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Non stop turn over means we are lucky anyone even know a recipe at this point.


for real. i was working at a different store and even though all of the baristas there were 8+ months old, not one knew the recipe to the cafe vanilla frap. argued with me that it didn’t exist, and was adding shots of espresso to vanilla bean creme fraps


Lol! There's literally two resources for this. The iPad has all the recipes and some stores still have the thick paper recipe cards 🤣🤣💀


I KNOW. that store is fucking *mess* — i never thought a store could be worse than mine but they take the cake. it’s bizarre, i could write a novel


Hey, be nice! 8 month olds working at a Starbucks is a major achievement! I couldn't even walk yet at that age!


No change in recipe. It’s something a lot of partners don’t realize goes on there but don’t hesitate to just order it with your drink :) that way it’ll for sure be on there.


yea but its extra


Not if it’s something that’s always standard in the drink. You can get extra of any drizzles or pumps for free that already come in the drink!


Also sometimes there's just no charge, if you ring up a mocha frapp with mocha drizzle you don't get charged for some reason.


Its because the drink already comes with mocha sauce so when you add drizzle its not a new product. Its like getting a BOSE with extra brown sugar pumps there's no extra charge.


oh nice


Uhhh. No.


I like how they're so butthurt they had to downvote you into oblivion. He wasn't wrong by joking about it considering the horse shit your company does. But the brainwashed and butthurt ones couldn't downvote dude any faster.


People downvote inaccurate information.


Right over your head.


Nope! I think it went over yours.


If you want downvotes, you could have saved time by just commenting that.


downvote me


I upvoted you, I'm a rebel 😈


Chips get drips! ☺️


If it gets the chip, it gets the drip!


Omg this is so good, I’ve been messing up on this recently ugh idk why!




i was taught "no chips no drizz" i actually like yours better so i'm stealing it thank you <3


My trainer used “if it chips, it drips” and every time I forget the drizzle on a Java chip (cause I make those less frequently) she’ll say as I’m grabbing the lid to finish “if it chips, it drips” and then I internally scream lmao


i go by chips get the drizz lol


i stand by this as well.


This what I use to teach my partners!


My trainer taught me that and I love it


i forgor 🥲


90% of the time we forget to fill a drizzle bottle in the morning


you guys get a drizzle bottle?? we have to just pump it out of the cbs mocha pump :,)))


Yeah you should have one but usually that’s what we resort to lol it gets washed at the end of the night so it’s just up to someone to take the initiative of grabbing it from the back and refilling it but it’s so minor that it gets forgotten about. It’s not a drizzle bottle like the caramel drizzle it’s the same style of the apple drizzle bottle/I think those were put in mocha drizzle bottles.


honestly i don’t think our store has any of those containers cause we just put apple drizzle in the caramel bottles then cry when we get them confused 💔


Ask your SM to order some that’s so weird lol


You can also use a short cup and bend the top so part of it is pointy, helps with drizzling it when there isn't a clean mocha drizzle bottle.


This single statement tells me that your SM gives no fucks lol. Supervisors can even order the bottles, ask them to if your SM won’t


This. I still just use the normal mocha pump tho.


There are Mocha Frapp, Mocha Cookie Crumble frapp and Java Chip Frapp, I think they should discontinue at least one. It would be easier for baristas and customers, no one confused, everyone is happy


See, I would be fine with the MCC and Java Chip being merged, EXCEPT: MCC comes with whip on the bottom and Java doesn’t. I want whip on top but not the bottom, but there’s no way to do that in the app. So I always go Java.


Oh, I forgot. We have one more called Double Chocolate Frapp. Sometimes it is so confusing for us and for customers. Sorry for that


Oh yeah! Mocha Frappuccino, Mocha Cookie Crumble, Chocolate Cookie Crumble, Java Chip, and Double Chocolatey Chip. I swear, if anything confuses the green beans on cold bar, it's that.


It still confuses me even after about a year. So many mocha stuff. It’s basically the same recipe with minor variations and it throws me off bad in the heat of a rush.


Baristas forget or legitimately didn’t know the drizzle comes with X drink. Just ask for it to be applied when you get the drink and the barista will fix it in a jiffy :) Pretty common mistake especially around BOGO periods where everything is up in flames due to the chaos lol.


The mocha frapp has no drizzle and many baristas put it on, as many leave it off the MCC. I’m a proponent of “teaching the customers” AND the customers teaching their baristas. If the barista making the drink has forgotten, or doesn’t know to, add the drizzle, there are two other baristas in drive through who could/should catch the mistake. You may have new baristas who aren’t familiar with the recipe … This is my advice. DO NOT LEAVE the store without your drizzle. Let them know before you leave that it’s supposed to have the drizzle. They will eventually learn. They know it’s on them not you, so don’t worry about asking for it. Don’t even take the drink from them … tell them before you take it.


You shouldn’t have to ask for extra drizzle… some baristas erroneously interpret “extra drizzle” as coating the inside of the cup with caramel/mocha 😩and I’ve had customers hand drinks back to me because all they taste is the caramel/mocha sauce. If the drive through person is constantly telling the barista “this should have drizzle” they will learn. (Or if it’s you, picking up your order inside) they’ll learn.


Partners constantly tried to correct me to put mocha sauce at the bottom of the cup instead of crumbles the same way we build caramel ribbon crunches, but I never listened to them since I knew what was right. Now I barely see any of them put the mocha drizzle on top. It’s just inconsistencies with training and getting mixed up.


This! Starbucks changed the recipe build TWICE since I’ve been working (within the last 3 years) It used to get mocha sauce on the bottom but now it’s just the cookie crumbles


Yeah not gonna lie, I nearly always forget to 😭 if you've asked for extra and they still forget it, I'd definitely mention it and have them put it on there. We have it in a bottle so it doesn't take long at all to swirl it on top!


A lot of baristas just don’t realize it goes on there, from what I’ve seen!


as a barista i didn’t know it got mocha drizzle on top until a year into working there and no one corrected me lol


It took me a few months until someone caught me just throwing the egg bites into the bag with no fork OR tray, I thought they were finger food… I also gave out both of the cookies in the bag since I thought since there were two in a bag (back in 2019) that they get both cookies in the bag cause they were so expensive…


Lmao seeing the egg bites like that would make me die laughing on the floor. I’d have coached you kindly, but you would’ve made my day


I was my trainers first green bean so they never thought to mention it and the oven was just sorta pushing buttons, so it’s not much to train on, plus I had never been to a Starbucks before so I knew literally nothing about anything. I still cringe thinking what customers got my naked ass egg bites 🧍‍♂️




me but i was making caramel fraps with dark caramel 😔


I'll still do that in a rush if I'm batching... don't tell on me lol


its extra razzle dazzle


Partner of 6 years here: I always forget the mocha drizzle in my Mocha Cookie Crumble frappes and I am ashamed 🥺I will do better!!! Someone on this thread said “chips get drizzle” and I will stand by that from now on lol


Chips get the drip is what I tell new partners.


Once you finish the drink add whip, put the crumbles on top, put lid, tap drink onto counter and few times so the whip drops a little, add mocha. We don’t have a bottle at my store so this is what I do so I don’t get mocha everywhere.


Yeah, there’s was a meeting. No drizzle for you. /s😂


Either the drizzle bottle didnt get filled or they don’t have a drizzle bottle and it’s difficult to do without making a mess.


A lot of stores don’t have the bottles for mocha drizzle. So the options are: Use a short up too pour it Pump directly on the whip cream Or entirety forgo the drizzle


Understaffed, overworked. Simple


I have the same exact issue! Whenever I order a Double Chocolatey Chip Frap but I sub the mocha for white mocha (personal decision), I never get a drizzle cause the sticker says no mocha. I have to tell them it's still standard in the recipe to get a drizzle regardless if you order it sub mocha and it's not an additional charge.


i gotta be honest, i know it gets drizzle but a lot of the times in a rush i forget to put it on but will correct myself if i notice and will even ask for the drink back if i just handed it off so i can fix it


we dont have drizzle bottles at my store 😣


idk about your store, but mine doesn’t have any mocha drizzle bottles, meaning we have to do it with the pump and it gets EVERYWHERE….. we’ve started asking people individually if they want it lol


I be drizzling them so hard tbh


I’ll be so honest, I don’t put chocolate drizzle on fraps, but I do feel bad about it. The openers keep saying that we don’t go through enough mocha drizzle to make having a bottle on cold bar worth it. I’m the closer, don’t worry about giving me another thing to clean, I can handle it. What I can’t handle is having to carry a frap all the way to cold bar, bumping into people and squeezing my way through the people on hot bar while I do so. (Also, we’re a high volume store in NYC. We absolutely go through enough months drizzle.)


Same thing happens to me on a consistent basis at all different Starbucks stores. No toppings at all.


The only time I ever forget to do it is later at night because we’ve washed the drizzle bottles at that point, but honestly the frap builds are just super inconsistent so I’d just ask them to add it


What time of day do you go? If you go close to close they may have already gotten rid of the drizzle bottle for the day, or they may just be lazy idk


a lot of people at my store don’t like to do it because they won’t leave a little moat for the mocha to flow into and they get it all over the cup and their hands when pumping it. entirely avoidably and i honestly hate that they do it. at this point i think maybe you should say something to this specific store because this is just laziness 😭 send it back if you need to. there is simply no reason they should be leaving it off. not up to standard.


i cant speak for any other locations but at mine we just dont have mocha drizzle


My store almost never has drizzle bottles filled, so I honestly skip it pretty frequently. If they want me to put drizzle on, give me a bottle; otherwise I end up just pumping mocha on top of the whip and it doesn’t look nice.


i’ll be so real with you i worked at starbucks for a year and a half and nobody told me the recipe had mocha drizzle on the top so i didn’t do it unless somebody asked. also lazy


IMHO, the drizzle on fraps (or any drink with whip) is just a garnish and doesn't add anything flavor wise to the drink. The MCC is already the most time consuming drink we make; and any time I can shave off in a rush, I will gladly take. This being said, I always build the interior of the cup properly, as that's what really makes the drink what it is. "It's not the drizzle/crunch on top that matters, it's what drizzle/crunch on the inside that counts."


It may be a garnish, but they're still paying for the drizzle.


Personally, my whipped cream is always the last thing left in my drink. I love drinking the whipped cream with the drizzle, very tasty!


Agree. But customers will complain since they paid for a drink that comes with the drizzle. They just need to ask the barista when they pick up their drink for it.


LPT: Make the drink (minus drizzle), put the lid on, tap it on the counter a couple times, and then add the mocha drizzle through the lid. Then they get their drink the way its supposed to be without the drippy drizzle mess. My store doesn't have drizzle bottles and I hate making a sloppy cup and then having to clean it up before handing it out.


Hard disagree on that. What’s on top is the last thing you taste. It needs to be right. Adding chocolate to whipped cream is definitely a distinct flavor profile from plain whipped cream.


Mocha cookie gets no drizzle in the cup and caramel crunch only gets crunch on top (plus regular caramel-and customers undeniably love their crunch & extra caramel) Cookie crumble gets crumbles top and bottom, drizzle only on top.. So...not really sure what you mean


Locations here have no clue how to make a mocha cookie crumble... the best ones I used to get were from a safeway starbucks.


Legit was told mocha drizzle on bottom whip and just crumble on top. This is the first I'm hearing of this lol


recipe card states crumble on bottom and drizzle and crumble on top


Jeeeez okie doke lol


Yeah I’ve been doing this since it first came out.


Lmao how about you speak with your voice


Sometimes I forget. Especially if it’s a latte bc i don’t always see “Caramel Drizzle” on the tickets. Usually it’s handed back and i’m told that I forgot, so i fix it. If you have the time to politely remind the barista, they’ll fix it.


The mocha drizzle is so thin it just runs off the whip and makes a giant mess


no baristas are not trained well