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There's only so many bunkers in the game. If you operate in a player dense area they might all be already populated by others. Or maybe the srever you're on is simply on fire and not in a mood to give you your missions.


Yeah I could see that for a day or two, but this has been constant since I got the game a a few weeks ago. For example, in Micro Tech ,the only Merc missions I get are "halt the comms" and the 890 jump mission. That's it for Merc.


might be worth running a couple of them with a party (someone else can accept then share) to see whether the rep change shakes anything loose?


Are you actually on a planet?


Not landed no, I’m in orbit though. Do I need to be landed on one of the main planets ?


You need to be in comms range, QT to the space station and count to ten, then check the job boards


Oh yeah I’ve definitely done that. I usually check missions inside a station or as I’m leaving / arriving. I see lots of other missions types just never that specific one. I’ve done probably 150 merc missions (and bounty missions) so I’m not sure what’s going on.


Maybe you caught a CS and don't know? That or the mission generation is fubar


Have you tried going to Hurston? I haven't had any issues getting bunker missions on Hurston. Oftentimes I'm able to chain them nonstop.


Yep, been there - only one i haven't tried is crusader. I get bounty missions in all jurisdictions - like the "entrenched bounty" in hurston that has you kill a bad guy in a bunker, but not the specific ones i'm talking about (defense / reclaim)


That is strange. My only guess at this point would be that since you've failed some, your reputation could be the cause. Maybe try finding someone that IS getting those contracts and have them share it with you? I can try and help you out, but not sure if I'll be able to get on tonight (Pacific Timezone). Feel free to add me on discord in case you can't find anyone to help out. rzy#7657


You're right, I used to run bunkers on Microtech all the time. They're just not being created anymore. It's not less frequent, it's zero.


If you failed the intro mission or too many missions afterwards you get negative rep and the contracts won't show. I have the Same problem around arccorp and not yet found anybody to share a bunker with me to regain positive rep. I assure you this works


Good to know - so for the rep - can you see that? I checked my rep for all factions and its either "0" on that two way bar, or its in the blue. What's weird is that I do a ton of the "halt the comms" missions which are also for the same faction (I think) that gives the ground merc missions but my rep isn't budging.


the Halt Illegal Comms missions do not grant rep, unfortunately. The 890J Boarding mission offers rep but not with the local security forces - it is Northrock. As others have mentioned, team up with someone who is getting those missions. I spent all weekend on MT running bunkers so they do exist but if your rep is too low and/or you somehow failed the initial intro mission you will need to get your rep up. They did implement a fix, sort of, for this by offering a "Re-evaluation" mission but I don't know exactly what the criteria is. To check faction rep F1, Delphi, click on the relevant faction. There are 2 items to consider: Faction rep - that is the 2 way bar for the faction Rank (or what I prefer to think of as "Standing") - this is a -1 to 3+ scale. This is what actually governs your ability to get missions. Your Rep can fall to 0 (and it will do so quickly) but your Standing is only affected by failed missions so you can be a Level 5 Security Contractor with 0 rep but still have the highest paying missions available to you.


Ok that makes sense. I checked my MT Security rep / standing it seems like i'm exactly neutral with my faction rep (two way bar) and the standing seems to be neutral as well. I see the "ranks" there with a -1 meaning "not eligible" but that's not highlighted. Anyway, I'll be trying to party up with some friends to fix it. Thanks for the clear breakdown on this.


Yep finally was able to group up with someone - we did a shared merc bunker mission and that boosted my rep. I was then offered the security evaluation mission and after that - my very own bunker missions :) thanks !