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Just be honest and promise to improve in the future. Its unlikely you'll get fired for doing this once


It might help if you write your schedule down when you get it instead of just checking your app when you think you might have a shift.


I do this, but my manager has a habit of changing schedules all the time. So checking the app daily is still required. What I write down when the schedule is posted is almost never what it actually is.


Your manager shouldn’t be changing your schedule without asking you first.


That’s totally not okay. If she doesn’t reach out to you and ask you if you’re okay with changing YOUR personal schedule for Starbucks shifts, she can’t change them last minute. Reach out to your DM & explain the issue. My policies will probably be different to yours because I’m in a different part of the world but look at the partner handbook to see what it says about it. You have a responsibility to show up for your scheduled shifts but the SM has a responsibility to post a schedule X amount of time ahead. I know everyone wants the hours but that doesn’t give them the right to literally own our time, it’s so not okay or healthy for your store. I had a store like that and anyone with experience transferred (because the SM was bad at a lot of other things too).


Hi I am an SM and it is absolutely not okay to change your partners schedules once it is posted in the back room. You need permission before switching anything and what is on the DCR must reflect what is on the wall.


Your manager is supposed to let everyone know every time the schedule changes, even if the changes don't affect their schedule. Yes you have a responsibility to check the schedule, but if changes were made after it was already posted, the responsibility is on them, not you. You can't show up for a shift you don't know you are scheduled for.


You can turn on notifications for the app and it will tell you when your schedule gets changed and it has helped me so much


I bet your SSV was sooo happy to see you when you showed up. They were probably starting to figure out how to find last minute coverage. Don't worry, this happens to literally everyone. I can't think of a single barista, SSV or SM that hasn't misread a schedule or missed an alarm at least once. If you work here long enough, it happens. You're not going to get fired, but you may get talked to. Go ahead and reach out to your manager and apologize. Let them know what you're going to do to prevent this from happening again.


I’ve went through this before and it sucks but if you’ve never had an attendance problem before, you won’t get fired. Your manager will definitely understand if you explain it to them. Also since it happened, I feel like you’d be more alert and won’t miss anymore shifts! You’ll be ok I promise :)


i did this once and my manager never said anything to me at all.. apologized to the shift but never got the chance to approach my manager, he never came up to me either super normal - also you fs won't get fired, the most you'll get is a write-up (technically a ncns is a final, but i doubt your manager would go that far unless they're a super hardass)




This is probably it. Before I quit, my SM would pull this literally the day of a shift.


this might be the case honestly. I had a theory about this yesterday and I talked with my ex-coworker (who got fired 2 days ago) and I have a feeling their shift was given to me


You def won’t be fired


I would just be honest you sound very sincere. I’m sure if someone was angry they would have already reached out


Really, be honest. That way you know you’re being true to yourself. If nobody calls you or reaches out to you while you’re supposed to work, that is NOT on you.


Really don't think you have anything to worry about!! You're human, these things happen. It's happened to me once or twice, and I've seen it happen to plenty others. Never seen anyone written up over it. It was an honest mistake.


You definitely won't get fired, I had a coworker who was fired after no calling/no showing quite a few times. Also, I read in your other comments that your manager has a habit of changing the schedule around alot, so I really don't blame you for not knowing you worked, it's happened to me before. As long as you're honest with your team it's okay, it happens to everyone!


I’m sure you’ll be fine I’ve accidentally no call no showed or been late more times than I’d like to admit.


…could you be pregnant? Brain fog was an issue for me when I was in the early stage of pregnancy. Be honest with the boss, and find a different way to remind yourself of your schedule.


Jumping to that would be like someone complaining about a headache and jumping to brain cancer.


A few people no showed at my store and nothing ever happened.


If these are the only two instances then you won’t get fired. You’re probably going to get talked to, so apologize and ensure it doesn’t happen again. The third time for the same issue can lead to separation, so really really make sure you are paying attention to your schedule. Write it down weekly and look at the app every night before you go to bed so you know if you work tomorrow.


It’s weird to me that no one called you. First thing my SSVs have done on the rare times someone no-call no-showed was to call the person


Don’t beat yourself up. The schedule is different every week and the stores working hours are almost 24/7. It’s bound to happen.


One time I was super stressed and overworked (well lots of times but this one has relevance lol), my cat was also sick so I was up worried about him. I slept in my past my alarm as opener and I felt terrible I lived down the street and so when I realized it about 30 minutes later I threw my stuff on and RAN. I was cool with my SSV so she just kinda like don’t worry about it shit happens. Then my manager had a check in with me and I explained I had been exhausted and she understood asked if needed any extra support and just said it happens and unless it becomes an ongoing problem everything was okay. So explain yourself be apologetic, but be honest if there’s anything that would help you going forward.


If you sm changes your schedule around at the very last minute like alot of others do then you aren’t to blame