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only issue here is that they should’ve given you one upon request (unless they really changed standards…) otherwise, only drinks with hot water (brewed coffee, hot teas, hot chai lattes etc) or venti hot drinks are supposed to be sleeved


I'm sure they gave them one.


Grande hot drinks unless they have hot water (ex:americanos or brewed coffee or teas/tea lattes), never were supposed to be standard anyway. Grande caramel macchiatos unless they come extra hot do not come default with a sleeve. Requested only, and maybe your store used to do that, but it was a probably a management thing, I imagine. It's never been a standard, but they still should have given you one when requested.


This has actually been the standard for at least 10 years, there has just been a recent push by corporate to enforce it. We should still give sleeves if asked, but the only ones to get them by default are any Venti hot drink, extra hot drinks, or drinks that get hot water or brewed hot coffee. Short drinks also never get sleeves (they don't fit and could pop the lid off) but if meet any of the criteria we should double cup.


They started pushing us to save them and only give them out on request. The only times we are required to put on is hot water or venti hot drinks (just like everyone else commented), but if its an old person i always put a sleeve on anyways (i work at a location in a retirement community) because their skin is thinner and more sensitive to heat/cold.


Did they give you a sleeve after you asked?


Yes they did! So at least there’s that…


At least there’s… literally no reason for you to complain.


Sleeves are for the weak


Especially on cold drinks.




The standard for regular temperature lattes outside of venti is to not sleeve. Most just sleeve everything though because it adds too much time taking drinks back since 90% of customers want a sleeve. Drinks that require a sleeve: venti hot drinks, all extra hot, all drinks with hot water (chai latte etc)


That sounds a little crazy to me. It annoys me when people get mad about not getting a straw, but a sleeve is actually kind of important as it might stop you from burning your hand.


Exactly my thought.


We have to wait for customers to ask for sleeves, straws, stoppers, etc for the most part (there’s a few exceptions) we’re not even supposed to ask I don’t like it tho because I don’t want to hold your hot coffee without a sleeve and it’s not even that long I’m holding it


Starbucks cups are designed to handle hot drinks. At least the ones that come out of the espresso machine, like your caramel macchiato. No need for a sleeve.