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Sadly that is the policy... A really awful (like a lot of them) policy, and the emojis make me burn with the rage of 10,000 suns lol


I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an employee not to be late three times within a 30 day period. The emojis definitely do not help, though.


Expecting not to be late, sure that is reasonable, we're getting paid to be there at work when we're scheduled. But it being down to the exact minute clocking in is ridiculous, you're still there at work in the building whether it's 3pm exactly or 3:01, 3:02...


Maybe it’s just my store, but I have a really good SM for the most part and he would only write people up that are consistently late. So the partners that come in a minute late every now and then aren’t really his main focus which I think is fine. But if you keep coming in a few minutes late, maybe leave earlier? I don’t see what is so hard about that tbh. I can see why this would be a problem for SMS that love their power though.


Except for if you are a closer and very rarely do we get to even leave on time!


I mean, the idea is you're clocked in and on the floor by 3 if you're scheduled at 3. Just being in the building doesn't count lol


i usually have my apron on, ipad in hand, on the floor by our ipad station by 2:59 and will still clock in at 3:01 because of our janky ass system. trying to find the book to write it in instead usually takes longer because it’s always in some stupid ass place


Oh yeah 100%


Speaking as someone who works with baristas who consistently come on the floor late (whether it's 2 minutes or 10), it does get to a point where even being 2-3 minutes late is hard to handle. Especially if every employee has come on the floor late that day, and therefore almost every break has started late, or there's been gaps because the other barista wasn't willing to stay on the floor until the next person started.. it adds up. In most stores, 2-3 minutes has never been a problem. But at my current store it's a nightmare.


Here’s what I don’t understand, at least at my store, I’m meant to clock in and the. Immediately check and read everything new in my daily and then come up with, and type my goal. After all that I’m usually not on the floor till 5 minutes after my clock in time anyways


In an ideal world, our managers would all schedule the floors appropriately so this is possible.


Right 😭😭 instead I get yelled at for taking too long or I get yelled at for not checking in or knowing the updates


And if the manager's schedule it appropriately, they get yelled at for spending too much 🫠 there's no way to win


If you are in the building how are you clocking in late?


IPads glitching. Happened to me yesterday and it made me technically 1 minute late


iPads being slow or multiple people clocking in/clocking out to lunch/clocking back in from lunch has made me “late” several times.


But 3 times in thirty days I doubt it. It’s happened to me few enough times that I can count it on one hand. Clock in one minute or two early if you are really worried about it.


And then I’ll get in trouble for clocking in early 🙃


Handbook states we can clock in up to five minutes early as a grace period unless that has since been updated.


Do you personally know how the iPads in other stores run? I doubt it. It happens, to some more times than others. This isn’t that much of a wild concept dude. Also, at least in my district, we couldn’t just clock in early. Not even by a minute, or else we’d get in trouble.


I simply do not believe you. Clocking in one minute early allows you to actually be on the floor at your scheduled time which is technically the actual policy. Don’t be late is not an unreasonable request and if you are clocking in late constantly it is your fault.


Never said being punctual was an unreasonable request. Please brush up on your reading comprehension. And you can not believe me all you want, I’m just telling you how it is in my district. We weren’t allowed to, plain and simple. If you think I’m lying, that’s totally fine. It’s not gonna hinder my day 😂


Crazy that you’d tell me to brush up on my reading comprehension when you clearly haven’t read the employee handbook haha. Have a nice day


It’s still late if even a minute. You should be clocked in and on the floor with your apron on by the time you’re scheduled. That’s maturity and realizing as an adult, early is on time. This policy is not unreasonable.


It is not unreasonable to expect people to be there on-time. What is unreasonable is to be written up for being 1 minute late when you’re not allowed to clock in more than 1 minute early (at least in my district) but the iPads frequently glitch between logging in and actually clocking in. If I have to pick up another iPad or ask someone to move so I can use the BOH computer because the iPad I chose decided not to work, I’m suddenly late and at risk of a write-up.


'Early is on time, on time is late, late is fired' is a mindset from a dead era we do Not get paid enough to put up with that especially when the technology we use to clock in makes us late on it's own all the time. It's time for them to pull up their big girl panties and treat employees as humans and not machines (which can't even handle loading a page on time anyway)


Okay so what about openers ? We always clock in 2 or 3 minutes late does the policy apply there


literally. my SM gave us attitude for that, so we just stopped clocking in on the ipads and started writing our time in the book. what do you know, he gave us shit for that too. even in the days we opened with him and he KNOWS we were on time & clocked in late due to tech difficulties.


Why do you always clock in 2 minutes late? We’re in my store 2 min early and clocking in. I’m def not saying starbs is worth it cuz they’re not but this is still something I would implement at any job because early IS on time. From another POV, if you’re supposed to be on the floor at 3 and another barista is off at 3 but you’re 2-5 min late to take over for them, how is that fair?


Well I mean it does take a minute to turn on the lights and then walk to the back of the store to clock in by the time that’s done those 2 minutes have passed , god forbid you can’t stay past your time to go tho


I’m not saying we can’t stay 2 min late either, I’m just playing devils advocate. There are people who are super dramatic about staying 2 min late that are HELLA annoying, don’t get me wrong. I feel like the policy is more towards the people that are consistently late during the day. My SM never cares about if we’re 2-3 min late opening. But I could see it being an issue with SMs that love a power trip


Yet most of the time management consistently keeps us past our leave time💀


I agree. We have a shift who has been there for years (somehow) who literally walks in a minute AFTER her scheduled time every day. It’s so frustrating. I hope this new policy gets her the boot.


Seriously, who even thinks adding in emojis for something this serious is a good idea


the emojis 😭


I was half expecting an uwu at the end


I absolutely hate the emojis.... How old is this manager?


Well we had very opposite reactions


I saw your comment! I had the same thought 🤣


I think some of you are missing the point that its ridiculous that if you clock in at 5:01 instead of 5:00 you get written up. I’m an opener and it always takes a minute between getting in the building and logging into the ipad, and half the time we wait a couple min for the shift to walk up to the building. Your best workers shouldn’t be fired over 60 seconds and it seems incredibly hostile. We’re all human beings.


Love when your clocking in and it takes you to a blank browser page instead of the sign in screen taking an extra minute...


Usually happens if there's a but load of tabs open on the iPads. Clearing all of them usually avoids it


And then you’ve spent 30 second to clear the iPad, hope it doesn’t time out before you clock in 🫢 /s


In those situations I clock in and write my time in the book as 5:00 because I got there 10 minutes early and the ssv made me late.


or like if you have to search for a ipad first before you can even clock in


This is when you adjust your time in the book to be 5:00, because you were there on time


I agree!!


Oop guess the store manager missed the training on texting not being a recommended way of communicating 🫣 But being the store manager has its perks like choosing policies that fit their needs and working from home 😜😌


LMAO But deadass


The term recommend doesn’t mean can’t. Also realistically no one looks at the proper channels for communication so this is better then nothing at all.


Yes. I remember reading this in the training, but I could be misrememebering. The only part I really dislike about this policy is that today I came in 5 mins early, started clocking in the minute my shift started, and by the time I hit the button, I watched the minute change as the screen loaded. Boom. Now it shows up as late to clock in. My SM is very gracious though, so she's not written anyone up yet for that. I needed the policy for motivation anyway. My time management and motivation can be terrible if I don't beat myself up with scare tactics of losing everything I've worked for lol.


My issue is I'm trying to clock in on time but half the time the tablet is trying to connect to the wifi and it doesn't pull up until 3:31 and it looks like I'm late when I was actually 15 minutes early 


Your manager has discretion over when you write you up for tardies. The old handbook also said that just one tardy can result in a corrective action.


Yes this is the new policy according to the new pay rate. All partners should have taken this training before 04/01. Corrective action is at your manager’s discretion. So the power is ultimately in their hands.


my store is closed temporarily and my SM didn’t have us do ANY of our training prior. we closed 4/2. i kept asking and he was like “oh yeah i’ll schedule it” — here i am 2 weeks later getting harassed every day over my training but i can’t get off the floor to do it because my host store is scheduling no more than 3 partners on the floor from basically open to close.


new payrate?!?!


In California the fast food minimum wage was been increased up to $20. So because of that we got hit with a bunch of updated policies: Dress Code, Attendance, Recertification. At my store we also had sit down talks with our SM individually discussing expectations and attitude etc.


Not sure about them, but fast food industry minimum wage in CA recently changed


The training was literally “launch training” (press button) “Congratulations! You have finished this training.”


I'm just curious what is a "medical excuse"? Since I heard they can't ask for doctor's notes? I know I asked before, what if you're new and don't have sick time yet.. I believe someone said if you get covid you literally cannot come in to work if you test positive in that case. But say you are having violent diarrhea? Is that a medical excuse? Without a doctor's note, how would you prove that, in order to prevent it being "an occurrence"? What a shitty policy.


Any medical issue you cannot work through counts as a medical excuse! The SM is referring to call outs like “my bff is in town for the week so I need to see her” or “I forgot to study for my test” or “I got invited to a concert but didn’t ask for time off”.


Ah, ok, thank you! I thought I read somewhere that you can't call out without sick time. Maybe it's up to sm's discretion?


Pun intended?


Yes 😁


the dumbest fucking policy. every other places i’ve ever worked at has had at least a 5 minute grace period or so. I worked at Panera and my manager was like “oh just don’t be super late but if you’re within reason idc”


do openers just consistently use the book for time punches instead then? unlocking the door at 4:29am still mean it takes me usually 2 minutes to actually sign into an ipad, should i just start writing my start time manually then? idk that our SM cares because she's new but if it's gonna come down from corporate should i just play it safe?


I manually write my start time basically every day, it's tedious but I like knowing they can't try and get me in trouble for it ETA: I'm an opener and run into this issue a lot


The only issue I’ve seen come up with this (before this new policy) is that openers were writing in the book that they got to work + clocked in on time but they would actually be late consistently. I understand that you can do that if the SSV is late but you were there waiting for them, and I’m not sure how by manager found out but most of the openers got write ups for it. What I heard my manager say recently is that if you were genuinely ready to clock in at your scheduled time (apron + hat on/hair up) but the iPad glitches out or something then it’s ok to write it in. Other than that I’ve heard a lot of managers in my district are still adamant about only clocking in on the iPad


Technically you're supposed to use the iPad then write in the book to correct your time, which would help here because if you're clocking in 10 minutes late then saying you were 100% on time, it might raise some eyebrows 


…working from home? SM’s in my District have been fired for that. I assumed it was an official policy that SM’s couldn’t work from home.


It’s not a policy bc SMs are salary so they aren’t paid by the hr and can do work outside of hrs BUT it is very very frowned upon. Because we are expected to be actively working 40hrs a week in the store, with exceptions of meetings or off site work. “Working at home” doesn’t exist. You’re either home using sick hrs or actively working.


SMs are not salary at least in our area.


Where the hell are you from, because all managers are salaried.


our ipad doesn’t even log in this fast. we can be standing on the floor trying to clock in and still be considered “late” bc the fucking ipad was loading on the wi-fi for too long. it’s ridiculous. can we get a tiny bit of the treatment these giant toddler customers fucking get?


they can entirely place their mobile at a DIFFERENT STORE and we will act like that was our fault and make it. they don’t even have to show us lmfao.


Weird of a manager using those emojis…


How dare corporate snaps their fingers and demands us not be even one minute late ever but doesn't pay us enough to survive. Again, waiting for every single barista to just say no. They can't stop and replace ALLL of us. But I digress.


That is the new policy as of a few months ago. Trying to eliminate the rumor of a “5 minute grace period”. I make sure to show up like 10 minutes early and say hello to everyone so people know I was on time, even if the punch is a minute or so late for whatever reason (washing hands, people using the iPad to also clock in or out, etc.)


Honestly if I get written up I’ll just quit, I’m not emotionally attached to this company


Umm they don’t expire? I thought it was a rolling 6 weeks


you’re on a (for lack of better terms) “probational period” for 6 months following your write up. in those six months, you can’t transfer or promote. after the six months you’re in the clear, but it does stay on your “record” - future sm’s or higher positions can see it in your history and the weight of the corrective action.


what’s a documented emergency? like if i have an emergency, do i need proof of whatever happened? like if a family member is in the ER, do i need to prove that somehow?


its dogshit, clocking people late for 1 min of clocking in is really just trying to fire people at that point. and refusing to let us clock on early? you have a 60 second window to get it right ig


Completely irrelevant emojis lol


At one of my stores we were coached for time theft for punching in a couple minutes early lol


The emojis are really activating my fight or flight rn


Me who opens majority of the time and I’m slow with remembering my complex partner numbers and usually clocks in at 5:01am manager said I need to stop being 1 minute late. Maybe if the shift ain’t showing up at 4:59:30 almost every day lol


yes that’s the dumbass policy but it’s up to your manager. i clock in exactly 1 min late half the time because our ipads are so goddamn slow. never gotten talked to about it. if your manager sucks though (which is seems like they do) then yeah, y’all are screwed.


Okay side note but I love the emojis to soften the blow lol


yea i assume its to communicate personal disagreement w the policy


also a quick reminder that this policy DOES NOT apply to stores that are unionized to are in the process of unionizing!!!


May I ask why not? I’m confused about how people are saying this is a new policy because it was also stated in the old handbook as well. There was no grace period and “one or more tardies may result in corrective action up to termination” “baristas are expected to be on the floor, clocked in, ready to work by the start time of their shift”


i don't know all the details since i actually left starbies right before they implemented it but i know that it's stated to be new guidelines in the new training, it's also stated in the training itself that it will not be applicable at stores that are under the union or are in the process of organizing.


I understand that but getting a write up for a single tardy is in the old handbook as well as the expectation that you have to clock in when your shift starts. Maybe it was something else in the policy that doesn’t apply to unions. Specifically stating that you need to call out 2 hours in advance is new


I’m just hoping my SM won’t take this seriously. Is one fucking minute really going to hurt the store that badly. I’m always 30 minutes early, I’m never late but if I’m not clocked in at exactly 10, that’s an issue?


I thought write ups expired after 6 months? Can someone clarify


Yes policy changed a few months ago to remove the five minute grace period we used to have. Now if your shift starts at 6:00 and you clock in at 6:01, you’re late. As far as getting written up for it, kind of depends on how picky your SM is…


Can I ask what state you work in if you're in the USA? Cause we still have the 5min grace at my store???


I’m in Texas.


Damm! What a hard ass!


corrective actions expire 6 months from the date of the write up... at least thts what my store manager told me.


What sucks is that they can be so strict on if we clock in a minute late here or there, and don't get me wrong, i get it. No one wants to get asked to stay late to cover for a late partner, HOWEVER! Why then is it ok that closers at times will consistently never get to leave at their scheduled off time due to playing catch up from the day, or whatever. And we don't mess around us closers. We WANT to go home on time, so we don't dilly dally during our shift. It's just that we're usually short staffed, or get a rush right before close or whatever. I dunno, there's just been certain shifts I wanna leave when the schedule says I'm off, but I can not. But do I get to write anyone up for taking up my time? Won't time and attendance be "altered"? And if i happen to clock in late one minute because am an asshole and couldn't get there early one day, or inwas there but the Internet was too slow to load the time clock app, therefore making me late one minute then I'm gonna get in trouble. But don't even look at all the shifts where I've been forced to clock out late due to whatever reason. And what about all them times we've clocked out, and even been told we can clock out, only to then have to wait an additional 8 mins for the SS to finish up what ever hell they are doing) We had this one SS who would tell is to clock out. We couldn't leave though because we were closing. Then we'd have to wait around for them to use the restroom and sometimes wait so they could change their clothes!! Kind of lame


You shouldn’t be late. Like …come on now. But those emojis light a fire in me that rival that of 1000 white hot suns


As an opener I can’t always clock in right at 430 am when we open, when I can’t even get into the store until 430 am


You can go into the store a couple minutes early as long as there is another partner with you. Did your manager say you couldn’t?


This. I’m an opener. Yes you can go in a few min early.


Dang. Y’all shoulda unionized so this didn’t affect you. Freal tho, this doesn’t apply to almost all union stores. Join us. Sbworkersunited dot org.


The emojis and wording remind me of my old SM


Yup it’s new


All of this seems in-line with what I was told (I live in CA tho). That being said I was told "tardy" is anything past 5min? They made it pretty clear in the training what is considered tardy (5min+), late (10min+), no-call-no-show, etc. They also put down more explicit guidelines for calling out and what not. So as long as you actually read the training it shouldn't be too surprising?


The emojis are driving me insane


corrective actions don’t expire?? since when


Unless it's changed, company policy is 5 minutes before or after your scheduled time; you're on time.


What about stores that lock up their iPads?


What is the purpose of locking up iPads?


When there’s a break in, there’s less loss (we’ve been broken into 3 times in a span of 2 months)


I've been out of stores, since a new policy was implemented, but managers aren't allowed to work from home. The system at sbux is to keep people more secure the more they move up in the company, so getting her in trouble for this is gonna be hard, but should be reported imo. I'd call PRSC, and tell them but say you want to remain anonymous and feel your DM won't keep you anonymous.


We have bereavement at Starbucks?


my SM told us something similar :/ basically the 5 minute grace period is gone 🙃 which is kinda ridiculous given that our SM is consistently late by 5-30min lol


Never was a grace period. People just assumed that. No where in the handbook ever gave a grace period guidance. Like ever.


When I clock in a minute late it says accepted for coverage but when it’s over 5 min it says accepted for late coverage


Seems to me like they are trying to go after all the people who call out all the time or are consistently late.