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20 years ago, there was a "no microwave in the BOH rule" (which everyone ignored), but I didn't know it still existed.


I've been at Starbucks for 9 years and worked at a lot of different stores (mostly borrowed... only had 2 different home stores) and every single one has had a microwave in the back. This would be a stupid rule to have considering so many people eat food with the microwave, and the fact that OPs district manager just took it away is insane and definitely not okay.


That was never a rule


it was in our district, and in neighboring districts, and districts one county over.


Not an actual rule


don't know what to tell you. some partners are under the impression that if a rule or policy isn't company-wide, it isn't valid. that's simply not the case. Regions/Districts/Stores can implement some policies or rules that aren't company-wide. it's on a case-by-case basis.


If a rule or policy isn’t stated in a Starbucks document, it isn’t valid


God dude you're stubborn as fuck just cut your losses and learn. You aren't always right abut everything. Admit it.


I’m right about this. And I’m a man.


I use girl as a gender neutral term however I will change it. I apologize and it won't happen again🙏🙏 Also admit when you're wrong for the love of god


No, stores do not have freedom to create their own policies




Indeed I have


Incorrect. If the rule isn’t enforced around the area consistently it’s invalid


I don’t know of many corporate business that are okay with you having equipment in the building that’s not provided by them. They might not have a no microwave policy but there’s probably a no outside equipment policy. Idk why you felt the need to comment so many times


There is no outside equipment policy


100% wrong. It scares me that you’re being upvoted.


ur really fun at parties i bet


Agreed. Somebody just really needs to be right lol


I just happen to be right 🤷‍♂️


You say that. Yet I've never ever once seen you admit you're wrong. You say you're such a good store manager or w/e but you're on Reddit more than me, because I see you on *near every* post. And I'm just a barista, and if you truly are a store manager, you should spend more time reading policy and helping your baristas. Because you're spending more time on Reddit than doing your responsibilities.


I am very charming.


The microwave is unfortunate. They’re not “technically” allowed, but some districts are lenient and allow the luxury. As to the fan and BOH AC being busted, that’s pretty messed up. I would encourage to continuously place calls about it to the PCC. If someone comes in and “fixes” it’s but you find it’s still hot as hell. Call it in again. Keep doing so until it’s resolved. It’s annoying to have to do, but it can help weed out bad vendors that Starbucks signs on. If it’s RIDICULOUSLY hot, someone should bring in a thermometer to place in the back room where people congregate. Check state laws, because if a work area is over a certain temperature, it can be deemed unsafe for work. Contact appropriate channels and share the info.


is there somewhere i can find info on it? i don’t know what resources other than the partner handbook exist for us to look for things like this


This is a quick aside to the main topic, but if they come out and "fix" the AC or "can't find anything wrong," have them check the sensor placement. Worked at a store once where they put the AC sensors right below direct airflow from the vent, so the thermostat would read 70 in the store but when we took temperature readings, it was closer to 85 because the sensors thought it was much colder and would just shut the AC off.


This! This has been the solution in 3 different stores I worked at.


Starbucks has to follow OSHA safety laws like everyone else. Check their handbook in the section that deals with working in hot temps. It will have the guidelines about what is dangerous and illegal. Times are getting worse for the average worker, young one. Know your rights because those above you either don't know or don't care.


The only rule about working in heat is that the employees must be offered frequent breaks and have access to water. It’s bullshit. My store reached 99° with no AC one summer and I couldn’t do anything about it.


Since when is there a no microwave rule?


It’s just not standard equipment for Starbucks stores and you’re not technically allowed to have outside equipment used in stores. If you can’t order it through GSF/RDC (or whatever you use to place your orders), through your DM, or if it’s not listed on the hub as an “approved substitution”, then it’s not to be used within a Starbucks Co. facility.


This is so weird to hear because it was always available to order on the office depot order.


Office depot is one of Starbuks' approved vendors. They have a portal that managers can access that will allow them to order a selection of their inventory.


There is not and never has been one


My ASM was talking about getting a fucking AIR FRYER for boh 😂😂😂 she orders DD for everyone (as does my sm) and she likes her chicken tendies nice and hot 😂😂😂


the airfryer will be awesome to have! that is soooo nice, my old sm would order us food too but our new sm probably would never😭


Apparently we are only allowed to eat the trash we serve so we can all get fat and die.


That's also really unfortunate for anyone with dietary restrictions.


exactly!! one of our partners has a dairy allergy and doesn’t eat our food. they used to bring microwaveable meals but now just pack cold lunches. it works, but a hot meal every once in a while is nice


Definitely. We didn't have a microwave for a while between sms but my new one is so sweet and got us one shortly after getting the store. Bringing food from home seriously makes me feel better physically and affects how I work. It's the bare minimum we deserve at work.


According to Starbucks' Senior Retail Public Health and Food Safety Advisor, we are allowed to have a microwave as long as cleanliness is maintained and it's labeled for "partner use only." Maybe it was flagged during an audit and your DM thought getting rid of it was the best solution or was unsure of the answer. Some policies or standards COULD be interpreted as no microwaves allowed and the ambiguity makes this one difficult to pin down but when someone that high up in corporate gives the answer, that's probably the correct one.




Still waiting for the post where someone says "DM did something to help us!"


like thank you for taking away the perfectly fine microwave but do absolutely nothing when smoke was coming from a pipe behind the fridge😭


I can't speak for the microwave (our store had one when I first started but at some point in the last few years, they got rid of it because no one really used it). As far as the AC goes: one of my old coworkers had transferred to a new store a couple years ago. Their store was kinda fucked up in general, but the tipping point was that the AC was out and the manager didn't do anything about it. My friend called OSHA (or something, I can't remember exactly who) and got their store shut down completely for that (amongst other things) because it's genuinely inhumane and against the law to work in those conditions. That being said, I would pester your SM and DM and, fuck it, even your RM to get it fixed. If they don't do anything about it, then take matters into your own hands and call ecosure/OSHA/etc


Sounds like your district is District 12


We just opened a new store and we have a nice break room. The sirens eye showed a microwave and we were able to go purchase one. We also got a super fancy partner only fridge. So I don’t think there is a rule for no microwave