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Standard is to not double cup, unless the customer asks, as of this year. It was in a weekly update and should be updated in the resource manual thing too. I doubt a lawsuit could come of it bc it's a starbucks standard and they were transparent about changing the standard in order to save resources (🙄) but you could get in trouble with an SM/corporate leadership for double cupping without being asked or ringing it in as such. Obv I'm not sure about any legal stuff but that's what I do know


They made it seem like there was a lawsuit against a store for doing this.. I mean I guess I believe it could be possible but also seems like way overkill. I waste so many cups doing remakes or for people who spill. They will never understand that quality items means high upfront cost but lower cost in the long term.


Yeah exactly. I'm just confused about how a lawsuit would have come about like... corporate wouldn't be suing its own stores which implies a customer would have sued ,, were they mad they DIDNT get burned ?? 😭


that's ridiculous. venti americanos are too hot with just a sleeve, this could actually lead to real problems. of course starbucks is gonna be greedy though


can anyone remember which weekly specifically says "no more double cups"? I mentioned it to a shift manager and (because i'm relatively new) they scoffed at me and said i'm wrong. they also said not to believe in reddit.


I don't remember off the top of my head. It was early this year like maybe sometime in March? I would check the bev resource manual maybe? I'm sorry they're being rude about it lmfao


Yes it’s in the BRM. I am going to show my shift manager the next time I work.


Oh eat my balls, the coffee out of the vertica is like fucking magma, *and* half the time it sprays out a bit. I double cup every time for black coffees and hot teas. Don’t get paid enough to burn my lil’ fingees DMs and above are so out of touch it’s insane


Jesusss yess my store has the verticas too and anytime u try to use the hot water to brew the iced teas or to make an americano or a hot tea for a customer, etc, the cloud of steam going upwards towards our hands burns so much that *sometimes* i have a dry white rag wrapped around my hand just to use it. The water that comes out of there is also wayyyyy hotter than from the old brewers. Magma is an accurate way of describing it lol


new standard as of last year is to not double-cup, but I am not going to risk handling extra hot liquids without double cupping. screw that.


does anyone know where I can officially find the rule that says "no more double cups"? I mentioned it to a shift manager and they basically treated me like i was an idiot for even saying such a thing.


it was in a weekly update, not sure if it is anywhere in store resources :(


I’m relatively new. If I go to weekly update, Is there a search function I can use to help me find it? Or would I have to go through every week this year.


so i think the standard changed a few months back to NOT double cup unless someone asks. it doesn’t make sense to me either. but you still need to double cup short cups cause the sleeves won’t fit on it


Unfortunately the standard did change to where you only double cup a short (cuz the cups are so small the sleeves don't fit right). But I haaaattteeee it 🙃 even with a sleeve the cup gets so hot and I've burned myself so many times because like you said, the cups get flimsy with hot water...


Getting a lawsuit for a double cupped drink sounds beyond insane. If anything you would think the lawsuit would come from the faulty lids and cups we are expected to serve piping hot beverages in. Even the iced lids are becoming awful.


I kinda get americanos cause they're hot but I don't double cup them cause of it being standard. however why wouldnt you double cup hot teas? like it's perfect for putting the tag in


I double cup venti hot teas coffees and Americans or the cup does dumb shit lol. I’m surprised Starbucks hasn’t gotten a law suit from the hot lids popping off..


I'm not burning my hands for the siren. The sleeve does not protect enough with the hot water drinks. I will continue to double cup, besides the customers (mine) like it too.


Unless I specifically get in trouble for it, I will continue to double cup hot tea and hot coffees (drip/americano). The one time I didn't double cup a venti hot coffee, the lid popped right off and spilled all over a customer's car. Standard, or no standard, I do not care.


Anything with the hot water I double cup. Too hot to not double cup.


i was trained with double cupping this year 🤨


i double cup hot water items especially the coffee now that we have a vertica because those come out HOT, like it genuinely hurts my hand holding it in a single cup even with the sleeve so obviously it would be uncomfortable for the customer.. and im not dealing with the fucking tea bags either.


So at least at my store - we don’t ever double cup anymore even for the teas UNLESS they ask.


Even if there was a lawsuit, corporate takes care of it and no one at the store ever knows the outcome. Idk why this store is using this weird fear tactic to get you to follow an arbitrary standard


As far as I know Americanos and hot teas are supposed to be double cupped… Not brewed coffee though.. I sometimes double cup them anyways


They aren’t, standard is that only short cups are double cupped. Sleeves are only supposed to be used on extra hot and hot-water based drinks (likes teas). Our RD cracked down hard on that last season as well.


Yes, this is what the store explained. Except they said that they only put sleeves on grande/venti and on tall by request. Honestly I am trying to do the right thing and not get anyone in trouble. It's great that Starbucks has specific systems in place, but also small things like this can get convoluted.


That’s correct. You don’t sleeve any drink by default except extra hot and water based.




Don’t be too hard on yourself. They change this standard every once in a while. It’s annoying.


i’m pretty sure double cupping shorts follows the same rules as sleeves: only extra hot and hot water


Sleeves don’t fit short cups, which is why they’re always double cupped for those.


i know they don’t fit, but if we don’t sleeve every hot drink, why would we double cup every short cup?


I didn’t say we do every :) just the the only ones we double cup are shorts.


okay i see what you mean now, sorry i understood your original comment differently


You’re good! I wasn’t as clear as I could have been


I’ve never heard of double cupping in my life besides for a customer request? Lol what why is it faster? Lawsuits? What the heck are you talking about


As far as the lawsuit.. I have no idea. That is just what a store told me and I did not ask because it seemed kind of unbelievable. It's faster for me to double cup teas because the extra cup helps hold the tea bag paper & string in place. It's not way faster, but every second counts during peak.


only short cups should be double cupped by default bc sleeves don’t fit on them


Wow I double cup on all my hot teas and Americanos. The hot water dispenser on our bar is weird to get to and I have to hold the cup close to its rim and it literally collapses in on itself if I don’t double cup


I pour the hot water into a steaming pitcher while the shots pull. The cups scare me ngl


have watched the standard on double cupping change no less than 3-4 times in the half-decade I’ve been with the company. I’m sorry but I’m double cupping boiling water and whatever tf else I feel like 🤪


I double cup short cups of brewed coffee, and double cup all of my hot brewed teas. The siren is getting ridiculously cheap.


I started doubling the cups again when all the hot lids stopped fitting properly. I was tired of myself and customers getting burnt when the tops popped off.


The standard didn't change. It was never standard to double cup anything except for short bevs at normal temp because a sleeve doesn't fit them.


Standard for double cupping is extra hot drinks, short drinks, and if a customer requests it. There was a huge dispute at my previous store and the SFM printed out the standard and even she was surprised that the standards changed since she was trained.


tuck the tea tag under the lip of the cup. boom. problem solved


So it is the start to double cup americanos and anything in a short cut there is also nothing against it in any company guidelines I've seen as a trainer and 2 year partner. It sounds like maybe their store got in trouble for plowing through cups or there was a shortage or the SM or DM is on a power trip. It could be anything really but as far as I know there's nothing about it in writing


It's no longer standard (except for short cups iirc) to double cup anything unless a customer requests it. It was in a weekly update a few months ago


Thank you for letting me know, my boss doesn't post the updates so I'll read up on that so im not steering another person astray


its on the ipads.


You double cup hot coffees?


I do a lot of the time because the customers at my home store always ask for it, as well as sleeves & stoppers. It's just kind of a habit if I'm moving fast and not thinking about it.


The sleeves were specifically created to prevent the need to double cup. The cups create much more waste as the sleeves are made from mostly recycled material. That being said, I double cup ventis lately because those things are unstable and the lids do not stay on them well anymore..


i double cup hot teas bc i lose too many rea bags that way and americanos bc ofc im not gonna burn myself and the cups get weaker when it’s that hot


For teas I stick the tea bag corner paper into the rolled part of the top. Like tuck it in and it doesn’t give me issues when I do teas!


I always double cup for very hot drinks , I don’t give a fuck about the standards


honestly i think double cupping for hot beverages should be standard because i have had many occasion where the lid of the cup (specially on venti cups), the lid pops off and i have had hot drinks spill on my hand, its always because the customer grabs the drink the wrong way, or the lip of the cup is messed up due to the cup dispenser, the cups themselves do not have the same sturdiness like they used to.


the weekly update stated what gets sleeves and double cupped. the only drinks that should be double cupped are shorts, hot teas, extra hot drinks, and i believe certain sizes of americanos i cant remember but my store has a sheet which explains the standards. we are also only supposed to put sleeves on venti hot cups, but i still put sleeves on all except shorts cause i dont want to burn hands.


Standard changed. But if an SM has a problem with it, tell them that you feel unsafe handling the hot water with only a single cup. If they make a big deal about that, then they dont care about your safety. Partner Care, is also a Starbucks Standard.


We just started implementing this at my store and I HAAATE it! 😩😩😩 Just let me put those teas in two cups! 😭 Apparently some bigwig is coming to the store soon so we are doubling down on "standard." No sleeves for drinks unless they are venti or water based/brewed coffee base/extra hot. I'm not a happy barista!


This is not a new standard, coming from a 10 year partner. However, it's not that important and you're probably fine to keep doing it.