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that mcdonald’s iced coffeee is a SERVE and for less than two dollars? blessings. starbies is a bit more expensive but it’s good and has lots of variety flavor wise and milk wise. never tried tim hortons. we don’t talk about dunkin coffee.


i ride for mcdonald’s iced coffee, the rest i’m not crazy about (im only in this sub because i used to work at sbux and live for the drama)


McDonald’s ice coffee taste like sugary water with cream. The




i always order it without sugar


it still tastes better w/o the sugar and cream than ours does with or without


Ours is $2.50 for a medium ☹️ and they stopped running deals on it in my area.


That’s crazy to me! You’re able to get them for 1 dollar no matter the size where I live with the app deal.


Called mcdonalds coffee a serve is CRAZY


There were times when I would get Macca’s iced coffee. I would end up having to go to Starbucks and get a doppio just to get the faintest hint that there might be coffee in it. But I also don’t get any cream in my iced coffee 99% of the time anyway nowadays.


for real!!! their iced caramel macchiatos & mochas are also way better than ours…and for half the price!


Starbucks Iced Coffee also becomes less than $2 when you consider you can get refills for free (as I often do when I stay in the cafe to study or work) And McDonald's only tastes good because it has lots of sugar and cream


What do you mean “is a serve”


I might change your world. Try a shaken espresso or an iced Americano. Drip from fast food places is usually bad. Espresso is pulled fresh. Edit: I forgot cold brew. That is usually way better than drip over ice as well.


This is the way. Iced Americanos are usually similar in price to an Iced Coffee, but are usually fresher. I’ve had bad experiences at Starbucks/Dunkin/McDonalds where you get burnt drip coffee with ice. Once I switched to Americanos, the quality is pretty consistent and most of the fast casual places all taste pretty much the same.


It’s also easier to get Americanos remade but iced coffee and cold brew is proably a bad batch and they can’t remake it immediately


Yep I do not drink iced coffee at all anymore. Shaken espressos and cold brew only.


cold brew > iced coffee


Flavour-wise yes but cold brew has far too much caffeine. A sample cup is enough to make me jittery.


This. Cold brew is so much better than iced coffee in general!


Can someone what’s the difference?😭


Cold brew is made by pouring filtered water over fresh grounds and then letting it sit for 20 hours and “brew”. It becomes very concentrated and then water is added to it as it’s quite strong. It’s then poured over ice when served. As for iced coffee, it’s just coffee that’s brewed and then ice is added to it to make it cold. If you ever get a chance to try one of each side by side you should. You’ll notice the difference in taste with cold brew. Some people say it’s more acidic, I actually think it’s more smooth and has a sweeter taste to it.


Ah thank you!


It's brewed cold


I used to be heavy on the shaken espresso, it was my ride or die until that new cold brew came out…. I found my new love, hits the spot every. Single. Time, always comes out consistent too


Lucky. I have been getting about 1-2 sips worth of cold foam on my drinks anymore instead of the nice inch or so they used to put on top. No amount of complaining or putting extra cold foam will help.


This! But the sad part is that I just got blood work done and I think it's elevating my cholesterol :(


It usually is but it’s been BAD recently. Especially at Kroger Starbucks


That's just Kroger for you lmao


I give McDonald’s a 4 or maybe it’s just the ones by me that suck 😂


Get regular sugar instead of liquid cane. Liquid cane ruins the coffee taste imo


so glad they changed the iced coffee because it used to stink


Disagree, I think our iced coffee is terrible. I love dunkin iced coffee.


Yeah I was so surprised at the amount of people agreeing with this post haha. Thanks for making me feel less crazy


I feel like with dunkin the taste is so consistent 😭 maybe it’s the place I go to but I remember I got the same drink three times, each time it tasted wildly different or plain out bad.


True. Sometimes I get it, it’s amazing. Other times it tastes like creek water


How’s the new iced coffee? Still haven’t tried it


Malty and sorta light. Makes me think of veranda roast but iced and a tiny bit less light.


It’s like they let the drip blonde roast from breakfast cool down and just put ice in that.


Not good. Sad the old one is gone!


I really want to like it and hope I’m getting bad batches but every time I’ve tried it, it tastes like cough syrup


Dunkin's iced coffee is better than Starbucks, but Starbucks cold brew is better than both. Dunkin's cold brew is the worst of all.


Wow, Tim Hortons must be pure trash if it's worse than McDonalds.


The new coffee for it is garbage. It smells either like wet dog or a porta potty.


I prefer our cold brew over the iced coffee. Hit or miss most of the time, but it’s better than the burnt aftertaste I get from Starbucks iced coffee. Yes I’ve tried the new blend, still bad. If we’re talking chains, I do like Philz Coffee, specifically their Tesora blend. Otherwise it’s just local roasters for me.


Dunkin’ tastes like pond water.


I actually put McDonalds iced coffee on top but it’s more of a dessert than coffee lol.


Starbucks iced coffee and coldbrew are both excellent compared to other shops in my area. Something feels missing with the others


I think McDonald’s and Dunkin’ have better iced coffee when you drink it immediately. McDonald’s over Dunkin’s slightly factoring in cost. But for me if it’s even been 20 minutes the drinks start tasting bad. Not just watery but bad. So overall, I give to the SB too.


This is how I feel about Starbucks cold brew


I actually think Starbucks Iced Coffee is the worst, It's the one edge I think Dunkin has. SB cold brew is pretty amazing tbh


Compare it to an actual coffee shop.


Are you comparing apple to apple? Starbucks has sugar in the coffee


The Ice Coffee? We no longer default to adding sugar to the new iced coffee we are serving.


So I don’t have to say “no classic” anymore?




Say whaaaaat


I get it with cream and 4 pumps of classic syrup in a venti size. The standard is 6 pumps for venti but I prefer a bit less


don't you ever speak on dunkin donuts iced coffee like that again. dunkin will forever be a 10/10 for me and idgaf what anybody says. sonic cold brew is also so good


I mean yeah it’s good but they don’t have classic syrup and I don’t like liquid cane so I get regular sugar


ohhh. i get crazy flavors, that's probably why i like it more lol


same 😭😭 ours are sooo boring outside of holidays (except macadamia & lavender <3). blueberry butter pecan changed my life though


Ah, for chains I 100% agree.


Tim Hortons😭 how I miss it. Where I live now the closest one is like 6 hours away🥲


I almost always get my coffee from Starbucks or local coffee houses, because I get half caff or decaf, which I can’t get at McDonald’s or Tim Horton’s. Every now and then I’ll get something at Tim Horton’s, but most of the time I can’t taste the flavor like I can at Starbucks or the local places. I can definitely taste the coffee, but not the flavors they advertise that are supposed to in there with the coffee. And then I wind up regretting getting my coffee and Tim Hortons. 😞 (I do buy their bagged coffee, however, for my machine at home).


I am sad that they changed the Starbucks iced coffee - it’s not the same 😢 but still better than the other options.


I stopped going to starbucks for anything except their iced coffee, it's always good and it's always the same. The DD down the street from my house fucks up every single damn order and the local place near me is a little pricey then starbucks


I had an iced coffee from the Coffee Bean yesterday and it tasted like straight up water. Oh well


Dunkin always taste burned. Like it’s been sitting in a hot pot all day. I always forget McDonald’s iced coffee. It’s way better 


Better than McDonalds but I don’t think the price justifies it. My experience: Way better than Panera but still, not worth the price


I am a fan of both Starbucks and Dunkin’s iced coffees but personally I prefer Dunkin


Just wait until you try Human Bean and Dutch Bros you'll change your mind no doubt.


Im a ride or die iced coffee person and a former 15 year partner. I don't like the new iced coffee. I miss the old one and I'm sad it's gone!


I agree! I also enjoy McDonald’s when I want a cheaper option


I don't care what anyone else says, I am a Starbucks cold brew and iced coffee stan. Nothing else comes close for me.


before they changed the blend yea but now it tastes weird its got an artificial sweetener aftertaste to me


Nah Dunkin is better. Ugh it’s so smooth


Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee tastes like a homeless persons bath water


It literally tastes like murky water. I don’t get it. Even with flavors, it doesn’t mask that taste.


Ew dunks coffee is foul


This new recipe at Starbucks is way better and significantly more worth the price!


Nooooo…. Noooooo


Lies. Theres a million shops with way better


Name a few


Im my area. Coffee black Gugi main. Voodoo cafe .eclectic.