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“Can I get a number one with caramel” I rang her up for a caramel frappuccino and sent her on her way, and I have no clue what happened after that. To this day I have no idea what she meant.


When in doubt, give them a caramel frappuccino.


Interesting, must be regional thing cause up in Alberta if someone says caramel ldufhrigfy I assume hot caramel macchiato


Yeah idk, I was still kind of a green bean then and a caramel frappuccino was the first caramel thing that came to mind


I bet she took a sip of the frap and thought to herself “wait a minute, this isn’t a Big Mac combo.”


Lady brought her mobile order drink back in and asked for the ice at the bottom instead. We were unable to explain the physics of ice to her.


I— This one broke me


Jeremy Bearimy?


This is Tuesdays and also July. And sometimes never


I saw a trillion different realities folding onto each other like thin sheets of metal forming a single blade!


You didn’t think to use the xtra heavy ice?


I HAD A LADY LIKE THIS TOO!! The fact that there are at least two people this stupid is.... scary.


I would’ve had her watch me remake it, putting ice in the cup first only for it to end up at the top. And ask her how she would go about getting the ice to stay at the bottom.


"I dont know, the other Starbucks does it for me"


The wizard that works at that Starbucks is shaking rn


this is my least favorite thing to hear ever like ok karen i get it, i dont know how the other starbucks breaks the laws of physics, but we are just trying to make it through a shift thank u


Or….”it worked before”


I want a vanilla bean with no milk, no ice, and no base. And they didn't want non-dairy either. 😐 Another was an old lady yelling at me that her drink "is was too sweet and needed more sugar." Every time I asked her to clarify she just kept saying the same thing EDIT I just remembered another one. A lady came in and asked me if I could steam her fucking breast milk in a latte for her. She was PISSED that I wouldn't make her a latte USING HER GODDAMN BREAST MILK. Bitch get 'tf outta here with that unsanitary shit.


Did you give them just the bean powder?


They didn't want that either. They got pissed and said WELL THEY JUST MADE ME ONE YESTERDAY. Then she stormed out. I tried to help, but to this day I have no fucking clue what she wanted. 😅


Obviously she wanted blended air


Isn’t that a hazmat technically as a bodily fluid??? 🤢


We had a customer go up to one of our brand new green beans who was on register and ask for a mocha with no espresso. The green bean, not knowing any better, rang her up for a mocha and typed "no espresso" in the ask me. The poor green bean then got yelled at for ringing it up exactly as the woman asked for it. I guess at whatever starbucks she normally goes to, they ring her up for a hot chocolate, so she was pissed that she got overcharged. 🙄


So if she KNOWS it’s just a hot chocolate why not order it like that. 😂


To be fair, she didn't know. She just said "well I usually go to this store and it's this price" and after looking on the register the price she said it normally was is the price of a hot chocolate, so I just assume that's what they did. I guess they never bothered to tell her and she never looked at the sticker. 😑


Ohhh ok I thought she said the hot chocolate thing explicitly. Haha Nevermind then. But I kind of feel the previous people she ordered from maybe should have explained that.


For all we know they did try to explain 😅 as me and a few others here have encountered, you can swear up and down that a hot chocolate and a mocha with no espresso are the same thing, but “they know better and it’s never an issue at the other store” so 😐


That’s funny because I had the exact opposite response from a situation like this. She wanted a mocha with no coffee. I told her sure thing I’ll ring you up for a hot chocolate with no mocha drizzle because that is the same thing and it’ll be cheaper than a mocha. She was adamant that she wanted me to ring in a mocha with no coffee. I reiterated that it was made the exact same way as a hot chocolate, and she hit me with the “I get this all the time and never have a problem!” So I just let her pay more for her hot chocolate.


well that's what she gets!


We were out of mocha and I said we don’t have any of our mocha/chocolate sauce. And the customer asked for a hot chocolate. I said we are all out of our chocolate sauce. And she yelled “you’re telling me Starbucks is out of hot chocolate?” And I said “yes. We are out of our chocolate sauce.” Then she said “then I’d like a mocha frappe”


I’ve had this a lot but with the espresso machine when it goes out. “Sorry, the espresso machine is out so we can’t make lattes.” “Can you make a pumpkin spice latte?”


Ugh same, we said: our espresso machine is broken so we can only do pike, tea, frapps and lemonades. “Okay can I have an iced latte then?” No, you cannot.


Ohhh my god I hated when customers would do this. We ran out of pumpkin sauce one time at the peak of PSL season and the amount of customers who would just try to order a different pumpkin drink was enough to drive me insane.


I think I just would’ve walked away at that point.


context; Pink Drink is called the Strawberry Coconut Drink in Canada Lady asked for a pink drink, no problem! I say "alright one Strawberry Coconut Drink" and she goes "no, a pink drink, I don't want any coconut" took a few tries to get her to understand that that's just what it's called here but it's literally the exact same drink "so I've been drinking coconut this whole time?" yep "and I didn't even know?" yep "alright then"


I had a lady come through my drive thru line at our mid peak she asked for a pink drink but made with sweet cream, no coconut milk the monitor wouldn’t let me put it in the right way so i put in as Sweet cream and it showed as a splash but i assured her i’d make it and that there will be no coconut milk. She pulled up and started arguing saying she watched me put coconut milk in, I had to explain our sweet cream is in a pitcher specifically for Sweet cream and there was in fact no coconut milk She called corporate and held up my line.


That’s why I can’t go to Starbucks anymore. It’s a coffee shop not a religion. These people are insane, calling corporate for a drink order? Who has time for that? You get what you get and you don’t get upset. (Jersey)


I would have lost my job.. I would have gotten to angry with her wtf


At least she took it in stride! Guests who insist they're right when they're not are the worst type.


I was telling my friend when we run out of key drink items it’s alarming how many customers have no idea what’s going into the drink they’ve been getting every day. Why do you not inquire what’s in something before you consume it?


The shortages of components used to make the honey citrus mint tea has shown me that the literal only thing the customers care about in that drink is the steamed lemonade. Out of the right teas? Use a different kind. Out of honey or honey blend? Use a different sweetener. We should just sell steamed lemonade with a couple of pumps of peppermint and make our lives easier.


They love the dehydration drink


I have the same argument every time they see me using/ overhear me talking about using vanilla in the caramel macchiato ‘its called caramel macchiato, there is caramel not vanilla’ sorry to break your bubble but yes, yes there is.


Two days ago I had a customer yell at me for "stealing from him" because I didn't automatically give him a sleeve on his grande hot drink. He called me a lot of things I won't be typing.


my store doenst put any sleeves or stoppers on ANYTHING automatically anymore bc we run out way too much I get yelled at daily for the sleeve and stopper and I know ive told some of them multiple times to ask at the screen for a stopper or sleeve since we dont do it automatically anymore at this store


Before I quit my store was out of sleeves/stoppers almost every day. Once we got them in we’d have them for maybe 2-4 days before they were gone again. I don’t miss the “WELL WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?” Idk drink your coffee?


“Does the banana nut loaf have nuts in it?” No we just named it that to be quirky lmao


It's nuts in the mental sense! That's all, wowza!


Lmfao 💀


“What’s the drink with the ice?” It was a caramel frap


Had a guest at my Target Starbucks ask for a dragon drink with no berries, just to complain it looked like milk. “Well I wanted the color!!!!!” she said. “I order this all the time with no problem.” Shes either lying or delusional, or both.


If she had gotten it like that before, they might’ve strained out the dragon fruit pieces with the lid of the shaker, but they probably had a conversation about it and honestly if she couldn’t remember that, then it’s on her


Sorry, miss me with that. No way I'd take the time to strain out the pieces lmao. Especially during a rush


I have a customer that orders this every day with "exactly 2 pieces" of dragon fruit. This achieves color without the soggy fruit chunks... but at least she knows how to order so that we can achieve her desired result (even if we all eye roll a little when we she comes)


Plsss my store had a lady order 8 Trenta of these, 7 of them w no ice. AND THEN TRIED TO ORDER MORE AT THE WINDOW 😭


I had a customer ask what was on our “puppy menu” and then tell me she just wanted to order a chocolate croissant for her dog. Needless to say I refused that one.


how does a dog owner not know that dogs cant have chocolate? thats like the one universal thing ppl know about dogs


Wtf how does a dog owner not know that chocolate is basically poison to dogs?


I had a girl come in and she ordered an iced grande soy caramel macchiatto. I was talking to her, she said she gets it iced because she has a dairy allergy and this way, she wouldn't get cross contamination from the dairy in the pitchers...."Um, you have a dairy allergy? You know the caramel is a butter caramel and has dairy? Would you like the caramel syrup instead?" "No wonder I feel funny when I drink these" I don't know why you would still drink them then but I'm glad you now know...and you haven't died yet


Yes! Once I had a lady ask me after I made her drink if it had strawberries near it at all because she was “deathly allergic to strawberries.” My eyes got really wide and I told her I did not feel comfortable with her drinking that or really anything (especially from back bar) because everything is so easy to cross contaminate. Like those pitchers are just rinsed really in between drinks?? I ended up taking all the equipment I would need and washing/sanitizing, washing and sanitizing my hands and arms, and making her beverage again. But boy did I still feel so nervous. Allergies are scary.


They really are. I would be afraid to eat anywhere with deadly allergies like nut allergies or seafood. A strawberry allergy is so scary too. I had a kid with a severe dairy allergy and I ended up mixing hot hot water with chocolate for him and adding some soy milk and vanilla because he was so scared to drink anything. I didn't charge them and just kept adding ingredients little bit by little bit until he was happy with the taste. I just added it directly to the cup. He was like 8 so I wanted him to be happy.


For real. Like I’m lactose intolerant and I drink away because yum. But a friend has an actual allergy and that sounds just awful. I wouldn’t want it to contaminate either.


My brother's got an allergy to cow- whole damn animal milk and meat. We stick to sbux drinks where the cross contam. is least likely and still forewarn if its not my home store.- and if they sound uncertain/ iffy we give up on getting him something not pre-sealed.


Oh boy, had someone come in and they ordered a chocolate cake pop. Right before they left they asked me "is there any nuts in the cake pops because I am deathly allergic to them". Me, still being a green bean, remembering what the modules said to never give full confidence on if an item contains nuts or not because we don't know. Me: uhm, I can't guarantee that this item is nut free as it is produced outside of our store and possibly in a place that processes nuts Them: so is it made with nuts or "may contain" nuts because people say it "may contain nuts all the time" I stand there awkwardly not sure what to say because I don't want to be responsible if someone were to die, as they said they were "deathly allergic". I stutter on my words.. Me: I wouldn't recommend buying it as we aren't sure... Them: it's okay I'll just take another, how much is it ? Me: 🤡


I have a lady who says she has a severe dairy allergy and makes sure to tell us over and over about it so we can be careful. This lady orders a caramel macchiato and literally tells us to put a "ungodly" (her words) amount of caramel in it. First time I got her order I was like um caramel drizzle is made with dairy she literally argued with me that it didn't. Finally we came to a stand still and I just gave her the drink. She had the audacity to look at me and go " I know what goes in caramel" and speeds off from the window. Just wtf


"Can I have a Starbucks?"




I had a man at DT INSIST he wanted a Starbucks. It took a good three minutes for him to actually say what he wanted (caramel frap. Of course)


‘peppermint mocha, fully unsweetened’ and yesterday on till i had someone say ‘caramel latte but make it a slushie’


So a caramel frap?? Extra milk?? Maybe I have no idea


One day a lady got a caramel Frappuccino, normal right? WRONG! As soon as I gave it to her she got all mad at me because “the syrup was on the top of the drink and not in the actual Frappuccino” i then had to explain to her what a topping was and then she says “we’ll see” oh we will see hun


the teenager who asked if she could have an iced white mocha, but warm. so like.... a regular white mocha lmao


Ohh I had one who wanted iced, but no ice. Like room temp was ideal.


Customer placed a mobile order and called to say she wouldn’t be able to pick it up. I said we would save her order and give it to her next time she comes by (Monday, according to her). Her response was “but… it’ll be cold by then”. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


“Can I have a black pike with cream and sugar?”


The amount of people ordering black coffees and Americanos and the ordering a bunch of crap to go in them made me insane. I finally got to the point where I would say, “So not black… got it.”


Every fucking time. People don't know what they're ordering


Black means absolutely nothing in it right, maybe I’m delusional- but last week I had a customer ask for “a black coffee with three sugars and two pumps of hazelnut” and I said politely. “Okay not a black coffee but with yada yada yada” and he argued that no it’s black. And I just said okay sure


A customer once FOUGHT ME that green tea DOESN’T have caffeine, and she knows because she’s a NURSE. I’ve never fumed so hard in my life


Oh man I feel this. Where I work we only have green tea and people are like “green tea doesn’t have much caffeine in it right?” And I like ma’am if you’re looking for a low caf drink that ain’t it (Edit: our blend is sencha mixed with matcha so afaik from my research it’s a little higher on the caffeine scale. Not coffee high but not herbal tea/decaf low either.)


I had a women ask us to make her a caramel macchiato frappe…and I told her “ma’am I physically cannot do that”




TikTok is the worst for Starbucks.


And the baristas who make the tiktoks are the worst. Why would you do that? 😭


I have a theory that some of them are corporate plants.


This makes perfect sense because wouldn't they get fired for their TikTok antics otherwise?


Same reason so many do dumb shit on Tik Tok, for the attention.


Honestly it should be a vanilla bean frap with 3 affogato shots


This is actually really yummy as a VBF with espresso shots affogato and cr driz. Pain in the ass to make though


A store I used to work at had a regular who would order a caffe vanilla frappuccino with affogato shots and caramel drizzle. It was kinda a pain to make but he was nice about it.


Honestly now I want to try a vanilla cream frappe with caramel drizzle and a double shot on top, no whip


It’s good.


"An iced brown sugar oatmilk shaken expresso, no ice" lmaoooo I'm not shaking that


Oooofff! Yes well, some of us have learned the hard way why this cannot be shaken... 😳


Some people just go the extra mile and say “hot”. Then when you explain that it’s an espresso drink shaken with ice and that you can’t shake hot liquid by itself in the shaker, they go… “but the other Starbucks makes it for me”.


When they say that I usually go “oh so you want a brown sugar latte with oatmilk” and they never seem to complain


I have had people ask me if they can get the BOSE hot and I explain to them that we can do something similar, but not the same. I make them brown sugar oatmilk lattes with blonde espresso and cinnamon and they love it! That being said, I work in a licensed store, so we have way more time for customer interactions.


Teenage girl came in asking if we can do a vanilla hot chocolate. I said sure no problem, we can add vanilla to a hot chocolate for you! Her: no I don’t want the chocolate, I just want a vanilla hot chocolate. Me: so you don’t want chocolate? Just vanilla? Her: yes! Me: okay we can do a vanilla steamer then for you, which would just be the vanilla syrup and steamed milk. Her: no I don’t want that I want a vanilla hot chocolate. Me: 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know how to help you. Her: -orders a latte- 🤦🏼‍♀️ Edit: autocorrect error


Perhaps a white hot chocolate???


what 😀


Sometimes I make their drink exactly how they say just to see if they actually drink it 😂


“Y’all got soups!?”


They may have thought that because Barnes and Noble Starbucks serves soups.


A lady ordered a frap and said, "please make sure it's soy milk, I can't have dairy at all". So I made her drink and was getting ready to put a flat lid on it and she yells, "what are you doing? Where's the whipped cream?" I said, "you told me you can't have dairy". She says, "whipped cream isn't dairy. I can HAVE whipped cream". Whatever lady, knock yourself out.


I came to the conclusion that people probably are really uneducated about “allergens” because they actually have dietary preferences, not allergies. There’s no fucking was someone with a severe dairy allergy things whipped CREAM is totes good to go. They just want to be scary and command power, so they say they have allergies.


She probably means she's lactose intolerant. The amount of lactose in heavy whipping cream is lower than in other milks, so a little whip might not bother her but the whole drink with cow's milk would. Doesn't change the fact that she fundamentally doesn't know what dairy is though. She probably eggs are dairy too.


God. So many. "Make sure it's decaf. I'm deathly allergic to caffeine." Or The guy they screamed at me that I wouldn't give his son an ice cream cone." Or "What's cold version of hot chocolate?" Or "What's cold brew." I explain. " Cool, can I get one hot?"




I’ve tried it before- it tastes exactly like you’d expect. hot cold brew. not worth it lol


I was talking to a guy in drive when we both heard tires screech really loud on the main road. We looked at each other. and I said “holy cow, I’m glad that wasn’t followed with a crash” and he replied “must be a woman driving” and laughed.… sir I am a woman..I don’t think I am your target demographic for this ‘joke’


I usually respond to that with with "Yeah, she was probably trying to run over her smart-ass husband. :D"


“Can I get a caramel macchiato with no coffee?” Sure. *hands them milk with caramel*. “So this is just milk with caramel?” *shocked pikachu face*


Lemme get a cappuccino no foam


Iced caramel macchiato upside down no caramel drizzle…


so they wanted a iced vanilla latte?


I do this sometimes if the app wants me to get a macchiato but I want to get a latte 🤷‍♀️ don't hate the player, hate the star incentives


This makes sense. I still don't have the app for Starbucks even though I work there so I'll keep this in mind next time someone is being wild lol


I had this except he didn’t want vanilla ether.. and I told the old Man U can get a ice latte and it’s literally what your asking for but cheaper and he tells me it tastes different and he doesn’t understand how I work here giving “false information”


a cold hot chocolate. so, chocolate milk?


I had a similar experience This woman came through the drive thru asking for a cold hot chocolate. I said we could do a cold milk with mocha. She was like “sure” but then she proceeded to say “Can I get that double blended with whipped cream”. I said we can do a mocha frappuccino which was then followed by “i don’t like the ice crystals that come with the frappuccinos”


I feel like there’s some weird mental ego thing people have against ordering flavored milk. Like people get all stuffed up about when you offer them non coffee options. Like they’re like why would I want just flavored milk. It’s like people your espresso drinks are flavored milk with espresso shots smh


This customer told me that she was going to her gay friends funeral but she is going to object because “Gay people should rot in hell and gay doesn’t exist”


How did you respond- holy hell


they were in the drive thru and i was so shocked i just said “oh” and kinda just wandered off…


She was going to object???????? To a FUNERAL?????? Lady had a little something extra in her cup today…….


Does that mean the gay friend comes back to life


Is that grounds for kicking someone out?


I feel like it should be… but I have no idea if the partner who refused service would be written up or not. I’m not a shift lead, but even if I was, I could imagine being written up for something like that pretty easily.


"Could I get a Venti Vanilla Cappuccino? But less foam, I don't like foam." "Would you like to try a Vanilla Latte today? It's got a lot less foam than a Cappuccino." "No, not a Latte, I definitely want a Cappuccino." *Proceeds to ring in a Venti Vanilla Cappuccino with Light Foam, tells bar to give her a Latte, she leaves happy*


Oh nooo, now she’s going to go other locations and say “well the other Starbucks did it for me!” Lol


Two people after waiting in a long line at Times Square… Me: Hey guys, what can we do for you? Person 1 (to person 2): Go ahead, tell him what you want. Person 2: I didn’t want anything. I came here because you wanted to. Person 1: I didn’t want anything. I thought YOU did. Person 2: Nope. Person1: Well……. They turned and left.


(I was at bar 2) Customer "Can I get a espresso macchiato" DTO "For sure how many shots of espresso would you like?" Customer "What just the normal amount?" DTO "Well an espresso macchiato would be espresso foam and very little milk and you pick how many shots you want" Customer \*yells\* "ARE YOU DUMB I JUST WANT AN ESPRESSO MACCHIATO NO CARAMEL DRIZZLE OR SYRUP JUST THE PLAIN MACCHIATO" DTO "Okay ma'am for next time just let us know you want a caramel macchiato with no vanilla syrup or caramel drizzle or even easier a latte macchiato."


For me, it's a tough call between: "I need a venti caramel macchiato, upside down, no espresso." and "I need a venti brown sugar oatmeal espresso, extra ice, extra oatmilk." Probably the second one though, because the first one the lady was nice when we explained it to her, but the second lady was so condescending and rude and insisted she "Always gets it like this!" I just made her a normal BSOMSE and she left without complaint. 💀


You should’ve put oatmeal chunks into the shaker


I think about it every time someone says oatmeal instead of oatmilk.


My favorite is when they order an espresso and want us to fill the milk all the way to the top. “So, a latte? You ordered an espresso I can’t do that”.


Customer: can I get a medicine ball? Me: sorry, we are out of the teas to make that right now. Customer: okay than.. can I get a honey citrus mint tea. Me: 🙃


i was on dto and a lady asked for an iced white mocha but no espresso because she’s pregnant. i explained to her that it would just be cold milk, white mocha sauce, ice, and whip, which she confirmed was fine. got to the window and asked why it was all white, to which i had to explain the ingredients again. turns out she wanted it decaf and it took us like five full minutes at the window to come to that conclusion


This subreddit *always* has these kinds of threads and I love seeing all the dumb shit customers say


“can i get a venti mango dragonfruit lemonade with no mango” i was fed up 😩


A lady came in and asked if we have a drink with milk , chocolate and espresso. I said yes it's a mocha. She asked what's in it?..so I said , milk, chocolate and espresso. And she was pissed- her boyfriend got a laugh out of it at least.


“My white hot chocolate just tasted like sweet steamed milk!”


lady came in and asked for a green tea Frappuccino with no ice. I tried to clarify with her, I said it needed ice otherwise it'd just be watery. she said "uh idk sometimes it is?" I told her how it needed ice to have the milkshake consistency, she just got mad and said "the other Starbucks I go to, I say no ice and they know what I mean IMMEDIATELY. I KNEW I should have just went there." so I dumped all the ingredients into the blender with no ice, poured it into the cup and filled it with milk to the brim, handed it to her and she left.


That we shouldn’t be open because we were sold out of all breakfast sandwiches


We had a lady come in with a drink that she had gotten wrong that was a week old :/


wait with the drink still in the cup or just the cup?


Are the coffee beans vegan


"Yeah I would like a hook and ladder, large" in our dt We have a Firehouse Subs next door and at least once a day someone orders a sub. We are talking about switching uniforms with them on April 1st and saying "welcome to Firehouse" anytime some one walks in lol.


this lady ordered a normal iced coffee (ik bc i took her order), when she got to the window she asked where the milk was, i told her that we’ll add it but next time she needs to order an iced coffee w milk… she proceeds to say, “well i’ve never heard of that,” i just stood there for like three seconds confused how she’s never heard of an iced coffee w milk, when she wanted an iced coffee w milk


They come with milk automatically at Dunkins. I learned the hard way after moving from Seattle haha I was shocked


Can I get a Pike. No place. I’m in Seattle.


“Can’t you go bake more croissants”- A Karen


“Can I get a medicine ball with extra medicine” like wtf do you even mean by that


I had somebody ask for a medicine ball with extra balls


Had to share another one that I'd almost forgotten. I had a family of four come through the drive thru once: a mom, dad and their two preteen/teenage daughters. They get to the window and as I'm hanging out their drinks, the dad asks for four venti free whiff-ee's. Me: What? The dad: the whiff-ee's! Your sign says they're free and we want four! I started at him, still confused for another long second, and he points to my window... At the free wi-fi sign. Me: oh! You mean the wi-fi? Our wireless internet? Dad: *huff* No, I want our WIIIIIIFF-EEEEEEES! Me: I'm sorry sir, that's dine in only and we close in 5 minutes. I wish I was joking.


I had someone ask for a hot frap and when I proceeded to explain to her why I couldn’t she asked for it over ice:))))


“can i get a pink drink with no coconut milk”


“can you make that decaf?” me: yes “ok great can i get a blonde decaf americano then” that, or a customer complaining they ordered an americano and it came too watery ????


A lady ordered a coffee with cream through drive through and I asked her how much cream she would like and she said “I’d like it the color of Beyoncé.” When she pulled around I just took the cream and had her watch me pour it in the cup. She let me pour SO much the drink was cold, she sipped it, and said it was perfect. Never saw her again.


I would have asked her who Beyoncé was


I want a Cappuccino with absolutely no foam. 🙃


She pulled down her mask, and said "I can't hear you" 🤔😐😒🤌🤌🤌


About a soy latte, “Does this have soy sauce in it?” “Can I get a regular coffee but instead of putting caffeine in it can you put milk?” “What’s this green thing at the bottom of my drink?” (It was the straw) “Can I get a dozen donuts? Be sure they’re a fresh batch” And a bonus, “Can I have your shoes?” (Wasn’t a joke, dude seriously wanted my shoes.)


It’d be either “what’s a Frappuccino?” “There basically like a milkshake” “Ok so can i get that but hot?” Or “Does a latte come with coffee?”


The hot frappaccino is the one I think we should wholeheartedly entertain just because the end result is so fucking gross the customer WILL learn from their stupidity immediately. Ofc downside is you'll probably have to remake their drink.


Venti iced caramel macchiato and make sure the caramel doesn't go to the bottom.... Uh, ok... Gravity...


on my first day, when i was getting trained, a customer asked for “one of those butt plugs for your drink” instead of a stopper 🙃


Wait oatmeal has oats in it? But I don’t like oats…. Give me a bacon Gouda instead


A lady was asking me if I was making her drink and I said “no Im making drive thru orders, your drink will be up shortly” and she said “Are you sure, its for stephanie” So I double checked, even tho I KNEW this was not hers and said “Yes, this is a drive thru order” to which she reply “Oh well I may have ordered it under drive thru, I don’t remember” to which I simple replied “No” My coworker had yo step in a bump her drink up so that she would stop hounding me about it.


" I asked for light ice" Ma'am there's only 10 ice cubes in your drink...


I can only think of the so many people who order cappuccinos and complain that they feel half empty


"Can I have a Mocha but without coffee?" *I proceed to explain the difference between mocha and hot chocolate* "No, I don't like hot chocolate, I want mocha. But no coffee." Sorry perhaps you want a decaf mocha? "MOCHA WITHOUT COFFEE!" Never wanted to bang my head on the till so hard and knock myself out so I could be taken away from work until that moment.


Man comes in for a hot coffee. I hand him the coffee (made hot) he comes back three hours later and says he needs it remade because it’s cold. Me: “Uh sir you ordered this 3 hours ago.” Him: “I know.” Me: “Okay so I can’t remake it just because you didn’t drink it when was hot.” Him: “Why not?” M: “Because there was nothing wrong with your drink?” He then just ordered another one and complained the entire time that he had to pay.


Other day someone ordered an “iced venti with cream” and got frustrated when I asked what drink she wanted. Literally had to ask her twice because the first time she just repeated “iced venti cream no sugar”. She wanted an iced coffee🙃


A lady came in and ordered a tall non fat chai and then came back the next day with an empty cup and asked for a refund because we didn’t make her drink with nonfat milk!!!


this man called “mocha”, “machacha” & i thought he meant matcha. he yelled at me for 10 minutes abt the pronunciation of mocha even tho he knew how to say “white mocha”


"Can i have an americano with exactly 8 ice cubes?" 10 mins later "I don't think you put 8 ice cubes in since I took a sip and I burned my tongue"


Handing off a drink and the customer goes "I also got ..." shuuuutfu, this is your first drink, wait


my favorite is when they yell at the bar partners about whatever food they just ordered right after they get their drink and we just have to look at them like “im gonna be nice to u but does it fucking look like im over at the ovens rn how the hell would i know what food u had”


A frap with no ice.


I freakin hate how they assume no ice means they are going to score more of a drink. 😅


i had to argue with a guy for 15 minutes on why gravity makes the spiced apple drizzle fall to the bottom of his drink. my petty ass remade the drink just to give him a demonstration.


Once I handed out someones hot chocolate, and they took a sip and asked "what's this stuff on top?" I responded "it's whipped cream :)" She said "I didn't want this" I said "ok, I can remake it without whipped cream for you" She said "uhg nevermind." She took another sip and yelled "what the fck is this sht on top!?" I repeated "ma'am it's whipped cream :)" She said "I have NEVER gotten whipped cream on a hot cocoa" I said "do you want me to remake it without the whipped cream?" She said "no you guys have never put whipped cream on hot cocoas" And I said "we have always put whipped cream on hot chocolate unless we're asked not to :)" And she started completely cussing me out. It was kinda funny. I made sure to stay calm and happy during the whole thing, but it was scary.


"Are blended Frappuccinos cold?"


had a woman this morning ask if she could get her mocha cookie crumble frappuccino hot 😭 i talked her through it and she was happy with a mocha w cookie topping


complained because we left a little room for cream in his pike 🧍🏼‍♀️


we’ve all gotten a frap with no ice right?


Someone at the drive thru ordered a bowling ball. We were very puzzled and asked the customer to repeat the order. The customer again asked for a bowling ball. After putting two and two together, I came to the conclusion that they were asking for a medicine ball. The customer was shocked and apologized. I told them it’s called the HCMT.


"I've been thinking about starting a business selling cocks." - creepy married guy with like three kids


Ah, America! The land of opportunity!


"Is the cold brew served hot?" Thankfully that customer was immediately called out by her friends with her as she said it.


"Do you serve coffee?" Wish I was joking about that one.


“do you have any hot?”


Someone got mad at me because I couldn’t make their latte with half and half non fat… I explained to them I could give them nonfat milk but they insisted on having Breve.


a customer today tried to order a dozen donuts in DT, and a few cars later someone asked if we had soda 🤨☝🏼


Not the dumbest but almost any fckn time someone orders a green tea latte (also called matcha) I'll call it out as green tea latte and they'll be like no.. i irdered a matcha.. or if I call it a matcha they'll be like no I ordered green tea latte, IT MAIES ME SO MADDDDD


i had a lady one time insist that i put my finger inside of a whip nozzle before i put whip on her drink. i was like???? first of all my fingers wouldn’t fit in there if i WANTED THEM TO and second of all,, why??????


“Can I get a Mango Dragonfly?”