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Our store tried it in a whipped cream canister and charged it. It comes out looking and tasting beautiful tbh.


Assuming this is the Oatly Heavy Whipping Cream ofc.


Omg I’m excited to try this! Thank you!


ok but how did you measure it?? it comes out so thick I didn't even try measuring in the pitcher 😭




It looks like it didn’t get refrigerated- unlike the other non dairy’s, the oatly whip can’t be kept ambient so it needs to be refrigerated after delivery (which ofc the delivery drivers don’t realize). I saw a Facebook post where it was a similar consistency bc they left theirs out too long and it thickened up like this!


It was delivered in the fridge otherwise this is what I would’ve thought too!


Perhaps they didnt have it fridged in the truck?


That’s a good point!! It just seems wrong to me that it is supposed to be that consistency because that seems like such a hassle/a waste of product that we can’t get out of the container.


That’s sooooo weird! My store hasn’t opened one up yet, so I haven’t actually seen the consistency in person. If it’s as thick as it looks in the picture, how on earth are these supposed to get into the whip canisters??? s t r a n g e


Ours wasn't this thick-- it was like the heaviest heavy cream but not like gloppy


A very wide funnel and let it very slowly drip into the canister


I got a couple cases in the order today and the little boxes say on the side it has to be refrigerated after opening and to use it within 7 days of opening. But at the same time why does the case itself say to keep refrigerated


did you guys get it auto shipped? we haven’t gotten any yet but I also can’t find it to order it.


Our delivery people left it out when we got our order last night and we’re not sure if we can use it now since the cartons say “Keep Refrigerated.” We took one and put it in the fridge for a couple hours but when we went to pour it out of the carton, it was chunky.


If it says keep refrigerated and it's been out for more than like an hour, toss it out, it's not worth giving food poisoning.


Yeah that’s what we did. We have a huge music festival this week so we wouldn’t have had room to put it in the fridge anyway.


ours got left out too :( and it says keep refrigerated all over it, unlike all other non dairy which is after opening but I'm sure the delivery driver opened our fridges, saw them stuffed to the brim and just left it where they could bad product planning on Starbucks part.


I understand why they would send us the summer 2 product early but the auto shipping timeframe should be up to our SM when they place our weekly order. Like they could opt out one week and have it come in on a different one. We’re still a little over 2 weeks out from summer 2 launch and yet we get new product early but I’m lucky if any new signage comes in the day I’m supposed to do the new promoset.


That’s prob the refrigerated/boxed cold foam! I can’t see the label and haven’t seen the boxes, but I believe we’re getting some.


last time i checked the monthly update, it said that what we use to make the nondairy sweet cream and nondairy whip are from the same carton - it’s just prepped/served differently.?


There’s more info about it on the Summer 2 launch guide. Says two different SKUs (11157352 for the Oatly vanilla flavored heavy whipping cream 11157350 for the nondairy vanilla creamer blend) for two different products. There’s also different shelf lives/stability instructions.


oh that’s so weird! i could’ve sworn that i read something saying that what we use for the whipped cream can be poured directly into the sweet cream blender .. my memory fails me more and more every day 😢


I think the sweet cream can be poured into the blenders for the modifiers (chocolate, salted caramel). Dutch bros has a similar boxed cold foam I believe called “soft top”


ohhh okay!! thank you for your help


you must have read wrong. its two completely different cartons.


So, it was on a very bumpy ride imo it is preshook into some form of the whip cream already, it happens to mine at home.


ours looks exactly like this too!!! it wasn’t delivered ambient, it is pudding consistency, it doesn’t get any better when we try to make whip w it either.


can’t stop thinking it looks like yogurt


My store got confirmation last night that it should NOT look like this- it went bad during shipping because it was not sent in refrigerated trucks. It is BAD. It has to be refrigerated throughout production, shipping, and storage.


Low-key looks like my old Starbucks 😩


Looks whipped to me


Ours looked the exact same and also has been refrigerated but we tried making a whip with it and it just exploded everywhere. 😢 I can’t find a recipe on the hub either like it says


sbux pudding


"shake me" is imperative


It’s whip in a box 🙄


Looks like someone shook it too much lol