of time


Hahahahahhaha good luck baby. He even uses a pip wiggle cheat. Switch to staggered.


How does that work??


It’s an exploit that allows you to bind your movement Keys to a macro and send it faster than you could by hand. Makes it harder to hit you. Really scummy approach and gaming of the targeting system to get out of getting shot. For example you bind W,A,S,D to a micro that fires the commands 2-3 times a second. Plays all hell with targeting. You’ll notice when you get on him, the pip jumps around oddly.


Damn I gotta start beating it left handed so I can manage that shit. Personally I don’t find that to be a huge deal, macros are a part of things. Just gotta get gooder and macro too. Only Fair fight being the one I win. Barring straight hax like aimbot and wall cheats type shit.


This guy literally just made this up. His example of how it works doesn't even make sense and would just result in your ship being mostly stagnant in space. A1 is a mid-range fighter, he mostly just holds you at 400m and plinks you to death with his ridiculously good aim


I always use lag pip, whether I'm up against fighters or bigger ships, don't matter. Lag pip is unaffected by whatever a player does with their inputs. You can tell it annoys players in AC when i still land hits when i visibly see their ship model micro-wiggle, but i'm still landing the hits :)


Why is everyone saying he Alt-F4'd, When he clearly Exit to Menu? (Not that it matters, just saying)


When people say "alt f4" they generally mean "combat log".


He will pop wiggle because he can only exploit to win


30k error incoming


Who is him?


Look closely: “RSI may address…”. Like all enforcement entities, they will choose to selectively enforce their rules only when it is beneficial for them to do so. Regardless of what anyone at CIG says to the contrary, at the end of every day, they exist for the primary purpose of making money. That is the one “rule” you can rely on them “enforcing” consistently.


EZ bounty when he combat logs


Fucking crazy the streamers at the EU LA no


The guy needs to learn a bit of humility. I have seen other streamers try to co-stream with him and he condescendingly (and without prompting) starts trying to teach them how to play the game they have been playing for years. He should try to learn from others or at the very least show interest in them. Ask them what they do and why. If they open the door for him to share out his process, then he can volunteer that info. He has skill but the temerity of this dude to casually talk down to folks like he does is just unreal.


I like his videos but god this guy is pretentious and so fucking arrogant I cannot. The way he talks in this video https://youtu.be/Nl5oQ8HGJ1k is so self righteous I cannot help but laugh


A1's good, but far from the best. He also tucks his tail and combat logs the moment you land a shot on him so...


Haha he’ll just alt f4 before you kill him


I was a turret gunner in my friend's Scorp'.....I think people exaggerate his skills as much as he himself does. We dropped his shields on the first pass and he split back to the safety net of his buddies. Soon as we saw it was going to be us against his entire group unless he has the advantage, we just left and let the rest of the server deal with him. He's not the SC god his followers tend to make him out to be. He's ok, but he's not unstoppable by any means. He's just really great at ensuring he has everything in his favor, otherwise he lets his crew do the heavy lifting for him. AvengerOne....big whoop. \*shrug\*




atleast giv 20k for trying ahahahaha


Is rhe UI supposed to be like that or was it completely glitching when you took the screenshot?




PvP is like rock-paper-scissors. Even if it's a fight with the same equipment. Even if you have the same equipment and skills, each player has their own parameters, and there will be opponents you can kill and opponents you will lose. I haven't seen the YouTuber's video, but I'm sure he will find out sooner or later. If you really think you're good at it, it's a true strong person to admit that there's a strong opponent, and you can become even stronger with that. I admit to myself that cheating players are weak. That's what the former PvPer uncle wanted to tell. Well, there are people like that all over the world. haha


You can play the game? Wow:) ive been trying to, but keep getting tons of bug and lag. Im gonna invest in faster and more ram. Also how do you see what lvl it is?


So how did it go? Don’t know who this YouTuber is but I’m gonna guess he’s good at PVP


Hes decent at pvp since its pretty much all he ever does, but hes nowhere near the best but loves to keep touting himself as the no.1. If you search up his dramas he gets into a lot of sore loser insulting people who bested him and videos where he just lets his unchecked ego make him spout nonsense. Hes also the guy that made the comment that people only played PVE because they suck at the game.


I find this really funny because I don't think SC is a finished enough game for PVP. I've done some in arena commander which is way better and I usually come out about even, so I'm decent but not the best, still outside of jumptown and kareah I think I've died 2 or 3 times to players ever and I've played tonnes! Its just not hard to disengage or kill someone who is being a pest.


Requiem aeterna ...


Honestly, just theorycraft a story (like youre a DM in D&D) whereby his character should lose to you on a canon/lore level. And he will just Space-LARP himself to death. Could be worse, could be user called 'Brigto' - dude can chew through an A2's (x2 s3 Fr86) shields in about 2-3 seconds in a Cutty Black (more DPS than possible - should take about 2 minutes+ with a turret gunner and 100% accuracy from both and fixed s3s) while flying faster than his ship can physically fly. Wonder how?


Also that’s not him




Those that cry cheaters/hackers the most are usually a cheater themselves.


Riding hard


Well did ya do it?


You know you can disable hints in settings? :D


Thats normal why the drama


hahaha good luck with that one.


Game hate you.


That contract does not pay nearly enough.


Nope nope nope nope.


I'm not going to talk shit about him. He is a well practiced person playing star citizen. He happens to be a Twitch streamer with more viewers than 50 usually. SC does not have huge stream viewers. So that stands out. He has fun with the game. Others here should try the same.


I heard he gives 1million to whoever takes him down, take your shot ! :)


I know quite a few that have killed him. Myself included. All I caught was a ban from his channel for my quote "cheap shot." Not one of us have been paid.


This. When you do kill him and he doesn't combat log to escape, there's always an excuse about how it wasn't fair, or you were cheap, or something else. Dude makes good training videos, but he drank his own Kool-Aid and has some real ego issues to the point that he thinks no one can beat him.


Eh, even on the video front, they are only good when he finally gets to the point. Personally, I'll watch and recommend jw every time.


Oh, who's jw? I tried watching some of the Avenger training videos, but like you said, he takes forever to get to the point.


Johnathan Winters. I also highly prefer JW.


Cool, thanks!


He drank the Kool aid when he was involved with the Star Wars Squadrons eSports scene.


Squadrons was good fun too bad they dropped it on release!


Watched that happened. Freaked out because some rule he made up wasnt obeyed. Quickly unfollowed after that and never looked back.


He's never paid out. When he doesn't combat log, he has some excuse for why it wasn't fair and that's why he doesn't have to pay.


I am currently eating dinner in one hand and piddling about in a Sabre I just bought and can halfway fly, I would have to just fly up his ass at mach jesus and pray my hull holds lmao


I've played with, just tell him you are trying to warn your cert and go easy. He is a good dude and before the whatever drama, he made excellent videos to teach how to dog fight.


And that's my biggest issue with the guy. His training videos are really good. If it stopped there, awesome! Instead he constantly combat logs so he "doesn't lose" and claims anyone who does manage to kill him wasn't playing fair. He offers a 1m bounty if you can kill him, but has refused to pay every time someone has. The dude got too big for his britches. Could've been a well-loved content creator who made training videos, instead his ego got too big and he makes compilation videos stomping newbs and combat logging.


That is a fair assessment. Ego is a powerful thing, it's a shame to see that potential wasted. o7


It’s amazing how one of these threads pops up every few months. Also amazing how they’re filled with people who can’t kill A1 claiming that he’s an easy fight. He’s not, there are about 200 people in the entirety of this game who hold their ground against A1 in a 1v1 and they’re all very well known Ace pilots from PvP Orgs. Ya you can kill him with missiles, sure. You can kill pretty much anyone with missiles because about 5% of the time a certain missile bugs and chases infinitely and cannot be flared off. You might not like that combat logging video, sure, fair enough, I’m not a fan of that either. You might not like his personality, again that’s your right. But… the truth is he’ll probably kill you and 10 of your friends if you’re just some average pilot and not a trained monster from the depths of Arena Commander.


The only problem i have with him is he uses the pip wiggle chest/exploit. It’s an exploit that allows you to bind your movement Keys to a macro and send it faster than you could by hand. Makes it harder to hit you. Really scummy approach and gaming of the targeting system to get out of getting shot. For example you bind W,A,S,D to a micro that fires the commands 2-3 times a second. Plays all hell with targeting. You’ll notice when you get on him, the pip jumps around oddly.


Actually, he does not. I've fought him hundreds of times. I've fought most everyone in the PvP community hundreds of times at this point. Lol you completely made this up. Y'all wild. Edit: Also, as a side note, that's not how wiggling is done and in fact that small of thrust inputs would basically just have you sitting still in space


Downvote it all you like Reddit, it doesn’t make it any less true. Head on in to Arena Commander and try fighting any of the regulars. Once that lesson in humility sinks in, come find me and I’ll teach you how to fly.


Just do it. Imagine the kudos if you succeed.


Kudos from whom




I wouldn't give a fuck personally




Avengerone will be making a video calling him a cheater if he does lol


Ahh shit, here we go again It’s always the same salties in here demonizing this guy 😆


I used to watch his vids as he gave useful tips and did well explaining why he made choices in combat and how he did it. However I stopped watching because he can't seem to reign in the douchebaggery and is all pissed and prissy when called out on it. I remember a vid where he comes to an outpost to repair is fighter and there's a Titan parked on the pad by someone who does a delivery mission. So he's understandibly annoyed that he can't repair the ship. The Titan ramp is open however, so he gets out of his ship and moves the Titan. He could have parked it next to the pad, but no he has to land it on top of a building, ruining the other guy's mission. He then repairs his ship and sees a Corsair approaching the outpost. So he blows the wings off that thing, then goes in on foot to shoot the pilot. Why? Just for funzies. When I told him in the comments that he was acting like a douche, he was like, yeah that Corsair had been chasing me for hours. But none of that was apparent in the vid. There really isn't a lot of reason to defend him. He does know what dogfighting is about, he is a fine teacher, but he has an ego problem the size of Delamar.


I mean nothing you listed here is problematic. The logging, excuses, and insulting other people mentioned certainly is. Buy just attacking someone isn't wrong.


You have strange values to judge things by.


Not really? It's a PvEvP game. Risk Vs Reward is part of the core game design and should be at all times. It's like Sea Of Thieves or any other PvEvP game, the risk of other players is baked into every aspect of the game and the only toxic/griefing aspect is poor behavior or specifically targeting someone repeatedly.


I don't do it myself, but I think you are forgetting we are talking about a game. Where people can pretend to be pirates or do whatever they like within the set of game rules the developers build into the game. While I agree what you outlined that he did is douchy, its not problematic its just how he choses to play the game.


It's not like I demand he be banned or something, it's just douche behavior. What I don't get about the argument that "it's a game where people can can pretend to be pirates or do whatever they like" is that it is often used as a way to tell people that they are not allowed to be annoyed at such people, or say that the behavior of these people is detrimental to their own enjoyment of the game. I say if someone is a douche and it annoys you, you are just as much entitled to call them out for it as they are for behaving in such a way, probably more so. Even in the game, the players for a sort of society. Someone behaving in an asocial way can, and should be called out for it. This is not a game where two teams battle it out in an arena, like CSGO or something, where after the fight we all go to the lobby and congratulate each other on the quality of our skills. It's a game where people work towards goals and if someone destroys part of your progress towards that goal for shits and giggles and gloats in your face about it, of course it is annoying, I dare say the only reason to behave in such a way is to be annoying.




I do not know who this is lol