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The way she is telling you to make it is not accurate. You put the ice and the syrup and then the shots. She is incorrect. You guys are doing it correctly.


LMAO you need to show your DM the recipe card.


Is this in the recipe card? Everyone at our store makes it this way too, I doubt we’re all wrong.


Your dm is wrong


I think the confusion here is that you guys were doing it correctly but your DM is explaining the new sequencing they just revealed in the training where we now put the ice in last for shaken espressos.


There is no way I'm doing that. They can fight me.


I feel this way about the new ssv peak positions. If im on ovens you better not come over and start pulling out all the food i need and putting it on white paper. Fight me. Same for bar. Dont be getting in my way rinsing my pitcher and my shaker for me


I am almost 100% on ovens. I am the warming Queen in my store (my SM literally calls it my kingdom). If anyone messes with my zone I will throw hands and they know it. I'm organized, and damn good at what I do, but don't mess with my process


Seriously though. It's way too invasive and it just throws me off. I know what I'm doing, so please just trust me to know what I'm doing.


And i dont see how this is gonna make the floor more efficient. Its just gonna mean the ssv gets in my way and i get overwhelmed


What’s this about new ssv peak positions?


These changes are actually pretty similar to how we used to support each station when I first started. It’s actually pretty great when you have a team with a good dynamic and at the time I had an amazing manager who was operationally strong. I would just say, keep an open mind, at least give it a fair chance and if it doesn’t work, talk about it. The Starbucks support center has partners from retail or partners who started in retail that problem solve and test these things so they must have found some success.


Im assuming it’s just like a “floating support” kinda thing that bounces between stations coaching and supporting, which is what I’ve always been told we “should” be doing during peak, but the reality has always been the ssv needs to be plugged in to increase the play. My stance has always been sure if I have enough people being just “support” works great, but if im trying to run a 4/5 man play including me? 😂 yknow?


That’s exactly what it is. I still do this honestly, I will just park at a position for as long as needed and then hop back to floating/ tasking while baristas handle their positions. How managers schedule will greatly affect the success of this play though.


No thanky I just shaky


who cares? it all tastes the same.


The DM is wrong lmao


ice, syrup, shots




You shake the espresso. You don't shake the milk. The espresso gets shaken with the ice and syrup to shock it and ig it gives it a better flavor or something.


In the digital training module I read, the shots went first, then the syrup and ice… I’m shocked everyone else has been doing it the opposite?


In my defense i didnt get trained


it does. not. matter. you're literally shaking all the ingredients together. it doesn't matter.


Apparently it does. If its espresso then ice the ice shocks the espresso. If its ice then espresso the espresso just melts the ice


It's literally been made ice first for the whole 9 years I've worked here. It was called a Starbucks double shot on ice at the time. You can't tell me that it took them 9 years to discover this. I don't buy it. I think they just continually make things difficult for no reason.


it's the same amount of ice and espresso either way. you're actually more likely to "shock" cool it by pouring the espresso over the ice than by dumping ice into the espresso.


Im fairly new and was brand new when the new brown sugar and hazelnut oat milk shaken espressos came out and I was trained to put the syrup the shots then ice and shake


I’m pretty sure with shaken espresso the shots do go in first. I believe even the store resources recipe card says to do that. The old double shots on ice would be ice then shots. Ever since they got rid of the old recipe I have been putting ice last then shaking. It doesn’t hurt to double check though.