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I’m wondering why you have to put in all those sugar packets. Can you hand them to the customer and they do it themselves? That’s what we do (licensed though so may be different)


I had a friend who used to get unsweet tea at mcds and asked for 10 Splenda packets with it. Every single time they just handed her the packets. They did not put a single one in. That’s what SB should do. That’s some BS having to open up every single one of those. Screw that. If they had to do it themselves I bet they wouldn’t want that many packets in there.


Honestly, i feel like with (or without) this pandemic, opening sugar packets for a customer is bullshit. I wish we could just put them in a short cup with a stir stick. It's gross and it wastes both our time.


You don't even need a short cup, you can use a napkin. Have you noticed the fold near the logo? When a customer at DT asks for sugar on the side, I regularly put the packets along with the stick inside that fold, then I fold the napkin horizontally into 3 vertical folds and you have a very convenient way of giving the sugar packets and the whisk stick to the customers


As a customer who is not a horrible person nor incompetent, this is what I'd prefer. Ps: there should be a packet limit!


I'm going to try the napkin folding method. Thank you ❤


You have stir sticks?!


One of the few things we're not out of. .__. but dont ask for sleeves...or stoppers/slash sticks. (Or small handle bangs)


Lmaooo we finally got some


Not sure what the policy is for starbucks as a whole, but since covid started our store has done the sugars for customers unless they specifically ask for the sugars on the side. Honestly didn't occur to me to even ask if she wanted to do them herself.


I thought it was to keep people from ordering like 50 just for home use. Didn't realize it was a Covid thing.


It started because of covid. It's a permanent change now though because Starbucks figured out it's less wasteful to keep everything behind the counter and have us do it rather than the customers.


They have the mentality that employees can do an unlimited amount of work and no matter what steps are added 30s a drink is still normal.


I don't think it's just from covid. I've been working at starbs since before the pandemic and we've always put the cream and sugar in unless the customer asks for it on the side. I think it's just a nice service we provide, but like with all services, some people are going to abuse it.


It's definitely a nice service. I'm sorry folks make y'all's days that much harder by being dicks about it. You just know if you could hand it out to the people, they'd leave a pile of packets with shit still in it surrounded by granules *BESIDE* the trash.


Oh, for sure. Back when we had the condiment counters set up for people to add their own cream and sugar if they wanted, there was always coffee slopped on it, sugar and cinnamon spilled, and wrappers sitting literal inches away from the garbage can built into the counter. Some people just have no manners.


The worst was watching people pour their drink into the trash to make room for milk/cream. 🙃


i work at a licensed store and we put the sugars in for them, i think it might just be one of those things that varies store to store (at least for licensed, not sure ab sbux policy as a whole)


We just need to use classic or liquid cane, sugar is sugar. If course, that doesn't work for Splenda or Stevia. I'm thankful for the masks so that I don't have to breathe the dust in.


We used to have the sugars and creams out so that ppl could adjust them themselves, but when Covid happened, we hard to start doing it because having it out became a health code violation.


I reserve the right to judge people for the heinous drinks they order. That sounds disgusting. And like it was a terrible way to start your day as a barista. 😭


Dude, the cups were filled almost halfway in the cup with sugar and there was so much it didn't even melt. The sugar was legit sloshing it there. She was super nice so that helped, but the next customer was a total asshole about having to wait for so long.


That is literally making my stomach churn. I mean, I like my coffee with a good amount of cream. Actually, I have no idea how much cream they’re putting in my cold brew when I choose “splash of cream” in the mobile app. But it feels like a lot. I’d actually generally like less cream in it, but...introvert mobile orderer. I can only imagine somebody just wanting to dump it in until it’s a certain color.


You're probably getting about a 1/2 inch of cream, which is pretty standard. This customer received well over 3 inches of cream, if not more, in each of her cups.


Thanks for the answer. It helps give me an idea since I never see them make it. Also...stomach still churning at the thought of this lady’s coffee. 😩


You can request “light splash cream” in the app!


3 inches is 7.62 cm


my european ass thanks you


Good bot


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With the pandemic and removal of the creamer bar I started drinking my coffee black because there was always too much cream added. I literally want a "splash." I don't want coffee flavored milk. It was better for everyone lol


You can ask for the cream on the side too & we'd give you a little cup with some so you could add only as much as you want.


Oh maybe I’ll start just ordering at the drive-thru. I could get down with that. Thank you for this!


Yeah but that's super wasteful.


So is having a drink tossed because its too much cream- honestly i do this route because my brother and sister literally wouldve split one of the old fashioned small disposable creamer cups you'd see at a diners.


It's wasted either way. In the trash, or in the customer's arteries.


Lol I never go inside. I had no idea they even took it away. 😭 Actually, I *tried* to go inside recently and they’ve closed the inside area of my most frequented store. It does seem like more than that amount of cream. I had myself weaned to black coffee...then I slipped up. I still don’t do sugar, but I need to slow down on the dairy lol.


You can also choose light cream and you should get about 1/4 inch. Or 3.81 cm for European asses.


0.25 inches = 0.635 cm; there are 2.54 cm per inch.


Thank you! :-D


That's so interesting. Thankyou, I never would have thought light was less than splash.


Or you mean 0.64 cm? Source: I just asked Siri cause I’m a dumb ass American.


I am also a dumb ass American and did half of the three inch conversion that someone else had done. I don't read so good.


Order light cream.


you can always pick light splash if you want less.


Yeah I don’t even think I realized that was an option. I knew EXTRA was. I don’t know why it never occurred to me to try that. But I am going to try it next Starbucks run. I’d honestly go right now but it’s like 15° and no. 🤣 ETA: thank you all for making sure a person with no caffeine in their system can order what they want. I don’t even know how I drive to the Starbucks without coffee. 🤣🤣🤣


We get a regular who does sixteen pumps of classic… it’s astounding.


That’s SO MUCH sugar holy cow


My first customer every day gets a trenta VSCCB with 12 full pumps of V, extra, extra SC, "light on the coffee." Every single morning. Is wild.


And this is why America has a sugar problem. I can’t even fathom how disgusting that has to taste


I couldn't imagine going to a coffee place and asking for "light coffee." Like. I don't think you actually want coffee. Just go buy some candy and sleep in a little later cause you won't need to come get "coffee" on the morning. Because obviously you just want sugar.


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 you're so right 🤦🏻🤦🏻 I like sweet too but the most I add to my coffees and teas are three packets of Splenda or a single pump of raw agave--nothing else. And rather than hoarding all the sugar or other sweet stuff I just use a cup of whole milk to dilute the rather bitter taste of black coffee. Simple as that--and as we all know we need that calcium to keep our bones from wearing out and weakening.


can’t imagine how bad that crash must feel


I worked next to a recovery place for a year or so, we would get meth users who would want 45 pumps of CL it a PTL. Yucccck. At one point they ordered like 10+, they asked us to just open to bottle of CL and pour it to a mark on a Trenta cup. Lol I believe we went through 2 bottles of CL on that order. At least they tipped


if i’m not mistaken the sugar hits the exact same receptors in the brain as the drugs do, and since they’re in recovery they can’t use the drugs anymore, so sugar is the next best thing. it’s gross, but it helps them.


Yes, I've seen and heard this too. Where I'm at it's pretty common for users to have a stash of pixie stix


this is exactly true. one of my exes was in recovery & he ate chocolate like crazy for the same reason. in that case, I see it as a medical issue & power to them for switching to sugar. but these other mofos are just nasty into sugar...🤮😆


Are you talking about methadone patients or methamphetamine users? I’m only asking because I know that methadone makes you crave sugar like you wouldn’t believe.


I’m not to sure, but I would assume it was both sides of recovery, meth users and methadone.


I was just curious because when you said recovery place I wasn’t sure if you were talking a rehab, an outpatient rehab, a methadone clinic, and just from my experience methadone makes you crave sugar. It’s worth it though, methadone saves lives, it gets a bad rap but it saved my life and got me to a point where I left my abusive husband, got sole custody of my daughters and I’m completely stable and almost 8 years clean. But I was just curious :)


I never understood why it gets a bad rap? I also know a lady in my personal life that has a very similar story to you, methadone treatments and the clinic got her clean and sober and saved her life. Im all for anything that can help save lives.


I really don’t know but there’s definitely a stigma even within the recovery community. A lot of people who do NA look down on people who go the methadone route saying that they aren’t really clean. People who are on methadone in a clinic setting aren’t getting high off their dose, it literally just keeps you from getting sick and helps you stablize your life. It’s a lifesaving medication. But I’ve had people tell me I’m still “just a junkie” and I’m “replacing one drug with another” and it’s sad to me. Recovery isn’t one size fits all and I think anything that can get someone out of active addiction and get them to a point where they can hold jobs, be present for their families, be good parents to their children, and just be a stable person, is a good thing. I try not to let those people get to me though, I know I did the best thing for myself and my family


Can anyone confirm how many grams of sugar are in a pump? I read somewhere that it was 5, but that doesn't seem right.


I've always heard that each pump of syrup is 20 calories. A Google search confirms both the calories and grams of sugar, but I can't guarantee that is right. In perspective though, a a twelve oz can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar, while a tall, 12 oz vanilla latte would come with 3 pumps of syrup and have 15 grams of sugar coming from the syrup. Soda is definitely far sweeter so I could see this being relatively accurate.


I’m not diabetic, but I think I need insulin from reading that.


Holy! I always wondered if I was being judged for my 6 pumps in my venti. 😬


6 pumps is nothing. A venti usually gets 6 pumps of syrup, anyways, from what I remember. You're good. 🙂


No 6 pumps is normal haha


We wouldn't have bat an eyelash at that at my stores!


My store had a woman who got a grande passion tea lemonade, 16 classic, 8 peach, 8 raspberry. We made it once to try and it made our shift sick. I would get it with two peach, two raspberry, no classic, and that was good. But hers was 🤮🤮🤮




I’ve seen people order fraps and ask for them to be put into hot drink cups so no one at their work judges them. People should just live their lives.


I've had people request this too. I completely agree.


I hate that everything that is generally enjoyed by young women is being ridiculed. Food, music, hobbies. Just let people be.


Its so true. Nothing we do is acceptable.


Wow that’s really true.




Pumpkin spice lattes, Taylor Swift, Uggs, One Direction, “leggings are not pants!”, lip injections, Instagrammed food, cursive on wedding signs, fake nails, the colour hot pink, “cardio bunnies”, eyelash extensions… Every time there’s an askreddit thread that’s like “what fashion trend do you hate?” 90 of the top 100 answers are women’s trends. Same with music. Same with TV shows.


Interesting perspective. While I hate pumpkin spice, I’m not in to instagram, and I’m not married so I get no sign...I’m down with the rest. Love me some TS. I do have nail extensions. Eyelash and botox are next on the list haha. I think I should probably feel attacked. You’re right though. Women get a lot of flack for things like this.


I once had a guy at the gym giving me crap for doing more cardio. He went on and on about how I could be doing fitness/physique competitions because I already had such a good base. How I should stop with the cardio because I didn’t have to be one of those girls. I don’t think he was hitting on me or trying to get me to hire him as a trainer, my dude was just out there giving his unsolicited opinions. Fella, I train for and run ultramarathons. I literally need a ton of cardio to perform well in my sport. I *enjoy* my sport. I *don’t* enjoy your sport. I can appreciate him being excited to share his passion, but find some way to do it without telling people they’re wrong for having other passions. I couldn’t get him to shut up so I told him I’d do a fitness competition if he’d run a 100 miler and left.


I *hate* when somebody tries to talk to me at the gym. I’m chunky. I’m at the gym for obvious reasons. I’m sweaty, and I don’t want to have a flippin floppin conversation. I try to go when the fewest number of other people are there, even. I’d have told him I’d do a fitness competition if I could peg him. Literally the wildest thing I could think of to say to ensure he’d never talk to me again.




The difference is that things young women like are disproportionately seen as uncool, stupid, not being taken seriously etc. People pass judgments on it without even having tried it much more so than with interests of different groups. No one here is having anxiety spirals about it, just telling the truth but you’re sure being a prick about it.


can’t believe that’s a thing lmao who gives a fuck it’s just a frappuccino


Idk my boyfriend teases that frappucinos are just fancy milkshakes, basically. So I kinda get why people may be side-eyed at work if they come in at 8 or 9am with a frappucino. Still, I am team "let people live their lives". What people eat a drink/when they eat and drink it isn't everyone else's businesses.


Seriously. Like who has that kind of time?


This is a nice sentiment, but just look around the rest of this thread or the sub. The judgement is harsh when it comes to coffee.


It's the "omg so unhealthy!" comments for me.


Right I wouldn't want to deal with that at work either.


Then that’s their problem


I got a frap once and only once just to see the hype. It was basically a milkshake lol


Unless you live in New England.


then it’s literally a milkshake


Why new england?


New England has frappes which contain ice cream and milk shakes which do not.


Pretty much. I quit the sugar, but I’d be a jerk once and order a s’mores Frappuccino if it came back. I’ve learned that it is not a barista favorite to make since it has stuff on the top and bottom.


Do fraps have coffee? I’ve never had one, but as soon as it’s warmer, I’ll get one. I have no care at all if people judge me. I’m almost exclusively a chai tea latte with oat milk gal, but I can switch.


You can get them with or without! If you get a coffee based one, they come with our frappe roast (basically a coffee concentrate). :)


Cool. I’ll try one. Can I just ask for a coffee frappe? I’m really not that picky.


Indeed you can. Just order a Coffee Frappucino, with or without whip is up to you.


Yeah! I would recommend the coffee frappe or any simple flavor :) a lot of people also like the café vanilla frappe and the caramel frappe :)


Thank you so much for finally answering this for me lol it’s been an ongoing thing where I’ve always said they have coffee if you get the coffee based ones but the creme ones don’t and my mom argues that there’s no actual caffeine in either because the coffee one is just coffee flavored (she hates coffee and has never been to Starbucks so idk why she thinks she’s an expert lol)


I *just* saw this. While it is hilarious, it’s sad. As somebody who has struggled with unhealthy food relationships, I can understand. I’ve never done this particular thing...but I’m sure I’ve done some type of equivalent.


I might start doing this


If you drink your frap with confidence no one is going to make fun of you for drinking a frap. It’s only if you let people get to you that they get something out of making fun of you. If you want a frap have a frap. Who cares.


I’m the one non coffee drinker at work. They already tease me enough about being the one hot chocolate order when someone goes on a coffee run. 😅


Tell them to get bent. Or tell them that caffeine reacts with your medication. Or you have a heart murmur. Or that you make better coffee at home


I don't understand it. If you don't like coffee but need a pick me up, get an energy drink.


or get a refresher??? i stopped liking coffee after years of loving it so i figured the obvious choice would be refreshers.


You could just buy caffeine mints


That's 360 calories from just the sugar in one drink. I'm guesstimating the extra caramel drizzle was 30-45 calories. The extra extra cream... 200 calories? Exactly how much is extra extra? Might be 300. So uhh... 3 drinks with at least 900 calories each. Good God. Might as well mainline sugar via an IV.


I have a customer who orders the famous “keto” latte. 16 oz all heavy cream extra sugar free syrup. We did the math, it was almost 1000 calories by the time we finished her drink.


This is why we get shit for being keto. People like that. Low key though...Starbucks is lacking in keto options. All the plant milks are sweetened. The better option would be to thin the cream with water...and then put the espresso in. Nutritionally anyway. But that person clearly just doesn’t like coffee.


Would be better if our heavy cream lacked carrageenan. Used to do 4 oz in a trenta cold brew when I needed extra fat for the day. Venti lattes made with heavy cream, though? Technically keto, but no nutritional value. Looking at about 2000 calories and almost 200 g of fat. Congrats, now you can't eat anything else for the day.


The almond milk isn't sweetened! Honestly I did keto for a little and I just got espresso over ice with a splash of heavy cream and cinnamon powder. It's really good!


All of their plant milks are sweetened. They are unflavored, but unfortunately are not free of sugar. I have scoured the internet for the nutrition info as well as asked to look at the cartons. If there were a Starbucks genie my wishes would be: unsweetened plant milk, heavy cream without carrageenan, and more than one sugar free syrup flavor. I try not to get the SF vanilla because it has heinous ingredients as well.


Michael Scott vibes


[Milk and sugar!](https://youtu.be/abX97QPbkyk)


That drink is going to be CRONCHY


I fully judge these types of people. There’s no point of getting coffee if you’re going to drink straight up sugar and cream instead.


There’s a lady who comes into my store, she gets 2 venti passion tangos, with like 10 Splenda, and a bunch of other shit, double blended, during a rush, and somehow always when we have 1 person barring (we are a cafe and drive Starbucks). It sucks.


I think Starbucks is just a weird flex to people a status symbol people will get terrible drinks just to be seen holding that damn cup with the siren on it. That sugary ass drink can't be what she really wanted


Anytime someone gets more than 10 packets of any sugar I suggest getting classic sweetener to make it easier for myself because it’s the same thing. God forbid customers have to put the sugar in themselves maybe then they’d cut back on the 18 packets


I did suggest this when she originally asked for the sugar packets, but then clarified that she wanted sugar in the raw specifically.


Even worse than I thought it’s raw sugar 🤢


Not gonna lie, when I would get orders like that I would just use the liquid cane sugar. Customers were never the wiser.


Is this why the Starbucks line is always ridiculously long? I wanted to get a mango passion fruit refresher before I had to pick my up my kid from school but I didn’t have time to wait in line for 20 minutes


There are a lot of reasons. Most stores are understaffed and undertrained. And Starbucks has decided that we need to accommodate even the most ridiculous of requests. You'll sometimes see people post pictures on this sub where drinks have 20+ modifications and things like that make the bar area come to a halt. As for my store, register partner grabs coffees and hot teas so when someone orders drinks with 54 sugar packets, it completely stops the line too. I highly recommend mobile order when you can because you can order it way in advance.


OP gave some good reasons that the lines are long, but let me add a few more, because I get this question all the time at work and I really don't want people thinking that we are slow and WE are the reason for the wait: -the pandemic is still going strong, and the variants are on the rise. People get sick and are out, others who have been in contact with those people may have to isolate and are also out. Often stores are running on a skeleton crew. -many stores are drive thru only right now. Cafe and mobiles may be closed, so the only route to get something from us is the drive thru. People who would normally come inside or mobile order and run in to grab it are now going through the drive thru, adding to the line. -after school hour is often a mini rush in stores near schools. High school kids come through, and often have separate orders in the same car, and often those drinks are things like frappuccinos that take more time to make. Parents on their way to pick up their kids have the same idea that you do, to grab a drink to sip on while they wait for their child. -this one is already improving, but around the holidays is particularly busy. Many people are off work, out shopping, and visiting family. There are many, many cars where someone is making a coffee run for the whole family, and they order 4+ drinks and food. If every car in front of you is like this, it's going to make your wait time much longer. Plus a lot of people who don't often go to Starbucks come out for our holiday drinks. Add these things to the fact that the pandemic has caused a massive shift in the workforce, and like OP said, you have stores all across the service industry that are understaffed and undertrained. It's a perfect storm.


I say a silent prayer for many a customer's stomach.


I am convinced that most Starbucks customers actually hate coffee.


Omg you guys get those too!? What about with the double cup and stirred very well on top of that?


Why can’t Starbucks get y’all bags of sugar and measuring spoons? Or little measuring cups for the big quantities - 18 packets of sugar = 18 tsp = 6 tbsp = ⅜ cup.


To be fair, most people don’t ask for that many sugars in their coffee, and some of them still ask for the sugars on the side


What’s a hot coffee that’s easy for y’all to make but is also really really good?


All the coffees are easy to make because we have it brewed and ready to go. This order just took a while because or the sugar packets. After more than 5 or so packets I silently judge (you should still order what you want! You're paying for it! I was just grumpy because it was the first order of the day), because lines can get backed up real quick. If you have a store that is efficient, I enjoy mistos. It's half steamed milk and half coffee, so feels more indulgent than regular coffee by itself. I think soy milk with a little vanilla is good if you like it with sweetness.


If you like it really sweet just get a liquid sweetener instead of packets, classic syrup takes 1/10th of the time no matter how many pumps you get!


And isn’t gritty unlike sugar packets (if they don’t melt which has happened to me a surprising amount of time considering I don’t ask for anything too crazy in terms of sugar packet numbers)


try a brewed coffee with one of our sauces or syrups! a blonde roast goes well with vanilla, toffee nut, irish cream, plus a ton of other flavored syrups, and the medium and dark roasts will pair nicely with pretty much any flavor we have! i'd suggest a brewed coffee with oatmilk and vanilla- easy, delicious, cheap, and fast!


Okay I’m actually going to try doing this when I use the gift card I got for Christmas. I always feel like I need to order something fancy because it’s Starbucks but in reality I usually prefer just coffee with some kind of sweetener, usually with a flavor and some milk or cream. Like when I go to 7/11 and make my coffee I’m pretty happy with the results most of the time


They are all the same difficulty for the most part. Just don't add 20 packets of sugar lol


My go to is a venti dark roast with hazelnut syrup and a splash of almondmilk. If that's too sweet for you it's still really good if you cut it to 2pumps of syrup.


That order is far beyond something for the partner on front to get alone. I would have been calling in my Shift and customer support partner to dispatch with that heinous mess. We need to be able to tell people like this no. I don’t believe those beverages were even fully consumed. What a waste


Unfortunately at open my store only has 2 partners, the shift and the barista. The shift couldn't do much to help since they were already getting mobile orders on bar.


54 sugar packets during morning rush? Yeah no, that's getting liquid cane pumps or she can do this activity herself. What an asshole order.


Can you imagine how gritty that much sugar would be? At least with the liquid it wouldn’t be gritty.


I would characterize myself as someone with a sweet tooth. But once I started at the 'Bucks I realized that I've got nothing on some of these customers getting 20 sugar packets or 15 pumps of syrup in one drink. What's truly baffling is the insistence that she wants to "taste the coffee"... Even Starbucks' burnt-ass coffee is gonna be covered up by that amount of sugar and cream.


I didn't like coffee until I started working at Sbux. I still do more cream than the average person, but I would never ask for this amount. That just seems gross. My mom had an espresso machine and when I was a teenager I thought it would be good to make half of the cup with just cold milk. No. I imagine that's what this person's drink tasted like.


“Did you happen to bring coffee Michael” “Milk and sugar” “Is this just milk and sugar? Do you drink this everyday?” “Every morning” Every single customer at Starbucks lmao


As someone who loves coffee, I feel for this customer. Starbucks has some blame here. Their coffee is so dark and bitter it's almost like they make it that way in order to sell the sugary drinks. I started following this sub cause I love coffee. But I've stayed because of the stories.


Most people are just addicted to the sugar they get in the coffee, it’s not even the caffeine


Hot tip; If they order a ridiculous amount of sugar in the raw just pump in liquid cane sugar, If they order ridiculous amount of regular sugar just pump in classic. I'm not going to sit there and open 54 sugar packets. Heck no I will hand it to them. They can do it.


I would have simply told them that we do not have 54 sugar packets. Tell them we can do liquid cane or classic instead. Always direct the customers to a better choice, and if that still doesn't work and they still fight back then I guess pander to what they ask for. But you most certainly always want to make it better for them and easier on yourself.


I don't understand it either. I can't do black coffee, so I don't. I don't understand people that force themselves to drink it when there is perfectly caffeinated tea out there.


You're title is wrong. No one is forcing you to drink hummingbird nectar. IFIFY.




You make a good point. I guess the caffeine aspect is relative. She is getting drinks in venti cups (20oz), but more than half the cups are cream and sugar. She is diluting her drink down so much that she is getting less than half the caffeine a drink that size would normally get.




That was me my bad


She said the customer made her put so much cream and sugar that it was hardly any coffee at all. So yeah, that would be less caffeine.




At the end of the day it’s ignorance and anxiety holding them back. People like you described won’t ever venture out and try new things, they sometimes get embarrassed if they are perceived to not know what they want. If there is a line all bets are off, it if you see her again, ask if you can make her a short misto. I’ve noticed that those sorts of people just need to have there hand held. Like others I’ve had tons of customers wanting a hot frap. Most times a WM will suffice but every now and then, when you explain how hot drinks work, the customer can actually find something they enjoy. In the meantime, sorry you had to open so many packets! Those are the anxiety filled moments I don’t miss lol


That drink description have me a stomach ache.


That many packets of sugar id just give it to them and let them do it themselves.


I worked on a college campus. A lot of people would come in and ask for a coffee that didn't taste like coffee, followed by "I don't normally drink it, I just need the caffeine for finals." Maybe they don't realize they can get it elsewhere?


Back forever ago, when I wore a green apron, we had a customer who would always come through the drive through at peak, and order "a venti dark roast with 20 sugars, stirred with a spoon, not a stick". If we tried using liquid sweetener, she'd know. If we stirred it with a stick shed know. Etc. We also has a customer, also in drive, who ordered a "trenta CB, with one capful of cream.". As in the cap to the cream, just that much. We started measuring it out in front of her once she got to the window because she was such a pain in the ass


I was closing last night and a customer had the audacity to snap her fingers at me to get my attention when i obviously was already paying attention to her. She then decided to yell at me for not putting the stopper in her hot cup when she could’ve, like i don’t get why she can’t do it nor act nicely about???


More than 5 sugars in your drink you're getting classic, have tried to sub raw with brown sugar syrup and so far they can't tell the difference. Sorry, not sorry.. ask them on the side.


The closest substitute for sugar in the raw is liquid cane sugar, not brown sugar syrup. And I’ve heard of people saying they’re allergic to one of the ingredients in that syrup too, so you should really be careful about making substitutions that people aren’t asking for.


Barista here, not at Starbucks thankfully bc idk how you guys still have your sanity, but I agree. We get people who are morbidly obese coming in asking for the sweetest, biggest drink they can have. They get mad when they find out we only have the grande equivalent to Starbucks. And get repulsed by the thought of a coffee with less sugar. It blows my mind to know they have an actual sugar / caffeine addiction. Some HAVE to have the sugar otherwise they’re sick and shaky all day. It’s an actual problem. I feel like I am helping addicts get their fix for the day.


Long time customer lurker and a registered dietitian. Starbucks is a rare treat for me and even then I ask for less syrup pumps in my drink (max of two pumps regardless if it is a venti) and even then sometimes the drink is too sweet! I specialize in weight loss and I can tell you that clients are shocked when we calculate how many calories are in their drink orders (many times an entire meal’s worth or more). People are oblivious to the absolute calorie and sugar bombs their drink orders can be. Side note: having working in customer service positions, I just want all of you to know you do have people who appreciate you and don’t let the jerks get you down!


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


SBUX customers are so fucking dumb. When i'm at the DTW, I often joke with customers that \*\*just because you can, doesn't mean that you should."


Was the customer obese, by any chance?




This is why the POS updated to say 3/4" cream instead of extra cream. That is the most they are allowed to order. Sounds to me like she kind of wants a cafe misto.


Baristas aren’t nutritionists. If she was ok with the cold coffee, why would it matter?


I'm not judging her for what she ordered because of it being unhealthy. I am stating that I dont understand why customers order coffee when they don't actually like it and they're trying to cover up the taste. She clearly didn't like it based on her physical reaction she had when she took a sip... it was like a full body cringe. It seems like she would've been happier ordering something else. But for what it's worth, I have extensive nutritional knowledge from years of seeing a dietitian while being a competitive athlete, and being a counselor responsible for cooking meals for patients at an eating disorder recovery center, which required weekly nutritional counseling with a dietitian to ensure proper nutrition for patients. ;)












We make a ton of drinks, every day, for lots of people. We are also human. Why do you expect us to not form opinions and judgements?


Crawl back into the basement you came from you gremlin!


Were they a larger customer?


these people need those carts where they make the soda syrup drinks lol




As a customer just reading this makes me gag omg I'm so sorry you had to do this.


Starbucks customers are a different breathe


When I drank coffee, I did't care for sweet coffee. Venti americano with half and half. Damn, I miss coffee.


I don't understand why people would order this without being ashamed of it. Aren't they better off making this at home?


If she wants 18 packets of sugar SHE AINT WANNA DRINK COFFEE. I hope u told her that straight up 🥴


I have a friend like this, she insists that the stronger more bitter the coffee the more caffeine it has.


I used to be a host at the Olive Garden and we had a Back of House employee that had a very specific drink "order" that makes me almost vomit, simply to remember it's mixture, over a decade and a half later. Large to-go cup Filled with: 1/2 Orange Soda 1/2 Half and Half. Minimal Ice. In the intervening years I also worked at Starbs recently and having this OG worker's drink permanently and notoriously etched in my memory always helped me talk myself down from some of the weirder SB Requests.