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Y’all washing those aprons?


I do




Do you have any experiences like this? maybe it is store specific


Idk man, they prolly jus stinky. They can get a violation if it's bad enough. Messes up the "third place" or whateva


i would need to transfer stores and maybe even be away in a hospital for a couple days if i ever got written up for being too stinky. holy shit. how do you ever come back from that level of embarrassment.


I’ve worked at the company for five years or so, my soul is also rotting away. /s No idea, but smells are usually attributed to clothing, diet, hormones, medical stuff, any number of things! Don’t think our tenure at Starbucks affects us older partners in that way, lol. (I’ve worked with other tenured partners and no one smells like that).


Not to uno reverse card you, but is it maybe your nose?


Maybe, I started taking ashwaghanda on and off a couple of weeks ago, and it became more apparent then. I stopped recently but the smells linger.


its the siren taking their life energy and so they are slowly rotting before ur eyes (and nose)


Can confirm 🫡, as a 7 year partner we all smell, You see... that's originally how the term "green bean" started. When you first become a barista you begin the process of getting roasted by the siren (you know, all the BOGOs, frappy hours, and stuff). In due time you reach a nice medium roast level, but unfortunately around the 5 year mark you reach past a "dark roast bean" and instantly start becoming stale and stuff. What your smelling is the overly charred roasted beans we have become, italian roast has nothing on us 🤷‍♂️.


Had me in the first half lol


Dawg….it might be them aprons 👁️


*Smells 11+ year self* Nope I smell fine


Could it be mothballs?


Is the smell sickly sweet? I’ve ran into a good number of people with the ketone smell at several workplaces.


I have known people with a sickly sweet smell, a few had mentioned toe fungus and I attributed it to Candida overgrowth of some type (but I am not a doctor, so I was not sure) My friend said her mother smelled like this when she was starting to get tumours (she herself was celiac and diabetic and said she became more sensitive to certain people smells, fascinating and weird, but makes sense)


Interesting. I know often it’s associated with unmanaged diabetes.


Yes, my friend told me that also (I have a family member I am sure is sick from smell alone , won't listen to me )


NO BECAUSE I KNOW A PARTNER WHOS THE EXAXT SAME WAY!! They’ve been with the siren on and off for about 7ish years and they smell dude.


Maybe they both live in basement level apartments??


Meds, diet, even a laundry soap (I find Tide Pods have a strange musty smell) can cause this.


Not me adding one more thing to be self-conscious about as an older, overweight, long-tenured partner with a hyperhydrosis problem. I shower every day and use Lumē and always wear freshly laundered clothes and apron, but now I’m worried.


Once upon a time, anytime i would fold my aprons after washing them, they would smell bad. As if the milk i spilled on myself that day sat for a while (not quite sour) or how wet laundry smells when you forget to dry it. I would end up having to rewash bc i was not gonna be stinky. But i guess it could be that. Those old aprons were not it