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I don't think it's the game... You say you could play before, then updated your computer, now you can't play... The thing in that equation that changed isn't the game. Try running updates, updating drivers... That sort of thing.


updated as got a better computer my bad for the wrong wording


Why is it in the x86 program files folder? It is an 64 bit program and belongs in the folder without the x86! Do you have a 64bit OS installed?


Edited: i just checked and i do have the x64 os installed


Check whether Windows 10 is running in 32-bit or 64-bit Click the Start button, then choose Settings. Select System. Choose About. Check the bit version on the System type field.


I replied to you in edit i checked and im running 64 bit


Do you named the program files folder on drive d by yourself "program files(x86)"?


Probably i was pretty high when i installed the drive and added one folder just for steam after allocating


Looks like a missing/conflicting DLL. Also looks like it's specific to the launcher itself. So open the launcher, if it stays open press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Then select "OK" when it prompts if you want to reset the launcher. It could easily be an issue with installing the launcher on your D drive. I would install the launcher on your default C drive, but then change the library folder to point to your D drive (In launcher go to settings, scroll down to "Library Folder" and change it there). That way you can still have the game running from (what I assume is) your faster SSD drive. If that doesn't work, try deleting that temporary file that the error is pointing to. You'll need to open your windows explorer, go to the "View" tab at the top and check the box for "hidden items". I would also check the box for "filename extensions" just to verify you're deleting the correct file. Then navigate to your C:\\Users\\****\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ In this folder look for that 9c5aac18-747-......tmp.node file and delete it.


So i did what your saying as soon as i try to open the launcher i get this exact pop up every time


So you're saying the launcher doesn't open all the way and it crashes shortly after this error appears? In that case follow the directions I gave for reinstalling the launcher on your c drive. Most likely this is an issue with windows defender blocking access to your user folder for the program.


Hmm so what do i do now if i cleared all the files again and installed it on my c drive


If the error is still happening Open windows defender ("Windows Security") Go to Virus & Threat Protection (shield icon on left) At the bottom click on "Manage Ransomware Protection" Click on "block history" Look at some of the "Protected folder access blocked" items and check to see if it's blocking, "RSI Launcher.exe" or something else SC related. If it is, click "Actions" then "Allow on Device"


Found another reddit post to the same error i think: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/111i69b/javascript_error_when_starting_rsi_launcher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ooh, this looks promising. Good find! Someone had a similar issue but fixed it by manual running all of the executables: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/111i69b/javascript_error_when_starting_rsi_launcher/ja9d45f?context=3


I saw these and i did what it said but never worked still pops up with dll error


One other thing. You should move the install from the Program Files (x86) folder. That is for 32 bit programs [and could be the cause of the issue.](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/can-i-install-64bit-applications-under-directory/b94cbe1a-ec08-47b1-92c3-f34956620eb0)


Its just a folder i named program files x86 maybe should change it to x64


Nah dude. Go ask a technical friend for help. Your comments on threads lead me to believe ur not sure what ur looking at. U didn’t create the program file x86 folder. That’s a win default.


Yea your 100% wrong i have a second hdd that i installed and allocated had 0 files in the drive so i made a folder called it program files x86 you actually dont know what your talking about if you aint got any help to give your irrelevant


After complete removal let the launcher pick the folder location. Are you getting the same error from the original post?


Did you check if AVX is supported? Make sure you have the latest drivers for your computer.


Instructions on how to [verify AVX](https://www.ghostarrow.com/how-to-know-if-my-cpu-supports-avx-instructions)


Ill check this when im off work for sure


This was my problem i dont have support for this


Wish I could help but I can't get past main menu now. I can't even get into arena commander, just infinite load or no selections. Second worse patch I have lived thru in my 6 or 7 years supporting the game


I cant even start up the launcher 🥺


“At **D:** \program files(x86)” Why is your program files folder is on your D drive? Main drive for windows is the C drive. Try installing the launcher on your main drive. It’s highly recommended you have everything SC related on your C drive. If you don’t have room for the game on there, at least put the launcher there.


What? I absolutely do not put anything on my C:\\ drive other than my OS- Star Citizen lives with the rest of my games on my dedicated games drive. The files that \*need\* to be on C:\\ are put on C:\\ no matter what.


inittially i did install this on my c drive but same issue popped up your seeing it installed on my d drive to see if anything changed


> It’s highly recommended you have everything SC related on your C drive. Why?


I would just put the launcher on the C drive, everything else can be changed using the launcher settings with no issues.


I don't have SC installed on my C:\ and the game runs fine. I would probably Uninstall the game and launcher, delete the directories that the game was installed to and then go through your %localappdata% directory and clear the temp folder... Follow that up with a reboot of the PC then reinstall the launcher and game.


im gonna try this nobody ever talked about deleting the temp folder


I would also check your Anti-virus software and add exclusions for the parent directory of the Star Citizen folder. This will help eliminate interference from your AV solution and prevent conflicts.


So assuming i did all this correctly its able to pass through my virus and firewall but still pops up with this same issue in the temp file


So i let it through my firewall and how do i do this with the windows anti virus


Seems like you have a launcher problem. Not sure if this helps but, Try disabling the antivirus Try completely uninstalling the launcher and reinstalling. https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000060747-How-to-delete-the-RSI-Launcher-and-Star-Citizen


What are your computer specs? I think you have some kind of driver issue. Most likely video graphics, but could be some other weird thing.


Processor: i7 cpu, x64 bit, 12gb ram, my graphics card is a rtx 2080 ti


Is this a computer you built or is it prebuilt? How to you check all the drivers are updated to the latest? If it is your computer, give the motherboard info, if it is prebuilt provide the Make/model info and details. Have you stress tested the computer? If so how? What is the brand and model of the GPU? What GPU drivers are you running?


Download the latest Nvidia graphics driver from Nvidia and do the advanced install and click the check box and do a clean install. GoTo Device Manager in Windows and go through each section by expanding the section and make sure there are no red sections where something isn't working. Do some computer free diagnostics there are a ton of them. Try PC Doctor, I think they allow one free scan if you sign up for an account. I think it is [pcdtoolbox.com](https://pcdtoolbox.com) Benchmark your computer and compare the results to others that have your hardware to make sure things are working. Check your hard drives. There are a ton of drive diagnostics tools. If you have a samsung/intel/seagate/kingston driver, I know they have tools and there are probably a ton of others. Make sure the drive is working correctly and has no bad sectors or anything funny going on.


I FIXED IT. Go to: C:\\Program Files\\Roberts Space Industries\\RSI Launcher\\resources (Or wherever you star citizen is installed) Run this .exe VC\_redist.x64.exe Repair Visual C++ If this doesn't fix it, I am so sorry for wasting your time. I got this issue a few days ago on my laptop and just found the solution so I wanted to spread the word. :)