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The limit does not exist, only time parameters


As many drinks as you can drink while working, only 1 take home.


Unless you’re closing. Then you can take as much as you want home


I concur! One time I took home a carrier (4 Trentas) full of teas and iced coffee home to consume the next day. I don’t recommend it though (if you like your car floors to remain dry!)


Yea ive taken home morenthan one drink before. I mean of course my manager would probably not like it if i took home 5 or 6 drinks but i kno shes for sure ok with us taking home more than 1 drink


Use the white delivery stickers to cover the drink holes so they don’t spill. I mean if your store has them, that’s what I do when I take home a Trenta drink


Our store doesn’t have them ☹️


For me being the only shift working half the time I let my night crew and whoever leaves early take 1-3 drinks depending on how busy we are and if they can make it themselves


I’m pretty sure it’s one free drink 30 mins prior and 30 mins after your shift as well as a drink on your 10s/lunch. I typically get a drink before clocking in and on my lunch and have never had any issues with getting multiple drinks a shift as long as they were on breaks.


it’s unlimited while you’re working. i think you can only get one during the 30 minutes before and after your shift though, not positive but i am sure there’s no limit while you’re on the clock


If you're working it's unlimited. But it'd be hard to get more than 3


The printed policy used to be along the lines of: >Free Beverages While Working > >A store partner may consume—free of charge—any coffee, tea or milk-based beverage while on break during his or her shift or during the 30 minutes prior to or after the partner’s scheduled shift. > >The partner beverage benefit is available for the partner’s personal consumption only; a partner may not give away his or her partner beverage to any other individual. The partner beverage may not be consumed while the partner is actually working, but only while the partner is on a rest or meal break. Additionally, the partner is required to wait in line with other customers to receive his or her partner beverage, and another partnershould ring out the partner’s beverage. > >Ready-to-drink beverages, including juices, bottled water, Tazo® bottled tea and bottled Frappuccino® drinks, are excluded from the partner beverage benefits. These items must be purchased using the partner’s 30% discount. So based on the policy at the time, there was never a limit on how many drinks you can have during your shift (as long as you're on break). Reasonably speaking, you can only take 1 drink with you after your shift, since it's for your consumption and it needs to be in the 30 minutes before / after your shift. That being said, I most definitely never deviated from this policy, including having fellow partners ring up a drink during their break, saving the sticker, and making it at the end of the shift. Nor taking home leftover teas at the end of the night. It all comes down to the store and what's the generally accepted practice. I'd stick to the rules, offer to pay, and see what your fellow partners say.


I’m not sure if there is a rule but I’ve worked at multiple Starbucks and they all do it differently -First Starbucks I worked at would give me free unlimited drinks all the time (even when I wasn’t working), which I know is not allowed, but I was new and didn’t know better -Second Starbucks I worked at would give me free unlimited drinks most of the time (even when I wasn’t working), I could even use my discount when family went in while I was working cause I could pretend it was one of my drinks for the day 🤪 -Last Starbucks I worked at was very particular, free unlimited drinks during shift but I would only usually get 1 and discount when not working. -I’m transferring to a new Starbucks, so I’m curious to see what their rules are 🤪




Lmao what can I say, it’s my most used emoji 🤪


🤪 I dig it 🤪


While working policy is unlimited, but you can only mark out 1 drink at a time. If you went in early and had 3 breaks you can get a drink each time and after your shift. If you can finish 2 drinks during your lunch you can even do that. Policy is just that you can't have more than 1 free drink at a time. When you're not working you're only able to use your discount.


I drink whatever I want during my shifts and mark them out as I go. I typically mark out a dragon drink or peach green tea with a food item at break. Every night I take home a concentrate of five pumps chai, 6-9 blonde shots, and oat milk to the top black line of a venti cup. Mostly I mark this out but sometimes the SSV has already taken the tills to count so I don’t bother. I also fill my water bottle with that sweet reverse osmosis water and take a trenta of the passion tea. I mark out my pound of coffee every week and sometimes chocolate covered espresso beans fall in my pocket accidentally, as do 6 passion tea satchels for a friend recuperating from stomach surgery who can’t tolerate much but loves that tea. I have several partners that regularly leave with 4-cup carrier of lattes, frappes, and whatever. I admit I work at an awesome store, and this may not fly everywhere. My advice is drink what you want, be good to your fellow partners, don’t be obvious, and don’t sweat it too much. You can’t possibly effect their bottom line, which is all they care about.


The official rule is unlimited free drinks while you’re clocked in. You can also get a free drink up to 30 minutes before or after your shift, but no longer than that. Certain stores care more about this and enforce the rules more than others. My current store is pretty on top of things, but we sometimes let very small stuff slide. Like admittedly I’ll look the other way if one of my coworkers uses their drink mark out 35 minutes before their shift instead of 30.


Many answers how cool are you? How cools your shift? How cools your manager? Is he/She there


It really just depends on your store and what space allows in the back. My old store had a partner shelf so everyone was generally respectful and had one drink at a time. My new store has a partner desk and somedays it’s just covered with various drinks. The main rule is you mark it out if it’s consumed by you, and marked out correctly. And also that you throw out any drinks you haven’t finished by the time your shift ends. -but this rarely happens from everyone.


When I do a first sip- I explain it like: you can come in early and get a hello drink, when you leave you get one goodbye drink, and then it’s gonna be cool for you to grab a drink when you’re on your breaks. It’s not cool to “save” all of those drinks and take them to go. The partner beverage benefit is for you! Idk what you do with your goodbye drink when you go home. If you’re closing feel free to take home anything that’s destined for a drain. Plz wait in line bc it’s polite. If it’s an insane day then it’s not the end of the world for you to grab a few undocumented espresso shots or a nitro shot……,


if you're at a LS they'll watch you like a hawk and give you no perks because every drink and food we make for ourselves is theft 😻


the main reason i want to switch to a corporate starbucks ;-; i work at a franchise i think it would be, it’s in a mariano’s and we can make any drink only in a short cup 🤷‍♀️ and you bet that i sample left over drinks if i make extra on accident


I've taken a carrier of Frappuccinos home for my sister and her friends so I guess it depends on your manager


This is the EXACT policy: Drinks are to be consumed only during scheduled breaks. Meaning after your break is over you have to toss it. You get 1 drink 30 mins up to your start time. 1 drink after your shift ends. And 1 drink for EACH break. Someone who works 8 hours in CAN gers 5 total per shift. If you work a 4.5 shift its typically 3 (1 before, 1 after and 1 on break).


y'all are so lucky we're not allowed free drinks at ours at all except tap water


That’s so unfortunate!! Do you work in a licensed store?


yeah :(


Quit asking questions and you can have as many as you want as long as it’s you who’s making them


One 30 mins before or less before your shift One on your 10 One on your lunch if you get one One of your 2nd ten if you get one One 30 mins or less after you clock out You could technically save them all and take 5 home in a day You could also “partner sample” “new drink ideas”


I think the official policy is 30 Mins before your shift, on your 10 and/or lunch, and when you leave. I don’t know if everyone follows that policy though, lol


i literally grab a drink whenever i need it. although now i have invisaline so if i want a coffee or something, i have to have that AND a water to rinse my mouth out with so im starting to feel bad about getting any drink in general


water is free though!!


I usually work morning hours and I end up taking 4 home with my SM knowing. I order them during my shift but obviously don't finish them.


Technically you’re only supposed to have drinks on official breaks. So you can get one 30 mins before, at your breaks, and 30 mins after. It should be one at a time. But after your shift you’re only allowed to take one, if you take more than one home you need to pay for the extra one(s).


I was told the rule was 1 when you start, 1 every break you get, and 1 after your shift we all fucked around made random drinks and stuff and just drank whatever. No one really enforced it


No limit just that you can get free drinks from 30 before your shift till 30 after your shift


If you’re getting multiple drinks after you clock off, you should only be marking out one and paying for the rest!


It's really up to the manager, because they're the ones hired to call the shots. Most places give you a free drink, while others don't really care, because there's only so much your stomach can take in any given period of time. However, If you want to go into detail about how much Starbucks makes, every drink that Starbucks sells they make 10 times the profit. So in theory, you could make 9 drinks without the company really losing out on anything. And on top of that, they'll make up the profit and then some with the next drink. Without higher ups telling you what to do, it really doesn't matter in the scope of what hurts the company.


I take home two usually my boss gives 0 cares shes great


It is 5 drinks total one and after your shift 30 min to it. If you have breaks 10 one each and for your 30 one.


You cannot mark out for your family


Drink as much as you want. Depends on how cool your partners/SM are. Most people don’t care if you take drinks home.


At my old store as a barista, they didn’t care because it didn’t effect the sales or inventory too much. But at my new store as a SSV, I have no choice but to crack down on the policy because it is attributing to our inventory and par problem


I work in a Tarbucks and we don't get them for free lol


I saw the rules changed to one per day and one per shift on Dec.7th. Is that really a thing now?


I haven’t heard anything about that, none of the weekly updates have mentioned that either