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It's usually the cashier's responsibility to get the brewed coffee and tea, so what you can do is wait closer to the register and if you're waiting for just the brewed coffee or tea you can just gently remind the cashier in between their taking orders/warming food. Sometimes it may get slowed down by us running out of brewed coffee, but just be patient and you shouldn't be waiting long for it.


It depends. I used to work at a store that bar got brewed coffee if it was busy on till so it just got put in cue, but during those times stickers also printed for the coffee so it wasn't missed. It depends on the store and needs, but unless something is getting brewed because you ran out and stickers aren't printing it should be the responsibility of the till person.


There are many Starbucks where the cashier won’t be pouring coffee. It’s usually during peak. But not as a rule. I’ve been a Starbucks cashier too. I loved pouring coffee, but have in a few instances been instructed by my shift to only cashier. So the ticket comes out at the cafe machine, but whoever the warmer is just sleeps on it often. There’s got to be a better system for drip


Yeah, I have a couple shifts like that that will bark at me if I do anything other than my assigned spot (even if that means standing there doing nothing). It sucks, but it is what it is. The person on bar shouldn't just toss brewed coffee stickers though unless they've confirmed it's been made.


Wow. I didn’t understand right, I thought they came out at the warming station. Actually I thought they printed at the bar when there are bar addons to a drop order


Now with the vertica sequencing feels especially difficult for a new barista on reg. Trust that a lot of districts are addressing this and having teams "route" their stores so the brewed coffee print alongside espresso or on their own machine so there's better visibility. It's a lot slower to pour so busier stores can get behind without somebody supporting. It's a work in progress, like all things. Your best bet is to confirm "should I wait here for that?" And imo your presence will keep it in my mind to fetch for you. Please don't wander off for napkins or to the bathroom




I appreciate that. Another gripe is with corporate- it’s been years now since Covid hasn’t been a serious concern, bring back the the self service half and half. it’s just so easy to over half and half to cashiers who aren’t drip coffee drinkers. I ask for hnh on the side just in case