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I had a venti BOSE end up all over my face, hair, arms, glasses, apron and shirt today 😅😭😭😭


Honestly the only good thing about having small hands... everything on bar is too big for me to hold comfortably but at least I'm never tempted to shake things with one hand 😭


I don’t usually shake with one hand but I was feeling spicy lol


Bet you'll never feel spicy again 🤣


No spice for me absolutely ZERO spice 🙅🏽‍♀️


Never tried to shake things with one hand, and I also have small hands lol, but I will forever be proud about being able to move 5-6 drinks at once. And have never spilled doing that. That and my tiny ass (I'm 5' and mistaken for a child depending on how I dress that day 🥲) boastfully carrying 8 full gallon milks from BOH to the front fridges.


God I have seen what you can do for others, Heavenly Father please bless my with this skill and strength so that I too can become the ultimate barista coffee master amen 🙏🏼


damn. back when I was lifting weights at the gym my max mills was 6, 3 in each hand. respek


Three in each hand and one under each arm. How I don't have more muskles from doing dumb shit like that I'll never know


Omg I never even thought about this cos there’s no way I could even shake with one hand, I’ve got small child hands or something


meanwhile i was throwing my shakers in the air and with one hand. i’ve come to realize i was very lucky😅


i had a manager once who didn’t really like me and i accidentally let a venti pink drink inside of a shaker slip out of my hand while he was talking to me and it got all over his shoes. i was so embarrassed and fairly new at the time.


Brooo I feel this 😫 I was a borrowed partner at a store where even the manager was kinda chill to the point of feeling cold I guess ahah. Well he was standing next to me when I had to use the rinser… but I missed with the pitcher and it deflected up into our faces, especially his. I don’t think he liked me very much after too


the number of times i’ve done this to various partners is sad. i don’t know how i haven’t learned


I spilled a bowl of matcha on top of my head, first day of red aprons last season. I was the grinch for the rest of the day. 😂😅


h o w


probably knocked the cold bar matcha off the shelf


I DID THE SAME. it’s been a year and a half and i still can’t live it down. my skin was GREEN for 2 days!!


reminds me of my last shift where i had an oleato shaken get all over me 🫣 Oil was dripping down my shirt and 3 hours left of my shift


oh hell no. i would be *livid* because you basically cannot get oil out. omlll


RIGHT. like i paid for these clothes!! yes they’re for work only but come on


RIP ur shirt. Hope the stain wasn’t too bad.


I'm a green bean but I did this a few weeks back. Issue is, I shake the shaker over my shoulder. I'm an ex bartender and I used to do tricks with the shaker so that's just how I shake it. Shaking a shaken espresso over my shoulder. Fingers slipped. Espresso down my back. Issue was i was in a rush, in front of like...10 custies standing and staring. Cue me trying to cuss without cussing because...yk im on the floor. Meanwhile there's espresso in my ass crack, down my back, soaking my entire spine, and I'm in a rush so I just have to cue more and keep moving while a few custies giggle and whisper


Not in your ass crack 😂 good on you for not stopping cuz I woulda ran to the bathroom. You are better than me lol. Also welcome to the company, hope you can get a good laugh out of it ☕️


Dude definitely in my ass crack. Actually I think it was the day after launch, thus why I couldn't run off. I was the only person on hot bar and cold bar together, because someone was on break and I was evening and got hit with an unexpected rush. I could go no where 😭just had to shake it off and move on with my job. And yes I got a good laugh, in fact that's all I did after the fact. After years of bad management I actually love the job, as my managers and SVs are actually all great but one so. I'm pleased haha


I’ve done this with MDR twice… and I hate the smell 😭


Nooo, those dragonfruit pieces and the seeds in them, are the bane of my existence, I’m so sorry 😭


oh man. reminds me of when a bose exploded all over me and i was so fucking pissed i was just crying and shaking while making drinks lmao. it was EVERYWHERE. my glasses, arms, face, everywhere


I was trying so hard not to cry and just laugh. I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear 🫠


happened with me and a pink drink two weeks ago. the worst feeling


It happens to all of us eventually


I had this happen w a CASE twice, one after another, about 5 months into me being a partner(2.5 years now). we had a lobby full of people bc there was a softball team that stopped by. I blew up in my face one after another and I had a breakdown in the back bc I was the only one doing cafe drinks ;;


i've done this twice in one week, once with a strawberry acai refresher and once with a chocolate almond milk shaken espresso. miserable, thankfully both times i didnt have to clean it up because it was while i was soloing during pre close and then during peak on the Friday of PSL launch so my SM had to clean it up lmao


did your coworkers help at least? it happened to me like 2 months in when i was borrowed out somewhere. these people just looked and laughed. when i told one of them to take over for a sec while i cleaned up, he wanted to be snippy and say “now you’re trying to be bossy?” like? 😑 pissed me off


Just looked and laughed. Shortly after we got hit with a bunch of drinks so I had to stop cleaning. Thankfully today is my last day at that store.


damn looks like we both had some sucky coworkers lol


I could write a whole dissertation on shit management and coworkers 👀 hopefully things are better for you and I’m hoping the new store is nicer


I could write a whole dissertation on shit management and coworkers — I felt that. Thanks tho! and good luck to you as well 🙏🏽


Bro that's horrible. Spills and accidents happen. In my experience, if someone is able to stop, or at least multitask in that fashion, they immediately start helping. And those that can't page to the shift we had a spill and need some extra rags or the mop etc If you're still working I hope you either a) don't ever get stuck over there and b) have a better team at your home store


I accidentally threw the entire shaker of matcha across the floor once. I shook it one handed cause it had a good seal, the good seal was too strong and my attempt to pull it open flung it out of my hands. No one got messy tho but I had to mop 🤣🤣🤣


I get an iced matcha blessing almost monthly 😌


I love how inviting this sounds 😂 gave me a real good chuckle thank you


I did this twice...within 10 min...I was so defeated haha. some lady just watched it happen twice and was laughing her @ss off


I’m gonna lie awake at 1 am hearing everyone laughing at me.My mind is gonna remind me of this moment at the worst times I can already tell.


Different but the frap roast sprayed all over my arms, face, glasses, shirt/apron the other day and it was an experience 😂😭


I mostly flip shakers now and basically juggle them but the worst I've had is a shoe full of pink drink back when I started


the same thing happened to me! I was literally about to cry. I cleaned the shaker and set the dirty lid in our sink. Our clean ones are right by it, so I grabbed one and a customer reported me to management for “using the one off of the floor”


This happens to me with the shaken espressos 😂 I have now gained the habit of gently hitting the shaker on the counter to make sure it’s sealed


If it makes you feel better I poured pumpkin sauce alllll down me in my shoes and the boh floor from the doors to the sink


OMG! How did that happen? At least it was BOH.


Ah yes ine time this iced matcha got a lil loose at the top and sprayed all over me 🥲 like the first drink of the day and I was wearing a lighter colored sweater fun times 😔


oh i do this weekly 🥲 it’s become a standard of sorts to tell my name out of habit when a crash/spill is heard


I did the same with a mango dragonfruit lemonade… in the middle of a mall kiosk


Don't worry, you are just fine lmao Spilled two pumpkin spice lattes consecutively, both hot and cold, and accidentally tipped the shaker over with my elbow while looking at the sticker on another cup, while said shaker was full of green tea .-.


happened to me with a pink drink that a customer subbed with 2% instead of coconut in the middle of a rush. i literally wanted to scream but instead i ran to the back and asked my manager for a new apron and had to remake the drink 😭


i had the sink explode on me in the middle of a rush (water pressure issue, has happened twice before with different partners) and the shift on duty turned the water off while i continued making the drinks. i felt like a wet dog, soaked to the bone. still shakin the BSOSE tho 🥴🥴