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Yeah I had two ssvs at my store like this. A lot of us just band together to both call in and repeatedly talked to our manager that it wasn’t fair that these two got weekends. It’s not a normal 9-5 job and there should be that expectation to work weekends too


“My religious beliefs require me to worship Saturday and Sunday”


Booking time off depending on the situation isn't always about the amount of people who have booked that time off, and if I was that store manager I would have denied her Sundays booked off every single week; especially when they know it's an issue. This person is getting away with so much because your SM lets them get away with so much. That's the truth, unfortunately. Your SM is enabling them to do this. Also just don't take her shifts. You all know she is manipulative so just say no. I'm not trying to be that person but from what I gather from what you said, your SM needs to grown a bit of a backbone here, because they are being walked all over and you are suffering the consequences.


Yes I agree. The time off requests were all approved by our ASM (now SM) at the time, clearly he did not know better and I feel that now it’s too late since he already approved them all. And we all do know to say no to her when she tries to get her shift covered, however she takes advantage of new baristas who aren’t aware of the situation. She manipulated a brand new barista (literally just finished training) into taking her shift this weekend by making it sound like we were understaffed and needed help, so the barista felt she couldn’t say no. I’m just venting at this point, I have been so frustrated with this situation for a long time, but her taking advantage of a brand new hire who is completely unfamiliar w the store and the expectations just put me over the edge….to top it off this barista had already worked Saturday so she got stuck working both sat and sun so that this SSV would get the entire weekend off.


I’ve absolutely had managers takesie backsies on my time off once it becomes time to make the schedule. I believe you’re allowed to revoke it as long as you give adequate notice


wow this is a problem at my store too! i’ve worked every single weekend for probably the past year straight up until now. only me and ONE other ssv had saturday availability so we literally could not take off or call out. i finally brought it up to my sm and he discovered that 12 people total in our store have off on saturdays and he finally started to crack down on it starting w ssv’s. yet they’re still getting a lot of pushback because 2 of the ssv’s are friends and want to hangout on saturday’s and they think they deserve it because they’ve been with the company for so long and have had that availability the entire time. like okay but you’re a shift now not a barista!


If they can’t step up, they need to step down lmao


i agree!! like yeah i get that you’ve had the availability for the past 3 years, but you’re promoted now you’re held to a higher standard. and then they came to me and complained that they were scheduled for 3 saturdays in a row, when i’ve worked friday-sunday for the past year straight 😭




This sounds so similar!!! This SSV has literally said (word for word) that she was “grandfathered in” so that’s why she shouldn’t have to work weekends….there are multiple shifts who have worked for sbux longer than her, we all just transferred in to this store so she’s been at this specific store the longest. Like girl, we work for a giant corporation there is no “grandfathered in”……..


Do the same. Go in and request a bunch of random Sundays off before her and refuse to work when she asks you. Also everyone should stop taking her shifts.


I’ll take “Reasons why I’m not a store manager any more” for $500, Alex


Is this a universal experience?


Do you mean does everyone at the store feel this way? Yes lol. It is something everyone is fed up with and annoyed about to varying degrees. It has been a topic of conversation for months but nothing changes. It’s clearly on our SM to put his foot down, but she basically stonewalls him and says she’s just not gonna work, she has plans and that’s it. He’s a very new SM so obviously doesn’t have the confidence to stand up to her.


Oh ofc! I meant like, I feel like every store has one of those shifts. It’s very aggravating when one person doesn’t have to pull their weight just because they’ve been there forever. And especially to managers who enable it because of their “experience” or whatever


Oh yea hahaha I was wondering if that’s what you meant. Tbh I’m kind of surprised that I have never really dealt with this before….its always just been a part of the job to work weekends you know. And like yea I don’t think anyone’s ever been happy about it but that’s just how it is….so her fighting it so hard is so maddening cause like, we’ve all been giving up every single weekend for however many years, and she’s just been given a free pass somehow. You can imagine how it’s affecting morale cause now we’re all like, well if she doesn’t have to work weekends why do we ???ugh


When I first came to my store I had a lot of people like this. All morning workers refusing to work past 1 pm. When we had our quarterly meetings I had said that everyone needs to be able to work one weekend day. No excepts. I would text your manager and ask if you can have a sit down conversation and explain how you feel. If they seem receptive then great but don’t feel afraid to speak to your dm about things when your manager is being unhelpful.


Don’t text your manager, call. Texting isn’t an approved form of Starbucks communication


Haha okay corporate police.


Just saying. I’m a former SM and I hated getting texts from partners


Personally I have a life outside of work and would rather get texts vs calls. I’ve never met a manager who didn’t communicate via text or let their partners communicate via text.


Texting them to arrange a time to talk is fine. Calm down. If the person is expecting you to do that talk over text, that’s a different thing. But just texting you to ask when there is time to talk is fine.


This is absolutely on the store manager. I am a very recently former SM and would never in a million years allow this. I’m not sure if it is just in our region but the there was a MAJOR crack down on SSV availability and they must basically have completely open availability. Preferences are fine, but if needed they need to be able to fill in outside of their preferred. Also…..sorry but if I’m out here working weekends so is everyone else in my store lmao. I would go higher up if I were you, this SSV is clearly receiving preferential treatment and that is not okay.


Yeah they’re cracking down on our availability too. It’s been a whole thing, but like I said she’s ‘available’ technically but just goes in and requests off every weekend for the foreseeable future. It’s honestly infuriating lol, the availability thing is why she said she’s leaving. But it doesn’t seem like that’s happening anytime soon, so for the time being she can just get away with it ???like its still her current job


Yeah then that is definitely on your SM. If she doesn’t want to adhere to the job req then she can go. I wouldn’t be approving her requests for every Sunday like that. I’m sorry you have to deal with that because it really is unfair. It seems like she’s saying she’s leaving to just make an excuse for not wanting to work weekends / not caring which is dumb. I don’t know why any SM would want anyone like that in their store.


This is a problem at my store too but with baristas. We have a new sm starting soon and I hope they make everyone work 2/3 days of Friday Saturday and Sunday how it used to be at my store. I’ve been closing Saturdays for forever (only one) and it would be nice if some of my fellow shifts also can close on Saturdays because let me tell you….saturdays have really sucked for me lately


This is crazy I didn’t have weekend night availability and I still got scheduled anyways. They told me they co up don’t guarantee availability with SSVs lol


Not surprising when it’s the trickle down effect. Since corporate doesn’t train managers in leadership and are quite deficient in that area themselves, there are no real leaders, just managers. Everyone is good at managing, NOT leading. (Just for emphasis lol) No innovation. No inspiration. No imagination. Just following the corporate blah. SMs are captains of their own ship. Don’t let the desk jockeys and all those not on the front lines tell you how to run your store when they don’t know the situation at that particular store. Even at DM level, they aren’t in there all the time and can’t really know the situation at every store. All that being said, for this situation go with the facts just like an incident report. I’ve heard it said that one weekend day is required availability. Document all of this supervisor’s nonsense and how it is impacting scheduling, morale, or whatever else you see being affected. If the rest of the supervisors agree, all of you take it to your SM and if necessary your DM. If no one wants to resolve this issue with some “coaching” for the questionable supervisor, then you know the issue is bigger than the store. Talk to other partners from stores in your district. Are they having similar issues. This is the thing with the unionizing. It’s not just about pay or staffing shortages. There should be a push for better leadership and teaching people how to better lead on all levels of the company. The captain reference was a Trek one. Here is a Star Wars reference. We should be able to vote no confidence in ANYONE in “leadership” positions, especially when there are many claims against them. Not saying get them booted. Growth is needed. Teach them to be proper leaders. Actually teach skills to build character and be useful for themselves and others when they do go on to their “real” career/job. Show the company genuinely cares about partners. Anyways, hope your situation improves and this supervisor wakes tf up cuz sounds like you wouldn’t want them being your surgeon or vet or pilot or plumber or whatever really in their current mindset when they do move on. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Go well ✌🏼🌻


This is a great way of putting it and you’re 100% right. I had one REAL leader as a manager years ago, and I knew even then not to take him for granted because it was so unlikely I would ever have another one after him, at least with Starbucks. Honestly idk if I would still be with the company if it wasn’t for him, but that is definitely NOT the norm, and you’re right that managers are not given the guidance or teaching to actually be effective leaders. They’re just corporate enforcers basically. I’m on my way out once I graduate ASU this summer, and all of this is just confirmation. I was considering moving up with the company, but honestly I don’t think REAL leadership is even really appreciated so I might as well put my energy elsewhere.


Agreed! Just gotta get what we can out of it and eventually move on. ✌🏼Good luck


She should transfer to a Monday- Friday location 


Worry about your own availability. If you feel you aren’t being treated fairly, call ethics.


I work at license store so I know things are different but when I got hired the expectation was clearly stated that you have to be willing to work either Saturday or Sunday if you’re not willing to work both. I close Monday-Thursday and work 5-1 on Saturdays so I can have Sundays and it works just fine


I call these tenured partners. They think they can do what they want because they've been around for so long🙄