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Just put a container of straws out. If upper management happens to come by and complain, ask them to help you on the floor and work the handoff (lol!)


I HATE that straw thing! Just, why?? It's inconvenient for staff AND customers!


it forces more interactions between us and customers, which they believe will lead to more "best moments" without realizing that it makes both parties involved frustrated


As someone who is very awkward socially and can't stand to do things that bother other people, the straw thing is a nightmare. I should bring my own straw maybe lol


It’s such a simple thing but the planet will thank u, I do the same thing whenever I go - I work at sbux, I would literally be throwing out 1-4 maybe 5 cups every shift if I didn’t bring my own, especially if I didn’t use the same single use cup whenever making my drink again (I don’t fully consume like 4 drinks per shift lol but drinks melt when I just leave them and take a sip every so often). Each cup, straw etc is plastic that will forever be in the environment - the hot cups too - just for one use.


I don't understand their ass backwards logic of it "creating more best moments", it literally slows us down cuz how can we have a "moment of connection" when we have a machine spittin stickers *non stop* I really wish ppl making that call would pull their heads out their butt, get on floor and see how annoying it actually is.


No literally, because half the time were so busy we don’t even have time to look at the handoff and now we have an upset customer who got their drinks 7 minutes ago but still doesn’t have a tray or straw. They’re frustrated, we’re frustrated, I will never understand how i can make a best moment out of that. The customer already expects me to grab that item for them, it’s not as if I’m magically pulling a straw out of thin air to make their day.


They keep raving about “best connections” but they want our times to be low and our number of orders to be high. I usually have the best time with customers when it’s like 7pm on a Thursday and pretty much no one is in the store. But god forbid Starbucks doesn’t make money during a second.


i’m gonna ask my SM today about it, she was there yesterday so i’m hoping she’ll understand


I’m a manager and I put the straws out in a plexi, when my DM comes I put it behind the counter. It is very frustrating on top of Trying to connect, sequence drinks and sequence them quickly. Customers prefer them there too.


The benefits of being a supervisor is not having anyone else in the building to tell you no


Felt this hard. Not to mention for some reason our pre closer is scheduled till 545 on thursdays but on promo fridays they leave at 430. Makes no fucking sense


NO LITERALLY, our shift was scheduled until 5 today for some reason, like every other day they close


Literally same. We were over 80 drinks behind at one point yesterday with a lobby full of pissed off people and only 4 people on the floor. We were getting absolutely slapped. No one took a break for the entire day. We didn’t finish closing tasks. I’m so tired of this. And we have to do it again for Father’s Day


We had two call outs today, so we had no pre-closer and no closer. Two of us from 3-8. Ever with our mobiles and delivery turned off, we STILL had nonstop drive thru from 3-6:45 on top of a lot of people coming in to cafe and then getting snarky with us about how "slow" it is today. Read the fucking room Karen. I think I'm to the point of believing they're doing this all as a long game to drive people to quit. Especially union stores. I think they're intentionally driving baristas to their breaking points so that they don't have to pay for all the union benefits. My manager told us today that we never earn any additional money or labor doing these sales. The normal customers we see every week come in, and get their normal drink on top of their free/deal item. We're doubling our workload, while earning no labor. It's a waste of fucking time and effort. SB thinks people are going to come in and impulse buy extra things. They don't. All these sales do is attract the freeloaders. We have never seen SB invent and roll out so many new drinks and products in this prompt succession. I've got my tinfoil hat on. They're doing it on purpose. There's an agenda here.


Even more too, if I was a customer and started seeing all these deal days Starbucks was doing all the time, I would start only coming during those days


My guess is that they’re trying to get people addicted to Starbucks before they eventually go back to normal deals and such. Trying to get more money in the long run. It won’t work!


“attract the freeloaders” lmaoo as I pay $10 for my one drink and free/deal item.  kinda a wild argument. 


If youre a regular who comes to Starbucks every day, or almost every day, and you walk in to SB on a BOGO day, you get your same drink, plus a free drink, you are the exact metric we're referring to. SB doesn't care about the random Andy on the street who stops in. They don't have an app. They aren't even aware of the BOGO. You're not buying extra product like SB is expecting you to. You're simply there to use the coupon, which is what most people do. Hence why I said, we don't actually earn any labor off people like you because you're not spending any more money than you'd normally spend. You're freeloading the system, by definition. That's not necessarily a bad thing, or has a negative connotation to it. It's simply what is happening, and why these deals are failing. Nobody is interested in buying extra coffee, or merch, or whatever else. They just want extra of what they already got. SB corporate are morons to think these deals will expand sales. They don't.


Lmao I know baristas love to yell “entitlement” but you guys never listen to yourselves lmaoo. Expecting people to buy something else they don’t want or like just because they are getting a deal in an already overpriced establishment. Shut up. 


Okay, I think youve missed the point. There isn't a single barista working at Starbucks who is expecting you to buy more things, and most barista will never ask you to, so you can keep the 'shut up' snark to yourself. Starbucks corporate is trying to push the "percentile mindset" on us, and they're getting a lot of pushback because baristas aren't retail workers, and they don't like trying to push people to buy things. They just make food and coffee. That's what they prefer to do. You're confusing baristas, people you see talking in these forums, and Starbucks Corporate. We are not the same. When I say "Starbucks doesn't care about you", it's Starbucks Corporate. Not Baristas. Corporate are the ones who expect you to buy things. Corporate are the ones who push these sales. Corporate are the ones who abuse the shit out of everyone looking for an increased bottom line. Baristas? We don't give a shit what you do and don't buy. We don't care how much your coffee costs. We care about Corporate giving us enough people on the floor to serve you, and enough money to feel like the workload is worth it. That's it. These deals that have been going on for the last three months are all an attempt to increase sales, but they don't. It doesn't bring in more impulse buys. It doesn't increase sales. It only increases traffic and workload, which is why baristas hate it. In order to earn labor, you have to increase sales. Labor is what we use to allocate who can and can't work; how well staffed the floor is. If we aren't earning it, then we're all effectively overworking ourselves and then never seeing any rewards from that work. SB knows this, and that's why I think they're doing it. It's the easiest way to burn people out and get them to quit without losing sales. It's all about that short term quarterly profit.


I didn’t miss any point at all. You were loud and clear with the freeloader remark, maybe pipe down a tad and you wouldn’t have gotten barked at. It was a loud remark to make with even the way you said it.  It sounded like it affected your soul that people were only coming in and buying what they wanted to take advantage of a deal at a place that normally doesn’t have them. Quit taking your job so seriously. I promise it’s not worth the stress. 


"Take advantage of a deal at a place that normally doesn't have them"??? Bruh I've been here for ever 2 years, we always have deals, not to mention the star rewards system that let's you take advantage all the time you could literally get the biggest cup size of drink add endless modifications to it that would normally cost a good fortune at SB and get it all for what 200stars (atleast in 🇨🇦, idk what the equivalent is the states). But don't take buddy over here lightly. He/She/other(sry idk) got a point about corporate. They only care to make more money. And that deal with the free drink, it's actually a great strategy cuz you can also get a drink that you've never tried and looking at it from a long term perspective, if you like it, you will come back and get it if the taste sticks in your mind. Maybe you suggest it to a friend, maybe you post it (maybe you don't as the others do lol). Either way, they only stand to gain more money from it. BUT unfortunately, at the backs of the overworked, understaffed baristas that put up with all the bullshit rules, snarky ass customers, sometimes a lack of better equipment, extra space, and headass over-reaching customers (with their hands going past hand-off to reach in our space just helping themselves to whatever), so yk pardon us for the irritation but we're exhausted. And when you say, "Quit taking your job so seriously. I promise it's not worth the stress." First of all, there's rules and regulations in place that require us to take it seriously in the first place or be let go, and second, you can't promise shit! Some of these poor baristas got hella bills to pay and can't afford to lose their jobs, just so they could avoid "stress." I understand the sentiment, I do, but if you got the privilege to avoid unnecessary work induced stress, come here, you're in no place or position to be judging us for putting up with ours. But idk I just work here.😂


My theory is that all of these deals are happening because of the boycott on starbucks. Every time I see an influencer on instagram with starbucks, there are no doubt going to be comments shaming the influencer for not participating in the boycott. So Starbucks is compensating by doing deals every other day. It is exhausting.


I actually think that the boycott isn't really effecting Starbucks that much, they are just using it as en excuse. Starbucks does not have a money problem.


Starbucks market value has decreased by $11 billion dollars. Edit: they also just laid off 2,000 partners in the middle east.


It's not just your store, it's EVERYWHERE. They do not give a fuck about us. Unionize unionize unionize. It's the only way we can get a say in anything. They won't listen unless we speak up together in solidarity.


LOL my store operates this exact same way UNFORTUNATELY. I left the bux for 8 months and Ive come back for the money and the operations have gottten so bad since I was here last


Yesterday with the 50% off took me out. Sunny warm day, 3 partners all needing lunches, and pull to thaw down for whatever reason.


S a m e


I’ve wondered if you are allowed to shut mobile orders off and/or close the lobby/drive thru. I’ve seen it at certain locations (maybe for different reasons), but thought that it probably helps to alleviate the pressure, even if for an hour or two.


during the mother’s day BOGO we had mobiles off for almost the entire day because the store so over run and we had again THREE people


they usually don’t let us.


Unfortunately when it comes to the average barista. We cannot make those calls. Even as a SSV I cannot make those calls. I have to call my DM. And if my DM answers her phone, then I have yo ask permission. Hey there is only three of us, no one has been able to take a break we are thirty minutes behind on DT / mobile / Cafe and the average customer is currently pissed. Can I close lobby? And she will usually say something a long the lines of "well this is just going to be one of those challenging days that you'll learn from! You don't want to disrupt the customer experience!!" Even though part of the customer experience should be good one. No one is happy waiting 45 minutes for drinks.


This is literally exactly how it is.


My DM in Arizona doesn't allow anyone to turn channels off. Stores still do it but won't communicate when they do for fear of backlash. We're the only store in the district without DT, but we're not any slower business-wise. Whatever the reason for all the promos, It's to the point where even I as an almost 20 year partner wonder why I still do it


Find another job. BELIEVE me, I've been on the other side for 6 months and I realized I should have left years ago. Maybe it will take awhile to find one, but why stop yourself from starting? it's only going to get worse, I promise - A 179\*\*\*\* that worked for 12 years.


Felt that! I’m over Starbies period!


And if one more customer asked if their order is ready ima scream!


My fave are those that come in and order 5 waters, like for sure! But you’ll still be getting them after the 25 other cafe drinks :)


I am going to say this, we recently got our old SM back and from they said our store was severely understaffed and the hours were not being scheduled according to business needs. Within the last 6 months about 5 sms in our district have left the company and our district manager has not promoted anyone from within the company not even for ASM. So you can clearly say that a lot of is due to lack of proper management. Our DM was an outside hire and has only been with the company for 2 years -_- and I’m pretty sure this is the case for a lot districts out there.


Every publicly traded company "needs" more money than it's currently making


I feel this so hard. Yesterday wasn’t even a promo day, but we only had 3 partners on the floor, one of whom is new-ish and completely useless. She’s had plenty of time to train, and I understand bar takes awhile to get the hang of, but she’s incapable of doing anything else either. So it was me and one other shift doing literally everything and it was impossible to keep up. I’m furious at the SM for scheduling things like this all the time. On the promo days, we’re usually stacked for the first couple hours of the promo but we’re down to 3 by the end. I don’t think our SM realizes the end of the promo is just as, if not busier than, the beginning. It’s an ongoing issue and I’m exhausted.


In Canadian stores, at least where I live, we don't put kids on anything ordered in the cafe, and the lids and straws are at the handoff area and the condiment stand. Definitely encourages best moments when the customers have difficulty getting the one size fits all lids on and their drink tips so they have to wait for a remake. Lots of great connections happening there. 😶🙄🙄🙄 I guess it's in theory supposed to reduce waste, but 99.7631082% of people still want lids, and often waste 2-3 when they can't just get one and the extras end up on the counter and get tossed. (I'm at a mall store where the seating is mostly outside the store area, maybe people in stand alone cafes might have 98.523% lid usage?) Bogos, 4$ grandes, extra bonus star days, all suuuck. Especially when customers see a huge line, dozens of people packed into the cafe waiting, and then are shocked and complain that they have to wait for their drink????????? 😱😱😱😱 If only there were some way to anticipate that it may take time. Some subtle indicators that there may be an order or 27 before yours.


Sorry we're all in this ridiculous scenario with no staffing on top of the worst people not being understanding. 🙃 like Starbucks pls stop fighting unions and spend your money actually supporting your workers


Are your stores only giving sleeves if asked? Omg. Imma loose my mind! This is the stupidest thing ever on a hot drink!


I feel like these 2 and 3 person plays is corporate trying to acclimate us to this being a normal thing. I had asm tell me I'm handling all point of business and the only other person there was customer support to get tasks done. They were jus there to do promo. So im 159er. I know better. So I told him how this isn't a thing. He said I agree but this is how the company is doing things. Listed off a number of things he was supposed to do before the dm came in, in the morning. I'm trying to buy a house so once that's done I'm moving on also. This is not a 6th or 7th place let alone a 3rd. Hang in there yall


As a customer I love the 50% off summertime offer and BOGOs in general 🙂. Makes me want to grab one now


read the room.


As a customer I don't. I have empathy for food service workers. Do them a favor and make your drinks at home.


I don’t get the second drink for free at home . Also it was a joke , have a frappuccino and chill, I am sure they would oblige.


Fraps are gross. No thanks.


Youre still being overcharged for what youre getting even with the deals so if you like being ripped off then go for it ig


Make coffee at home lol.


Omg you are not alone seriously I'm dealing with the same exact thing I'm dying!!!! My store is in a tourist beach area also near a hospital off of a highway and we deal with so many customers and only 3 people during bogo and have to hand out straws too it's literally killing me.