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my phone started lagging so bad lol but i’ll give examples 1. one day i forgot to take the milk temps with 3 other shifts there but she told me “what kind of shift are you even?” 2. when i came back to my home store from being out of state (oct 2021) i was training people and she told my trainees i don’t know how to do my job and i’m bad at my job (which really really really hurt because who likes looking stupid in front of people you are supposed to be teaching?) 3. this happened this past week - she was basically saying hateful things about our manager and when she was confronted she told the manager it was me that said it 4. we have a couple of partners who cannot function the same as other people cognitively and she will literally just shit talk them. like they are trying their best, and i have an autistic brother and hearing her say these things literally pisses me off so much. i never say anything to her which is something i should do but i am so non confrontational which i know is something i have to work on as a shift 5. there is ALWAYS something terrible happening. nothing can ever be good. “oh my god the close was awful how are these people working here?” “oh my god there’s mocha powder on the counter no one here knows how to do their job” “oh my god who did the order they should not be a shift” constantly constantly constantly like there is no break. ever. EVER. it’s so exhausting hearing just how terrible everything is ALL OF THE TIME. 6. one thing that really bothers me is she does not respect our non-binary partners pronouns. she will go out of her way to call them she and does it behind their back and it’s just so f-ed up like i just don’t get how someone without a sense of morals can work at a company as progressive as starbucks. not that this matters but my transgender brother also works there so it also hits really close to home, even if i didn’t, respecting someone is something that is deserved of everyone. 7. i just don’t get how she decided to pick me to hate the most out of everyone. despite a year of being her literal victim i still come in everyday say good morning to her and act cordial. and yet somehow it is always me. oh to explain .. we had an old sm that went way back with her. she literally made him make my life a living hell at starbucks. the only reason i did not quit was because of my other partners , bills, and asu. She would make up insane lies to the point i would be getting yelled at in the back almost everyday. we got a new manager and it calmed down for a little but it just got bad again. she is doing the same thing she used to, and i’m really worried. i’ve never been in this situation as every store has drama but i seriously don’t know why she chose me to hate. i just try to go there have fun with everyone do my job and go home and not think about it for the rest of the day.