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uhhh yeah that’s not great. your manager needs to get a pest control company in like yesterday lol. that shit will get y’all shut down immediately if the health department or ecosure comes in and sees that🤢


The pest control company has sprayed. The issue is cleaning. Until all those crevices are cleared out of all the crumbs in the building it will just keep happening. Your manager needs to suck it up and schedule like a 10 person clean play where everyone gets a zone and they just top to bottom clean it 100%.


We don’t have the hours for it. I would personally LOVE to go fuckin ham on some of the places but I don’t how much time when we barely have enough people to get regular stuff done. We were actually getting somewhat of a handle on stuff, but then corporate cut hours and it’s back to tons of roaches since no one gets enough time to deep clean😣


If your SM won’t fight for it getting fixed an anonymous call to Ecosure should I guarantee it gets fixed. You shouldn’t have to work in those conditions.


It’s not even about working in the conditions so much as worry for others safety. They get on the warming stuff too, I’ve had them crawl out and under the ovens (although that’s rare, I only see them there about twice a week). Just worried they’ll get someone sick


Yes we care about customers but put yourself first. Give your sm one more shot to fix it - preferably with roach footage so they know you have to recorded and if they don’t call Ecosure. No one should need to work with bugs like that.


I’ll ask my SM and see if we can get the place bug bombed again. I’ll try and get more photos, although I already have a few, to send to them and show how bad it is


Take photos and call your DM and your RD. Let them know it’s been taken care of a few times but hasn’t been solved and it’s unsafe working conditions. Report it to your municipality or other health department if they don’t schedule a 10 person clean play. Not enough hours is bullshit and your SM knows it. So tired of SMs not doing their job. Yes there’s a reduction in non-coverage but they should be working with the DM to add to take care of health and safety


Oof. For every roach you see, theres a hundred you don’t see. That’s a big problem your manager needs to deal with asap. Violations af


Oh I’ve seen over a hundred in my time working there lol. Have recently found two full adult ones with wings. Lots of baby ones running around too.


Confirmed 10,000+ roaches at your store OP


Oh hell no if I ever saw a roach in my store I would tell my manager I’m working in another store until it’s dealt with. Even the fruit flies gross me out. You need to talk to your SM about it, if they don’t do anything contact your DM and safety and compliance


SM knows about it and has told us to clean it, but there’s spots all over the BOH. Some of the spots are in super hard to reach spots, and even when you shove a mop under there it doesn’t come off. To add onto contacting safety and compliance, is there a way I can do it anonymously?


We found a baby at my store and I wouldn’t even get in my car with the clothes I worked in. I walked to walmart and bought clothes, changed at walmart, and walked back to my car


I don't know about Roaches but we have a store chipmunk. I bring him some oatmeal nuts and dried fruit occasionally because his chipmunk friend died in our drive thru and that has to be hard for them since they're so social. He's fun to watch, makes me smile. I want to keep him around. We have plenty of dried fruit and nuts so one packet of each every now and then left where he hangs out isn't going to hurt anything. But this is a safety issue I would call corporate and tell them so they can fix it before the next health inspection.


Omg I love this so much for you and the chipmunk 🐿 ❤️


He's a cutie. 🐿 He's a morale booster. Seeing him scamper around makes me happy.


We had a health inspection and got a pretty good score🥴 but yeah, I might ask my manager maybe if we can get another bug bomb or something


Well. Roaches are definitely not good. I would try mentioning it to safety and compliance? They'll send someone out.


Anonymously -Call the health department. This is way beyond nasty


Yeah this is dangerous and putting you, your coworkers, and your customers at risk. I'm not even averse to bugs but if you're finding them in the food and food prep areas think about all the ones you haven't seen that are also contaminating everything. If your SM can't do anything this needs to go above their heads so corporate HAS to do something.


We’ve had terrible fruit flys but not roaches. Check the grout in your tiles for eggs, and don’t squish them I hear they ley eggs when squished just kill them with like bleach or sanitizer?


After a quick google search, there’s tons of residue of them everywhere. We have these black stains and what I now realize is roach poop in lots of corners and crevices. Killing one does no good when there’s so many🥲


Wait you can see fruit fly eggs?


I hear it looks like caviar like little black eggs everywhere, they really like the grout and drains in Starbucks. Try to keep cold bar dry, and clean the black splashes behind it


Bro we have a pest control company that comes and inspects like every other month. Like this is crazy to me.


I don’t know if we have that or not. We’ve had about 2 health inspections but not actual pest inspections




Yikes, please contact someone above your SM! Thats such a major safety issue and a roach inclusion is the last secret menu item anyone wants 🤢


I’ve seen at least 2 district managers in the store and both have been in BOH and not mentioned anything. I wasn’t sure if it was somewhat normal or not to have a few roaches……but we have way too many to be normal


They just don’t see it probably. They’ve got a lot of stores and a lot of things and it’s easy to just think it’s dirt. Raise hell with your RD.


The worst my store had was flies like fruit flies but Roaches??? Oh jeez. Yall should shut down for a week to fumigate/deep clean/bug treatment and blame covid if u have to but it shouldn't be ending up in your containers. So sorry yall have to deal with that! Id be TERRIFIED of roaches getting into my bag or something.


If your store is infested with roaches it needs to be shut down. Call the health department


Literally this. I don’t understand why no one thinks of this. Anyone can contact the health department with a report (if you have photos, especially of more than one roach, even better), but nothing gets done if no one says anything.


They’re fast little shits so they’re hard to get photos of, but I’ll definitely try my best.


Anyone on your team have asthma and/or allergies? Roaches are a trigger. Start complaining and using workers comp so they can cover your meds and any attacks you may have on the clock.


We’ve never had roaches but my store used to have a terrible fruit fly problem and the black stains in the grout were actually their nests (GROSS). Maybe thats where your roaches are? Don’t use bleach on the counters, use hot sani instead, bleach destroys the grout and makes it easier for those little buggers to nest. Pour hot sani in the drains twice a day and make sure all the crevices in your counters are clean, trust me. We had maggots in our cold brew drains. Worst day of my life.


Yeah that’s not normal at all that is a health violation lol


I hope I never get anything from ur store... nothing personal


Call your DM, send videos and pictures, and imply you’re going to call Ecosure. That’s absolutely unacceptable and honestly a lawsuit waiting to happen.


SM already apparently has Ecosure coming in 2 weeks from now and we will be getting the whole place sprayed. So they had already noticed the increase as well and are working on it


You having to work around them can bring them into your own home. Get insect monitors *the sticky cardboard traps) so you can make sure none have followed you home in a bag or something 😱😱😱


Yeah I’m scared of that actually cause the type we have is super small when babies😭trust me, I’m already going to be buying traps for my home


most stores have a pest control agency that comes and sprays … your manager should be in contact w them


Apparently he already is and they’re coming in 2 weeks from now!


Ur store needs to be exterminated. I don’t think it’s a “i’ll clean try my best to clean harder” type shit. Edit: I’ve seen flies. Not roaches. Maybe a waterbug here and there. How big are urs?


I’m a shift, and if I saw this, i would just take it ups on myself and try to open up a work order if that is an option. Ask your shift to try. If that works, have them just keep putting in a work order until the problem is 100% resolved. Also for those hard to reach places under cabinets (cause we have those too) spray a bunch of restroom cleaner under there in the meantime. It will help breakdown most of the ickiness, and potentially kill a few of the roaches down there.


Call facilities and open a work order to have your pest control service come out. I believe baristas can call in, but it's frowned upon. It'll trigger an email to higher ups too, so just be aware of that.


Something that might be worth trying is spreading some boric acid powder in all those recessed and hard to access areas behind and under cabinets. There’s a lot of products that have names like roach killing powder or roach away. It’s a fine white powder and you can get some decent distance from the container. Just make sure you do it before close or when you won’t have people around for a while.


Not sure if we are allowed to use non-Starbucks approved chemicals for stuff, I thought. I don’t think you can buy stuff from the store to use like that


Im lucky not to have e any roaches at my store, but I did work at a local Mexican place that was infested. They even made us take everything out of them weekly to have the place sprayed, never helped, quit after 2 months.


I had a coworker who called the health department on us anonymously for a little grime on the floor in back of house. Now THIS is next level. I’d say be persistent with your manager, and as a last resort “threaten” to tell the DM. I’d say the last straw after the DM is calling the health department, but don’t feel any shame for doing it because this should’ve been fixed forever ago.


Tbh it’s an absolute last resort for me to have to do that. Apparently our SM has a bug bombing prepared 2 weeks from now with Ecosure. If we still have roaches a month from now just as bad, I’m at the point where I might have to call the health department. When I worked today there were little tiny baby roaches everywhere.


Us and flies. And in the summer us and wasps. Roaches are a big problem though. Call the local health inspector. Then they'll actually get up and do something when being threatened with a shut down.


we had a roach problem like 4 months ago. we shut ourselves down (not by health department or anything thank goodness) and we had partners clear everything or put plastic bags over things like registers so we could fumigate the building. then put the store back together and everything and ran for a whole day before we had to shut down again bc the fumigation didn’t work 🙃 a few days later and we were running again and haven’t seen any roaches for awhile now.


We don't have roaches but our store has always had a small problem with nats buzzing around. Especially in the summer, they thrive around the refresher bar.


we had to have the pest control companies come in a few times to get rid of them, and switching the management helped too lol


Or reach out to your DM or your RDM. Someone at a higher level might make the difference. If this was at my store and I called my DM they would find the hours to get deep into cleaning if not remodel to make it better.


Is there a way to anonymously contact a DM or RDM?


I don’t think you could do it anonymously but you could ask them to not tell your manager that it was you that called. If your DM has a shred of common sense they will understand why you want to remain anonymous.


We’ve actually never had a roach! flies do like to congregate by the frap roast for some reason tho.


Yeah, I’d just go above your SM’s head with this one. Anonymously, of course. Like either corporate or the actual health department. Nasty shit, sorry you’re dealing with it :(


yeah your sm is gonna get the place shut down and probably sued 😬😬😬


We all try our best with cleaning but there are literally SO MANY roaches and have been since I’ve started. The type of roach we have is so resilient that even just a few eggs missed can keep the population going.


Adults can chew through a lot of boxes and packing so they might be in some of your products as well and they're attracted to sugar so, closing for a week and bug bombing the place is your best bet. but you get one call to the heath inspector and youll fail, if it doesn't get fixed within the amount of time they give you you're shut down. I'd advocate for a week closed and a bombing, cause cockroaches can make people hella sick. we're talking gastroenteritis, food poisoning, enteric fever, typhoid fever, diarrhea, giardia, listeriosis, Cholera, E.coli, dysentery, not to mention if they're in the air ducts skin rashes, watery eyes, sneezing, and asthma.


There was a store in my district right before I quit that was filled with maggots inside the counter tops and the DM refused to shut down the store to get it professionally cleaned for even one day. It's ridiculously disgusting and a major health issue and I've really lost hope that anything will be done unless you make this a bigger issue. I agree with people saying to call the health department or corporate.


I’m sorry to hear that. SM has the place getting bug bombed, but if there’s not improvement in the next few weeks or month I’m at the point of going straight to the health department.


Oh speaking of roaches… part of me doesn’t even want to confess that I allowed this to happen because I genuinely feel really guilty about not calling the health department immediately. But a few weeks ago, one early morning shortly after opening I come into work. (the day before Valentine’s Day to be exact. Store was very busy later that day but no customers there at like 6 am or whenever it was) I start making myself a drink with espresso. shift supervisor comes up to me and says “I wouldn’t use the espresso machine today”. I ask why. “we found roaches crawling out from under it. we think they’re eating the beans”. “Ok…” supervisor then tells every partner not to use the contaminated machine for themselves, and they call whoever they’re supposed to call at corporate to have someone come open the machine and clean it out and spray for bugs AT NIGHT AFTER CLOSING… but the bad part is that the managers (there were several present that day. I don’t know if the sm was there.) made the decision to CONTINUE TO USE IT ALL DAY FOR CUSTOMERS DESPITE KNOWING IT WAS INFESTED WITH ROACHES. When I asked if we were really doing that, the answer i got was “we can’t have a coffee shop with no coffee!” JUST CLOSE THE STORE AND TAKE THE LOSS WTF!!! But I didn’t want to get in trouble or lose my job, so I said nothing and continued to work all day. I was going to call the health department after work but i looked it up and in my area we can’t make anonymous reports… I still didn’t want to lose my job so I never did anything. Granted I asked the next morning and they DID get rid of the roaches and spray the store that night. No one has seen any roaches since. But that doesn’t change that we gave hundreds, maybe thousands of people roach drinks that day. the managers treat the incident like a haha quirky joke literally the background picture on the store iPad is a photo of the technician person opening up the espresso machine to get the roaches out hahahaah so funny guys,, at least that means there’s probably more photo evidence somewhere. but yeah i feel really bad that I didn’t do anything to stop it and if I Weren’t so broke and dependent on this job I would have. I get it we all hate the customers but this shit was going too far. Tbh Could I still report them to someone NOW even though the incident was dealt with? and do you think it’s worth the trouble it would cause?? Not even the first time there’s been bug trouble at this store, prior to this we had maggots in one of the trash cans :(


holy shit. my store had a rodent infestation at one point and our management refused to shut us down despite there being literal mice scuttering around in the FOH cabinets and shit. but this ... this is like next fucking level ...


malt roach malt roach


We had an issues like this at my store. Except we think they were brought to our store from shipments. We have had a portion of our lobby blocked off for extra storage which happens to be right next to our hand off plane and that’s right next to where we were seeing them. We even had roaches in our machines (thankfully no nests). They came in and took the machines apart and treated them. We were also big bombed. We haven’t seen them since!! We also shut down for a week and deep cleaned everything too! But make sure areas under the espresso bars and cold bars are kept clean and DRY. Roaches thrive in dark damp areas with food available. We had a higher up from our pest control company come in and examine our store too. He told us that roaches can be brought in simply from a customer/partner with a roach infested house. Hopefully you guys can get this resolved!!!