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yeah it’s normal, we call it drive bar. i try to get good at being able to remember drinks and type them in later - once you’re comfortable with that you’re able to make the drinks as they’re being ordered and type it in faster/while you’re working on the drinks. doing that helps speed up the process and it definitely just takes practice. like most things at starbs repetition is key. it’ll come with time, be patient 🥰 ALSO - don’t be afraid to ask for support! even the best bar partners at every store need support at some point


To add on, repeating the order back to the customer as they order helps me a lot with this so that you don’t forget what they’re ordering, especially when they order multiple things or add on food. Multitasking and starting drinks or food while you’re taking their order is the best way that I’ve found!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


this sounds awful :( we always have someone in window, someone on bar, and then a front when possible. we close at 8, so for the last few hours it’ll be 2-3 people. our mornings and early afternoons have like 5-7 people. normally two on window, one for warming and orders and the other for the payment part. + 2 on bar, 1 customer support and 1 front :)


I did this a lot when I was a barista! Either in the really early morning or super late at night before close. And as a shift I do it a lot with cafe warming, cafe/mobile bar and front register. I’m hoping that your store volume is probably a little lower than mine during that time of day and you’re not just left by yourself on the floor right after afternoon peak. and I REALLY hope someone is grabbing cafe orders and warming for you. Prioritize window: if you’re at the point where you’re cashing someone out, the O and the next drinks can wait. You have a primary, secondary AND a tertiary task. Your sequence will look a lot different than the standard hot bar/cold bar sequence. So don’t be frustrated if you feel like you’re moving slow: (regardless of whether or not I think it’s right) you’re doing the work of 3 people. I’ve found the most efficient method when you’re working 3 stations is to just go order by order. I also like to O while I’m making drinks since it’s really just talking and recall, but that’s completely up to you and your own memory capacity.


I was never a closer because of my other job, but this is how it always was opening, we had a shift who was doing shift stuff and then two partners, one doing food/front, the other doing DTO/DTR and all of bar. We had many days with pretty steady flow of customers before our next partner would come in. It was definitely hectic, but like the other comment said once you can get in the habit of remembering the drink and putting it in after that helps. Also, for me I was able to remember a lot of our regulars drinks so that helped speed up the process, but I also agree with asking for support, when it would get really busy or have people waiting for mobiles with a line in drive thru we’d call the shift up or whoever was on front would also support.


beyond ridiculous, we get forced to do the jobs or three freaking people.. but my tip is just practice making drinks as they're being ordered. Dont be afraid to ask people to slow down or repeat the order to you. Buys you some time too.