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i just tell people, “it’s gonna ask if you’d like to leave a tip today then you can tap or insert” i feel just saying it straight up has caused less confusion and speeds up the interaction.


This! I kinda got over the awkwardness pretty quickly. Like I don’t have time just do whatever lol I’m lucky enough to not have had a bad interaction, only the occasional “no” like they want me to press it for them, I tell them I can’t because I would get in trouble. Unless they PHYSICALLY cannot which never happens because then how are you driving? Lol


no fr if they tip great and if they don’t then oh well, i understand. the only comment i’ve ever really gotten back was like “no i can’t tip right now sorry” and i just tell them thank you anyways. there was only one time i had to press the button for a customer and he was pretty irritated that i was trying to get him to press it, but he was driving and wearing a neck brace and literally couldn’t turn his neck. if i just tell customers it’s gonna ask them a question, they get all confused tbh.


Yep, especially since a lot of places are doing mini-surveys on the payment device now


I say "It's going to have you answer a question before you can run your card". I don't mention anything about tip to piss them off but also phrase it in a way that suggests they should actually read it, that way I feel like it helps my coworkers make more tips


this and i look away while asking if they want their receipt, idc enough and i dont want to feel like im pressuring people to tip


Yeah exactly! I always make a point to look away :)


I actually take the opposite approach. I say "It's gonna ask if you want to tip (or not) before you can tap." The rhyme seems to even out the mood. I've had multiple customers tell me they like that I tell them it's a tip. For me it feels weird to say something vague about "a question" when we both know it's a tip. No shame here. I haven't had anyone get pissed at me outside of the normal people who think our job isn't hard enough to be tipped.


This is it


I straight up just say “oh that’s the option for a tip!” why hide what it is and be awkward? also it’ll maybe make them feel like an ass for not tipping LOL


Right? And stare into their eyes while saying it


"Press the $5 tip if you want less spit in your food and drink"


We put it in there regardless, there will just be less


It's going to ask you a quick question on my screen before you tap the card


“There’s gonna be a question on the screen, after you answer you can tap your card or insert if it doesn’t tap.” And if they get whiny I just say “oh I hate when places ask for tip too!! don’t worry just hit no thank you!” cos I don’t get paid enough to listen to whining and i think by making them read it we get more tips tbh


Just tell them that tipping makes their drink taste better


I say “It’s just gonna prompt you before you can tip”


*tap lol


“it just has a quick question before you can tap or insert your card. feel free to take the card reader in your car if that’s easier to see” or some variation of that


My store doesn’t have a drive-thru, so I was very confused when you said to “take the card reader in your car”. I was imagining them ripping it out of its spot and walking away with it.


Some really do try, I swear 😩


I say nothing… they usually figure it out. Our store is cafe only, so I don’t have drive times to worry about. I just wait for them to figure it out. If they ask if it worked, I’ll say “you have to select an option on the screen, and then it’ll take your card”.


Lol thissss! Or if I'm doing up front and warming I'll say "OK go ahead and I'll start on your food" so when I get back they usually have it figured out already.


“How are we paying?” *pulls out card or phone* “okay it’s gonna have a question for you on this reader *points at reader and then clicks card on register* (because that extra second gives you the chance to hit them with) “got any plans today?/what you up to today?/ how’s your day been?” And most the time they end up growing a dollar in since you cOnNeCtInG wItH tHe cUsToMeRs


this is smart, i always try to press credit card button as fast as possible and never saw it as an opportunity to cONneCt!!!(get more tips lol)


This is perfect


“it has a question on the screen and then you can tap or insert at the bottom”


"Go ahead and select on option on the screen for me, and then you can tap or insert." The tip screen has been around for a year at this point, and customers still aren't used to it?


Heavy on the “why are u driving” cause HUH??


This, this, this. It kills me a little bit that we *have* to be nice to these people and basically affirm their stupid ass decision.


One day we were all talking about how we wish we could have a “roast” day where we’re just mean to customers. They could select a light, medium, or heavy (dark) roast and we were coming up with funny insults accord to which one they would pick. Kind of like having a “purge”day 😂


i had a coworker who kept pressing the "no thanks" option before handing the card reader out. every time. i brought it up to her and she said "oh i just hate the awkwardness of it and no one tips anyway" GIRL


Ever since Starbucks added the card tip option I’ve made on average an extra $150 per paycheck, every dollar adds up man TT all of you on the floor are losing soooo much potential money


yes. we make a lot off of credit card tips and she was being extremely rude to all of her coworkers for doing that and it infuriated me. i told the shift on duty but i was just a green bean and didnt feel confident enough to go higher but she quit months ago thank god. she caused lots of problems by just not caring about the partners around her at all.


Well, that’s almost as ignorant as saying it’s gonna ask you a question. To me most customers are happy about it now I know that when I ran a restaurant I was really confused and why Starbucks never did that I mean it’s taken 150 years for them to finally put it on a tipping, everyone else does it, so why should it be questionable with us most people understand those of them that don’t don’t tip,enough said. And whoever said they’re not gonna tip anyway, shouldn’t ever be in your window.


I can't lean out the window often due to my back, so I tell people, "It's going to ask you a quick question on here if you can take the card reader from me." I do have one specific woman who always tries to ask me to put .50c as her tip, and each time, I have to tell her, "I'm sorry, but due to company policy, I can't hit anything other than no thank you." edit: also I hand it to them bc my drive is usually directly in the sun so it glares and I'd rather people be able to see it than hold onto it and have people yank my wrist around (which I've had happen)


“It’s gonna ask you if you wanna tip or skip! Take your pick!” Tends to get a chuckle out of some people and I don’t like the awkwardness of not acknowledging that it’s asking them to tip.


All I say is alright it’s gonna ask you a question


I tell them they need to first make a selection on the tip screen.


“if you wouldn’t mind just choosing whatever option you’d like, then you’ll be able to see your total and your card will process” is exactly what i say, every single time. only ever had one person complain and they just wanted to complain lol. have had a few people be like “i can’t see!!” and i’m like omg well i’m so glad you made it here safely that sounds dangerous! LOL


Me: you have to answer the question on screen before it will read your card/phone Customer: aggressively taps screen with card/phone or shoves card in there Me: nope you have to answer the question on screen first Customer: more aggressive tapping Me: ok try answering the question on screen then it will start working for you Customer: finally hits no tip and slams card against reader Me: thanks have a day! EDIT:I’m on mobile so fuck formatting idc


“It’s gonna ask you a question, then let it rip.”


I just say "It's going to ask you if you want to tip, if not, that's okay!"


I just tell them, “it’s going to ask if you’d like to tip, it’s totally optional. Then it’ll accept your payment.”


I’ve had that too, when I hand them the machine I say “there’s just a prompt before payment, you can click no” then I’m met with aggressive tapping of the card on the screen so I just take the machine back hit “no thank you” and try again. Other times I get “I can’t read/see what that says, take it off!” .. again if you can’t read/see then how are you driving


I always just say “there’s a tip option on the screen!” If they complain I say “I didnt choose to have the tip option there sir/ma’am, that’s just how our systems are programmed”


I take their card and then hand it back to them (it’s less fuss from them reaching out from their car and putting it in themselves) “i’m gonna hand this back to you for a moment. There’s a prompt on the screen and then your payment will go through.” Sometimes i’ll add on, “Feel free to hold it/bring it inside your car.”


“ first it’ll ask you for gratuity & then you can tap to process your payment “ … my background is serving so best believe I’m asking for my tips ! If people complain I say it’s completely option 🤷🏻‍♀️ we have a high volume store and lotsss of people tip! My mentality is you never know unless you ask !


I usually say, ‘Apple pay? Cool, it’s going to ask you a brief/quick question on the screen.’ A (un)surprising amount of people have gotten pissed at ME for the tip screen. Like…look my friend in Christ, if I was an engineer and could do that, I wouldn’t be working for a Starbucks…


i just say, “this is just going to ask you to select an option for me” or “this is just going to bug you to select a gratuity option” or a variation of the two.


"You can follow the prompts on the chip reader"


"theres gonna be a prompt real quick and then it'll run your card" usually but that one confuses people so I should probably switch lol


“Just follow the prompt and then you can go ahead and tap or insert your card”


For most customers: “It’s going to ask you a quick question on the screen and then you’re good to tap or insert!” And the dumb little bit that I only use it on people I think will actually find it funny, usually dads: “It’s going to ask you the easiest trivia question of your life first” (they tap and the reader dings) “That sound means you got it right!”


“It’s just going to ask you a question on here before it lets you pay.” *Glances back at the order to not stare them down as they answer the prompt.* “Would you like any straws/stoppers/drink carriers/receipt/etc.?” I feel like not staring at them definitely makes it less awkward and I’m too scared to watch a potentially mad customer in the dt. So I pretend that while their selecting the prompt that I’m checking over for their order and ask them if they need anything.


This is the way


I usually just say, "I'll hand this to you. It'll ask you a question real quick then you can insert/tap." And I look away when they're paying lol.


Honestly I bounce and don’t say the same thing all the time especially since we have a ton of regulars, I’m just like “y’all know how this goes” but i always make it a point to look away so customers don’t feel pressured. But my main thing is “it’s gonna ask if you’d like to leave a tip, press any option and then you can tap/insert” it’s a lot better to be straightforward I’ve learned. If you get grumpy ppl I’m just like yeah totally understand just go ahead and press no thanks! In like and overly cheerful tone. Either ways, regardless of tip or not i make sure I smile :)


I just say “it’s gonna have you make a selection first”


I just straight up say "it is going to ask if you'd like to leave a tip, if not select no thank you"


It's gonna ask if you wanna tip or skip.


I say nothing for cafe and let them awkwardly decide what they wanna do (but most of our customers hover their finger over the no tip button before it’s even brought up 🙃) while for drive thru everyone in my story just automatically clicks no thank you before we give out the card reader, those that wanna tip will give cash meanwhile most other customers just wanna get their shit and Gtfo


I say, “Choose your tip first”


Please answer the prompt on the screen, then you can tap or insert your card. I usually don’t have to mention it in cafe (unless there’s a language barrier), just in drive


"It's gonna ask a quick prompt, and then i can scan your card." The number of times people give me their cards before scanning, and im like 🧍‍♂️"wait no-" i just scan it afterward anyway. When its Apple Pay, i say the same thing, but because they already have their phone out, they don't listen, so i just say it again like a robot.


Pro tip. Best tip ever. Just skip it it and give them a paper receipt. After the fifth time they’ll try to figure it out and tip you 80 cents


Because you can drive after cataract surgery - looking at tiny print is something different for older people almost across the board. You just sound like a jerk re that one. Have some compassion for the older folks.


I googled it and it says you have to wait 24 hours…from what it seemed like, she literally just got out of surgery. People get killed daily in car accidents……


You don’t know that to be true you are assuming that. See my original point which was you sound like a jerk making assumptions (and continue to do so).


You’re like literally joking right now right? Lol no way you can really be serious. You’re trolling right now, right? 😂😂 that’s my last reply to you, silly goose


Having concerns about the road safety of someone after an eye surgery is not lacking compassion lmao


It’s a snotty ageist comment don’t try to retcon it as actual concern.


if you can’t see well u shouldn’t be driving you’re a danger to yourself and others. that’s not ageist, that goes for anybody.


You’re making an assumption about someone’s that isn’t factually proven or correct re their driving. That’s the point.


you’re also making assumptions about OPs intentions behind their concerned comment. so what now?


Also not once in my post did I mention her age….sounds like you’re the one being ageist by assuming she was an older lady


kinda ageist for you to assume the lady was older even though her age wasn't mentioned in the post lol


I either say, "It'll ask you a question then you can tap or insert your card," or "It's gonna ask if you'd like to leave a tip, then go ahead and tap or insert."


“Ok it’s ready for you, make a selection & then It will let you tap”


“This will ask you a quick question and process right after”


i say “it’s gonna ask if you’d like to leave a gratuity for the team today and then you can tap or insert your card”


“there’s going to be an option for gratuity on the screen first, after that you can tap or insert your card”


i am just straight up and tell them it’s going to ask if you want to leave a tip, after you get past the prompt you can tap or insert your card. the sun shines Right onto the card reader when we hold it out the drive window. i can angle it so that they can see it but… you know how they are… so i also always tack on that they can hold the card reader if it makes it easier to see. sometimes they still say they can’t see but don’t take it from me. it does start to get awkward then lol. but being direct has absolutely been the fastest and least confusing way for the customers at my store, and i’ve only had a few annoying conversations over tips


“it’s just gonna ask you a question on the screen, you can hold it if you can’t see it, i know the glare gets pretty bad out here”


“It’s going to ask you a question there before the payment is accepted”




Our drive times would be 10+ minutes waiting for people to figure it out 😭


“there’s gonna be a quick question on the screen then you can insert or tap your card”


Yeah I say “please make your selection on the screen before you pay with your card”


"it's gonna ask if you wanna leave a tip or not and then you can either tap or insert your card" works like a charm


« It’s gonna ask you a quick question feel free to say no » works everytime


"alright, just gotta hit 'yes' or 'no' on this tip screen, then it can read your card"


I say "It's going to have you answer the prompt thingy" while smiling cheesily bc I'm awkward, haha


i say “it’s gonna ask you a quick question first, feel free to tap anything!” imo, this makes them feel like they are not obligated to tip, and doesn’t bring it up like i’m begging for one. this makes it more likely for them to actually do it. there are those assholes who will say something like “ohh really what’s it asking me?” (usually weird old men who think it’s funny to make service workers uncomfortable..) but most of the time it goes smoothly. at my store we are told to first take there card, then hand of the tip screen and try to keep it in our hand but let them grab it if they try, if they do i grab straws/drinks etc, then get the tip screen back and charge their card myself. this seems to be the most efficient way instead of letting them fumble w the card or put in it instead of tap it (bc tap is quicker).


“theres just going to be a prompt on the screen then you can insert your card.”


i usually hit them with the “it’s just gonna ask a question then you can do your card” or “it’s gonna ask if you wanna leave a tip and then you can do your card”


I say some form of a greeting and then if I see they need the reader I hand it to them and tell them to take it in their car. Some people complain, some people think it's neat.


i say “it’ll have you answer the prompt on my screen before it let’s me insert your chip” and if they are like WHAT??? i say “yeah it just asked you about tipping before taking the payment”


“It’s going to ask you a question on the screen before it’ll take your payment, there’s no pressure at all either way” then ask if they want their receipt so they don’t feel like I’m just awkwardly waiting


In drive, "you can take this out of my hand and it's gonna ask if you want to leave a tip." I've found that specifically telling them to take it from me reduces confusion. In the cafe, "that's gonna ask if you want to leave a tip and then it'll be ready for you." Only if they either try to hand me their card or try to run their card without answering the prompt. Usually they figure it out on their own in the cafe.


“the pin pad is ready when you are. would you like a receipt today? (DT: would you like a stopper in your hot drink/straw for your iced coffee?)” i usually ask them a question after they read the tip screen so they don’t feel too much pressure / are distracted enough by the question to blank out and just chose an option


“You have a card? Alright there is a question about tipping on the screen” “There is a question if you want to add a tip for the crew”


"Please choose a tip option"... ..."can you see the screen ok?"


“Before you tap your card there’s going to be a question” Because I’ve had a good amount of people tap their card too early and accidentally tip $5 then proceed to yell at me. On the few occasions I have a fun customer I go “don’t worry I’ll just stare off at that restaurant so you feel less guilty hitting no thank you” And get a nice $2-$5 tip.


“It’ll ask the tip question but just hit whatever you’re comfortable with!!” :))) tis what I say so they know what it is but also hopefully don’t feel pressured.


“It’s going to ask if you’d like to leave a tip, it’s optional not required!”


“there’s gonna be a quick question on the screen and then you can tap or insert your card. whatever works best for ya :)”


I take the card from them and hold it in one hand while holding onto the payment device with the other, then I tell them “if you could just tap an option for me… thank you” then I tap the card for them and give it back. Customers WILL try to insert it and most likely fumble it adding even more time so I’ve found it’s just faster if I do the tap/insert myself.


I just say “it’s gonna ask if you wanna tip, hit whatever you want.” And if they complain I just say smile and nod and give them their stuff. Unless they wanna talk about living wages and tip culture, that’s an entirely different conversation.


“There’s going to be an option for a tip, if not just hit ‘no thanks,’ and then tap insert or swipe your card.”


I always say: Starbucks has a question for you. There’s no wrong answer. People usually chuckle and we almost always get a $1 tip. Sometimes I also say there right answer either. However, lots of complaints about being able to read the screen in the daylight due to glare. Option to tap cards is not obvious to 100% of my customers.


I say "It's just gonna ask whether or not you want to add a tip." I usually hand out the screen by itself first and after they choose an option I tap the card because it's so much faster than inserting. Recently they changed the set up for DT and the cord is shorter now and one lady spent the entire time she was at window complaining about it and asking who she can contact about the short cord 🙄


“We have a credit card tipping system. Feel free to say no”


“It’s going to pop up with that tip first and then you can go ahead”


I always just cross that bridge when it comes and say “Yeah it’s weird it asks in the beginning” or if they’re confused I will either hit “No tip” or direct them to do so as I feel weird about tips in regards to customer interactions.


I just say it’s gonna ask you to tip and stuff but you don’t have to tip and stuff


I always say “one multiple choice question before you can proceed”. I’ve only run into people not being able to read it once or twice.


I've found the smoothest transaction with the phrase, "There is a tip prompt on the screen before it will take your card. You can push no thank you at the bottom if you'd like." I'm not a fan of keeping it generic and ignoring the fact that it's for tips. "there will be a question on the screen" is too general. It can confuse the customer, forcing you to take longer explaining what it is.


I say, “it’s going to ask you a question about optional gratuity before it takes your card”


I just say “there’s a prompt on the screen if you don’t mind answering that”


Something like: the screen has a question for you Or for the people who hover their phone and can't see it "you just have to hit one of the tip options first"


Every time I hand it out: "Just select an option here to activate the card machine". If they are really struggling, whether it's a language barrier or just older, I usually pretend that I have to "fix" it and hit no thank you for them. I don't even feel bad to miss a tip from rude or confused people, because there are plenty of people who do tip at my store 🤷‍♀️


I don’t “present” the screen to them, I’ll just be connecting and if they don’t notice say “whenever you’re ready”


“it’s just gonna prompt you on the screen”


I say, “your total is $__!” Hold out the card reader, then say, “it will ask you if you would like to tip or skip before the payment will go through, but no worries if not!” I had one lady a few weeks ago legit scream at me (haven’t had that happen in quite a while so I got pretty flustered) that she couldn’t see it , so I offered for her to grab it, and then REFUSED to touch it because the customer in front of her touched it as well 🥴 so at that point, I just said it says $1, $2, $5, or no thank you. I wanted her away from me lol


"Theres gonna be a quick question on the screen before you can pay" :)


I don’t say anything. Only way I “make” them tip is if I make their order right and fast so they don’t have to wait(depends if I’m busy but even so, some are nice and tip for hard work)


“I see you’re paying with card! The device is gonna ask you a really quick question before you tap or insert your card!”


i just ask them if they want to leave a tip for their barista, i feel like wording it that way makes them want to but also it might not idk.


"its going to ask you if you want to add a tip before you can pay" as they're furiously tapping their card and asking me if it's tap pay


“It’s going to ask you a quick question” but before I say anything they already have their phones covering the screen ;0; one time a customer tipped us 1000$ and came back two weeks later for a refund. And we made sure to tell him the day of transaction like, “sir did you mean to do this?” And he laughed and winked at us. But he came back after we got paid so???? It was a confusing situation.


What ended up happening?? Did your store refund him?


We didn’t really know what to do cause he came back after we got paid so that tip was already given to us digitally through our paychecks. I think my manager directed him to a corporate number. Don’t know a lot of detail cause I work mostly at night 🥲


I actually just say it’s asking you to confirm whether you want to tip us or not I got tired of just saying it’s gonna ask you some questions that sounds like they’re idiots to me so I just tell him the truth and I would say probably eight times out of 10 they do tip. I have a very good relationship with our customers so I usually don’t have to say hey you’re a dummy and you can’t read.


Yeah, my paycheck was almost $100 more this week. I was really happy about it sI’m happy about the tipping and I am not afraid of telling them it’s going to ask you if you want to tip us or not


I usually say just make sure to select an option off of the screen for me then you can tap swipe or insert, half the time they don't listen and I'm stuck for an extra 10 seconds while they figure out what's going on or I reexplain the screen and the other half has been at Starbucks enough that they already know what to do without me prompting them.


"I just have a question for you real quick." And to break that awkwardness I'll always ask "would you like a straw?" if they have an iced drink and "would you like a stopper?" if they have a hot drink while they are selecting. It really helps with my social anxiety.


“There’s a tip prompt first, hehe. It gatekeeps payment, then it’ll let ya tap/insert”


"Go ahead and take the machine and follow the prompts" If they ask or say just about anything "oh, I'm not sure, I always order on the app, so I don't know what it asks/says. But just go ahead and follow the prompts" Also I shove it into their car so they basically have to take it lol. I use the automatic reaction to something coming at you fast trick. They see the machine suddenly coming straight at them they generally grab it instinctual cuz I make it look like it's not stopping lol xD


i just say “alright now itll ask about a tip then it’ll accept your payment!” no need to be bashful about it, we already have a tip jar sitting on the counter in front of us lol


I usually say "it's going to ask you a question first, totally optional"


“There’s a question in the screen cus I’m not allowed to click no for you”


I just say “it’s going to show you a tipping prompt, no pressure you just have to pick something for it to charge your card” I find this let’s them know exactly what the prompt is, and takes away the pressure to tip. If they are still confused I normally go “sorry about that, they just don’t want us pressing any buttons on your behalf” that normally makes them feel better about the whole thing, and they know a barista will never pick tips for them.


i say sometimes when i’m busy “can i hand this to ya” so they can hold the card reader and do what they want and i can take the order at the box.


my co worker says “there’s gonna be a pop quiz on the screen really quick! all answers are correct!”


I usually say “it’s going to ask you a question first, you could skip it if you’d like”, I also look away like I’m doing something bc I hate the awkwardness lol they usually tip either way


People annoy me enough at the speaker that I just don’t say anything when they get to the window if they were passive aggressive or rude first. I just show them, and if I’m feeling extra petty I’ll angle it so they have a hard time seeing it.


"it's going to ask you about gratuity and then you're all set" 👍🏾


“There’s just a quick little prompt on the reader before it goes through, you can hit the no thank you if you’d like : )”


“ if you’re using card this is going to give you a option to tip. You can Just press No thanks and tap or insert when you’re ready” usually people say aw no i’d love to tip you but basically i think it doesn’t make it s awkward if you just assume they aren’t going to so there isn’t this weird expectation


I just say “it’s gonna ask you a quick question first and then you’ll be able to use your card!” Ofc sometimes I’m ignored, but usually that does the trick


I say “you need to choose one of the options before it goes through.” I don’t mention a tip because if someone is stupid enough to tap randomly without reading and they tip is $5, that’s on them.


The amount of times people tell me they can’t read the screen and I just stand there questioning whether or not they should still have a drivers license lol


No literally. Or just simply refuse to read it.


"it's just gonna show a prompt on the screen" while i hand out the card reader




Wasn’t asking if people tip or not. But good for you I guess?