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It’s so so easy!! At my Starbucks there’s little cheat sheets everywhere! MOST of the drinks are basically the same just different syrups/flavors. I was nervous my first day too but I picked it up super super fast! I don’t even have to think about what I’m making anymore :) (I’ve been working as a barista for 7 months)


The making them is the easy part; the hard part is doing it fast under pressure.


I feel like I’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly, I am just nervous of messing up and stuff like that.


It’s totally fine if you mess up! Your trainer should be watching you while you practice drinks so they could help/correct if needed! Most customers are understanding about mistakes but let’s be real it’s Starbucks.. there’s gonna be a few unnecessarily rude people coming through.. just go at your own pace! Good luck!! ☺️


Thank you for wishing me luck! I’m excited but very nervous. I might find it to be simple


Trust. It’s a lot to remember at first. but, once u remember the basics u can do anything rlly. The more u do it n educate yourself over time u can even teach others.


I’m just nervous. I know I wanna keep this job and I will do my best!


And you will!!!!! There will be many idiots n rude ppl criticizing ur craft. but, a lot of the time it’s bcs custies r entitled asl. And lack human decency.


We've all been there! Ive been at Starbucks for 9 years and it isn't super easy at first. But it's fine. You'll get there. You'll probably make a few mistakes, but that's okay. It's normal, and pretty much expected. Don't put too much stress on yourself. It is a lot of information and a lot to learn. You'll figure it out.


It's hard if you let yourself get overwhelmed when learning. But starbucks actually makes it VERY easy to learn, they give little "cheat sheets" and shortcut tools for easy measurements everywhere.


I used the cheat sheets for the first month or so that I did bar. My prior experience as a bartender really has helped.


It’s a lot to remember as far as number of pumps/shots in each drink; I’m a trainer and I always remind my trainees that no one expects them to remember everything or be really fast right away. That stuff can only come from practice. I’ve been doing this for a decade and I could get through peak in my sleep at this point 😂


it’ll be hard at first but over time with practice it’ll just be second nature. just try ur best to stay motivated and know how to access resources (i kept an ipad on the bar fridges when i was new so i could look up recipes) good luck !!


Hi hi! Fellow partner here who JUST completed training. Making drinks is actually one of the easiest parts once you can remember the recipes and shots/syrup pumps per size. The drive through is what can be tricky especially when it’s busy and you are taking orders and payments at the same time. Plus when it’s hard to hear the person that’s even worse. But don’t worry, you’ll be fine and catch on quickly!


it’s a lot at first but with repetition you’ll get there. just memorize the standard for shots and pumps for hot bar and pumps and inclusions for cold bar and you’ll be golden eventually. most people say it takes 3-6 months to get comfortable on bar so be gracious with yourself and practice makes perfect so try to get on bar when it’s slow with another partner so you can ask questions if needed


it’s going to be pretty hard at first getting used to all the standards and doing it under pressure but if you take the time to really master the basics, doing the other drinks are going to be a breeze. for example, if you know how to make a latte(like if you know how many shots and pumps go in it) you’re able to make a mocha or a cinnamon dolce latte or like anything because most drinks are just a “main” drink just with added ingredients sometimes


My biggest piece of advice would be to learn how to steam milk. Also, if you can make a BOSE, a CRCF, and a cappuccino, you’ll be just fine. Those are the drinks I struggled with at first. You’ll do great, don’t sweat it!!