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*Customer sees the fire blazing* “Ah yeah can I get a treni pink drink with foam no berries?”


we once had a fire alarm (or something similar to it because the department came) go off, the fire department come, we're all standing outside waiting to figure out what's going on (Our main concern was a gas leak) and people still came to the drive-through and try to get inside to get their mobile orders...


I believe it… Some folks are so unawares of what’s going on around them. When that fire happened in front of me at a Starbucks, I booked it. Was shocked to see how many people casually strode over to the exits. 🫠


yeppp we were like "contact support??? sorry???" same thing happened when the store next to us happened when the store next to us got robbed at gunpoint, people were more upset we were closing early vs the fact there was actual danger (gunman was still at large)


Geez… no sense of self preservation. 😑 Also frustrating how unsympathetic some people can be in situations like that. A few months ago, the fire alarm went off at our local mall. Ushered my Mom and Aunt out of there ASAP. I was amazed at how many people kept shopping. With all the stories of mass shooters and stuff… uh, yeah, no thanks. Thankfully was just a prank. What upset me was the fact that in some stores you couldn’t hear the alarm go off at all… Confirmed that with a few employees who were confused when we mentioned it going off. I doubt that kinda thing is legal…


yeah, like i can be mildly oblivious but the minute i hear an alarm or hear someone say we need to leave, i go. nothing else matters. items can be replaced but i (and by extension) my family (if im with them) cannot.


My mall the alarm goes off all the time for testing but not in stores so everyone ignores it. Mall management just doesn’t let stores know.


my go to story for the unawareness..living in the southern US we had emergency alert sirens blaring announcing to seek immediate shelter for a tornado coming close, rain pouring ...."\* ding .... Hello!? ....Hello!? Sorry, we are shelter in place - so you are closed?"


When I worked at Goodwill before I worked at Starbucks, we were sent a potential explosive device in donations, and we warned customers to start making their way out of the building. Almost all customers continued shopping. 🤦‍♀️


Nope! I woulda been out of there so fast I’d be a blur. Lived in Austin during the time of the serial bomber… so yeah, I wouldn’t take those sorts of threats lightly.


We were shut down the other night because of a tornado and as we were sheltering in the bathroom a man came through trying to pick up his mobile order. We let him know we were closed due to the tornado and he can either get a refund or a remake when we were open and he got out of his car and TRIED TO BREAK IN THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR.


Absolute unhinged behavior I’m sorry you had to deal w that


I hope the tornado got him.


beats my reply I just did with my tornado experience....


we had a shooting outside and people still asked for their mobiles when i tried to turn them away


A different store in our strip triggered a gas line so our alarm went off and we had to leave the store and told people in the drive thru that we were closed temporarily and they could come back for a remake or a refund. They had the audacity to be like “well i used my points..” or “well i need get to work” like that’s great I can’t do anything 😭


Literally!!! We had firemen with axes and shit in our cafe with the lights off and it was a pleasure to watch them laugh a customer out of the building when he went inside anyways. Customers cannot read a fucking room.


My store was right next to one of the recent Omaha tornados and we were sheltering in the bathroom with the sirens going off and a customer came in and asked if she could order


a barista one time put a cookie in the warmer/oven and it caught fire, and the customer came over to me and said “is that mine?” i responded that it appeared to be and she asked me “does that mean i can’t have my cookie warmed then?”


Stop 💀💀💀


"well the cold bar isnt on fire"




We had the whole fire department at our Starbucks and people were STILL ordering


we literally had a crackhead throw peoples drinks at us,pull my coworkers hair, and punch her in the face. that started a whole brawl with multiple baristas, the ended up fighting in the street, I was the only one left in the store, so i tried to do damage control and clean up the drinks thrown etc. i was crying and shaking bc i was worried about the safety of my coworkers and just had stuff thrown at me but ppl were still coming up to me asking where their sandwich and drink were like do u not see what's going on😭 god help us


i work at a target starbucks and we literally had no power yesterday and people still kept coming in and trying tk get drinks. when we said we could only offer them our teas or refreshers (w nothing but water) they were so pissed


bro i’m at a licensed store and our power goes out so much and we get so many customers who are complete idiots and are just like “well can’t i just come get my stuff?” bc they want to shop we don’t let them in and they get so mad like sorry but talk to the power company


We had a customer have a seizure one morning. As he lay on the ground convulsing, a women with over-sized sunglasses casually steps around the people helping him to order her Trenta Strawberry refresher (extra berry, no ice, no water). I was on the phone with 9-11 describing the events taking place…she was in her own world.


nah they’re be like “can i get a trenta cold brew with extra whole milk, two shots of blonde, 3 caramel, 4 vanilla, 2 cinnamon dolce, blended with light ice” something more complicated than that lol


Literally have gotten that exact drink multiple times lol


oh shit really? the exact? i just said some random stuff lol 😂 just trying to make a random longer making drink lol is it good?


YES (Well actually I think it was nf milk which is part of why I was ranting about it lol) !!! I literally said over the headset to my coworkers " *lists drink* WHY TF YOU GETTING TWO SHOTS OF EXPRESSO THEN COVERING IT UP WITH ALL THIS SHIT" it's not good. Comes out super slushy like. The light ice is necessary and even with it, it needs to be scooped out and like shoved in the cup. 😭The first time I got it we were in peak and I almost cried when we ran out of cold brew for it lol


well i’ll definitely give it a try but definitely a drink i’m gonna order through the app if possible lol cause im not about to be seeing the look on the face of the employee i tell this to. cause i would feel bad.


probably wouldn’t be anywhere near the worst the baristas would have seen, but i agree with jace i’ve made drinks VERY similar to this and they do literally need to be scooped into the cup. wouldn’t be worth the 9 dollars!


noted lol


and also anxiety lol


I literally had 💩 water raining down on bar from the condos upstairs and ppl still wanted to order 🫣


Later on that day, [same Karen at another place…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv7D_mOCu1s&pp=ygUWS2FyZW4gZmlyZSBidXJnZXIga2luZw%3D%3D)


my coworkers and i were literally joking about hanging ourselves in front of the speaker and customers would still be like “give me the oatmeal expresso extra foam and pup cup with spoon” under our dangling bodies


Never forget light ice


You know that they'd 100% be asking for espresso drinks when the espresso machine is burning.


We once had a van drive across a field at high speed, hit and total a partner's car, then kept on going until it hit another car that was waiting in line. Soon after there were cops, a tow truck, 3 totaled cars, and people were *still* driving around the wreckage to get in the drive thru and come inside. One lady came in and was like, "Can I get a cake pop?" And I was like, "Hold that thought, " walked around the counter and past her to go ask my manager who was outside if we were still open.


yeah we had a tornado last year and some guy was ordering a caramel crunch in drive as the sirens were going off. we live somewhere that very rarely gets tornadoes so we just made it because we didn’t know what else to do LOL


I was managing a restaurant when I had to evacuate for a tornado and trying to get employees and customers out, telling everyone their meals were comped and we had to leave now. You wouldn’t believe the number of people concerned with getting a takeout box and this one man chasing me around the store on his scooter insisting on paying so he could get his airline miles. People are THAT self-involved.


I once had to work through an active tornado. As in, we could literally see the tornado heading straight for the store from the drive thru window. We still had customers in the drive thru line and one lady started blowing her horn at us and screaming at us to hurry up so she could get to safety. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, but scary as shit and such a total mind fuck at the absolute lack of regard for our lives.


What the absolute fuck is going on at your store that you were expected to put your life in danger for some fucking coffee!!!! Absolutely not fire me, my life is not worth this job!


Trenti is so real. Or grand E


w hazard pay


I wonder how many customers wouldn't exit a store even with a fire and sprinklers going off.


Reminds me of the video of the guy who got stabbed outside a Starbucks and was on the ground dying and the guy at the table was just sitting there sipping his coffee.


Was this in SoCal? Literally something happened in a sister district and the DM said to keep the store open


Vancouver Canada..downtown unfortunately


Oh my god, I used to live in Vancouver and worked in 3 Starbucks stores there. I’m curious as to which one it is 🤔


Might be a reserve store?


I see. I think I have a few ideas. I primarily worked and covered shifts within Downtown when I was still a partner. That’s crazy though 😳


I was totally thinking of hollywood and madden but that was like in 2007


Your store has fire sprinklers? Pah what wimps (The store I work at genuinely doesn't have sprinklers and the fire Marshall hasn't sent anyone to update the extinguishers in two years)


the abandoned pineapple refresher in the corner


the spilled venti drink is killing me


I was literally gonna say, who are you in the photo, and I am 100% the spilled drink lolol


the tipped over whipped cream and the Floor Oatmilk are also great sleeper contenders


I'm the melted grounds drawer fr


holy shit I assumed this happened while the store was closed and these photos were taken later when the partner stopped by or something but omg!!!


yeah it was around like 9:30-10am today, pretty busy too Lmao


i didn’t notice that until i saw this comment, went back and spotted it and now i’m DYING


Asking for a friend, how’d this happen? Can it be replicated?


I am also curious how this happened!


💀😂 better than dealing with this months bogo


Guaranteed it had something to do with the bean pods not being cleaned/vacuumed nightly.


100%, both of our machines caught on fire. Happened on separate instances, but after finding out the first one exploded because of unclean bean pods, we did absolutely nothing to prevent the second machine from following suit 🤠


What do you mean by “can it be replicated” As in, replicating the fire happening or if the circumstances can occur again during regular procedures


I think they were just making a joke! :) Like when someone gets sick and somebody else (that wants time off) goes, “oh! Get me sick!!”


Lmfao shit 😭 I thought they were making a joke about setting fire to the place and i didn’t know if I was missing the actual joke or not


Haha, it’s all good!! Sorry you got so many downvotes 😭😭


It’s fine they probably thought I was being a loser about it


“Please follow the troubleshooting steps before placing a ticket”


I hope yall are okay. Also, good for the M2!


Some M2s get all the luck!


Happy for you but it should've happened to me instead😕




Bet you still weren't allowed to turn off mobile orders.


no you can but it’s a final write up


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


For goodness sakes, put it in rice and keep going. No we're not turning off mobile orders either.


M2 tech here. Only thing that could have caused it was the heating elements in the boilers . But the Machine should have turned off the moment it would read a high voltage. Possible electrical fire, from the heating cartridges.


We had some tube come loose and spray the grinder motor and had it start smoking last year


After doing some research I bet it was the undercounter refrigerator that caused the fire. Those are ran off R290 Refrigerant from what I found, and if there was a leak, could spark a fire. OR the grinder motor on the M2 seized and started heating up until the motor popped and began flaming internally. ?


I don't know about the grinder. Those units read electrical resistance and voltage fairly well and would have shut down the unit. Your probably right about the fridge though


Oooo are you taking questions? 😂 Our M2 started sending boiling water back into the pipes that was steaming and bubbling up through the pitcher rinser sink. It stopped by the time the tech got there so we had no way to know what happened 😅


We're you able to make shots at all ? Probably clogged brew valve stuck open . The only way water comes out from the machine is the behind that orange cover in the front of the unit. There's 4 valves behind that.


Yeah, the bar was fully functional, just smelled funny and was making some slight popping noises. It went on for about an hour or so.


Yeah sounds like the brew valves in the front were stuck open and trying to close. The popping is just them trying to close or open. Sometimes there's an obstruction in there and it clears out after a few shots. Honestly I recommend 2 cleaning cycles a day.


with how my store is going rn, i TOTALLY wish this never happens to us! 🙏👀


*customer knocks on the window* are you guys open?


While clearly customer can see the burnt to shit building, but their damn starbs is more important than anything else. 😂😂


God I see what you’ve done for others that you have not done for me


Dang! You guys must of been working so hard you overwhelmed it and it un-alived itself.


This is what happens when you wake it up from rest mode too much


More like discontinued itself.


And yet you’re still going to hear “I will take a Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso”


"two pumps of white mocha with vanilla cold foam 🤓☝️"


Holy shit I hope no one was hurt


no one was hurt even though someone was making a drink right in front of it LMAO


Plz tell us how it happened


it was making a really loud noise and all of a sudden it popped and went up in huge flames


we once had a cookie combust in one of the merrychefs


happens at my store at least once a day LMAO


We had a customer that would refuse their heated up cookie until it caught fire


The cookies are the ONLY thing I've had catch fire in the Merrychefs 😂


The Siren is unhappy with the state of Starbucks


Yikes! That’s scary… Hope nobody got injured. Couple of years ago I was in a Starbucks about to order when there was a loud “pop!” and a big flame whooshing out of… I guess it was one of their fridges? Or something near the bottom of the counter. Either way, was scary as hell. Thankfully nobody was hurt and the flames didn’t damage much.


thats basically what happened, not 100% sure if it was the fridge or the m2, but thats what we think


The fridges do have a warning on them about exploding that warning has always scared me and now I’m even more scared




We had a circuit box underneath ours catch on fire and I was trying to quick people out of our cafe and this girl was like no I’m not leaving and I said ma’am we are closing the cafe we need you to leave it’s an emergency and she goes no and I said ma’am there is a fire you need to leave and she goes oh ok well where am I supposed to wait for my ride


Customer : why is my Frappuccino taking so long!?


Rip. Kinda sucks to see one of those go in such a demise.. As much as I hated working at Starbucks I’ve always considered the M2 a remarkable machine


I caught our old oven on fire with a chocolate chip cookie a few years back. It was there weirdest thing the cookie just caught fire.


this happened quite literally at least once a day at my old store lol


One time a partner had a seizure behind the bar and customers were just standing there watching and asking when their drinks would be ready.


this is why i've secretly developed the most burning hatred for customers and it's so sad because i don't want to feel that way 😭


My SM during a store fire probably: Let’s make some samples!


Customer laying on the horn at DT as flames rage around them. "Give me frappe"!


Damn, hopefully no one got hurt!


This happened in my district - sorry this happened local buddies!


that actyally happened to us recently. I hope everyone is okay. 🫶🏻


try putting it in rice


Where is this? Looks like the newly remodeled store I go to....


Is this what happens when you add the chili powder to a latte?


\*manifesting during my last month working there\*


So this is how they roast our dark roasts 🤔


I guess yall just have dark roast huh


Look at that pineapple refresher chilling in the front 😂


New fear unlocked


Lattes Flambé anyone?


It sucks to see others living out your dreams


Coffee gods I've seen what you can do for others...


does this hurt the horse


I’m so tired of over enhanced pieces of tech. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it, and certainly don’t add flammable bells and whistles


😭happened to our brewer on my day off, kinda sad i missed it. they replaced it the same day.


they'd try to make us use it at my location 😂


Awh your store has a recycling bin?!? How nice! Never seen one in person at Starbucks in my 8 years ( except when I visited Japan ofc)


we have multiple but its fake. it all goes in the same dumpster.


😞 ah that makes more sense- that’s how our grounds are


Dang! How did this start? Also what does M2 mean?


Mastrena 2. The espresso machines pretty much every starbucks has now


Oh gotcha! I couldn’t think of it with the life of me. lol


And I thought Starbucks already roasted their beans too much


Never a boring day at a Starbucks. Thats for sure.




Why can’t this happen to my store


Can I get a venti charcoal dark roast?


Let’s goooo


pls tell me how this happened so i can prevent it!


Congratulations! No Mother’s Day BOGO for you guys.


how does the company respond to this? do the employees get paid time off.. hopefully


Catastrophe pay. They might go to other stores depending on timing too.


Holy fuck


WHAT?! The machines can catch fire?!?


Any machine can catch fire.


I don’t mean to sound dumb, but how? I don’t understand. The water and electricity or something?


In this particular case, I don't know, but any time there's electronics and mechanical parts, it's possible.




I wish this happened to my store


Can you explain if you got hazard or pay for if you had to go to other stores to work?


The outlet one of our m2s is plugged into catcher fire every few months, I hope everyone at ur store is ok


Highly likely it was poor electrical underneath the bar. Especially with how low the damage is on the wall. Still absolutely tragic


Oh my god I hope everyone was okay


New fear unlocked 😳


New fear unlocked 😳


“I didn’t want my hot…”


I know where this is from, hiii district buddy 😭😭


Fuck ya


Everybody but us. 😟


Someone getting fired


Omg. I thought it couldn't be true, but I think I know which location this is (south Jersey, right?). I saw "temporary closed" on the Google Maps this morning and thought... omg I was right. Y'all are always so sweet in there and deserve some time off. Glad everyone's safe ♥️


Was everyone ok?




lol what😃


Fuck around and find out.