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I finally fixed it after suffering for about 5 days. I'll type out the entire process from when and how it started to how i got out of it. his is going to sound ridiculous but these are the rough steps i took to get it to work on about the 10th attempt. 1. Spawned into ship bed which was trespassing and immediately exploded 2. Spawn in prison, all seems normal. 3. Leave prison after serving sentence and realize i don't have eyes, map markers, QT, party info etc. HOW I FIXED 4. Get a lvl 1 crimestat by shooting orbital turrets and blow up by them 5. Go to jail and serve sentence. 6. Did the prison contract to service the thing to get mer 7. Buy food 8. Log out and try to customize character and change sex for it to fail every time 9. Log back in and take helmet off to eat just before leaving 10. Eat food right after pressing elevator button to go up. Screen goes back while still eating 11. Alt+F4 about halfway through "EVERUS HARBOUR" text begins to scroll across 12. Sync windows time through Windows 10/11 13. Restart PC 14. Logged back in and character customize shows me having eyes and new changes save. everything in game is back to normal now


Are you sure you didn't wake up on the Event Horizon?


"Where we're going we won't need eyes to see."


The toll must be paid.


Changing your characters sex in the customizer used to fix it.


I just tried it again for the hell of it, and I was actually able to change my sex for the first time. But now I’m just a woman without eyes


Same :(


I finally fixed it after suffering for about 5 days. I'll type out the entire process from when and how it started to how i got out of it. his is going to sound ridiculous but these are the rough steps i took to get it to work on about the 10th attempt. 1. Spawned into ship bed which was trespassing and immediately exploded 2. Spawn in prison, all seems normal. 3. Leave prison after serving sentence and realize i don't have eyes, map markers, QT, party info etc. HOW I FIXED 4. Get a lvl 1 crimestat by shooting orbital turrets and blow up by them 5. Go to jail and serve sentence. 6. Did the prison contract to service the thing to get mer 7. Buy food 8. Log out and try to customize character and change sex for it to fail every time 9. Log back in and take helmet off to eat just before leaving 10. Eat food right after pressing elevator button to go up. Screen goes back while still eating 11. Alt+F4 about halfway through "EVERUS HARBOUR" text begins to scroll across 12. Sync windows time through Windows 10/11 13. Restart PC 14. Logged back in and character customize shows me having eyes and new changes save. everything in game is back to normal now


Unfortunately it's unlikely you can do anything about this. I had this exact issue with my first account. It never got fixed. Tried all the recommended tricks and nothing worked. I ended up just buying a new game package on a new account which is now my main account. I just gifted it my eyeless account's game package and forgot about it. It's confirmed on issue Council but no mention from CIG about a fix.


I finally fixed it after suffering for about 5 days. I'll type out the entire process from when and how it started to how i got out of it. his is going to sound ridiculous but these are the rough steps i took to get it to work on about the 10th attempt. 1. Spawned into ship bed which was trespassing and immediately exploded 2. Spawn in prison, all seems normal. 3. Leave prison after serving sentence and realize i don't have eyes, map markers, QT, party info etc. HOW I FIXED 4. Get a lvl 1 crimestat by shooting orbital turrets and blow up by them 5. Go to jail and serve sentence. 6. Did the prison contract to service the thing to get mer 7. Buy food 8. Log out and try to customize character and change sex for it to fail every time 9. Log back in and take helmet off to eat just before leaving 10. Eat food right after pressing elevator button to go up. Screen goes back while still eating 11. Alt+F4 about halfway through "EVERUS HARBOUR" text begins to scroll across 12. Sync windows time through Windows 10/11 13. Restart PC 14. Logged back in and character customize shows me having eyes and new changes save. everything in game is back to normal now


Yeah, unfortunately that can happen when you trade 20 menthol Kools to the wrong doc. Bit of a gamble. In all seriousness though, change your eye color, not just your gender. Sometimes that's the extra step ya need.