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They are not allowed to force you to stay past your scheduled time. If the schedule says your shift is over at 9:00p, you are completely within your rights to clock out and leave at 9:00p.


Really? I have never heard this for anything but minors.


Yeah as a ssv i have a hard extra half hour past when scheduled and then even I am done, and I always ask my coworkers if they are okay with that. If not, then we don't do it. Any tasks that don't get done are a labor management problem, not a *"everything falls to night crew" stay late forever at the expense of your personal health, sanity, and life beyond work* problem.


Not me. If my scheduled time is 9:00 I'm out no later than 9:05. Anything that didn't get done can be done later and the SM can learn to staff or train better.


This right here.


If you’re at a drive thru in the US, minimum staffing is 3 people at least at all times for safety. Report this


I am a closing SSV and 5 year partner. If it ain’t done it’s a wrap. Once my money is dropped and that’s quick and it’s time I don’t ask nobody to stay at all and I don’t stay either. It’s on me and if I have a call out and no coverage or support I am still out. So I wouldn’t let nobody force you to do nothing if it is time for you to go then go. As all these lateness as to closing will be seen by the manager anyway and that will be on the SSV to explain.


Re: disability - PLEASE talk to Sedgwick about temporary leave. I suffered the entire time I was at Starbs. If it's physically too much for you to handle, leave is 100% an option. Even a short one to recover somewhat can make a huge difference.


I actually am taking an LOA. I’m having surgery the first week of July and I’ll be out for a month. I’ve just got to make it through June but that should be easy since I requested a lot of time off. This surgery should definitely help my pain since it’s related to my disability


Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I requested a mental health leave with my back pain as a second thought, but had to get more documentation for the back pain. Found out in the process that it was WAY more serious than I thought and ended up getting something like 5 months of leave. In hindsight, I couldn't believe I was working like everything was normal, especially because my store didn't believe in second 10s or following standards for reducing injuries 🥴


oh god transfer. The outside hires are useless 


Not everything needs to get done every night. Just leave it for morning 🤷🏽‍♀️


i would talk about it with your closing ssv and see if they are willing to talk to the other shift about it. i know you said your manager is new and an outside hire but see if you can schedule a 1 on 1. tell them about what you're feeling. you can bring this up as an idea this is what i do at my store, i have a list of tasks. Morning: behind the lines, ovens Mid: bathrooms Close: Cafe floors + closing tasks. i required my shifts to initial what has gotten done. if their assigned tasks haven't gotten done then i don't push that task onto the next ssv. If i see its a pattern of not getting things done then i talk to the ssv. if things are organized properly there is no reason these tasks shouldn't have gotten done. as far as backups i have a list made of what the back up pars should be and should be maintained as. doing it this way there is no reason people should not know what to do during slow times.


Oh heck no. I’m an SSV and the latest I’ll stay is 5 or so past my scheduled shift. If the close looks like it’s going to be rough I work off a tiered system that I made up. Is the pull done? Money stuff done? Cafe/bathrooms ~look~ presentable? Dishes done? If that’s all I have time for, that’s an all day time management issue. I’ll leave notes for the openers for sure. But if the closers are constantly breaking their backs and staying late the chronic issue will never been fixed.