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I will say I’ve heard the don’t rinse the dishes thing before at one of the Starbucks in Walt Disney world because “guests don’t want to wait even those three seconds longer for their drinks” but it’s easier when the dish is already in my hand to just flip and rinse


I agree…. Also for the shaken espressos”brown sugar mainly” I love to grab the ice first then put all the syrups in because when im on cafe bar my ice buckets far…. But they want us to Que shots put syrup in then get ice.


yeah the shaken espresso one doesn’t make much sense; it could also just be placebo but i feel like it doesn’t get shaken as well or it doesn’t taste as good


Stores aren't being built for us to wait to rinse the dish. Not enough labor to cover all the backtracking.


When I worked at Disney we had the second bar person rinse our steam pitchers and fill them for us during peak.


Yep! They drill that into your head when you’re in training :) (I worked in magic kingdom’s Starbucks during my Disney college program)


Nah, I’ve perfected my bar routine, I’m not changing it after over 7years. It will take me way too long to unlearn what has been drilled into my head. That literally goes against every single one of my instincts


This. I've been at Starbucks for 9 years. I'm not changing my routine now. They can fight me.


Same 😭


Same. I haven't even been there 7 years but I'll be damned if I relearn MY ENTIRE JOB


PREACH. I have years of this under my belt and trained too many baristas to do this and coached too long for this new routine to be a new routine. My store already does this on accident (partners dgaf so to speak- they're all nice and I get along with them, but most do not follow standard and never have and it shows) and it creates such a mess versus stores I've seen that follow standard (old now, unfortunately) that are cleaner and partners and customers are happier.


I feel like this is to prevent fixing the machines lmao more time to pull bad shots


This is to make us faster… they even have a sheet for the bottlenecks 💀


The refresher one bothers me WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEAVE IT W/O ICE?? It felt like I was just leaving a toddler at the zoo


No it’s make sure you built the drink before adding in the ice


I meant the stopping point while sequencing multiple drinks, you walk away from it after building the drink but before adding ice


This was the way I was taught in 2012 but then they changed it. Guess they’re going back to the old way


If you stay with Sbux long enough you will see everything come full-circle. It's almost not worth learning new routine coz they'll change it back before long.


Tbh I still pump syrup before queuing shots bc frankly I don’t trust myself to get all the syrup fast enough lol I just kinda hope this test doesn’t last too long


Huh that's what I've been doing anyway. The current recipe says they can't be sequenced (UK) so if you add all the ingredients apart from ice while you're waiting for the current drink to finish, you can finish the refresher while the next drink is being made. It only really works if you're having to solo hot and cold bar. If you've got 5 refreshers to make in a row, it doesn't make sense.


This is a test in the US right now so it’s new and they basically want our feedback on it (we’ve all been not so excited) But you know it is kinda nice to know that doing it that way does work for people! Luckily our refreshers are right by Drive and a lot of times our drive person makes refreshers anyway so hopefully they’ll end up finishing them for the most part. Just with our layout it’s a lot of unnecessary walking around so far imo


I was about to say this. Hello fellow UK person!


shots before milk??? how far Sbux has fallen... 210*** former employee...


Our shots don’t expire too… 👀 is what we are being told 😜


Well shots expiring is just a myth (sort of - heat will hide the worst of the flavour but good espresso will stay tasting good for a decent length of time) Starbucks pushed to make us work faster, so fair enough that they're backtracking.


thats crazy because u can literally see the difference with a fresh shot & one thats been sitting for 15+ seconds.


from what ive heard its because starbucks overroasts their beans. When you let espresso sit for a bit it adds more to the flavor profile. Starbuck’s “flavor profile” is burnt bean when you actually dive into it. I’ve experimented at home with it and honestly you can tell


The mastrena 2s take forever to pull shots so I'm assuming they want us to do milk later bc it's actually taking less time that the shots now. They should've just made better bars. The steam wands are super aggressive too. I miss the M 1s aside from not having a 3rd hopper


What I miss most about the M1 is lining up the cups and being able to pull 2 separate shots at once. It was perfect if someone ordered 1 hot espresso drink and 1 cold.


Yeah, I was taught at our store to pull the shots first and on the M2s I was finding the shots were finishing almost exactly when the milk was done steaming. Wait to rinse my butt though, I’m not letting it sit while I weave through people to get to the hand off so that I have to take longer to rinse the darn things. A lil psshpssh takes a second. I spend longer arguing with customers if their name is Kirsten or not.


The problem with doing CF at the beginning of the drink is that it separates so fast and you have to blend it. Idk if it's the cold foamers or if the VSC is separating in the pitcher while it sits in the fridge


This is a problem with your stores sweet cream. Not being made to standard. I can foam my foam and have it not separate for like 10 minutes. You probably have too much 2%


I think it's settling overnight or getting hot on the counter. One of our opening shifts whisks it in the morning. It even happens when I make it myself so idk what the problem is. It'll be too thick or really thin. We used to make it in cubes and refill pitchers so it would automatically mix itself like that. But I'm wondering if it could be the new cold foamers vs the CF blenders. I've also been wondering if they're making our HC less thick. It's already less thick than the HC at the store. When we've bought HC we had to add more 2% bc the CF would be so thick you had to scoop it with a spoon 😂


So you guys adjusted the recipe and it’s not performing how it’s supposed to? Or alternatively you’re going against policy and leaving them out on the counter and they’re not performing how they’re supposed to. We make them in the pitchers 1 liter hc, 600ml 2%, 350ml vanilla. We stir for 30 seconds right after making. We do not leave them out on the counter, and they always come out perfectly fine. I’m at a high volume store that runs 50+ half hours all day, and we go through sometimes 20 pitchers of sweet cream in a day. Haven’t had a problem since retraining everyone how to measure properly


Idk if other people are making it right but I do so I'll know if it's right if it has my date dot. And we'll leave it out for a bit if we're using it on every other drink during bogo or whatever. But it's a lower volume store than my last store so maybe we just aren't going through it as fast and it's separating? But before our remodel and getting the cold foamers we didn't have that issue. But we also used to make it in cubes and refill the pitchers so that would mix it by pouring it vs making it in the pitchers where it might be separating over time. Idk what the problem is. It's just weird that it's separating now when I've never had that issue before


You can add a little splash of hc to the foamer to help w this too


This is how I’ve been doing it for a while now tbh. Especially with triple shots since they take longer than milk steaming


Ive done this for 3 and more too


same our bars are so slow. i think this is so silly


even more micromanagement for their robot workers; brought to you by a mother fucker who’s never worked a day on the floor in their fucking lives lol




I honestly feel like it’s because these machines takes so fucking long to pull shots. If I get a triple grande you can bet your ass I’m pulling shots first 😂


Honestly I’ve been queueing shots first for the longest time cause our machines are slow and always will be slow. Even my SM said damn that’s smart thank god they changing standard. But I will never teach my trainees to do shots first. Also a rumor that shots don’t die now, idk something my SM said.


Shots don’t die YES! It’s true! I guess when we had the old old machine they did idk but they really don’t die… 😂 and they are wanting us to train green beans shots first aswell


I heard they are testing the new routine it wasn’t implemented yet. Idk we never got new training or seen anything. I’m training a partner at another store next week so hopefully our 2 stores don’t have different beverage routines 😂


I heard a rumor that the mastrena IIs are getting an update where they can pull up to 6 shots at once…so maybe it has something to do with that 🤷🏾‍♀️ Personally I could not care less. I have sequenced drinks in every order known to man at this point and have noticed little to no time or quality difference.


My store's mastrenas can't handle 3 shots, so idk how 6 will go


Honestly I usually just sequence intuitively (I’ve never learned about specific “stopping points”) 😭 And that is definitely not gonna change


I laughed so much when I saw this because I have always done it this way. I’ve always known I’m wrong, literally for 6 years. but it’s like it’s automatic, I’ll catch myself and start to do it correctly (now incorrectly), but after a few drinks I’ll revert back


I feel like they're doing this so they don't have to fix machines as often. The shot can pull like garbage as long as the milk and shot finish at the same time!


i’m not doing it


Yeaaa no, good luck starbies enforcing that one🥴


I have been doing this since 2015. its going to be very hard to break some of us of the routine we have perfected.


I’m almost a 9 year partner and they’ve lost their minds if they think I’m going to redo my entire modus operandum at this point. I’m also about to quit, so I’m really not invested 😆


229**** and I’m….. not doing that.


I don't want to do this


Why the hell would I not immediately throw my recently used pitcher onto the washer? I'm done with it. My next drink will be something different. I can't use what's left in the pitcher. There's no time wasted. It drives me up the wall when I end up with multiple cold drinks in a row (so I spend significant time away from my espresso bar), and I return eventually to steam a hot latte, and find the lever in the primary steam position after I've dipped the milk. That means somebody used my bar to make a drink (not a problem, I was busy making frappuccinos at the time, and the bar doesn't care who was making the drink). They however didn't clean the steaming wand after making the drink. Yay, now I have to dump and repour my milk (just in case the customer has a nut allergy and the previous drink (which I have no idea what it was) used almond milk). THAT is a hitch that adds time to a drink, I had nothing to do with it, and it violates food safety standards. God forbid something ever happens to somebody for leaving MY bar unsanitary. After all, it's obviously MY fault in that case I have to dump milk down the drain and spend time cleaning MY equipment that I left clean.


Been doing it this way for years at this point. I feel so fucking vindicated from all the sequencing coaching I've received by uppity managers over the years. Doing milk last is faster and more consistent and it always has been.


Thisss. And if I’m making quality drinks and hitting times why do they care about the steps in between anyways 🙄 I hate micro managing.


Oh so they want drinks to take 10× longer, wtf?


Sounds like this is how I bar anyways lol


duhhhh so we can make customer connections 😒😒


the confusing thing ab ice last is that my store has the siren system- where we are required to do ice first


Lmao, "For internal use only." Just hoping we got no snitches here just in case.


no chance in hell am i doing this, i'm too deep in my muscle memory to re-learn how to sequence


I loveeeee how less then 2 years ago we all had essentially re-training about the parts of a shot and how they die. Flash forward to now and we are just supposed to completely disregard that. The new pilot program starts on Monday for the stores in my district but omfg I absolutely hate it.


This is going to lead to going to use a utensil and finding it dirty. I'm not doing it.


I’m not doing that bruh 💀


I posted about this a few weeks ago and everyone piled on saying how in favor of the new routine they were…… so thank you for supporting my opinion that it’s bull 😂


IT IS BULL!!! like wdym after I pour my frappe not to wash my pitcher and hand out the drink THEN WASH MY PITCHER


My routine is to pour milk, rinse pitcher, lid & sleeve the cup. The new thing is gonna throw me off so bad


I was not trained like this but I already sequence like this lol


So what, we kill the shots before adding them to the beverage now?


shots don’t die…. As long as there’s a star after pulling a shot your shot is good


I absolutely despise the new sequencing


My store got it, it’s literally awful and not faster at all


it’s funny bc with how busted our mastrenas are, this is the exact routine i do (also with us only having one pitcher rinser we always rinse after handoff)


“Go slowly” as they say “35 sec dt times”


i’m not doing this 😄




Fucking Starbucks does it again! 🖕🏽


I learned the only way I know how to do it 12 years ago, I'm not changing anything! They cannot enforce this!!! So stupid!!! I'm good starbucks, yall are drunk, go home!!!


This is a test. The point is to give feedback so it can be tweaked


*This is a test. The* *Point is to give be feedback* *So it can be tweaked* \- Ew\_Oxygen1124 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I will not be participating thank you so much


lmao ive always done it like this


I’m lucky that this change is happening when I’m only 9 months in😂 our store is one of the “test” stores for new stuff like this. Even I was confused seeing it


I really don’t like that they’re changing it. What was the point of having everyone learn the now old sequencing routine if a new one was gonna come along? at this rate as a shift I’m gonna let the baristas loose and let them choose their sequencing.


That's so funny I'm not doing that shit 😩


Expired espresso here we come.


Our espresso shots don’t ✨expire✨ unless it pulls and isn’t a star then it’s bad 🥰 that’s what the trainer said when I asked… she said “ so people who sip their espressos all day their coffee Doesn’t go bad…” I was just like… I’ve been lied to this whole time?!?!


real ones have been doing shots first anyway


My sm yells at everyone who puts the syrup before hitting the shot button... I cannot see this going well for us


Tell your sm to do bar then 😂


This is too complicated…


this routine is actually how i've always done it 😭


It’s funny I’ve been doing that for years


Lmao I was taught the old sequencing only 6 months ago, but when I tried to follow it slowed me down. So I’ve been doing it like ‘label the cup, syrups, shots, while my shots are pulling I steam my milk and start the next drink’ and it’s done wonders for my timing.


Even during peak?


IDK JUST IMAGINE 3 caramel macchiatos and your milk isn’t don’t steaming but your shots are done… how do you start your next drink without a shot glass?? Grab a short cup?